65-2-1 Mathematics

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a Series EF1GH/2 SET~1 weet 6 5/2/] dare va ats Bl FeR-gferHr | agen sraea fer | Jandidates must write the Q.P. Code n the title page of the answer-book aftr MATHEMATICS Frater ara: 372 lowed : 3h ae / NOTE: (i) yr ara a ot fee 3a TEI TAH WRT TS 2B F 1 Please check that this question paper contains 23 printed pages. (i) aH eat RTT BD SAVE ERT BETA BIS BY HRT THRIPS TS fer | QP. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate, (iil) rae Tet a ot Fes 3H TEI- TH 38 TET EB | Please check that this question paper contains 38 questions. (iv) RU NRT BT TAR ETT BR AD VEC, TH GPT HET BT HHA TAP LTS Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer- book before attempting it. (vy) sa aea—¥a wi Tet a fore 15 fae ar ame Rear wre B | wed—aa er Faeroe Yale 10,15 St FRET ATE | 10.15 FAB 10.30 ah Tas WRATH aeICT MEA WF HI Teed IN ge SAP B Gera F FeR- GRIT Te BIS FA TET FSM | 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the candidates will read the question paper only and will not write any answer BE svn ase rn amr Reet Frreafeataer FEM BP GC TARA B TRE HAN FAT TAT BUY : CG) gamer 438 wed E | eve EF sibrare e | (ii) Wet-99 Wha Gust F feonfad 2 - Gs &, G1, VATE | (iii) Wasa F eT GET 1 G18 TH ART TET TET AEM 19 Va 20 HET OT FR TETRIS FH 3 MAB | (iv) COS FET HOM 21 B25 TH Hl oY-TAIA(VSA) TOR BI-G Heo METS | (v) Was WEF HET 26 ABI TH cey-TTA (SA) WHR > aaa ait & We | (vi) Wus-W A WEF TEN 32 35 ce Gel-seHIa (LA) WOR % a-ha ail & 384 e | (vii) FUSS HIE AEM 36 A 38 TH MATA BH/ HT CHET FO TOUET SAT R-OR HT ETE | (viii) wed—9a H erat Freer Te Ream rer @ | welt, Gee & 2 weal HF, GET 3 wea H, GUS-W HL WEF Aa GS-2 eA H Mae faHey BI MAT FA TAT Bb (ix) degpeier or a7ain afta 2 | WES cagfesetta se) wes WET aT 1 HEL 1 aa =| OO |e atazesaeee 1 [00] » [5 °°] [oo] © [0° ams | 65/2/1 nr Page 2 General Instructions : Read the following instructions very carefully and follow them : (i) This Question Paper contains 38 questions. All questions are compulsory. (ii) Question paper is divided into FIVE Sections ~ Section A, B, C, D and E. (iii) In Section A — Question Nos. 1 to 18 are Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Question Nos. 19 & 20 are Assertion-Reason based questions of 1 mark each (iv) In Section B- Question Nos. 21 to 25 are Very Short Answer (VSA) type questions of 2 marks each. (v) In Section C - Question Nos. 26 to $1 are Short Answer (SA) type questions, carrying 3 marks each. (vi) In Section D - Question Nos. 82 to 85 are Long Answer (LA) lype questions carrying 5 marks each. (vii) In Section E - Question Nos. 36 to 38 are source based/case based/passage based/integrated units of assessment questions carrying 4 marks each. (viii) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in 2 questions in Section B, 3 questions in Section C, 2 questions in Section D and 2 questions in Section E. (ix) Use of calculators is NOT allowed. SECTION -A (Multiple Choice Questions) Each question carries 1 mark. 1. a-| ; |. then A?°8 is equal to 1 ol 0 2023 w [33] ® [5 0 | 00 2023 «0 © [ 00 | ©) [ 0 2023 | 65/2/1 nr Page 3 P.T.O. 20 2 ate 2 S| =p +8 set Pew iis ore 8 aa Qe fer er oR 8, AQarKe: 2 5/2 oO -5/2 @) [ sis 4 | ®) [ sie 0 | 0 5m 2 5/2 © [Se 0 | ®) [se 4 ] p12. 