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Lesson 1


 Combat sports are competitions that involve physical fighting, either with the body or
with weapons. Combat sports have a long history, beginning with the practice of war. A
combat sport, or fighting sport, is a competitive contact sport that usually involves one-
on-one combat. In many combat sports, a contestant wins by scoring more points than
the opponent, submitting the opponent with a hold, disabling the opponent, or attacking
the opponent in a specific or designated technique. Most combat sports are cultural
arts, such as various East Asian martial arts, including karate, kung fu, jiu-jitsu, and
taekwondo. These sports all have unique techniques and forms that athlete’s practice to
win fights. Some combat sports, such as fencing, also make use of weapons such as

- is the "kicking", "punching", and "the art or way of". Tae means to kick with the foot.
Kwon means to punch or strike with the hand and Do means art or way. Korean
traditional martial arts and teaches more than physical fighting skills. It is a discipline that
shows ways of enhancing one's spirit and life through training the body and mind.

-It is the art of self-defense that originated in Korea. It is one of the oldest forms of
martial arts in the world. Taekwondo was first recognized as a system of self-defense
in the 1950’s the 1940s and 1950s the oldest governing body for Taekwondo is the
Korea Taekwondo Association (KTA). The main international organizational
bodies for Taekwondo today are the International Taekwondo Federation (ITF),
and World TaeKwonDo Federation (WTF).


-The philosophy of taekwondo is to build a more peaceful world. This unique art is
strived to develop the student’s personality, morals, positive attitude, and ethical
traits. Taekwondo strives to develop the positive aspects of an individual: Respect,
Integrity, Courtesy, Honest, Loyalty, Courage, Patience, Perseverance, Self-control,
and Indomitable Spirit. Is to build a person with strength but has no control will
become a danger to himself/herself and the society. It requires strict discipline,
commitment and how reflects this in our daily life. This will help develop to guide the
student to become a warrior, bring peace and harmony to his/her surroundings and
to view at the perspective of life in a positive and humble manner
A high degree of etiquette should be observed by students, both inside and outside the
dojang. This goes for lower ranked students to senior ranked students. Respect is the currency
of Taekwondo; it is exchanged for knowledge and loyalty. Etiquette is the main manifestation of
respect. It is for the student’s education and learns manners. Taekwondo’s goal is to make
people a better person, show respect to everyone of age regardless of their belt rank. Good
encourages respect to follow. Some basic forms of etiquette in the dojang are
shaking hand a taekwondo hand shake is always given in two hands. With the right hand
extended, place the left hand palm down under the rights elbow. This is a gesture of showing
respect and should be used outside the dojang as well. Speaking to seniors: ‘Sir’ or “Ma’am”
should be used at all times when addressing a senior rank. Uniform etiquette is also very
important and should be followed in every class. Taekwondo
uniform should be kept neat and clean at all times. You must treat your uniform with a lot of
respect. Your belt is something very special that you have worked hard for and should never
touch the ground, as this in taekwondo is disrespectful.

1. Courtesy
-to promote the spirit of mutual concessions
-to respect one another
-to encourage the sense of justice

2. Integrity
-In the Taekwondo world, integrity means being able to differ what’s right
and wrong.

3. Perseverance
-Perseverance means having patience. A student must have patience in
order to achieve his/her goals

4. Self Control
-This tenant is extremely important inside and outside of the dojang.
Without taekwondo a Taekwondo student is just a street fighter.

5. Indomitable Spirit
-A Taekwondo student will at all times be modest and honest. Regardless
of being confronted with injustice, he/she will deal with the consequences
Korean counting
1. Hana – one
2. Dul – two
3. Set – three
4. Net – four
5. Dasot – five
6. Yasot – six
7. Elgup – seven
8. Yodol – eight
9. Ahob – nine
10. Yol - ten


1. KYONG –YE - bow

2. JUNBI - ready
3. SEJAK – start
4. BARO – return into starting position
5. CHARIOT attention


- It is a combination of techniques of blocks, stances, kicks and attacks performed
consecutively while moving in certain directions. There are series of poomse designed
with each level from beginner to advance. The proper way to learn and practice poomse
is to learn the direction, stance and blocks in order from white belt. Poomse can be
demonstrated indivually or in a group. The WTF has 8 colored belt forms and 9 black
belt forms. The colored belt forms are all numbered one to eight and are called Taeguek.
“Tae” means bigness and “geuk” means eternity. The Taegeuk poomse consists of
different movements in sequence. The main focus of this poomse is to make exact the
speed of breathing and action and move the body weight properly while performing fast
actions. Every Taeguek varies, the eighth Taeguek for an example incorporates more
kicking and is mainly in higher


- It is basically a free-form fight between two people. One person wears red, called Hong, and
the other wears blue, called Chong. Usually there is three sparring matches per round, and
each match is 2 minutes (although this may change depending on age levels and belt level).
During the match the competitors spar where they kick to the head and trunk area, to gain the
most amount of points. The competitor who ends with the most amount of points wins. Warnings
are given to illegal kicks to other parts of the body and other behavior, and points can be
deducted. Kyorugi fully assesses a person's Taekwondo ability, as it requires the competitor to
demonstrate their many techniques (usually kicking) while also demonstrating flexibility,
concentration, and stamina. It is the true test of how advanced one is in Taekwondo.

Activity 1 essay
1. What are the benefits you can get in playing or learning taekwondo?
2. How can taekwondo help your growth?
3. Is it important to learn self-defense? Yes/no why?

Quiz number 1 two points each

1. The highest organization that manage one sport? GOVERNING BODY

2. The oldest governing body of taekwondo? KOREA TAEKWONDO ASSOCIATION
3. In the word taekwondo what is the meaning of “do”? ART OR WAY
4. It is basically a free-form fight between two people? KIROGI/SPARRING
5. It is a combination of techniques of blocks, stances, kicks and attacks performed
consecutively while moving in certain directions? POOMSAE
6. It is the main manifestation of respect? ETIQUETE
7. It is to differ what is right and wrong. INTEGRITY
8. What is the Korean terminology of “returning into original position”? BARO
9. A high degree of etiquette should be observed by students, both inside and outside

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