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The given picture shows the process of making electricity from coal.

BAND 6.0

The following diagram depicts how electricity is produced from coal step by step.

It is obvious that there are seven main stages in this process, beginning with coal mining
and ending with the supply of electricity to houses or industries.

At the beginning of the process, coal is exploited from the coal mine and then broken
crushed into small pieces by a crusher. After that, the crushed coal it is transported to a
factory where the gasification takes place. by cart and truck to a gasifier. At this stage,
they conduct a series of chemical reactions with the coal and collect the results including
as a result of heating, gas is produced and coal becomes solid waste such as ash and
Next, the heated gas is cooled in a separate installation before being sent to the a
following stage in the gas power plant, where it is used to generate electricity. However,
this process also results in heat waste, which can be released into the atmosphere or
utilized for other purposes.

In the remaining stages, electricity is produced from coal gas and some heat is
generated as a disposal of waste. Finally, the electricity is ready to be supplied to
domestic households or to industries in the area.


Task achievement – 6.0

Coherence and cohesion – 6.0

- Nhìn chung em đã viết được đầy đủ các bước và các thông tin của bài này,
nhưng chỉ là đang liệt kê ra thôi. Nếu muốn được điểm cao hơn em cần phải diễn
giải chi tiết hơn. Muốn được vậy em cần phải mở rộng hơn kiến thức cho mình. Ví
dụ khi em gặp dạng này, hãy lên mạng search thêm một chút về quy trình sản
xuất điện từ than để có thêm hiểu biết chi tiết về các bước nhé.
- Đối với một bài viết như thế này thì em cần phải có một list các từ nối, chị thấy em
dùng các từ nối còn cơ bản quá. Em tham khảo list sau
 1. **First and foremost**
 2. **Initially**
 3. **To begin with**
 4. **At the outset**
 5. **The first stage**
 6. **The initial step**
 7. **In the early phases**
 8. **The starting point**
 9. **Following this**
 10. **Subsequently**
 11. **Moving on to the next stage**
 12. **The next step in the process**
 13. **Secondly**
 14. **Next**
 15. **Following that**
 16. **In the second phase**
 17. **The subsequent stage**
 18. **Then**
 19. **Afterward**
 20. **Proceeding to the next point**
 21. **Thirdly**
 22. **In the final stage**
 23. **Lastly**
 24. **Concluding with**
 25. **To summarize the stages**

Lexical resource – 6.0

Grammar – 6.0

- Các từ vựng và ngữ pháp em dùng nhìn chung còn quá cơ bản, em cần mix thêm
các câu phức và câu ghép để nâng điểm ngữ pháp. Em tham khảo các từ vựng
dưới đây
- 1. **Sequential Stages:** Describes the step-by-step progression in the process.
- 2. **Generation of Electricity:** Refers to the production of electrical energy.
- 3. **Commencing:** Another term for starting or initiating.
- 4. **Culminating:** Signifying the concluding or final stage.
- 5. **Intricate Process:** Highlights the complexity of the procedure.
- 6. **Coal Extraction:** The process of obtaining coal.
- 7. **Delivery of Electricity:** The supply or distribution of electrical power.
- 8. **Excavated:** Indicates the extraction of coal from mines.
- 9. **Pulverized:** Describes the action of crushing coal into smaller fragments.
- 10. **Gasification:** The conversion of a substance into gas.
- 11. **Chemical Reactions:** The transformations that occur during the gasification
- 12. **Solid By-Products:** Refers to materials like ash and char produced in the
- 13. **Subsequently:** Denotes something occurring after a given event or action.
- 14. **Harnessed:** Implies the utilization or control of the heated gas for electricity
- 15. **Excess Heat:** The surplus thermal energy generated in the process.
- 16. **Repurposed:** Suggests the redirection or alternative use of excess heat.
- 17. **Distribution:** The act of delivering or supplying electricity to specific
- 18. **Vicinity:** Refers to the nearby or surrounding area.


The given illustration illustrates the sequential stages involved in the generation of
electricity from coal.

