Ele E-Briefing For General Student

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Extra-Curricular Learning Experience


When do I need to take

Who need to take
What is ELE? ELE Subject, which ELE
ELE Subject?
Subject to take?

How to Pass the How to submit event

How to join a club?
subject? participation report?

How to check my How to access the Where should I go if I have

point accumulation? ELE Portal? enquiry?

Extracurricular Learning Experience 1


What is ELE?
Extracurricular Learning Experience

Extracurricular Learning Experience (ELE) highlights the importance of experiential

learning (i.e. outside classroom learning) that enables students to exercise pertinent soft
skills like leading and managing teams, articulating ideas, strategic planning, and
evaluation skills.

The extracurricular activities which prepares you to become leaders through experiential
learning will introduce you to the theories and practices involved in leading and working in
teams, providing you with opportunities to exercise your leadership skills, learning to work
as a team and at times, to work independently. Such skills are important and
indispensable to future employers.

Extracurricular Learning Experience

What is ELE?
Extracurricular Learning Experience

The name of the subject is Extra-curricular Learning Experience

(ELE), there are multiple level of ELE subject that student need
to complete.
Course Code
MPU 3411
Degree Courses MPU 3421
MPU 3431
MPU 2411
Diploma Courses
MPU 2421
Extracurricular Learning Experience

Who need to take ELE Subject?

This list is for reference only, please refer to your faculty course selection list for final confirmation

Please refer to your respective programme study plan. Enquire your head
of programme for confirmation, if ELE subject appear in your course list,
you are required to complete it as per the study plan for your completion of

Extracurricular Learning Experience 4


When do I need to take ELE Subject?

Degree student need to complete 3 level of ELE Subject

Course Code Level To be select on
MPU 3411 Level 1 Year 1 Sem 1
MPU 3421 Level 2 Year 2 Sem 1
MPU 3431 Level 3 Year 3 Sem 1
Diploma student need to complete 2 level of ELE Subject
Course Code Level To be select on
Diploma MPU 2411 Level 1 Year 1 Sem 1
Courses MPU 2421 Level 2 Year 2 Sem 1

Extracurricular Learning Experience 5

Continue to next slide

When do I need to take ELE Subject?

To proceed to next level of ELE Subject, you must first pass the pre-requisite subject:

Example: To take MPU 3421, you must pass your MPU 3411. If you fail your MPU 3411,
on your Year 2 Sem 1, you need to retake your MPU 3411.

Extracurricular Learning Experience 6


How to Pass the subject?

• For all ELE subject, the passing point is 100 points, and has to be accumulated in 11
months, (For example: if you take MPU 3411 on January 2020, you have 11 months
until November 2020 to collect 100 points), the points can be accumulated through 4
categories in the following slides, under this procedures.

1. Register at the event booth during event publicity period or participate in any
2. On event day, attend the event/activity and take attendance with the event
3. Within 7 days, submit report through ELE Portal
4. Check report status after 30 days

• To get the points for the ELE subject, student will need to submit a report for the
activity/programme/organisation that he/she participate. Please refer to the page “How
to submit event participation report”
Extracurricular Learning Experience 7
How to accumulate ELE Point

Extracurricular Learning Experience 8


Extracurricular Learning Experience

Participation in Event

Points will be awarded to students that participated in any event

that is organised under the purview of the University or approved by the Student Affairs &
Alumni based on 3 factors:

1. Exposure Level (club/university/state/national/international)

2. Learning Outcome (number of learning outcome)
3. Duration of Event (hours of activities)

* Certain events may incurred entrance fee to cover the cost of the event, however, there will
be at least 30 events per year which is free to attend, for enquiry, please refer to Student
Affairs & Alumni

Extracurricular Learning Experience

Participation in Event/Competition

 Only event/competition that carry the Official ELE point logo

will be recognised

Extracurricular Learning Experience 11


Extracurricular Learning Experience


Holding Key Position in

Organising Events or Assisting Events

 Points will be awarded to students that organised any or assist in

any event/competition under the purview of the University or
approved by the Student Affairs & Alumni based on 4 criteria:

1. Exposure Level (club/university/state/national/international)

2. Learning Outcome (number of learning outcome)
3. Duration of Event (hours of activities)
4. Bonus point multiplier based on position held in the committee
Extracurricular Learning Experience

Extracurricular Learning Experience


Holding Key Position in

Associations / Clubs / Societies

Points awarded according to the post held in the

Post held Student Council Associations/Clubs/Societies
President 65 50
Deputy President 55 45
Secretary 40 30
Assistant Secretary 40 30
Treasurer 40 30
Cabinet member 40 30
Committee Member 40 15
Member Not applicable 10