3. ar 23 1 | wHoqemncta ore tata c AZ, aaTET A TURE: L3al (A) R (B) {0} © 4 @) R-{4} 4, aff [Al = [kA] @, seh A ae 2 erat oreqe 2, atk Sanh aya art ar aE @ 1 @®) -1 © 2 @) 0 5. ae [aay] = ax + b Bae £(0) = 0°, a HG) aA: (A) atb (B) 22 soe (Cc) 2 sete (D) b 6. Habe AAACT sin x + co: yebr ara? : (A) 2 (B) 1 ©) stent e281 @) 0 65/2/1 nr Page 4 2. 65/2/1 nr Page 5 P.T.O. 20 ul 4 | = P + Q, where P is a symmetric and Q is a skew symmetric 5 matrix, then Q is equal to 2 5/2 0 5/2 “ [se 4 ] ®) [st 0 ] oO 5/2 2 5/2 © [ br 0 | © [ se 4 | 121) if] 2 3 1 | iv non-singular matrix and a ¢ A, then the sot A is 3a ll AR (B) {0} © a @) R- If |Al = kA, where A is a square matrix of order 2, then sum of all possible values of k is “1 ® © 2 @) 0 re [f (®)] = ax + b and f(0) = 0, then f(x) is equal to () a+b @ rte © +t © > Degree of the differential equation sin x+ cos ( ) 2 ® 1 (C) not defined @) 0 8. ae Pan Q& freee wa: (2, 1, -1) 7a (4, 4,-1)%, DPQ % sefea are wea a: (A) ei+sj—6k @®) -2i- ap +ek =2i_ at, ok 2i, ai ok © TTT OT 7 9. Yarave AB % neafig a1 ferfa afer si + 2} - ake ale fig A a fea atea 2143) —4k?, dfig Bar Rafa ate: w poy B) 4i+j-2k (©) si+5j—7k ©) 3- Jo. afaat 2i + 3) erate ai — 2) wwaae @ o ®) 12 © 5 a 9. 10. IL. ‘The integrating factor of the differential equation (-y) E+ yx=ay, Gl Unit vector along PQ, where coordinates of P and Q respectively are (2, 1, -1) and (4, 4, -7), is (a) 2i+3}-6k (B) -2i-3) + 6k 3h at, 3}_ 6k 7 OTT Position vector of the mid-point of line segment AB is 31+ 2]— 3k. If position vector of the point A is 21+ 3) — 4k, then position vector of the point Bis iL > @ a+j-2k i ilk p32 Projection of vector 21 + 3} on the vector 31 — 2} is @ o ® wv 12 -12 © Vis @) Equation of a line passing through point (1, 1, 1) and parallel to z-axis is =1_y-1 @ == (A) T T © 65/2/1 wr Page 7 12. Sr are eT 4 FS Hr sea a 1 @ 3 ey ob © 13, bay BPS erste ® a se( _) (© log |sec @-s| +e 14, ace|? fama’, di] b d £| aaa’: lil (a) 20? © 2 15. Fer f(a) = 21x], x= 0% (A) daa cen sraamerfie 8 (C) sawerie’, wg aad wae | 16. artan (E22) -18 aL are wa = (©) see?(2) 65/2/1 oor ®) () @®) @) @®) @) @) @) ®) @) Page 8 fe cra a oa aT FT sore a arch ens HT ArT 9 ar z, TH Ta ole ~seet(F—a} +e 1 f-x]|+ ~log |see [F—z}]+e . ae TH AABC % até (a, b), (6, d) HT (e, ) € FAT AABC a AaBe A aT Fehr 4a2 4A ‘Gad 2, eg sapere aa 2 | aaad ses a saat 8 | ’ = sec? () «) 12. If the sum of numbers obtained on throwing a pair of dice is 9, then the probability that number obtained on one of the dice is 4, is : 1 1 4 @ 5 ® 5 1 1 © 35 3 ti -1 13. Anti-derivative of === janx? 1 with respect to xis 1 +e B) 2 (&-s) te (© tog |sce G-5] +e (D) = log |s (-a] +e 14. If (a, b), (¢, d) and (e, f) are the vertices of AABC and A denotes the area of ace |? AABC, then] b df | is equal to 1 1lii (a) 242 @B) 4a (©) 2A (D) 4a 15. The function f(x) = x|xlis 1 (A) continuous and differentiable at x= 0. (B) continuous but not differentiable at x= 0. (©) differentiable but not continuous at x= 0. (D) neither differentiable nor continuous at x= 0. 