Pimso 1

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1. A herbivore is an animal that eats only plants.

Which of the following

animals in the table below is a herbivore?

Animal Food they eat

Tiger Deer, moose, goat, cow
Sheep Hay, corn, broccoli
Cat Mouse, chicken, cooked beef
Mouse Grasshopper, seed, grass

A. Tiger
B. Sheep
C. Cat
D. Mouse

2. Respiratory system is the network of organs and tissues that help you
breath. Which of the labels below is part of respiratory system?


A. I and II only
B. III only
C. IV only
D. II, III, and IV only
3. The parts of the plant below is labeled I to IV. Which of the following
has the correct order of its parts (choices written from I to IV).

A. Roots – flower – stem - leaves
B. Flower – stem – leaves - roots
C. Stem – flower – leaves - roots
D. Leaves – flower – stem - roots

4. The crab below has a shell as body covering. Which is the

purpose of its hard shell?

A. To protect soft body.

B. To attract other crabs.
C. To eat faster
D. To convert water to food
5. Samantha listed the two groups below but she forgot to label
them. Which of the following does not belong to a group?

Cat Spoon

Grasshopper Water

Worm Paper

Butterfly Mosquito

A. Butterfly
B. Mosquito
C. Spoon
D. Paper

6. The diagram below shows the similarity and differences of mammals

and reptiles.

Mammals Reptiles

Warm blooded Cold blooded

Have hair or fur Scaly skin

Have live births Most Lay eggs

What could be similar to both mammals and reptiles?

A. Breath through gills

B. Breath with lungs
C. Both lay eggs
D. Both have hair
7. The spoons labeled I, C, and E below were dipped into the water with a
temperature of 50 degree Celcius. After 2 minutes spoon E turns the
coldest. Which materials is spoon E made of?


A. Steel
B. Plastic
C. Silver
D. Wood

8. The basic states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas. Which states of
matter does the bottle below filled with water to the level marked X

A. Liquid only
B. Solid only
C. Liquid and solid only
D. Liquid, solid, and gas
9. The table below shows four different substances and their
corresponding pH level. Which of the substances is acidic?

Substance pH level
Soap 9
Blood 7
Detergent 10
Mineral water 5

A. Soap
B. Blood
C. Detergent
D. Mineral water

10. Minerals are elements in food that our body needs to develop and
function normally. Some of these minerals help our body fight against
viruses. The table shows food and the minerals they contain.

Food Mineral
Nuts Magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper
Shellfish Zinc, copper, iron, selenium
Eggs Iron, phosphorus, zinc, selenium
avocado Magnesium, potassium, manganese, copper

What mineral is common to nuts, shellfish, and eggs, which helps our
body fight against viruses?
A. Selenium
B. Zinc
C. Copper
D. Magnesium
11. The boiling point of a substance is the transition from its liquid state
to gas or from its solid to liquid state. Which substance has a boiling
point above 80 C?

Substance 30℃ 80℃ 100℃

I solid liquid gas
C Liquid liquid gas
E Liquid gas gas

A. I and E only
B. C and E only
C. I and C only
D. I, C, and E

12. Which of the following has the greatest density?

Ice cube cork cube metal cube

A. Ice cube
B. Cork cube
C. Metal cube
D. Water
13. Circle, triangle and square are put in the balance as shown below.
Which is the lightest object?

A. A Circle
B. A Triangle
C. A Square
D. 2 squares
14. There are 3 objects in the container below. What property does the
ball exhibit?

A. Ability to be transparent
B. Flexibility in water
C. Ability to float
D. Strength in water

15. Adrian pointed the flashlight to an object in two different directions.

The shadows were casted by the object.

Which of the following could be the possible object?

A. C.

B. D.
16. . The diagram shows a paper attached to the whiteboard by the
two button magnets. Which could be the reason why the sheets of
paper did not drop?

