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Soal Latihan ujian Akhir Semester – English Kelas 2 Semester 2

Nama : ____________________ Tanggal : ___________________ AA

Choose the correct answer! 7. Agus : Good morning, Vita.
1. Andi is sleeping in the … Vita : ….., Agus.

a. kitchen a. Good morning

b. bedroom b. Good night

c. living c. Good evening

2. Mother is cooking in the … 8. Kiki : Hello, Susi. How are
a. Buying fruit
Susi : Hello, Kiki. …..
b. Playing baseball
a. Good bye
c. Sending a letter
b. I’m going to the library
3. She is … at the bank.
c. I’m fine. Thank you
a. Studying
9. Haris : ….., Jojo. Take care!
b. Saving money
Jojo : Good bye, Haris.
c. Swimming
4. Dirli is … at movie theatre.
a. Good afternoon
a. Buying vegetables
b. Good bye
b. Watching a movie
c. Hello
c. Buying books
10. The apple is … the box.
5. He is … at the school.
a. on
a. Swimming
b. in
b. Sending a letter
c. under
c. studying
11. The rabbit is … the table.
6. I am … at the bookstore.
a. on
a. Buying books
b. in
b. Buying fruits
c. under
c. Buying clothes
Sumber : Contoh soal dari berbagai sumber
12. The dog is … the bin. 17. to – Nice – meet – you
a. beside a. Nice to meet you

b. under b. Meet to nice you

c. in c. Nice meet to you

13. The boy is … the box. 18. There is a … in the

a. Whiteboard
b. under
b. Cashier
c. in
c. television
14. She is swimming at the …
19. I am studying in the …
a. Market
a. Canteen
b. Hospital
b. Classroom
c. Swimmin c. Headmater’s room
g pool
20. There is … in the canteen.
16. name? – What – your – is a. Balls
a. What your is name? b. Chalks
b. What name is your? c. Food
c. What is your name?

Sumber : Contoh soal dari berbagai sumber
B. Fill the blanks with a correct answer !
1. Whats this __________
2. How many parrots are there_____
3. Go forward 1 square______
4. Say the numbers !
A. 16 =
B. 17 =
C. 18 =
D. 19 =
E. 20 =
5. Whats are they ?
6. How many feet are crocodile ?
7. Whats are they ?
8. What this ?
9. Whats this ?
10. Say 3 animals ____________ ________

Sumber : Contoh soal dari berba

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