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Adverbial Clause

Mệnh đề trạng ngữ là mệnh đề có chức năng ngữ pháp của một trạng ngữ (bổ nghĩa cho một
mệnh đề khác).

Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian

Once you understand this problem, you will find no difficulty.
Once (Một khi)

When she comes back, she will buy food.

When (Khi)

As soon as I finish the homework, I will go to sleep.

As soon as (Ngay sau khi)

While I was in China, I went out a lot.

While (Khi/Trong khi)

By the time (Tính cho tới

By the time I came home, everyone had slept.
Someone called me as I was taking bath.
As (Khi)

I have lived here since I was 10 years old.

Since (Từ khi)

She had known the truth before I told her.

Before (Trước khi)

He came after the train had left.

After (Sau khi)

I will stay here till/until he comes back.

Till/Until (Cho tới khi)

During + N/V- ing (Trong During my stay, I find him very naughty.
Just as he entered the house, he saw a thief.
Just as (Ngay khi)

Whenever you are free, we will practice speaking English.

Whenever (Bất cứ khi nào)

No sooner …. than…. No sooner had he gone out than he came back.

(Vừa mới…. thì đã…)
Hardly/Scarcely had she had a shower when the phone rang.
… when….
(Vừa mới …thì đã…)

**Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ nguyên nhân

– Because/Since/As: vì
Because/since/as he is tired, he stays at home. (Vì anh ấy mệt, anh ấy ở nhà.)
– Now that/Seeing that: vì rằng
Now that I am in a foreign country, I visit my home once a year.
(Vì rằng giờ tôi đang ở nước ngoài, tôi thăm nhà chỉ một lần một năm).
– On account of the fact that/because of the fact that/due to the fact that: vì sự thật là/ vì
thực tế là.
On account of the fact that his leg is broken, he cannot play football.
(Vì thực tế là chân anh ta bị gãy, anh ấy không thể chơi đá bóng).
Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ sự tương phản
– While/Whereas: trong khi
Many people like pork, while/whereas others do not. (Có rất nhiều người thích thịt lợn trong khi
nhiêu người lại không).
Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ sự nhượng bộ
– Though/Even though/Although: mặc dù
Although he is tired, he goes to work. (Mặc dù anh ấy mệt, anh ấy vẫn đi làm.)
Although she is a beautiful girl, no one loves her.
(Mặc dù cô ấy rất xinh, không ai yêu cô ấy).
– In spite of the fact that /In spite of + V-ing/N: mặc dù
In spite of the fact that his leg is broken, he goes out (Mặc dù chân anh ấy bị gãy, anh ấy vẫn đi
– Despite the fact that/Despite + V-ing/N: mặc dù
Despite the fact that it is raining, they play soccer. (Mặc dù trời mưa, họ vẫn đá bóng).
– Adj/Adv + As/Though + S + V: mặc dù
Carefully as/though he drives, he has an accident. (Mặc dù anh ta lái xe cẩn thận, anh ấy vẫn
gặp tai nạn).
– No matter + what/who/when/where/why/how (+adj/adv) + S + V: mặc dù, bất kể
Whatever/ whoever/ whenever/ wherever/ however + S + V: mặc dù, bất kể
– No matter who you are, I love you. (Cho dù em là ai, anh cũng vẫn yêu em).
– Whatever you said, I believe you. (Cho dù em nói gì, anh cũng tin em).
Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ mục đích
– So that/ in order that/ in case/ for fear that: để mà, trong trường hợp, phòng khi
He learns English so that he can get a better job. (Anh ấy học Tiếng Anh để mà anh ấy có thể
kiếm được công việc tốt).
+ Lưu ý: Nếu chủ ngữ của cả hai mệnh đề giống nhau, ta có thể giản lược:
So as (not) to/In order (not) to/ (not) to + V
Ví dụ:
– He works hard so that he can buy a new house.

