"Vampire Stars": in Heart of Our Galaxy

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“Vampire Stars”

in Heart of our Galaxy

Zuzanna Gabska IIC

Table Of Contents
1. Introduction to the topic
2. Star System Hr 6819 – simple information
Main points

3. Vampire star - simple information

4. Conclusion
5. Bibliography

“Vampire Stars” in Heart of our Galaxy 2

What is a HR 6819?
HR6819 Also known as HD167128
or QV Telescopiii, is basically a
double star system, that is dimly
visible to the naked eye.
[Układ gwiazd słabo widoczny gołym
okiem. Artystyczne wyobrażenie na

An artist’s impression of HR 6819.

“Vampire Stars” in Heart of our Galaxy 3
Where is a HR 6819?
This system is located in a southern
constellation of Telescopium.
Marked by red circle on the picture.
[Układ gwiazd znajdujący się w
konstelacji Lunety. Zaznaczony
czerwonym kółkiem na rysunku.]

Location of HR 6819 (RED CIRCLE).

“Vampire Stars” in Heart of our Galaxy 4
Story of the HR 6819
In 1980, scientists believed that HR6819 was a single star.
In 2020, a new hypothesis was proposed: that it is actually a
triple system consisting of two stars and a black hole.
In 2022, scientist published a journal suggesting that HR6819 is,
in fact, a "vampire" two-star system.
[W 1980 roku myślano, że to pojedyncza gwiazda. W 2020 roku pojawiła się
hipoteza o układzie potrójnym. W 2022 roku ustalono że może to być układ o
charakterze "wampirzym".]

“Vampire Stars” in Heart of our Galaxy 5

What is a “Vampire” star?
Shortly it’s type of
extremely light stars, that
are really hot.

[To rodzaj niezwykle jasnych

gwiazd, które charakteryzują się
bardzo wysoką temperaturą.]
Example of how vampire star works.

“Vampire Stars” in Heart of our Galaxy 6

Why vampire?-name explanation
A Vampire star acts in the same
way a supernatural vampire does.
Vampire stars are also known as
Symbiotic Binaries since they
normally are in pairs.
["Gwiazdy wampirów" działają podobnie do
wampirów. są znane również jako
symbiotyczne układy podwójne]
Example of how vampire star works.

“Vampire Stars” in Heart of our Galaxy 7

Vampire stars - history
There are known for
scientists for over 150
years. There were first
spotted by in 1866.
[Naukowcy znają je od ponad
150 lat, po raz pierwszy
zaobserwowane w 1866 roku.]
View of the area of sky where the HR 6819 is located.
“Vampire Stars” in Heart of our Galaxy 8
[1] J. Frost , J. Bodensteiner, Th. Rivinius, D. Baade, A.
Merand, F. Selman, M. Abdul-Masih, G. Banyard, E.
Bordier, K. Dsilva, C. Hawcroft, L. Mahy, M. Reggiani, T.

Shenar, M. Cabezas, P. Hadrava, M. Heida, R.
Klement and H. Sana, (2022, March), “Astronomy &
Astrophysics”, Volume 659
[2] Handsley-Davis M. (2022, March 1),“Spooky stars:
phantom black hole is actually a “stellar vampire””,
Cosmos Photos in order:
[3] Robert L. (2023, November 21), “ 'Stellar [1] Image credit: ESO / L. Calçada
vampires' may feed on hidden stars in their systems”,
Space.com [2] Created by Torsten Bronger
[4] Demming A. (2023, November 25), “'Vampire' [3] Image credit: ESO/L. Calçada/S.E. de Mink
stars that bleed their companions dry may have a
hidden accomplice, new study reveals”, LiveScience [4] Image courtesy Nasa and the Hubble
[5] Thomson J. (2023, November 23) ”'Vampire' Stars Heritage team (stsci)
May Steal Mass to Become Strange Cosmic
Phenomenon”, Newsweek [5] Credit: ESO / Digitized Sky Survey 2.
Acknowledgement: Davide De Martin.
[6] Jackson R, (2022, March 2), “Closest Black Hole to
Earth Is Not a Black Hole at All: It's a Vampire Star
System”, Cnet “Vampire Stars” in Heart of our Galaxy 9
The End


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