Extracurricular Learning Experience

Extracurricular Learning Experience

Participation in Student Affairs & Alumni Facilitation

 The Facilitation Programme which focus and promote

volunteerism to assist the community within the University
and also the community at large. Points will be awarded to
students who participate in the activity of the programme.
 For enquiry, please refer to Student Affairs & Alumni or UCSI
University Student Council

Extracurricular Learning Experience
How to Join the Associations/
Clubs Day
Every beginning of the semester, there will be a Clubs Day
organised in both South Wing and North Wing, student may be
get more information about them during the event.
Exact date of the Clubs Day will be published every semester

Extracurricular Learning Experience 18



7 days to submit event report

30 days after event date to get result on report approval
100 points to pass

Extracurricular Learning Experience 19

ELE Portal Manual
For general students
How to access ELE Portal? Home

 1. Direct Access: http://apps.ucsiuniversity.edu.my/ecas/Front.aspx

 2. Go to https://www.ucsiuniversity.edu.my/current-students

Click “ELE Portal”



Login with current IIS ID (student ID)

and password

Homepage view

Functions List
 1. Club Proposal
 For student to submit new club formation proposal

 2. Event Proposal
 For student that is already in an student organisation to submit a
proposal to organise an event under the student organisation

 3. Club Proposal Review

 For Student Organisation’s President usage only

 4. Event Proposal Review

 For Student Organisation’s President usage only
Functions List – cont’
 5. Join a club
 For student to join student organisation

 6. Club member approval

 For Student Organisation’s President usage only

 7. Event Registration
 For event committee usage only

 8. Take Attendance
 For event committee usage only

Functions List – cont’

 9. My Profile
 For student to check their personal particular, print ELE
transcript, keep track of the point accumulation status, and
their ELE subject status

 10. Event Review Report

 For event committee usage only

 11. Submit Event Participation Report

 For student to submit their event participation report after
attending the event
To join a student organisation
ELE Portal manual for general student

To join a club/society/association

 Step 1:

Select “Join a Club”


To join a club/society/association

Identify the club you would like

to join and click “JOIN NOW”
Select “Member” as your
participation level

Select “Submit”

To submit report after event

ELE Portal manual for general student

To submit report after event

Select “Submit Event

Participation Report”

To submit report after event

Events which you have attended will

be listed here automatically. Click this
button to start doing your report.
Report must be submitted within 7
days after the events end

To submit report after event

All details about the event

will be show here

To submit report after event

Add relevant self-

reflection and describe
how you learn it during the
event in the description.

For example of acceptable report, you can

refer to: https://goo.gl/Nxq5Xc

To submit report after event

Answer 3 questions on
Event Reflection

For example of acceptable report, you can

refer to: https://goo.gl/Nxq5Xc

To submit report after event

Upload a photo of the event

photo size is limited to 1 MB
and below

To submit report after event

Fill in remarks if there is any.


To submit report after event

If the event you join is a

competition, please select
the position you won in this

Report Status Summary

Approved – Report accepted and ELE point was granted
Rejected – Report rejected and ELE point not granted, refer to
next slide for more explanation In the “My Profile”,
Overdue – You did not submit the report within 7 days after the you can see all the ELE Point Granted
event end, you still can submit the report, but approval of the events that you
report will take more than 30 days will be show here,
Expired – You did not submit the report within the point participate in, and only “Approved”
accumulation deadline, point forfeited the report status. event report will
show the ELE Point
Extracurricular Learning Experience 40 here and added into
the subject
Reason of

 If you did not write your report properly, the ELE

Administrator will reject the report, you will not Report Rejected You can still resubmit
get any ELE point if your report is rejected, you the report if the
will receive an email at your Student Email Subject point
mentioning the reason of rejection accumulation
 You can re-submit a proper report again to get deadline not ended
yet, click this button
the point, for example of acceptable report, you
to resubmit
can refer to: https://goo.gl/Nxq5Xc
 All the report must be submitted and approved
within the point accumulation deadline to pass
the subject.

Extracurricular Learning Experience 41


To check status of your ELE

ELE Portal manual for general student

To check status of your ELE subject

Click “My Profile”


To check status of your ele subject

The record of the points you

have accumulated, you
need 100 points here to

The deadline for you

to accumulate 100
point is show here

Club membership

Event participation record


Student Affairs & Alumni

9 Floor, Block G, th

KL Campus (South Wing)

UCSI University
Extracurricular Learning Experience 45
Extracurricular Learning Experience

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