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Odserved and recorded for different values of base current 1, anc then a grapn ts plotted between | The current gain characteristics can be obtained from the output characteristics as shown jn Fig 6 ip! detailed in Art. 6.11 except that I¢ is plotted against Ig rather than Ic against I, ny Example 6.9, A transistor operating in CB configuration has I; = 2.98 mA, I, = 3.0 mA and I¢g = (9) mA, Current flows in the collector circuit of this transistor when connected in CE configuration with a base g. e sec nA? [Rajasthan Technical Univ. Basic Electrical & Elecninn es E JanUary-Februan : L 98-0.01 Solution: In base configuration: a= tee = = = 0.99 E p= - 29 99 I=a 1-099 In CE configuration 1, =30 pA a 1 0.99 4 001 7 Coll wIp= ey +82 = Sx 30x 107 + x10 ‘ollector current, Le = T= Ig +88 = =090"! = 2,970 x 10° + 1 x 10° = 3.97 mA Ans. Example 6.10. The reverse leakage current of a transistor when connected in CB configuration is 0.2 uA and 18 A when the same transistor is connected in CE configuration. Calculate a4, and By, of the tran Ty = 30 mA. (G.G.S.LP. Univ. Analog Electronics. Dec Solution: lego = 0.2 HA leu = IR WA . -02 ay, = 1ceO—!eB0 _ 18-02 9 o99 Ans. BT Tce 18 a__ 0.989 _ B= Tra T0989 78° Ans. Example 6.11. A change of 250 mV in base-emitter voltage causes a change of 1 mA in the base current. Deters: the dynamic input resistance. Solution: = 250 Q Ans. ‘Diplo Junto Passes AT) 202 ‘ample 61. Increase ator {Sania Dermie the yas Sauer ete om 9 18 ene leet em en: Conese ‘Oagsictecercumon a Sk Spe Serr Dymamicomputeedsins «AN “Mle” aie eam 614 4 ransr i connec in commnan emer (cane a which lle supply i 10 and voltage drop across resistance Reconnect in teeter coc Calne 10 Colloremitersotag incre Fo! Ue 30 Solan: (Chie ae Vy Sms Assamese assume ‘ ¢ Cotleorcet te Example 6.4. Following observations are bland for aseon NPN transi oo tor in comaon base configuration, as shown in Fig. 649.) With emer ‘openon application afavollage of 10 V between allctr and base rests naclletr current of 25 pA (5) Wi ‘base open, on application ofa eltageaf1DV betwen collector nd ere eslsina curren of25 pA Dteraine ‘miler current, base current and eof the transistor when the collector curredt 2 mA Masha Uri. 164 201 Sottion: Iya = Colletorcaren with einer open Cute amphieation ato. = 212 mA ARE lee leso Eminercuent. 2 nige 1212120012 A212 pa Ame Bacar sample 615. The colectr and base arent of an NP rant ae measur a c= 8A Ip = $04 2 feo HHA: (0 Determine a Band Ip W Determine the new level of required fo produce Ic = 10 mAs TULP. Tecnicel Uni, Electonics Engineering Flt Sere 2008-06 Staton: (9 Gives that Te Bly +8 Meno S10 P10 ce Neate 2 SA1O AIM gg, or lees © socio be = B28 2099 ans. oT savoir paasm Ase (OR Nx 1<10* yap pA Ams. = eeheth ‘i ip tye Gea, JOR? 6 a 204 Basic Electronics Example 6.16. A transistor is + is connected in common emitter and the voltage drop across resistance Re couneced a The value of Rc = 800 ohms. If c= 0.96, determine : i) Collector-emitter voltage “E) configuration in which collector suppl is 8 vol lector circuit is 0.5 volt. pen ss [Rajasthan Technical Univ, March-2009) e drop across resistance = I¢Re = 0.5 V ( Collector-emitter voltage, Veg = Vee —IcRe = 8-05 =7.5 V Ans. Collector current Ie = CRE _ 5-4-9695 ma Re 800 = t= 0.96. Ra taaratease aa (Baccano, y= 16-285 yen6m o 264A Ans ‘Example 6.17. Determine the value of emitter current and collector current of a transistor having o.