= He works hard so as to/in order to/to buy a new house.
(Anh ấy làm việc chăm chỉ để mà anh ấy có thể mua được một ngôi nhà mới).
– You had better take an umbrella in case it might rain.
(Cậu nên cầm theo 1 chiếc ô phòng khi trời có thể mưa).
Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ kết quả
– So + Adj/Adv + that: quá đến nỗi mà…
So + many/much/ (a) few/ (a) little + N + that
Ví dụ:
– He is so intelligent that he can do all the difficult exercises. (Anh ấy giỏi tới mức mà anh ấy có
thể làm được tất cả những bài tập khó).
– There are so many students that there are not enough chairs. (Có nhiều học sinh tới mức mà
không có đủ ghế để ngồi).
– Such + (a/an) + Adj + N + that: quá…đến nỗi mà…
It was such a cold day that I just want to stay at home. (Trời lạnh đến nỗi mà tôi chỉ muốn ở
– So: vì vậy
I do not have any money, so I cannot buy a television. (Tôi không có tiền vì vậy tôi không thể
mua được một cái ti vi).
– Therefore/Consequently/As a result/As a consequence/: vì vậy
I got up late, with the result that I missed my bus. (Tôi dậy muộn vì vậy tôi bị lỡ xe buýt).
She is not a good student; therefore, she cannot get good marks. (Cô ấy không phải học sinh giỏi
vì vậy có ấy không có nhiều điểm tốt).

1. In that year, the majority of exhibitors expressed their preference for a postponement
A. but the stocks of plants were low B. since the stocks of plants were low
C. thanks to the low stocks of plants D. but for the low stocks________of plants
2. I decided to go to the library as soon as I________.
A. would finish what I did B. finished what I did
C. finished what I was doing D. finish what I did
3. ________in this national park declined from a few thousand to a few hundred in ten
A. For a number of tigers B. The number of tigers
C. A number of tigers D. That the number of tigers
4. It was________that the first wheeled vehicles appeared.
A. not until the end of prehistoric times B. before the end of prehistoric times
C. as soon as the end of prehistoric times D. when the prehistoric times ended
5. Sometimes________wears people out and is worse than the lack of sleep itself.
A. to sleep the desire B. to desire to sleep is
C. the desire to sleep D. the desire to sleep who
6. ________disappear from the public eye shortly after the games are over.
A. Many Olympic athletes B. Many Olympic athletes who
C. That many Olympic athletes D. Many Olympic athletes to
7. During the 1930s, Costance Spry introduced the art of flower arranging, but this did not
really catch on________.

A. before the end of the following decade B. until the end of the following decade
C. as far as following decade ended D. from the following decade ended
8. Claire wanted to know what time________.
A. do the banks close B. the banks closed
C. did the banks close D. the banks will close
9. Anthony Burgess,________as a novelist, was originally a student of music.
A. because of being famous B. who has achieved fame
C. who because he was famous D. he achieved fame
10. No matter________, Mozart was an accomplished composer while still a child.
A. how it seems remarkable B. how remarkable it seems
C. it seems remarkable how D. how seems it remarkable
11. He asked me and his friends________his pens.
A. when did he put B. where he puts
C. where he had put D. where had he put
12. Scientists are now beginning to carry out experiment on _______ trigger different sorts of
health risk.
A. noise pollution can B. that noise pollution
C. how noise pollution D. how noise pollution can
13. _______ the French army was defeated at the battle of Dien Bien Phu came a complete
surprise to all over the world.
A. Why B. Which C. What D. That
14. _______ is not clear to researchers.
A. Why did dinosaurs become extinct B. Why dinosaurs became extinct
C. Did dinosaurs become extinct D. Dinosaurs became extinct
15. Elderly people,________, require constant attention.
A. a large number’s depending on government aid.
B. and many of them depend on the government to finance them
C. who are dependent many of them on the financing from the government
D. many of them who are financially dependent on the government
16. Coming unexpectedly in to the room,________.
A. so she made the intruder get surprise
B. the appearance took the intruder by surprise
C. it surprises the intruder with her appearance
D. she took the intruder by surprise
17. Having been asked to speak at the conference,________.
A. some notes were prepared for Dr. Clark
B. some notes were prepared by Dr. Clark
C. Dr. Clark prepared some notes
D. audiences were pleased to hear Dr. Clark
18. The students were not satisfied________.
A. because of the teacher’s not informing them of the coming test
B. because the teacher not inform them of the coming test
C. as the teacher’s not informing them about the coming test
D. since the teacher’s no information about the coming test
19. We’ll send you an email of confirmation________.
A. after we had made our final decision.