Overall, there are a total of seven key phases in this intricate process, commencing with
coal extraction and culminating in the delivery of electricity to residential or industrial

To commence the process, coal is excavated from mines and subsequently pulverized
into smaller fragments. Following this, it undergoes transportation to a facility where
gasification occurs. During this phase, a sequence of chemical reactions transpires,
leading to the extraction of gas and solid by-products such as ash and char.

Subsequently, the heated gas undergoes a cooling process before being directed to a
gas power plant, where it is harnessed to produce electricity. Nevertheless, this
procedure results in the generation of excess heat, which can either be released into the
atmosphere or repurposed for other applications. Ultimately, the electricity generated
becomes ready for distribution to households or industries in the vicinity.

Some people argue that governments should not pay money for international aid when
there are some disadvantaged people in their own country, such as the homeless and
the unemployed. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

BAND 6.0

Nowadays, there are many different views on whether or not local authorities should give
international aid through their revenue while their residents still have experience poor
living conditions. From my perspective, I partly partially disagree with this claim.

On the one hand, it is undeniable that governments should focus on supporting their
local people, especially disadvantaged people. This is due to the fact that those people
are the potential labour force of a nation. Investing money in them is also investing an
investment in the development of the country. When every individual has a stable life
with a job and settlement, they will have more motivation to devote themselves to
working. As a result, they will contribute to enhancing GDP per head capita and
promoting the economy of that country’s economy rapidly speedily. Obviously, a thriving
nation is a place where the majority most of local residents have leada fulfilled and
happy life lives.

On the other hand, offering help to other countries is also necessary in the political field.
When governments financially support another country, it not only shows the willing spirit
of mutual aid but also helps to improve the diplomacy between nations. That means we
may have more allies, it which is very beneficial for our country in case of if there is an
unexpected war or international dispute happening. Furthermore, in the future, if our
country has any difficulties such as suffering from diseases or disasters, those countries
which are helped by us will also support us like that.

To sum up, I firmly believe that giving international aid is very essential. However, the
government ought to make sure that all its residents have stable living conditions before
deciding to offer help to other countries all over the world.

