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Microelectronics Journal 31 (2000) 561–567

Microfabrication and reliability study of sapphire based Ti/Pt-electrodes

for thin-film gas sensor applications
W. Qu*, W. Wlodarski, M. Austin
Department of Communication and Electronic Engineering, RMIT University, Melbourne, Vic. 3001, Australia
Received 30 November 1999; accepted 30 December 1999

The paper describes the design, fabrication and characterisation of a Ti/Pt-electrode system (an interdigital electrode with an aligned
heater) on a sapphire substrate. It serves as substrates for subsequent deposition of gas sensitive films. The fabrication has been accomplished
on both sides of a sapphire wafer. Wet chemical etching and the lift-off method have, respectively, been used for structuring the electrode and
the heater patterns. The mechanical stability and the electrical conductivity of the resultant Ti/Pt-films are greatly affected by the subsequent
heat treatment procedures. The diffusion of titanium ions into platinum has been examined using SIMS depth profiles. After annealing at
600⬚C for 5 h, the temperature coefficient of the Ti/Pt-film stabilised at the value of 0.0033 K ⫺1, which approaches the pure platinum bulk
value of 0.0039 K ⫺1. With a good mechanical and thermodynamical stability at high temperatures and under oxidising and reducing
conditions, the sapphire based Ti/Pt-electrode system is well suited for gas sensor fabrication. As an example of its application, we report
a highly sensitive O3 gas sensor developed by evaporating a WO3 thin-film onto this electrode. 䉷 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights
Keywords: Ti/Pt-electrode; Sapphire; Thin-film; Diffusion; Thermodynamic stability; Harsh environment; Ozone sensor

1. Introduction ceramic surface. Ceramic processing methods were first

used for gas sensor fabrication [1]. Powders of the sensing
Gas sensors usually have to work at high temperatures material were pressed into tablets and subsequently sintered.
and in aggressive oxidising or reducing gas media. For After being evaporated with the electrodes, the tablet was
example, gas sensors applied in automotive and aerospace mounted inside a coil that was used to heat the sensor to its
industry must tolerate with temperatures of up to 850⬚C and high working temperature. The drawbacks of the ceramic
resist strong oxygen aggressions. Although silicon tech- device are the large size and high power consumption. At
nology has had tremendous success in the microelectronics the beginning of the 1980s, the Japanese company FIGARO
area, its components could rarely be applied to harsh envir- advanced gas sensor fabrication by screen printing the elec-
onments such as high temperature, aggressive media and trode and sensing film onto a ceramic substrate. 1 The sensor
radiation exposure. The main limitations of using silicon size and the power consumption were hence reduced to a
components at high temperatures are junction leakage, certain extent. Since the 1990s, thin-film technologies have
metallisation degradation as well as packaging failure at been increasingly used for gas sensor fabrication. Compared
elevated temperatures. Nowadays, the III–V semiconduct- with the ceramic tablets and thick-films, thin-films have
ing oxides are still the dominating materials for gas sensing, great advantages of being excellently reproducible and
mainly due to their excellent tolerance with high tempera- eligible for cost-effective mass production. For the systema-
tures and aggressive media. tic investigation of thin-film gas sensors, we developed a Ti/
Gas sensing is a surface- and interaction-related process. Pt-electrode system on the sapphire substrates. It has an
It makes use of molecular adsorption and reaction at a overall dimension of 4 × 6 × 0:25 mm3 : Various gas sensi-
tive films can be subsequently deposited onto this basic
* Corresponding author. Address: Institut für Halbleiter- und Mikro- structure using different coating technologies, such as
systemtechnik, Technische Universität Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany.
Tel.: ⫹ 49-351-463-6450; fax: ⫹ 49-351-463-7021.
E-mail address: (W. Qu). Technical data sheet of FIGARO company (1984–1998).

0026-2692/00/$ - see front matter 䉷 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0026-269 2(00)00030-6
562 W. Qu et al. / Microelectronics Journal 31 (2000) 561–567

Fig. 1. Schematic drawing of the thin-film electrode system: (a) interdigital-electrode on the front side; (b) heater on the backside.

sputtering, evaporation and sol–gel. The electrode system ties. Then, as an example of its application, a thin-film WO3
possesses a new electrode and heater configuration. The ozone sensor is reported.
heater serves simultaneously as a thermometer whose
resistance provides the working temperatures of the sensor.
The electrode system showed a good mechanical and ther- 2. Sapphire based Ti/Pt-electrode system
modynamic stability even at high temperatures with the
presence of aggressive gases. The following sections 2.1. Configuration and fabrication
describe the design, fabrication and process optimisation
of the Ti/Pt-electrode system on a sapphire substrate, A new design of the electrode and heater configuration
emphasising on the film stability and its electrical proper- has been applied to the electrode system, as shown in Fig. 1.
In particular, the unique configuration of the heater is able to