16. Iftan & = then is equal to 1 x w 2 e * , (©) sec? &) (D) -sec? @ 65/2/1 nr Page 9 P.T.O. 17. Ge Yaw stm ae % See Her Z = ax + by FI (4, 6) K siftenaa A 422 TAT (3, 2) RRM AH 192, TPA a Se ATA a? (A) a=9,b=1 (B) a=5,b=2 (©) a=3,b=5 ©) a=5,b=3 18, we Maw st area apis Ga ah i 0,4), (8, 0) wan (P 4) we BETTE Z = 80x + 24y @, Gh (Za satrap AM — ZT TTT A) ATA (A) 40 B) 96 (©) 120 @) 136 arent — a arent et WEA GOAT 19 Ua 20 8 Um aaftrReR (A) ag Uw Th SET Her (R) fee ewes HT Fra aret H aig ee ae farmer BATT, (A) (A) aa (R) ai cea site Ber (R), Ber (A) Hl ae CATON HUA ze | (B) (A) Ta (R) Sei aa, THT (R), FH (A) HAE SITET TE HTT ©) (A) aaa, Weg (R) HAUTE | @) (A) Hae a(R) aa?! 19, saftreeT (A) : (cos! a)? a safer A 28 | w5(R) $ cosh 8 ae a ara ae| ala \ 20. siftraert (A) : af wa tar Fidei: saat A errrere fears Bo, p,y Hr sar @, Tt sin? a + sin? 8 + sin? wh (R) : TH tar fey Hrargat H at ar ate 1 Sez | 65/2/1 nr Page 10 & 17. The objective function Z = ax + by of an LPP has maximum value 42 at (4, 6) and minimum value 19 at (3, 2). Which of the following is true ? 1 (A) a=9,b=1 (B) a=5,b=2 (C) a=3,b=5 (D) a=5,b=3 18. The corner points of the feasible region of a linear programming problem are (0, 4), (8, 0) and @ 4 IfZ = 30x + 24y is the objective function, then (maximum value of Z- minimum value of Z) is equal to 1 (a) 40 B) 96 (C) 120 (D) 136 ASSERTION-REASON BASED QUESTIONS In the following questions 19 & 20, a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Choose the correct answer out of the following choices (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of A), (©) (A) is true, but (R) is false. (D) (A) is false, but (R) is true. 19. Assertion (A) : Maximum value of (cos! x)? is 12. 1 Reason (R) : Range of the principal value branch of cos“! is 20. Assertion (A) : Ifa line makes angles a, 8,7 with positive direction of the coordinate axes, then sin? @ + sin? B + sin? y = 2. Reason (R) : The sum of squares of the direction cosines of a line is 1. 65/2/1 nr Page 11 P.T.O. 21. 23. 26. asa a ve 8 ofa mg-aota (VSA) WHR wer &, fat wes 2 gis e1 (a) awe Hf: sin (sin 2) + cos"! (cos n) + tan“ (1) area (b) cos"! xa aneta Gifay set x e[-1, 0] aan seer Titer +H fafaT | GU a By = ax + 1A fea A ga ven ae Tel 8 fe UH fig freer o-Ps 1 2, Ky Reais eae 2 Reais Ht OH aa ae wee | a BT aa ASC | afe a, Dan ¢ data gan sen sien Ff Ab = Ae Adan - esa ar OT Ta ANAT | vena he fea 0 Riga Ries are re, Rh fig @ (ay) (ay? wy = Vue rhe, dea ttf oS) + (2) aa ) aco = [38 : oere are fear rar we (0, 2) K HaERA a, da ‘aa b HM atta Afar | ws 7 a ws 4 ayaa (SA) van} we Z, Rati vets S 3 swe | wd (a) sara: | log (1 + tan a) dx 0 aaa dx ) ara if J Vsin®x cos (x — «) 65/2/1 nr Page 12 21. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26. SECTION -B This section comprises Very Short Answer Type questions (VSA) of 2 marks each. 3n (a) Evaluate sin {sin 33) + cos! (cos n) + tan“ (1) OR x, where x €[-1, 0]. Also, write its range (b) Draw the graph of cos ‘A particle moves along the curve 3y = ax? + 1 such that at a point with x-coordinate 1, y-coordinate is changing twice as fast at x-coordinate. Find the value of a. If@, B, @ are three non-zero unequal vectors