Kelompok 6 - BAB 7 (Reassurance and Suggestion Methods) English - Psikologi BK

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Reasurance and Suggestion Techniques & Terminating Skills (Chapter VII)

Dr. Yeni Karneli, M.Pd., Kons
Dr. Rezki Hariko, M.Pd., Kons

Group VI:

Rahayu Dewany : 21151024

Shela Satiwi Guci : 21151040


1. Nature and Value of guarantee

One relationship technique that is widely used to encourage

encouragement is reassurance. Appeasement is essentially a form of reward
whose effect reinforces behavior and builds future rewards. Counselors
directly suggest that “you are capable, you are consistent”, you deserve”, “you
can organize”.

The second value of reassurance means ways to reduce doubt and direct
attitude. The third reassuring value is to strengthen new behavior patterns

2. Using the reassurance method

approval or speech with silence is one of the acceptance of the heart. The
goal is to provide a sense of security with the ideas or feelings expressed.
acknowledgments spoken by clients tend to reinforce it, for example:
Ci: it seems that people get angry when they are criticized or by saying they
are wrong
C: indeed it is also an interesting observation and a good role on personality.
This technique requires support, if not dangerous, because the client
feels it does not change without fault. So the approval technique tends to be
for people whose fate is due to a rigid way of thinking.
3. Using Suggestion
Suggestions are an excellent support tool used in the context of helping
relationships. We are not familiar with suggestions given in subtle ways all
the time. When the counselor gives advice or suggestions, adapted to the
client's condition, the aim is to teach clients to be more creative, so that they
can do self-suggestion or auto-suggestion on their initiatives. Methods of
popular means have the potential to help clients function at levels of
effectiveness and pleasure (Barber, Spanos and Chaves: 1976).
4. Limitations and concerns
The limitations of reassurance are mentioned in the following paragraphs
by introducing students to the facts reassurance is a double-edged sword in
many ways. It can be helpful when used properly and very annoying when
used carelessly. Reassurance is a technique that is easily criticized.
Reassurance is used in a simple manner in which everything will come out
convincingly. Reassurance can be interpreted by people with a variety of
disorders, such as artificial sympathy and duplicity, reassurance has a
responsibility to develop the client's relationship with the counselor.
B. Terminating Skills
1. Terminating a Discussion Unit
A unit discussion can be concluded with the brief reflection described
first, in which the counselor is together in a state of confusion over several
pertinent ideas. The advantage of this summary is to give the client a sense of
ending and progress. Then in general the client switches to another topic.
2. Terminating an Interview
The counseling literature has very little to say about the natural way to end
counselling. At first the counselors reported their difficulties in ending
counselling. Here are some ways to end counseling more honestly and
a. Referring to time Limits is one natural way to remind the client the haour
is up. No metter what the length of the interview, it is importan than the
counselor inform clients at the beginning of the interview than the have a
fixed length of time.
Generally, it is felt that minimum of forty-five minutes is needed to deal
whit clients most pressing problem. This allows clients a few minutes for
“warmup”., wherein they move slowly into the main content of the
interview and pick up the loose threads from the preceding session. And
gives them a few minutes at the end of the hour to “pull themselves
together.” T
b. Summarizing is a second means of terminating the interview. This can be
done by the counselor, the client, or as a collaborative act. When the
counselor sees that the interview is drawing short, he or she can
summarize the essential factors of the interview. Again, the terminal
reflection technique can be used if the counselor is disposed to
summarizing the essential feelings which have been expressed by the
client during the interview. A topical summary to reflect the major content
of the interview would be in oeder also.


In the discussion of strategies and methods of fostering relationships in

counseling there are many descriptions, all of which are expected to be applied in
counseling there are clients, however, the success of a counseling will be better, if the
counselor's ability to develop these techniques is optimized to suit their views and
personalities and estimates of client needs and so that clients get the right service. In
the end, the technique is used as the main medium to give meaning to the relationship
with humans.

Strategies and methods of building relationships in counseling stages are

opening techniques, reflective relationship building techniques, acceptance
techniques, structuring techniques, listening techniques (listening), leading
techniques, reasurance and suggestion techniques, skills to end counseling

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