= 0.98 and collector to base leakage current is 4 micro amp. the base current is 50 micro amp. [Rajasthan Technical Univ. January/February-2011) Solution: B= 2 - Collectorcurrent, Ie = Bl + (1+ Bllepo = 49 x 50 x 10% + (1 +49) x4 x 10% = 2.450 x 10° + 200 x 10° = 2,650 x 10 A or 2.65 mA Ans. Emitter current, Ip = I+ Ig =2.65 +005 =2.7 mA Ans, Bipolar Junction Transistors (BIT) ‘Common Collector Configurati epics the output and current gain characteristics. BASE CURRENT. g NA Fig.6.21 Input Characteristics For Common Fig.622 Oups es Traniso Biasing and Sabitaion Example 7.5. Determine es Ves Vp Vea fo lecronct Empncerng: UP, Technet Following cecal (7.10). ‘Sottion: For gven mits bias CE ampli, Ry = Si0k@ Rea 24 ko Roisin self = 100 eying KVL ore apt oop Veo Ian Vee Hee = Hy + Var +(8* De ReeG+0Re ~ Sox et01xise0 ~ sx Fig.740 Socolector curt: = Bly = 10Dx05252 = 282 mA Ane Collete vote. Vo = Voge = 20-292 1724 10213 V Ans nies otage Vg = Ili = (B+ gy = 101 x00292% 10° Sx 1 = 442 V Ans Base ope, Vy = Vee Igy = 2000292 1x S10 10) = 512 Ans Example 7 Determine the ess vals forthe flowing etmek Fi. fr the inated operating pin nd ver supply vl. [UP Teel Uni Elesoncs Enticing Sr Semen? 206 07 Solation: The piven ccs einer based CE ampifer cei ads operating ois Veug = 10V andy 2 mA Applying KVL in te cue oop, we ve Yee lege Vere teak oF Vee * lege Ry) Yew or Re Re = Yee = Vero Choosing two practical ales for Rand Ry Re= 3940 Ans Re= LOAD Ane Now spying KVL tthe input op, we ave Be Vora or Yee" Hy +07 +1cRe B Voc =07=1eRe py . 29-07-2410" x1x10" 2107 = 120140 = 12M. (sandr vale) Ans Example 7.7. For the bias crcl shown in Fg 7.120 deerin the vale of i i a operating pin at Toe Simh Assume By = 6 y= 0 Vi = 500 Ry» 10 and Veg =-6¥. ‘What ome advantage aon iitaton of thls type of ising? Turse fes Ber Salon: The cits era, with de ings in Fg 7.120). ‘ping Kiss ag te calstoremiter op, weave vere cake Vero ake ec Nea * Veoa* bo i Sia ato + Vegg= S024 00" 10D 8 or Ry 10 as OR POTENTIA evr 8 iy aeaetion cnge of Feedback so as the volt Vin = ER +Vh be» We have 1 Re, = Ry + Re) + Vop +h, Differentiating above equation w.r.t, V, on ees econ Bam itiep Woe Ry, +Re+BRe Ry, +Red+py So Sy= Ac_- =B Woe Roy + ReO+B) ue Example 7.8. In a self biased CE amplifier, Rc = 5kQ, R, = 9 kQ, R, = 81 kQ, B = 50 and Ry = 8100. Compe the stability factor. [M.D. Univ. Rohtak Analog Electronics, May RyRy _ 81x9 : = = =8.1kQ Solution: R= RR aro 8 Stability factor for self-biased circui Emicier Veeq = 1.178 Applying KVL to output loop we have = Vee -Ve~Ve= 9327-1 daretsibals V Ans. Solution: Base current. Ig = 20 wA = 20x IC sor current, Ie = Bly = 100 x 2 Emitter current, Ip = Ic + Ig = 2 + 04 )) Emitter voltage. Vz =IpRe = 2.02 x I (iii) Supply voltage. Veg = Ve + IeRe = 10.6+2x 109 (i) Veg = Ve- Ve = 106 or (») Base voltage, Vg = Ve + Vag = 2. R Base voltage, V3 = & ee Vee Ri +82 * 16 =3.124V or R, = 82416 _ 5, 3.124 rss Rising ad Saban ‘auton: Aplsng Then’ hoe mto psn eal de mone wy oR 28 says [ ee 2 a ‘The cnc will Be rede a shown in Fig. 748, e eee Apps KVL to inp loop te hive te Va larn + Vac #1682 ty Van #1 gy veg Z oma Cigale: L i Rye DR, "Fa vane Hose eae acae: = 2302 HA + coo canet rer eq = Bly = 80 21.392 10S 1.711 mA Ams. en" 18 Coan og. i Ve ®Veo~keg Re 9397 V An Fearer ‘Emiter voltage, re bse Vesleatc +g) Re a (1.911 0.02198) 10? x0. 108 eeu ab = 1178 V Ans. - Res cco ‘Applying KVL to cutput loop we have & Nero VeeVerMe=9327-11782 8.480 Ans mere Wahamaye Tecnica! Une Ecroncs Eien 13 ax or thevoltageivider bas coaiguration of Fig 7.16 eterlae i) Vi Veet Nc) ‘GB. Techn Ui Fir Somer 2071 Solaton: Bascuent Ip =20yA #20. 10 A {@Collecorcurent fe = Bly = 100*20% 10 A= 2% 103A or 2A ARs Nex Emir cure, = ke Iy=2 +002 =202 mA (apie vgs. Vg =IgRy = 22 17912108» 2424 V Ans a ain sup vag Vee =Ve lee cee 2106 624 10927410 = 16V Ans HE ney (i) Vog= Ve Ve" 1086-24242 8176 Ans ap ch (ose sage Vy = Ve + Vap= 2424 #07 3128 - ae Be sealers Buse volage. Ya = Fe ane ee wid; «samy 2x6 233A An. orp, = 22

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