A. The paper is magnetic.

B. The whiteboard has a magnet.
C. The paper is glued to the whiteboard.
D. The white board is magnetic.

17. Given the two appliances below, what type of energy is present to
both of them when turned on?

Electric fan Flat Iron

A. Heat and electrical energy

B. Heat, sound, and light energy
C. Heat, and movement energy
D. Sound, heat, and electrical energy
18. Angela wanted to know the weighs a pocket book, a kilo of cotton,
an eraser, and a piece of paper. Which do you think will she weigh

A. A pocket book
B. A kilo of cotton
C. An eraser
D. A piece of paper

19. Rafael has the following objects to be thrown in the trash can. Which
of them should be thrown to the non-recyclable trash can below?

I. Plastic bottle
II. newspaper
III. metal containers
IV. medical wastes
A. IV only Recyclable
B. III and IV only
C. II, III, and IV only
D. I, II, III, and IV

20. We use our five senses to observe the things around us. Which of the
following is not a function of either of the senses?

A. To see the future

B. To taste delicious food
C. To feel cold
D. To hold and use materials

21. The following statements describe the life cycle of animal Z.

 It came out from an egg.
 It grows feathers; it swims but can’t fly high.
 It lays eggs when it becomes an adult.

A. Eagle
B. Duck
C. Dragonfly
D. Cockroach
22. The diagram below shows classification of living and non-living things.
Which among them is not properly classified?

Dolphins Soil

Carabao Water

Catfish Goldfish

Crab Minerals

cheetah Flying fish

A. Seahorse
B. Goldfish
C. Carabao
D. Catfish

23. The diagram below shows the life cycle of a butterfly. Which stage
does the butterfly becomes pest that eats the leaves of plants?


II Egg pupa IV



A. I
24. Sedimentary rocks are rocks that are formed by the accumulation of
mineral or organic particles at the Earth’s surface. Which of the
following is a sedimentary rock based on their description?
Shale is formed from the pressing together of silt and mud near the
surface of the Earth.

Phyllite is formed from slate when sedimentary rocks are buried and
mildly modified by heat and pressure.

Slate is a rock that is composed of clay or volcanic ash.

Granite is formed from the slow crystallization of magma below

Earth’s surface.

A. Shale
B. Phyllite
C. Slate
D. Granite

25. Which one of the following objects in space has no light but reflects
the light of the sun?

Moon Mars Sun Star

A. Moon
B. Star and Sun
C. Mars
D. Moon and Mars
26. Some particles of gas and dust that the planets are made of were too
far away from the core of the planet and could not be squashed
together by gravity. They remain behind to form rings for the planet.
What planet/s below has/have rings?

A. Saturn only
B. Uranus, Saturn and Neptune
C. Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, and Jupiter
D. Saturn, Uranus, and Jupiter
Explanation: Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, and Jupiter are the only

27. There is a great wonder in going outside Earth. Astronauts have

special suits when they go to outer space. Which of the following
could be the reason why they have special suits?

I. They could breathe because of the lack of oxygen

II. protect themselves from flying objects
III. To fly faster in outer space
IV. To communicate with other unidentified objects

A. II and III only

B. I, II, and III only
C. I and II only
D. I, and IV only
28. An asteroid is a chunk of rock and metal in outer space that is in orbit
around the Sun. Which of the following could be a characteristic of
an asteroid?

A. made up mostly of rocks rich in the element carbon

B. made up of loose soil and salt
C. made up of gas and dust
D. are flexible and could transform to any shape
29. Group of stars that creates beautiful patterns when viewed from the
earth are called constellations. Which of the following tells the
importance of a constellation?

A. To see the future

B. To tell how lucky someone is
C. To tell the age of the planet
D. To recognize the star and its location

30. There are many objects that orbit the earth. An orbit is the
path that an object takes in space when it goes around a star or
a planet. Which of the following orbit the Earth?

I. Moon II. Sun III. Satellite

A. I only
B. I and III only
C. II only
D. I, II, and II


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