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Alamat : Jalan Sri Rama No 1 Paksebali, Hp : 087865465474
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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : V (Lima)
Hari, Tanggal : Jumat, 1 Desember 2023
Waktu : 07.30-09.00 WITA

1. Tulislah nama dan nomor urutmu di sudut kanan atas lembar jawaban!
2. Bacalah tiap-tiap soal dengan teliti!
3. Kerjakanlah soal-soal yang kamu anggap paling mudah!
4. Semua jawaban dikerjakan pada lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan!
5. Periksalah kembali pekerjaanmu sebelum lembar jawaban kamu serahkan pada pengawas!

Selamat Bekerja

A. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat, dengan memberi tanda silang ( X ) pada huruf
a, b, c, atau d pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia !

1. The taste of young mango is…. 3. How does it taste?

a. Salty a. Salty
b. Sweet b. Sour
c. Sour c. Sweet
d. Bitter d. Bitter
4. My mother buys………
2. The taste of this food is….

a. Sweet
b. Salty a. A cup of noodle
c. Sour b. A plate of fried rice
d. Bitter c. A bowl of noodle
d. A cartoon of meatball
5. I am so hungry, I need to eat a slice c. A yellow shirt is one hundred and
of….. twenty thousand rupiahs.
a. d. A yellow shirt is twelve thousand

8. Look at the picture below!


A bowl of bakso is . . .
a. ten rupiahs
c. b. one hundred rupiahs
c. one thousand rupiahs
d. ten thousand rupiahs

9. Look at the picture below!


6. How much is the price of 1 kg sugar?

A plate of fried rice is . . . rupiahs
a. fifteen thousand and five hundred
b. fifty thousand and five hundred
c. fifteen hundred and five thousand
d. fifty hundred and five thousand

a. A kilo of sugar is fifty six thousand 10. Look at the picture below!
b. A kilo of sugar is sixty five thousand
c. A kilo of sugar is seventy five
thousand rupiahs.
d. A kilo of sugar is fifty five thousand
7. How much is the price of yellow shirt?
It is . . . . rupiahs
a. eighteen six thousand
b. eighteen six hundred
c. eighty six thousand
d. eighty six hundred

a. A yellow shirt is one hundred and

twenty two thousand rupiahs.
b. A yellow shirt is one hundred and
two thousand rupiahs.
11. Look at the picture below! A bottle of water is . . . .
a. Rp5,600
b. Rp6,500
c. Rp7,500
d. Rp75.000

15.Look at the picture below!

It is . . . . rupiahs
a. nine thousand seventy hundred
b. nine thousand seventeen hundred
c. nine hundred seventeen thousand
d. nine hundred seventy thousand

12. Look at the picture below! It is . . .

a. Rp103,950
b. Rp100,365
c. Rp136,500
d. Rp139,500

16.Look at the picture below!

It is . . . rupiahs
a. six thousand five hundred
b. six thousand fifty hundred
c. six hundred five thousand
d. six hundred fifty thousand

13. Look at the picture below!

Which foods are the most expensive?
a. Noodles
b. Bread
c. Ice tea
d. Bakso

17. Aldo is______

It is . . . rupiahs
a. one hundred two five thousand
b. one hundred twenty five thousand
c. one thousand two five hundred
d. one thousand twenty five hundred
a. Headache
14. Look at the picture below! b. Toothache
c. Stomachache
d. Cough
18.Look at the picture below! 22. Look at the picture below!

He eat too much candy. He has a . . . He has a . . . after staying up late

a. cough a. cold
b. headache b. headache
c. toothache c. sore eyes
d. stomachache d. cough

19.Look at the picture below! 23. Look at the picture below!

I have a . . . after watching television for a long time.

a. sore eyes Does he catch a cold?
b. backache a. yes, he does
c. headache b. yes, he has
d. cold c. no, he doesn't
d. no, he hasn't
20.Look at the picture below!
24. Look at the picture below!

Dendi has a . . . after eating spicy food.

a. backache
b. headache I have a . . . .
c. sore eyes I will go to the dentist
d. stomachache a. cough
b. headache
21.Look at the picture below! c. toothache
d. stomachache

25. Look at the picture below!

Does she has a headache?

a. yes, she does
b. yes, she has
c. no, she doesn't I have a . . . after eating too much snack.
d. no, she hasn't a. cough
b. headache
c. toothache
d. stomachache
II. Convert these sentences into Bahasa! Which foods are the most expensive and
1. Please write number 1- 4 in word! cheap!
2. Write two taste of food! 4. Convert these sentences into English
3. Look the picture below! a. Seratus ribu rupiah
b. Dua ribu rupiah
5. Convert these sentences into Bahasa
a. It is eight hundred rupiahs
b. It is one hundred two thousand rupiahs

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