Task achievement – 6.0
Coherence and cohesion – 6.0
- Em đã đưa ra quan điểm khá là rõ ràng và giải quyết được yêu cầu đề bài. Chỉ là
em cần đưa ra lí do thuyết phục hơn nữa.
- Ở body 1, câu topic sentence của em khá là ok rồi. Nhưng câu lí do tiếp theo thì
không ổn lắm. Bản thân chị thấy em diễn đạt chưa rõ ràng và chưa thuyết phục.
Chị nghĩ em cần nói rõ ràng việc chăm lo cho đời sống nhân dân là trách nhiệm
hàng đầu của chính quyền, hơn nữa việc không giải quyết các vấn đề xã hội sẽ
gây ra nhiều hậu quả nghiêm trọng cho đất nước. 2 lí do này thuyết phục hơn.
- Body 2 chị thấy em viết cũng ổn, chỉ là một số chỗ sửa lại như trên một chút cho
nuột hơn.
- Phần kết bài em viết lại chưa ổn, chị hiểu ý em nhưng cách em diễn đạt lại sai.
Thực tế là chẳng có quốc gia nào có thể make sure toàn bộ công dân được sống
tốt cả, thế nhưng ngay cả khi đó vẫn phải giúp đỡ quốc gia khác, chứ make sure
tất cả công dân trong đất nước sống tốt xong mới đi giúp nước khác thì không
bao giờ giúp được vì không bao giờ make sure được em ạ =)) em cần phải viết là
chính phủ cần phải có một chiến lược cân bằng giữa international aid và national
aid. Ví dụ em tham khảo kết bài sample nhé
- Ngoài ra em dùng ít từ nối trong bài quá, em dùng thêm nhiều nữa vào nha. em
tham khảo các linking words dưới đây
- bổ sung ideas: Additionally, Furthermore, Moreover, In addition, Furthermore,
Also, Besides
- nói về ideas khác tương phản: However, Nevertheless, On the other hand,
Conversely, Nonetheless, In contrast, While, Although, But
- nói về nhân-quả: Consequently, As a result, Therefore, Thus, Hence, Due to,
Because of, Owing to
- đưa ra ví dụ: For instance, For example, Such as, In particular, To illustrate,
Namely, Specifically
- tiến trình các bước: First, Secondly, Next, Then, Finally, Subsequently, In
- những từ có nghĩa là “nhìn chung”: Generally, Typically, Usually, Overall, In
general, By and large, - Broadly speaking
- làm rõ nghĩa câu trước: In other words, That is to say, To put it differently, To
clarify, To rephrase, Let me explain further, Simply put
- so sánh: Similarly, Likewise, In the same way, Just as, Compared to, Similarly to,
- kết luận: In conclusion, To sum up, To conclude, Overall, All in all, In summary
- đưa ra kết quả: Consequently, As a result, Therefore, Thus, Hence
- cùng lúc đó: Meanwhile, Simultaneously, Subsequently, In the meantime,
Eventually, During, Prior to, Afterwards, Initially
Lexical resource – 6.0
Grammar – 6.0
- từ vựng và ngữ pháp em dùng trong bài vẫn còn khá là cơ bản, cần mix thêm câu
phức câu ghép nữa nhé. Em tham khảo các từ vựng sau
- 1. **Contentious**: Controversial
- 2. **Interconnected**: Interrelated
- 3. **Paramount**: Crucial, Vital
- 4. **Acute**: Severe, Intense
- 5. **Systemic**: Systematic
- 6. **Equitable**: Fair, Just
- 7. **Social unrest**: Civil unrest
- 8. **Hinder**: Impede, Obstruct
- 9. **Collaborative**: Cooperative
- 10. **Solidarity**: Unity
- 11. **Stable**: Steady, Secure
- 12. **Secure**: Ensure, Safeguard
- 13. **Fosters**: Promotes
- 14. **Diplomatic relationships**: International relations
- 15. **Enhances**: Improves, Augments
- 16. **Standing**: Reputation
- 17. **Global community**: International community
- 18. **Oversimplifies**: Simplistic
- 19. **Transcend**: Surpass, Go beyond
- 20. **Interconnected**: Interlinked
- 21. **Root causes**: Underlying factors
- 22. **Repercussions**: Consequences
- 23. **Undeniably**: Incontestably
- 24. **Balanced approach**: Well-rounded perspective
- 25. **Just**: Fair, Equitable
- 26. **Sustainable**: Enduring, Viable


In an increasingly interconnected world, the debate over whether governments should

allocate funds for international aid while grappling with domestic issues, such as
homelessness and unemployment, remains a contentious issue. While it is crucial for
nations to address the needs of their own citizens, it is equally important to recognize the
global interdependence that calls for international cooperation. In this essay, I will argue
that although addressing domestic disparities is paramount, governments should not
completely forego international aid.
On the one hand, it is undeniable that governments bear a responsibility towards their
own citizens, particularly those facing acute challenges such as homelessness and
unemployment. These issues are often indicative of underlying systemic problems that
require immediate attention. Allocating funds to address these problems can uplift the
living standards of the most vulnerable populations and contribute to a more equitable
society. Neglecting domestic issues may result in social unrest and hinder the overall
progress of the nation.

However, this does not mean that governments should disregard international aid. The
global community is facing shared challenges, such as climate change, pandemics, and
regional conflicts, which demand collaborative solutions. Providing assistance to other
nations is not only an expression of solidarity but also a means to create a more stable
and secure world. Additionally, international aid fosters diplomatic relationships and
enhances a country's standing in the global community.

Furthermore, the argument that governments should exclusively focus on domestic

issues oversimplifies the complex nature of modern challenges. Many issues, such as
poverty and climate change, are interconnected and transcend national borders. By
investing in international aid, governments can contribute to addressing the root causes
of problems that might eventually affect their own citizens. For instance, supporting
education and healthcare initiatives in developing countries can lead to long-term
stability and reduce the likelihood of conflicts that may have repercussions globally.

