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Assalamualaikum Wr.


Good morning every body

(Selamat pagi semua)

How Are You….

Im so wonderfull. Thank you and you?

Iam so great. Thank you

G: Before starting our lesson today, Lets Pray together, (mari berdoa bersama).


G: Attention please

Okay, now lets do some warm up okay

Ok, lets stand up now

Walking walking walking walking

Hop hop hop hop hop hop

Running running running running

Now lets stop now lets stop

please sit down

Oke lets have sit

Okay, Are you ready to study now?

A: Yes iam ready

Its time to learn English to with me, miss fafa okay

Well everybody, (Baiklah semuanya).

attention please, (Harap diperhatikan).

Now, I want to check your attendance (Saya ingin memeriksa kehadiran Anda) ……..

If miss fafa call your name please hands up and answer present

Why (…..) not present today?

I don’t now “ can you say that?

Thank you students. Ok everyone here except …….

Okay everyone present (Okay hadir semua ya)

(ok, now I will sing a song, listen and repeat after me) (Now let’s sing together)
Please work together
Toni likes watermelon Fadil likes strawberry
Lisa likes appel Mega likes grape
Dimas likes banana Kristi likes coconut
Aldo likes orange Vino likes pinaple
Anisa likes mango Nadira likes guava

(what fruit is this?)

“Listen to me:
Aplle: clap once
Banana: double clap
Mango: triple clap”
“What did you learn today?” (Hari ini kalian belajar apa saja?)
“What do you find the most interesting?”

(Hal yang paling menarik menurut kalian apa?) “Is there anything you don't
understand yet?”
(Adakah yang belum kalian pahami?)

Lets make. A circle ok

Make a circle small small small

Small small small small small

Hello hello hello

Make a circle big big big

Big big big

Hi hi hi hi

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