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Business Culture and Craft

What is your perfect job?

A perfect job for me is a set up in which the working environment gives excitement and
challenges to me and my team. There must be a balance with the work and personal life. I
believe that you must leave everything work related in the office. It is must be maintained to
have a personal and professional life, as well as time for family and other leisure activities.
On my previous working experience, I used to be a part of the Process Engineering team in a
manufacturing industry. I learned a lot from this experience teaching me how to be resourceful
and having an initiative attitude towards work. Starting a project from scratch and having a
deadline to finish it must have a proper planning. The idea of having new projects excites me
especially if it is unique and never been tried before. The plan must be effective and must be
carefully executed to work. Errors cannot be avoided because it is also a part of learning process.
The important thing is how will you handle failure and always find a solution and not let your
failure affect you negatively. Although there is no perfect working environment, having an open
communication will help fix disagreement between colleagues. This is the perfect job for me,
one where I can learn as well as enjoy what I'm doing.
Moreover, having a perfect job means earning a good salary, which give us a peace of mind in
our future and the future of my family. Another factor that I consider for having a perfect job is
having a work location that is easily accessible in order to lessen stress related to travel. So
basically, a job is perfect if it can be beneficial to my mental and physical health. Having a
healthy mind is not only good for yourself but also for those around you. Physical health is very
important also, because you cannot perform well if you do not feel well. I always believed that
you must work a living while still enjoying life and not devoting all of your time to your job.

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