5.9 Notes

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to condense (v): to change from a gas into a liquid; to make a gas change into a liquid, cô đặc.

e.g: Steam condenses into water when it cools.

- to consult (v): to seek advice or information from, tham khảo.
e.g: The committee will consult people in the neighborhood before making the decision.
-to reconcile (v): to find an acceptable way of dealing with two or more ideas, needs, etc. that seem to be
opposed to each other, chấp nhận, hòa hợp
e.g: It was hard to reconcile his career ambitions with the needs of his children.
- trustworthy (adj): (opposite untrustworthy) worthy of trust, đáng tin
cậy. e.g: Women were seen as more trustworthy and harder working.
-to intervene (v): to interfere in a quarrel, can thiệp.
e.g: She might have been killed if the neighbours hadn't intervened.
- to originate (v): to bring or come into being, bắt nguồn từ.
e.g: That style of painting originated in China.
-to impute (v): to say, often unfairly, that somebody is responsible for something or has a particular quality,
quy cho; gán cho.
e.g: I denied the motives that my employer was imputing to me.
-to do st in force: in large numbers, số lượng lớn.
e.g: Volunteers turned out in force to plant pines, crab-apple trees, and lilac bushes.
-to contain sb’s anger: kiiềm chế sự tức giận.
e.g: She could no longer contain her anger and started yelling at him.
- to gild the lily: to improve or decorate something that is already perfect and therefore spoil it, chỉ một hành
động tô điểm hay làm đẹp thêm một cách vô ích những gì đã đẹp sẵn rồi.
e.g: Should I add a scarf to this jacket or would it be gilding the lily?
- off-hand (adj): ngay lập tức, không chuẩn bị trước.
e.g: He lapsed into long silences or became offensively off-hand.
to make a detour: đi đường vòng.
e.g: You'd be wise to make a detour to avoid the roadworks.
- to be aware of: hiểu biết cái gì, nhận thức rằng có thứ gì đó tồn tại.
e.g: Everybody should be made aware of the risks of driving fast.
- inconsiderate (adj): not showing thought for the feelings, rights etc of other people; thoughtless,
không chu đáo vô tâm
e.g: It was inconsiderate of you to arrive without telephoning first.
-to save up: to save, tiết kiệm.
e.g: He’s been saving up for a new bike.
- to follow your nose: to go straight forward, đi thẳng.
e.g: The garage is a mile ahead up the hill—just follow your nose.
-to pull oneself together: to control oneself; to regain one’s self-control, định thần lại, lấy lại bình tĩnh.
e.g: At first she was terrified, then she pulled herself together.
- to strike up: to begin (a friendship, conversation etc), làm quen.
e.g: He struck up an acquaintance with a girl on the train.
- to be on the house: if you have something on the house, it is given to you free by a business, miễn phí.
e.g: All the drinks were on the house.
- to live and let live: to tolerate other people’s actions and expect them to tolerate one’s own, sống hòa
đồng, dĩ hòa vi quý .
e.g: We think the best approach to having wolves here is to live and let live.
- to embark (v): to go, or put, on board ship, lên tàu.
e.g: We embarked at Liverpool for New York.
-to come under fire: to be criticized, bị chỉ trích.
e.g: The government has come under fire for its decision to close the mines.
- to be pardonable (adj): able to be forgiven, có thể tha thứ.
e.g: These are probably pardonable blemishes.
- payroll (n): a list of all the workers in a factory etc, danh sách tiền lương.
e.g: We have 500 people on the payroll.
- command a high price: if someone commands a high price it means that it costs a lot of money to hire
them, tốn nhiều tiền để thuê ai.
e.g: A good scout can command a high price.
-to make no reference to: một sự đề cập, nhắc đến, ám chỉ điều gì đó.
e.g: Knowing what had happened, I avoided making any reference to her.
- to carry out st: to accomplish, tiến hành, thực hiện
e.g: The training necessary to enable them to carry out their duties
-to put an end to: to cause to finish; to stop, chấm dứt.
e.g: The government put an end to public execution.
- to be on cloud nine: be extremely happy and excited: "
e.g"Was Helen pleased about getting that job?" "Pleased? She was on cloud nine!"

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