such that 2 B = @-@, then find the angle between # and Be. Find the coordinates of points on line which are at a 2 distance of TI units from origin. (ary 2 = ey) ayy (a) Ify= ax +b, prove that y1q | + ( OR +b ; O) Asit Bad-art 3 ua oe ai sored wee € oa oe fo Sa a aS oH Ta HS: wre at Ga 1 ia zal Gar | ale A Get wl YR SL, a Hd set A eae: softest ara tha | 31. fates stanm aren at area a eer Hie | saaitel : + 2y < 120, x+y = 60, x 2y 20, x20, y20 Baila 2 = 5x + Loy arate 60, x—2y >0, x20, y20 nr Page 15 P.T.O. 32, 33. 34, we -o ge ave F dhl—seda (LA) weer wea &, fare were & 5 site 1 3-2 -4 1 2 0 (a) #eA=| 2 1 2] enBs| -2 -1 2) @ daB ae Af aH 2 1 3 o-1 1 wae 3a 8 fara eter Frans at ea Hf : cosa —sina O (b) ae f(a)=| sina cosa 0 | @, afta Fife fe f(a) - ff) = fa — B) 0 o 1 (a) ani aais PQRS fas eri P(4, 2, -6), Q(G, -3, 1), R(12, 4, 5) aa S(11, 9, -2) @, % frei & aehaen ara Fife ae es weit S feet a wieder fig ara aif | wat ©) fig C1, 3, -2) & dae oF art an ai Wasi T= 5 wa 2 1ST ths ceaa, we ter a ee eho ara aif | ia: Yar Fh ag fag a eo ara ARC | warner wan 8 tat y = 3x, aw y = 4 — 2 cer we aqui Bi y-set are RR Ba wr THe A HITE | UR BL (4, 4] (0, 4], oy) = 16 — 2 arr wan 2 | aaa fm oH TROT Ther 8, Teg Wh Gor ae | ge aAfaita ‘a’ ae ah a aT Sifiae fre fee fa) =V721 65/2/1 nr Page 16 SECTION - D This section comprises Long Answer type questions (LA) of 5 marks each. 3-2 -4 12 0 32. (@) 2 1 2|,B=|-2 -1 -2 |, then find AB and use it to 213 o-1 1 solve the following system of equations : x-2y=3 2x-y— ay +2=3 oR cosa -sina 0 ) sina cosa 0 |, prove that f(a) - f(-B) = fla - B) oO oO 1 33. (a) Find the equations of the diagonals of the parallelogram PQRS whose vertices are P(4, 2, 6), Q(5, -8, 1), R(12, 4, 5) and S(11, 9, -2). Use these equations to find the point of intersection of diagonals. OR () A line I passes through point (-1, 3, -2) and ztd 's perpendicular to both the lines === Find the vector equation of the line J. Hence, obtain its distance from origin. 34. Using integration, find the area of region bounded by line y = 4-2? and y-axis in first quadrant. curve 35. A function f: [- 4, 4] > [0, 4] is given by f(x) = 16 — x®. Show that fis an onto function but not a one-one function. Further, find all possible values of ‘a’ for which fla) = V7. eo 65/2/1 wr Page 17 P.T.O. ws-s 4 We 3 ve sern/sasseehpa eareat Yeates sreria wer Sf fey wee % 4 see | 36. Ue fies or 8 feet & go ae & frente aac Ht ae at Sora eT STAT 2, wel een, aor & fag taf era 2 | 75 meme teres #1 arg A ae B, ww awe S Gen ae des a Tare, Se fog a orl ata 2 | sata & sree a Pra wedt & sat Gifs, @ ag ae A BST r om Ta Sag h cm 2 tt aor & fog & are V aT A aT Are | 1 Gi) Waa atic | 1 Gi) (@) Aer flag fren gra Af aa geen sae safer | 2 wear db) Farge fa sftrnam ara % fore, h > x UH Aer Here Hea TM | ST sat ar aif afi | 2 SECTION -E 65/2/1 nr Page 18 36, This section comprises 3 source based/case-based/passage based/integrated units of assessment questions of 4 marks each, Engine displacement is the measure of the cylinder volume swept by all the pistons of a piston engine. The piston moves inside the cylinder bore Jn ss dT itt e\3 ‘The eylinder bore in the form of circular eylinder open at the top is to be made from a metal sheet of area 75m em?, Based on the above information, answer the following questions @ If the radius of cylinder is r cm and height is h cm, then write the volume V of cylinder in terms of radius r. av dr (i) Find (ii) (a) Find the radius of cylinder when its volume is maximum. OR () For maximum volume, h > r. State true or false and justify. 