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B2 Grammar


7D Relative clauses — Grammar sale

Aim Answer key
to practise defining and non-defining relative clauses Correct sentences: 1, 4, 5, 7, 9
2 ✗ Mary’s house, which she’s lived in since she was a child,
Activity type is the one with the big green door.
identifying correct and incorrect sentences 3 ✗ Thomas is the director to whom you spoke last week. /
Thomas is the director who you spoke to last week.
Classroom dynamics 6 ✗ Victoria is already in love with Michael, who(m) she has
pairwork known for only three months.
8 ✗ I went to school with the man who is sitting over there.
Time taken 10 ✗ One reason why people like this restaurant is because
20 minutes of the great food.

Preparation B2
FIRST Grammar
You will need one copy of the activity sheet for each pair.
7D Relative clauses — Grammar sale
✓✗? $
1 Tell students that they are going to play a game and that 1 One of the things which I want to do is to buy a
the team at the end with the most money is the winner. new car.
Explain that, sadly, no real money will be used!
2 Mary’s house which she’s lived in since she was a child
2 Put students into pairs and give them a copy of the is the one with the big green door.
activity sheet.
3 Thomas is the director to who you spoke last week.
3 The task is as follows:
• All pairs have $100 to ‘buy’ sentences. 4 I was talking to the people whose luggage had been
lost and they were furious.
• Students in their pairs first look at the sentences and
in the boxes provided, put a tick in the second column 5 John still lives in the village where he was brought up.
if they think the sentence is grammatically correct.
They put a cross if they think it is incorrect. They put 6 Victoria is already in love with Michael, that she has
known for only three months.
a question mark if they are not sure. They have 10
minutes to do this. 7 Reykjavík is a place that gets very cold and dark in the
• Do not help students at this point, but monitor to see
how they are doing. 8 I went to school with the man who he is sitting
• Tell students they have five minutes to decide how over there.

much money they want to spend on each sentence.

9 We stayed at the hotel which Laura recommended to us.
They cannot spend more than $100 in total. They write
the amounts in the third column next to each sentence. 10 One reason where people like this restaurant is because
Explain that the group which offers the most money of the great food.

will win the sentence, and win that amount of money.

• Once completed, tell students which sentences are
correct (but don’t correct the incorrect sentences
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for them).
4 For all the correct sentences, ask the groups how much
they ‘bought’ them for, and find out who the winner is for
each one.
5 Finally, now that students know which sentences are
incorrect, tell them they have a chance to win more
money. Give students another 10 minutes to correct the
incorrect sentences by writing a new version on the line
6 Give students the answers and award an extra $10 for
every correctly rewritten sentence.


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