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1- Complete as frases corretamente com as opções abaixo:

although - because – since – however - therefore
a) Although he is extremely rich, he lives like the poor
b) Although we had planned everything, some things went wrong.
c) He left school early because he was not feeling well.
d) They are studying because they will have an important exam tomorrow.
e) We didn’t go to the beach because it was raining.
f) His vote, however didn’t change anything.
g) She used to love her job. At some point, however, she lost her motivation.
h) You can use the pool since you pay for it.
i) We live here since 2022. (since)
j) Amy was starving. Therefore, she went to a pizzeria.
l) Their car was bigger and therefore more comfortable.

2- Use as palavras - indefinite pronouns , afirmativas, negativas - para completar de forma

correta as informações das frases abaixo.
a) “Some , any, no” são (pronomes) “indefinite pronouns”.
b) “Something, somebody, somehow, anybody, nobody , anything” são”indefinite pronouns”
compostos (compounds).
c) “Some” geralmente é usado em frases afirmativas, ou quando se pede um favor, ou quando se
oferece algo e nesse caso, ele pode vir numa pergunta.

3- Coloque o significado de cada “conjunction”.

a) Although - embora; apesar de...
b) Because - porque
e) therefore - portanto; assim; então
c) However - entretanto; no entanto
d) Since - desde, desde que; já que

4- O verbo auxiliar do:

a) “Simple past” é DID.
b) “Presente perfect” é HAVE , que se apresenta como HAS na 3ª pessoa do singular (she, he, it).
c) “Simple present é DO, que se apresenta como DOES na 3ª pessoa do singular (she, he, it).
d) “Simple future” é WILL.

5- Review – Question tags

a) “Quentions tags são usadas no fim de uma frase, como confirmação do que esta sendo dito;
quando a frase é afirmativa , a “question tag” será negativa, e quando a frase é negativa, a “question
tag” será afirmativa.
b) Quando o verbo se apresenta no “Imperativo, a question tag será SEMPRE will you.
c) Quando a frase começar com “LET’S”, a “question tag” será SEMPRE shall we.
6- Put the correct question tags.
a) You played tennis yesterday, did you?
c) It was also heavy yesterday, wasn’t it?
d) They will do their homework, won’t they?
f) She doesn’t like to study English, does she?
g) We didn’t go by plane, did we?
h) They won’t be back before noon, will they?
i) Karen was very beautiful yesterday, wasn’t she?
j) They were very tired after the party, weren’t they?
l) Frank isn’t driving the truck today, is he?
m) You don’t have a piece of cake, do you?
n) He hasn’t gone to New York, has he?
o) They have talked for two hours, haven’t they?
p) You will send us a postcard, won’t you?
q) We can have lunch before we leave, can’t we?

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