WotG-The Writhing Sickness Cult

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The Writhing Sickness Cult

A Complete Villain Organization
for Weapons of the Gods
Corrupt Secret Society Power 4
Resources 5 Membership 7 Solidarity 9
Special Kung Fu: Water Silk Style – an
Uncommon Silver Martial Art, fully
detailed in this document.

History: The Writhing Sickness Cult is a

revival of a much older religious group –
the Writhing Sickness Sect, which
originated in the then-Kingdom of Wei,
eight hundred years ago. Then as now, the
Cult is dedicated to a nihilistic agenda
involving purifying the weak – not just the
physically weak or sick, like the elderly or
sickly children, but those are who have
impure ideology, such as having
compassion for strangers or those outside
the Han Families – and to top it off, they
were profoundly anti-Confucian, and
made a point of killing leaders who
favored the Great Teacher.
What is known is that Duke Ling
Leader: The Flesh-Eating Abbot, true of Wei, as seen in the story Mizi Xia, was
name unknown. Almost certainly a high of a Confucian bent; for more detail, see
Third Rank or lower-end Second Rank page 200 in the MRB.
Warrior, most likely with a god-weapon The original Writhing Sickness Sect
of some kind. Possibly multiple was destroyed by the Wulin of that day; a
Archetypes. A ruthlessly corrupt fighter, massive Wulin Army was called, and
the Abbot is driven to recruit greater while there was much loss of life (for the
numbers of followers and build his Sect was dedicated to extensive poison use
power base. To make matters more in its battles), the Cult was extirpated from
deadly for would-be opponents, he is a existence.
Hell Clan Mandarin – one of the ten day- In the modern era, The Time of
to-day bosses of the Heaven-and-Earth Chaos, a renegade Zan Monk was being
Alliance! pursued by his brethren for unspecified
crimes – though the Zan Brotherhood is
Stronghold: The Sun-and-Moon not particularly powerful or well-
Monastery, in the heart of the Twisted established, it still has a leadership
Ground of Zhuo Lu. It lies to the north- that is determined to main-
northwest of the city of Brown Place, in tain its Buddhist
the Country of Yang. practices.

The unnamed former monk fled – right Resources: Wealth 5. For a mid-sized Secret
into a place where even the Zan Monks Society, the Cult has only the wealth of a
would not follow… the Twisted Ground of wealthy man – the Abbot discovered the
Zhuo Lu. Lethal and dangerous, with remnants of the Sect’s treasure trove. This
dangerous plants, poison gases and is enough to assure the Cult’s basic
horrifyingly mutated beasts, Zhuo Lu was functions, though they sometimes raid
a death sentence, or so the Zan Monks caravans or take on assassination contracts.
The former monk was resourceful Membership: Followers 7. The Cult has 35
and very, very lucky – he found his way to Gang-level Followers at any given time; it
the heart of the Twisted Ground, and is working hard to increase their numbers
discovered the abandoned and over-grown and upgrade their Solidarity to 10 or
monastery of the long-dead Sect; he higher, in which case its Followers will
successfully found his way within and fight as Faction Fighters… truly
unlocked its secrets. formidable! At any given time, there are
Uncovering the manuals and books twice that number of non-combat Ordinary
of doctrine of the long-dead Sect, he set Folk who do all the menial maintenance
about recovering and rebuilding the tasks for the Cult, whether it’s cultivating
Monastery and the Sect. Only now it food, bringing in trade, or what have you.
would be a Cult, built around himself and Finally, the Abbot has ten talented Rank 3
his formidable personality. To gain in rank Members of the Wulin to pursue his aims
in the Cult, each follower must prove their for him – for he rarely goes into the field.
loyalty via many, many tests… before they
are taught the highest levels of the Cult’s Solidarity: Ideological Purity 9. As
martial arts and weapons. mentioned above, the Cult is waxing more
and more fanatical as time goes by. New
Description: Writhing Sickness Cultists Members are indoctrinated constantly (the
resemble Buddhist monks, if a dark parody Hell Clan assists here) and the Abbot is
of same. Cultists wear orange robes (and pushing for heights of dedication unknown
usually light armor) with sashes that reflect in the rest of the Heaven-and-Earth
their relative status within the Alliance.
organization. The signature weapons of the
Cult are their ‘Beast-Claw’ Staves, as the Agenda: Regain all of the Sect’s old
head of the staff is a large bronze paw-like knowledge and build its strength. In
hand with long bestial claws… and at the particular, the Cult is trying to find the
higher ranks, those claws are painted with recipe for a terribly potent venom named
an uncommon poison (usually Centipede, after the organization itself – Writhing
see page 347 in the MRB for details). Sickness Venom. A Priceless-strength
The highest ranked members of the Cult poison, it would make the Cult even more
wear a sheet on a gilded rope around their deadly in its aims, political and personal.
necks, hanging over their chests, with an Needless to say, the Cult seeks more
embroidered silver swastika unique and powerful kung fu to improve
showing their greater rank. its position in the Wulin – their longterm
goal is to influence the rulers of the States
to pursue genocidal purges of the Five
Barbarian Tribes.