Fig. 2. Flow chart of the fabrication steps of the sapphire based Ti/Pt-thin-film electrode.
W. Qu et al. / Microelectronics Journal 31 (2000) 561–567 563

Fig. 3. Photograph of the sapphire based Ti/Pt-thin-film electrode.

provide a homogeneous temperature distribution across the thickness was spun onto the Pt-film and patterned photo-
entire sensing area. In addition, unlike the previous elec- lithographically using the mask for interdigital electrode.
trode systems based on a sapphire substrate [2], this new 3. The Ti/Pt-film system was wet-chemically structured
design enables the sensor to be vertically mounted on a TO- using two etching solutions for Pt and Ti.
8 base, providing a very effective packaging for sensor 4. The resist was risen away using acetone.
elements working at high temperatures. 5. An AZ1512 resist layer of approximately 1.8 mm in
Because of the required thermodynamic stability and thickness was spun onto the other side of the substrate.
the need for temperature measurement, platinum was 6. The resist was patterned in a precise alignment to the
used as the raw material for the electrode and the electrode patterns using the mask for the heater.
heater. Sapphire was selected as substrate due to its 7. A titanium layer of approximately 30 nm in thickness
excellent mechanical, thermal and chemical stability in and a platinum layer of approximately 170 nm in thick-
harsh environments as well as a good surface finish for ness were thermally evaporated successively onto the
thin-film deposition. patterned resist.
To enhance the adhesive strength between the electrode 8. The Ti/Pt-film system was structured in a lift-off process.
material (Pt) and the sapphire (Al2O3), the surface of
double-side polished sapphire wafers has been pre-treated The electrode units on the wafer were separated from
to be a physically clean, but rough mechanical interface each other using a diamond saw. Then, platinum wires
zone with following three main steps: with a diameter of 100 mm were thermally pressed onto
the electrode pads. Fig. 3 is a photograph of the finished
1. Pre-cleaning the sapphire surface outside a vacuum sapphire based Ti/Pt-electrode system. The system has to be
employing ultrasonic and chemical means, like CxHy, treated thermally at medium high temperatures in air before
NH4F, Cr2(SO4)3, etc. the sensing films were coated.
2. Slight wet-etching the sapphire surface chemically using In this fabrication, titanium is deposited as an intermedi-
NaOH. ate layer prior to the functional material, platinum. The film
3. Plasma cleaning the substrate in vacuum, with the deposition rate for titanium at a chamber vacuum of 1:0 ×
substrate being heated to a high temperature of about 10⫺7 bar is 0.1 nm/s. While the deposition rate for platinum
500⬚C. This step is aimed at removing the chemically at a chamber vacuum of 8:6 × 10⫺8 bar is 0.05 nm/s. Tita-
adsorbed water film on the substrate surface. nium is a very reactive metal, it reacts chemically or
The electrode system is then fabricated in a batch process diffuses onto the substrate and alloys itself with the plati-
onto the pre-treated sapphire. Fig. 2 illustrates the essential num film. In this way, it promotes the adhesive strength
fabrication steps: between the functional metal film and the substrate. The
titanium layer has also an influence on the electrical prop-
1. A titanium layer of approximately 30 nm in thickness erties of the Ti/Pt-electrode system, as will be discussed
and a platinum layer of approximately 120 nm in thick- in Section 2.2.
ness were thermally evaporated successively onto the Our available mask aligner could not perform double-
sapphire substrate. sided lithographic operation. Hence, to align the structures
2. An AZ1512 resist layer of approximately 1.8 mm in on both sides of the wafer, wet-chemical etching and lift-off
564 W. Qu et al. / Microelectronics Journal 31 (2000) 561–567

Fig. 4. SIMBAD simulated profiles of thin-films growing on patterned photoresists with an opening ratio of 4:3 and resist thickness of: (a) 3 mm; (b) 5 mm; and
(c) 10 mm.

were, respectively, used for patterning the electrode and the material was copper and the distance between the target
heater structures. and the substrate was 200 mm. Evidently, the lift-off of
Lift-off was not used to pattern the electrode structure such structures will result in bad edge cuttings, as shown
mainly because the microstructure of a thin-film is a result in a SEM photograph in Fig. 5. It is not very bad if the
of self-shadowing in the depositing film, nucleation subsequent films are deposited by PVD or CVD means.
phenomena and surface diffusion. Hence, film growth is However, if the films have to be formed from a coated
under highly non-linear conditions and is strongly depen- solution, such as in the case of the sol–gel technique,
dent on the angular distribution of the incoming atomic flux. these rough edges on the electrodes will prevent a homo-
In addition, the UV patterned photoresists do not have an genous distribution of the solution in the whole substrate.
absolute vertical edge [3]. Column growth in the patterned On the other hand, we used lift-off for patterning the
area is therefore unavoidable. Fig. 4 illustrates the simulated heater structure. This is mainly due to the need for aligning
film profiles growing on patterned photoresists. The simula- the relevant structures on both sides of the wafer. Where
tion was done by using the SIMBAD simulation tool at the metal films are deposited first, alignment of the structures
Institute for Semiconductor and Microsystems Technology, with the other side could not be achieved, as the mask
Dresden University of Technology. The simulation was aligner cannot be used for double-sided lithographic opera-
based on the STS cluster-tool in this Institute, the target tion. The lift-off process, however, enables us to align the