In conclusion, while addressing domestic issues is undeniably crucial, I firmly believe

that a balanced approach is necessary. Governments should not completely forgo
international aid, as global challenges require collaborative efforts. By striking a balance
between addressing the needs of their own citizens and contributing to the well-being of
the global community, nations can work towards creating a more just and sustainable

(13/10) Many young people change their jobs or careers every few years. What are
the reasons for this? Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

BAND 6.0
It is a fact that younger generations have a tendency to alter their careers frequently.
While there are a variety of reasons for this phenomenon, I believe that its merits
outweigh the demerits.
To begin with, people would like to change their career path due to some prominent
reasons. First of all, individuals long to improve their incomes. Perhaps their current
salary level is pretty low and , which is can not enough for them to meet cover their
living standards expenses, such as housing paying the cost of living, paying all the, bills,
and or enjoying community services. Therefore, they must look for a new job with a
higher salary. Furthermore, some young people today have a desire to try many kinds of
jobs so that they can find the most suitable for them. Thus, in lieu of having a fixed job,
they often quit their jobs after a short time and apply for another place.

What is more However, it is undeniable that changing careers usually can bring pose
some challenges for every individual some problems, including concerns about one of
them being job stability. This is due to the fact that people will have to adapt to the new
working environment many times, so they cannot work effectively and show their real
ability. Additionally, obviously, it is evident that their salary level, as well as the
opportunity for promotion, is lower than old employees because of fewer contributions.

On the other hand, when people have an opportunity to work in various fields, they will
have more chances to challenge themselves and explore their limits, their strengths as
well as weaknesses,. They can know where they are strong and where they are weak,
and thanks to that, they find it can be easier to determine the most suitable career path
for them to pursue. Additionally, it also helps individuals have more experience and
deeper knowledge about many different jobs, which are able to is be useful background
knowledge for them to develop themselves promote further in the future.

In conclusion, although there are several reasons why people, particularly youngsters,
want job-hopping, I firmly believe that this trend will give people more benefits than