37, aati aera ae gard @ fe ghar hi sare Fa 12% eer aTHefeT z | 65/2/1 wr Page 19 P.T.O. AeA AIAARAAAA Of See A 4 —o IAA me ROUEN S200 i ee Le arat—Frar ae Pkt aed ge, wel aTreferH eM Sat Pers Ao: aa frat ae rar eta arrefees ef : ammeter wal ea 24% F | B : aa fren eferorefeeras cen aren arrefees 81 arrears wet % Sa 22% F | C : aa fra areftas cer aren cfermrefere et ammeter wet & SAT 17% F 1 D : sa fier a aren dt cferorefere et ammeferas aa % aa 9% @ 1 ae Hd EE FH PCA) = PB) = PO) = PO) = 42 wa Le wea awe teh aT ammeter Gl | arte & ore fea ae ifs @ -wasfar: PLC) Gi) ara fife : PCL/A) Gil) (@) ae: PCAL) seat (b) wifraan ara Aifae fe UH aTgeSaT SAT aT ea aTHEfes @ sal fea a rat fran 8 a aa UH ane feTw e | . Recent studies suggest that roughly 12% of the world population is left handed. 65/2/1 nr Page 20 A i ARN ANAAAK NAN ROUGHLY 12°, OF THE WORLD IS LEFT HANDED Depending upon the parents, the chances of having a left handed child are as follows : A : When both father and mother are left handed Chances of left handed child is 24%. B : When father is right handed and mother is left handed Chances of left handed child is 22% C : When father is left handed and mother is right handed Chances of left handed child is 17% D : When both father and mother are right handed Chances of left handed child is 9%. Assuming that P(A) = P(B) = P(C) = PD) =t and L denotes the event that child is left handed. Based on the above information, answer the following questions (@) Find PC) (ii) Find P(L/A) (ii) (a) Find P(A/L) oR (b) Find the probability that a randomly selected child is left handed given that exactly one of the parents is left handed. 38. Perea avedtt aor seater aia F ary weer ue Pdayt ak eT | 65/2/1 nr Page 21 P.T.O. faga area ar seit oft a ag car 2 1 feet ara to wa oon faga are aT armen Pra pert V ane fear a8: vo =38- Bevesen2 wet t ara a fefia wen 2 aM t = 1, 2, 3.... mA: aH 2001, 2002, 2003, ...... ame! artad & ara rer wei ae cif : G@) -Farat 2000 4 sat & 2 free ated & otaer 4 srdaa eR ar ei fer aT aaa? ? stfrer afire | Gi) fag Afi fH yen Her V(t) UH aH Here | 65/2/1 nr Page 22 38. The use of electric vehicles will curb air pollution in the long run. ‘The uso of electric vehicles is increasing every year and estimated electric vehicles in use at any time t is given by the function V: 1, 5 dis_ Sees gq ptt 26t-2 vo 2 where t represents the time and t = 1, 2, 3.... corresponds to year 2001, 2002, 2003, ....... respectively. Based on the above information, answer the following questions : (Can the above function be used to estimate number of vehicles in the year 2000 ? Justify. (ii) Prove that the function V(t) is an increasing function. 65/2/1 nr Page 23 65/2/1 PEE VN Page 24

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