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On the second part of traffic management and accident investigation, it tackles about the pillars of
traffic management and traffic enforcement. As a future law enforcer traffic management and
enforcement are very important. It is must to know what it is all about and how it works.

On the played video of Prof. Santos he discussed about the pillars or the 5 E's of traffic management.
Wherein these pillars plays an important role in the implementation of traffic management. On this
topic I learned the types of traffic control devices and aids and these are the traffic sign, traffic light
signal, traffic island, and pavement markings. At this point it gave me an information about the purpose
and main use of this devices and it’s different types. It also mention on the video the theory of Biorythm
according to the discussion the theory states that man exhibits constant variation of life, energy, and
mood states. Which means that a man or a certain person has changeable mood and it is related to
traffic because sometimes the cause of accident and violation is because of the constant variation of
moods that a man exhibits. There are three cycles the theories consists and these are the physical,
emotional, and intellectual cycle. And what more interesting is I was able to know about the issuance of
Professional drivers license to a foreigner. But before that it reminds me of the fact that a drivers license
is a matter of privileged and not a right in which it is granted by the states to its citizen who complied to
the statutory requirements as provided by law. It is true that the license is a privileged because in my
own perception if it is right then it is given to the citizen and no such requirements needed. For further
discussion the different types of drivers license was given such as the student permit, Non-professional,
Military and international drivers license. Now how can we determine if the license is fake, according to
Prof. Santos a fake license usually have a blurry picture in this case the person who use a fake license
may be filed a criminal offense of falsification of document since divers license is considered to be as a
public document. Another query is who has the right to issue and suspend drivers license ? As what
stated on the discussion LTO or the Land Transportation Office has the power or authority to do such
things. In this video it helps me to familiarize about the different restriction code of the drivers license.
Thought at first I’m not interested about this things but as a future law enforcement weather you like it
or not it is must that you are knowledgeable and familiar on this different restriction code. Also it gives
me a knowledge

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