B. before we made our final decision
C. while we were making our final decision .
D. as soon as we have made our final decision
20. _______, Stan Lee, passed away at the age of 95 due to heart and respiratory failure.
A. Who is the Marvel Comics icon B. Marvel Comics icon
C. The Marvel Comics icon is D. That Marvel Comics icon
21. ________have made communication faster and easier through the use of email and the
Internet is widely recognized.
A. It is that computers B. That computers
C. Computers that D. That it’s computers
22. For me,________is not important.
A. what a person wearing B. what does a person wear
C. what a person wears D. what will a person wear
23. ________, most citizens of the sultanate actually live in poverty.
A. Although the average income in Brunei is among the world’s highest
B. Since the Sultan of Brunei is one of the wealthiest people in the world
C. Considering that the largest concentration of urban population is in Brunei’s capit
D. Because Brunei earns billions of dollars a year from petroleum exports
24. ________is that a chicken stands up to lay its eggs.
A. Many people don’t realize that B. Because many people don’t realize
C. What many people don’t realize D. It is that many people don’t realize
25. ________a small creature that defends itself with lobster-like claws and a poisonous
A. Scorpions are B. Many a scorpion is
C. A scorpion, which is D. The scorpion is
26. ________, they got on well with each other.
A. To quarrel a lot like siblings at their age
B. But most siblings at their age quarrel a lot
C. While most siblings at their age quarrel a lot
D. For most siblings to quarrel a lot at their age
27. Tommy is on the way to his friend’s birthday party, carrying a gift box________in
colourful paper.
A. were nicely wrapped B. having wrapped nicely
C. nicely wrapped D. nicely wrapping
28. Backpacking is best suited for those who are in good physical condition________.
A. without being required to walk several miles
B. so that it would require walking several miles
C. so as not to require walking several miles
D. as it may require walking several miles.
29. _______ , playing music is an effective way for them to open their heart to the outside
A. Such were their visual impairments B. Having been visually impaired
C. For those with visual impairments D. Being visually impaired people
30. The little boy took an instant liking to his babysitter________.
A. before he first met her B. prior to their first meeting
B. upon their first meeting D. as soon as he meets her

31. The patients________with the new drug showed better signs of recovery than those
receiving conventional medicine.
A. treated B. having treated C. treating D. who treated
32. Despacito,________over four billion times on YouTube, is one of the most favourite
songs among teenagers worldwide.
A. is viewed B. which viewed C. viewing D. viewed
33. The proposal________by the environmentalists to grow more trees has received approval
from the council.
A. which suggested B. be suggested C. suggested D. was suggested
34. Richard Wright enjoyed the success and influence________among Black American
writers of his era.
A. were unparalleled B. unparalleled C. are unparalleled D. whose unparalleled
35. Jack Ma or Ma Yun,________, is the founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group,
a family or highly successful Internet-based businesses.
A. parents are traditional musician-storytellers
B. are traditional musician-storytellers
C. traditional musician-storytellers
D. whose parents are traditional musician-storytellers
36. Cong Phuong,________2 goals for Vietnam in the match against Malaysia, is the star of
the 28th SEA Games.
A. to score B. who scored C. scores D. scored
37. Harry Potter book,________by J.K. Rowling, are very popular with children around the
A. which was written B. writing C. written D. which wrote
38. Louis Pasteur invented the process of pasteurization and developed vaccines for several
A. include B. included C. including D. inclusive
39. Last week, our class went to Ha Long Bay for a picnic,________US very happy then.
A. which made B. that made C. made D. which was made
40. The last person________the room must turn off the lights.
A. to leave B. who leave C. that leave D. leaves
41. Anna seems to be a bright student. She’s always the first________her work.
A. finishing B. to finish C. being finished D. to be finish

43. Drinking water________excessive amounts of fluorides may leave a stained or mottled

effect on the enamel of teeth.
A. containing B. which contain C. contained D. which are contained
44. The explanation________for the problems didn’t satisfy anybody.
A. giving B. which gave C. given D. having given
45. Designers are experimenting with a new material________flexibly with lightness.
A. is combining B. combining C. combines D. combination of
46. ________depends on your gentle persuasion.
A. That he agreed to help you B. That he agrees to help you
C. Whether he agrees to help you D. Whether he agreed to help you
47. The chairman requested that________.

A. the member study the problem carefully
B. with more carefulness the problem could be studied
C. the problem was more carefully studied
D. the members studied more careful the problem
48. ________seemed a miracle to US.
A. His recover after so soon B. That he recovered so soon
C. His being recovered so soon D. When he had recovered so soon
49. ________, we drove the horses into the stable
A. Aware that a tornado was brewing B. Because a tornado brewing
C. Because of a tornado was brewing D. Although a tornado was brewing
50. ________before, his first performance for the amateur dramatic group was a success
A. Though having never acted B. Despite he had never acted
C. As he had never acted D. In spite of his never having acted

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