Task achievement – 6.0
Coherence and cohesion – 6.0
- Bài viết của em cũng đã giải quyết được yêu cầu đề bài, nhưng cách mà em phát
triển các ý và sắp xếp các ý thì chưa ổn lắm.
- Đoạn body 1 em nêu ra các lí do tại sao người ta hay nhảy việc. Lí do của em về
việc họ có nhu cầu tăng lương nên mới kiếm công việc khác khá là hợp lí rồi.
Nhưng cái lí do thứ 2, họ nhảy việc để tìm công việc phù hợp hơn thì chung
chung quá. Em cần nói rõ hơn là phù hợp hơn vì cái gì.
- Đoạn body 2 ban đầu của em viết cả advantages và disadvantages là không ổn. 2
ý đó em nên tách ra làm 2 đoạn mới phải. 1 bài essay có 3 body là bình thường
thôi mà. Tuy nhiên em nên viết advantages trước. Và có thể kết hợp advantages
với reasons. Như thế sẽ tốt hơn.
- Khi em viết về disadvantages, đầu tiên em nói về vấn đề job stability? Nhưng chị
chưa thấy em diễn giải gì về phần đó. Tại sao nhảy việc thì lại dẫn đến công việc
không ổn định? Và ở đằng sau thì em lại viết về việc là phải mất thời gian để thích
nghi với công việc mới? Mấy ý này cứ rời rạc lạc lõng sao ấy, nó không liên quan
lắm nhỉ.
Lexical resource – 6.0
Grammar – 6.0
- Từ vựng và cấu trúc câu em sử dụng trong bài còn cơ bản, em cần mix thêm câu
phức, câu ghép vào nhé. Ngoài ra chị có sửa từ vựng bên trên em xem kỹ nhé.
- Em tham khảo các từ vựng sau
- 1. **Inclination:** The tendency or leaning towards something.
- 2. **Alter career paths:** Change the trajectory or direction of one's professional
- 3. **Driving factors:** The influential elements or motivations behind a
- 4. **Associated advantages:** The benefits linked to a particular trend or practice.
- 5. **Weigh them against:** Evaluate and compare, especially in terms of pros and
- 6. **Compelling reasons:** Persuasive and influential motivations.
- 7. **Personal and professional growth:** Development in both personal and career
- 8. **Diverse experiences:** Varied and different encounters or situations.
- 9. **Broad range of skills:** Versatility in skillsets covering a wide spectrum.
- 10. **Dynamic nature of the job market:** The ever-changing and evolving
characteristics of employment opportunities.
- 11. **Prevalence of short-term contracts:** Widespread occurrence of temporary
work arrangements.
- 12. **Adaptability and flexibility:** Ability to adjust and be versatile in different
- 13. **Quest for work satisfaction:** The pursuit of finding fulfillment and
contentment in one's professional life.
- 14. **Alignment with personal values:** Consistency with one's individual beliefs
and principles.
- 15. **Fulfilling and meaningful professional life:** A career that brings a sense of
fulfillment and purpose.
- 16. **Manifold advantages:** A variety of numerous benefits.
- 17. **Versatile professionals:** Individuals with a diverse and adaptable skill set.
- 18. **Navigating different career paths:** Successfully moving through various
professional trajectories.
- 19. **Build a network across industries:** Establishing connections in different
sectors or fields.
- 20. **Adaptability and diverse experience:** Flexibility and varied encounters
contributing to a rich background.
- 21. **Perceived lack of job stability:** The apparent absence of security or
consistency in employment.
- 22. **Employment history gaps:** Breaks or lapses in one's work experience
- 23. **Long-term financial planning:** Strategies for managing finances over an
extended period.
- 24. **Impact on pension benefits:** Effects on retirement fund or financial
- 25. **View frequent job changes skeptically:** Regard repeated transitions with
doubt or caution.
- 26. **Hindering career progression:** Impeding or slowing down the advancement
in one's career.
- 27. **Positive force:** A beneficial influence or factor.


In the modern professional environment, a significant pattern observed among numerous

young individuals is the inclination to switch jobs or alter career paths every few years.
This essay will explore the driving factors behind this phenomenon, evaluate the
associated advantages, and weigh them against the potential disadvantages.

There are several compelling reasons behind the trend of young people changing jobs or
careers with regularity. Primarily, the pursuit of personal and professional growth
motivates individuals to seek diverse experiences and acquire a broad range of skills.
The dynamic nature of the job market, coupled with the prevalence of short-term
contracts and the gig economy, encourages adaptability and flexibility. Additionally, the
quest for work satisfaction and alignment with personal values prompts individuals to
explore different career paths in search of a fulfilling and meaningful professional life.

The advantages of this trend are manifold. Firstly, frequent job changes contribute to
personal development by exposing individuals to diverse work environments, thereby
enhancing their adaptability and resilience. It allows them to acquire a varied skill set,
making them more versatile professionals. Furthermore, navigating different career
paths enables individuals to build a network across industries, enhancing their
professional connections. This adaptability and diverse experience make them well-
equipped to face the uncertainties of the modern job market.

Despite the numerous advantages, there are potential drawbacks associated with
frequent job changes. One significant concern is the perceived lack of job stability, as
continuous transitions may result in employment history gaps. This instability can affect
long-term financial planning, impacting aspects such as pension benefits. Additionally,
employers may view frequent job changes skeptically, raising questions about an
individual's commitment and potentially hindering career progression.

In conclusion, while there are valid concerns about the potential disadvantages of
frequent job changes, I firmly believe that the advantages, including personal
development, adaptability, and a diverse skill set, outweigh the drawbacks. The dynamic
nature of the contemporary job market necessitates such adaptability, making this trend
a positive force in shaping the careers of young professionals.

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