Fig. 5. SEM photograph showing lift-off structured thin-films with bad edge cutting.
W. Qu et al. / Microelectronics Journal 31 (2000) 561–567 565

Table 1 influence of titanium on the electro-mobility in platinum.

Average intensities of 48Ti ⫹ as determined by SIMS analysis of the plati- We found that the electrical resistance of the thermally trea-
num layer and the resultant film resistances after 30 min of heat treatment at
various temperatures
ted Ti/Pt-film becomes considerably smaller than the resis-
tance of the as-deposited film. In the temperature range of
Treating temperature (⬚C) Intensity of 48Ti ⫹ in Film resistance (V) 400–800⬚C, the higher the treating temperature, the smaller
Pt-layer (cps) the resultant resistance. However, temperatures higher than
As-deposited Below detection limit 372 850⬚C could result in a very large film resistance due to
500 87 202 titanium oxidation underneath the platinum layer.
600 320 232 Our experiments indicated that the optimal treating
800 1100 162 temperature is about 600⬚C. Fig. 6 records the resistance
of Ti/Pt-film versus time at an annealing temperature of
600⬚C. After 5 h, the temperature coefficient of the Ti/Pt-
negative pattern of the heater structure in the form of a film stabilised at the value of 0.0033 K ⫺1, which approaches
photoresist with the electrode structures on the other side. the pure platinum bulk value of 0.0039 K ⫺1. In fact, the film
After metallisation and photoresist stripping, the structured resistance could reach 98% of its end value within 20 min of
positive metallic patterns are precisely aligned with the rele- heat treatment, as illustrated in Fig. 6.
vant structure on the other side. The unsmooth edges on the As a heater, the Ti/Pt-film is able to heat the sensor device
heater structure caused by the lift-off operation have in fact to a temperature of up to 800⬚C. As a thermometer, the
no effects on the sensing film distribution on the other side resistance of the thermometer has an almost linear relation-
of the wafer. ship with the temperature variations, as shown in Fig. 7. The
relationship between the Ti/Pt-film resistance R (V) and the
2.2. Electrical properties and stability of the sapphire based temperature T (K) can be approximately described by
electrode system
R ˆ 5:5622T ⫹ 180:51: 1†
The stability of the Pt/Ti-electrode–sapphire–Pt/Ti-
heater system is a necessity for the reproducible function- The annealed Ti/Pt-film electrode system exhibits an
ality of the thin-film gas sensor as a whole. The mechanical excellent stability even in harsh environments, i.e. at high
stability of the deposited Ti/Pt-film could only be achieved temperatures of up to 800⬚C and under oxidising and redu-
through subsequent heat treatment. During heat treatment, cing conditions. The ambient temperature or the working
titanium ions diffuse into the polycrystalline platinum layer. temperature of the sensor for gas sensing can be therefore
The SIMS depth profile investigation on the platinum layer directly deduced from the resistance value of the Ti/Pt-film
confirmed the titanium diffusion at elevated temperatures. A thermometer. The response time of the film resistance to
remarkable increase in the concentrations of titanium in the temperature changes is less than 5 s.
platinum layer was observed at higher treating temperatures,
as given in Table 1.
3. A WO3 thin-film ozone sensor
Titanium diffusion promotes the adhesive strength
between platinum and sapphire. On the other hand, the
3.1. Sensor fabrication
diffusion of titanium into the platinum layer changes both
the bulk conductivity and the surface conductivity due to the Ozone is a strong oxidising agent. In this work, an O3
sensor is taken as an example to illustrate the ability of
the electrodes to operate in a harsh environment application.
WO3 is selected as the sensing material. Although WO3 is a
relatively inert material showing only a little sensitivity to
organic vapours (CxHy) and some reducing gases, its elec-
trical conductivity varies greatly under the influence of
oxidising gases. The reaction of oxidising gases on the
surface of WO3 attracts electrons from the semiconducting
films, resulting in a decrease in conductivity [4]. Thin-films
are best suited for O3 detection, as a large part of the O3 is
thermally decomposed on the fine particle surface and
cannot reach the sensing film inner bulk parts [5].
Commercial WO3 powders with 99.9% purity were then
evaporated onto the substrate. The film deposition rate at
5 × 10 ⫺4 Pa was about 6 nm/min. The evaporated amor-
Fig. 6. The resistance of the Ti/Pt-film heater versus time at an annealing phous film was subsequently crystallised in an annealing
temperature of 600⬚C. process carried out in air. Our examination revealed that
566 W. Qu et al. / Microelectronics Journal 31 (2000) 561–567

Fig. 9. Sensor response to ozone gas at a working temperature of 300⬚C.