Water Silk Style
(A System Topic)
Destiny Cost: 10
Uncommon Silver Style of Kung Fu
The origins of Water Silk Style are lost 2.) Rippling Water: Another Stance
with the original Writhing Sickness Sect, technique, this also lasts for an entire
eight hundred years ago. No records round – all attacks made by the martial
remain of the names of the Sect’s founders artist will gain her Silver Chi Modifier to
– only their doctrines and kung fu remain; their Strike, and will also ignore 5 points
of that past, only a few spare fragments of Armor! Channel – 2 White Chi to
survive – one passage that speaks of maintain another round.
devising kung fu while immersed up to
the waist in an unnaturally cold pool… 3.) Stagnant Water: A powerful strike, this
filled with a chill but the water would allows a single attack to become
never freeze – perhaps a reference to the Disorienting (without being a Critical
Existence-Hating Radiance of the Void? Success, no less!) and inflicts Breath Loss
It is even rumored that the Writhing to the target’s five colors of Chi for the
Sickness Journal, the kung fu manual that round; furthermore, the target’s Defense
was discovered by the Abbot, also pool (whether Block or Dodge) is reduced
contains a nonesuch Secret Art that, when by one by the deceptive slow simplicity of
mastered, allows one to vastly increase this technique! This attack does have a
one’s chi and healing ability via the ritual drawback – one loses a point of Joss in
cannibalism of chi-rich bodies… such as using it (either type!) and if no Joss is
those of martial artists. available, the martial artist will take a die
Signature: This Style is based on of unblockable damage.
powerful chi-centering stances and strikes
– in use, the user is followed by ripples in 4.) Rushing Water: Another powerful
the air that distract and give false attack – this technique, once mastered,
impressions as to where they will move or allows to make a strike from a distance!
strike next. This attack (whether with weapon, fist or
foot) has the Silver Chi Modifier to one’s
Type: Brutal (Staves, Palms or Kicks) Strike – and adds two dice to the damage
Default Critical Successes: Maim or Stun. result, and inflicts Knockback as well!

1.) Flowing Water: For an entire round, 5.) Silken Water: The most powerful
this powerful Stance allows one to flow stance in the style, this technique lasts all
around and away from attacks – round - while maintained, it grants
effectively allowing the martial artist to immunity to all Knockback and Downing
add one’s Silver Chi Modifier to their Combat Effects, allowing Secondary
Blocks, while ensuring that bare-handed Attacks and reducing all Defense pools
defenses do not suffer the usual Maiming of all targets by two! Channel – 2
damage. Finally, it allows one to move out Gold Chi to maintain another round.
of any trapped or blocked position, while
making any Weapon Draw a free action.

Yuen Gui-fan, The Bronze Monk
Second lieutenant of
the writhing sickness cult

*=The Flesh-Eating Abbot has performed Secret Arts upon the Bronze Monk, so that he
has Hyperactive Gold Chi – this means that Yuen Gui-fan recovers 2 Gold Chi at the end
of every round, instead of just one.
*=Gui-fan’s Beast Claw Staff has Uncommon Potency Centipede Venom on its claws;
on a Critical Success, the wielder may choose to Poison an opponent.


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