Fig. 7. The temperature-dependence of the Ti/Pt-heater as a thermometer.

affected greatly by the sensor working temperatures. At

the as-deposited WO3 films were amorphous. However, temperatures around 300⬚C, the sensor yields a reasonable
after annealing at 400–800⬚C, the films crystallised to value of ozone sensitivity with a recovery time of 2 min [4].
homogeneous porous structures with nano-grains of 20– Fig. 9 shows a chart recording the sensor response to ozone
100 nm, depending on the annealing temperature and gas at a working temperature of 300⬚C. The recording time
time. The morphology of the WO3 sensing film annealed for each ozone concentration (50, 100, 150 and 175 ppb) is
at 550⬚C is given as a SEM photograph in Fig. 8. The thick- 10 min. The measured O3 gas was generated by a gas cali-
ness of the WO3 sensing film was determined to be about bration establishment which pumps ambient air at a flow
150 nm. rate of 1.8 l/min through a pen-ray UV lamp to a quartz
chamber where the sensors are housed. The intensity of the
3.2. Sensor characteristics UV radiation is continuously adjustable by means of shifting
the metal shutter around the lamp. Flowing through the pen-
At high temperature, O3 seems to decompose on the WO3 ray lamp, the oxygen molecules in air can be oxidised under
sensing film surface as: the UV radiation to ozone molecules with a concentration in
O 3 ! O2 ⫹ O⫺ 2† the range of 0–175 ppb, according to the UV-radiation inten-
sity. The gas response of the sensor was recorded by a
The atomic oxygen can be then easily adsorbed on the computerised multimeter system (HP 34401A).
sensing grain surface as O ⫺. The negative oxygen ion on the
sensing grain surface raises the existing electrical barrier 4. Conclusions
between adjacent grains. As a result, the electrical conduc-
tivity of the film decreases. A Ti/Pt-thin-film electrode with associated heating
The reaction of the O3 gas with the WO3 sensing film is element has been fabricated on both sides of a sapphire
substrate. The fabrication procedure has been discussed
and the manufacturing parameters have been subsequently
optimised. The electrode system has shown a good mechan-
ical, chemical and thermodynamical stability at harsh envir-
onments, i.e. at high temperatures and in an oxidising or
reducing gas media. Hence, it is suitable for gas sensor
fabrication. In addition, the Ti/Pt-film heater at the backside
of the substrate works also as a thermometer, measuring
directly the ambient temperature or the working temperature
of the gas sensor.
A thin-film WO3 ozone sensor has been described as an
example of the electrode’s application for gas sensor fabri-
cations. Films of WO3 with a thickness of 150 nm have been
thermally evaporated onto the sapphire based Ti/Pt-
electrode. At high temperatures, the electrical conduction
of the WO3 thin-films decreases upon the adsorption of
Fig. 8. SEM picture of the WO3 layer annealed at 550⬚C for 60 min. ozone gases.
W. Qu et al. / Microelectronics Journal 31 (2000) 561–567 567

Acknowledgements [2] K.D. Schierbaum, S. Vaihinger, W. Göpel, Prototype structure for

systematic investigations of thin-film gas sensors, Sensors and Actua-
tors B (1990) 171–175.
Wenmin Qu wishes to thank Dr.rer.nat. Christian Wenzel
[3] W. Qu, 3-D UV-microforming: principles and applications, IEE Engi-
and Dr.-Ing. Norbert Urbansky, Institute for Semiconductor neering Science and Education Journal 8 (1999) 13–19.
and Microsystems Technology (IHM), Dresden University [4] W. Qu, W. Wlodarski, A novel multi-functional thin-film sensor for
of Technology, Dresden, Germany, for their continuos ozone, humidity and temperature, in: 10th International Conference on
encouragement and support in the film characterisation. Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, Sendai, Japan, 7–10 June 1999,
Transducers’99, pp. 664–667.
[5] T. Takada, K. Suzuki, M. Nakane, Highly sensitive ozone sensor,
References Sensors and Actuators B (1993) 404–407.

[1] W. Göpel, J. Hesse, J.N. Zemel, Sensors: a Comprehensive Survey,

vol. 3, VHC, Weinheim, 1994.

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