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Journal of Economic Entomology, 113(6), 2020, 2571–2580

doi: 10.1093/jee/toaa229
Advance Access Publication Date: 15 October 2020
Review Review

Review of Methods to Monitor House Fly (Musca

domestica) Abundance and Activity
Alec C. Gerry

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Department of Entomology, University of California, 900 University Avenue, Riverside, CA 92521 (

Subject Editor: Jeb Owen

Received 6 July 2020; Editorial decision 29 August 2020

The house fly is a ubiquitous pest commonly associated with animal facilities and urban waste. When present
in large numbers, house flies can negatively impact humans and animals through nuisance and the transmis-
sion of pathogens. Since the development of fly traps and sticky papers to capture flies in the late 1800s, these
and other methods have been used as a means to monitor change in house fly density or fly activity over time.
Methods include substrate sampling to record density of immature flies, visual observations of adult fly ac-
tivity, instantaneous counts of landing or resting flies, accumulation of adult flies on/in traps, or accumulation
of fly fecal and regurgitation spots deposited by flies onto white cards. These methods do not estimate true
house fly density, but rather provide an index of house fly activity that is related to both fly density and the fre-
quency of individual fly behavior (e.g., frequency of flight, landing events) and which is likely more predictive
of negative impacts such as nuisance and pathogen transmission. Routine monitoring of house fly activity is
a critical component of a house fly management program. Fly activity should be held to a level below a pre-
determined activity threshold ('action threshold') above which negative impacts are anticipated to occur. This
article is a review of methods utilized for monitoring house fly (Diptera: Muscidae) activity.

Key words: surveillance, trap, density, threshold, precision

The house fly (Musca domestica L.) is a ubiquitous pest commonly be required by federal or local health agencies. For example, moni-
associated with animal facilities where this fly develops in the feces, toring of fly activity is mandated for egg-layer facilities as part of
wet feed, and other decaying organic matter that is often abundant the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Salmonella Enteritidis pre-
at these facilities (Geden and Hogsette 1994). House flies are also as- vention strategy (FDA 2009). Unfortunately, there are no accepted
sociated with urban sites including waste handling facilities (Howard standards for methods to monitor house fly activity and suitable
2001, Lole 2005). When produced in large numbers, house flies can action thresholds are even more elusive. Nevertheless, routine moni-
cause considerable nuisance to surrounding communities poten- toring of house fly activity can provide an important record to ad-
tially resulting in costly citations, fines, and lawsuits (Thomas and dress fly nuisance complaints or lawsuits against a facility.
Skoda 1993, Winpisinger et al. 2005). The house fly is also an im- The lack of accepted standards for monitoring house fly ac-
portant mechanical vector of human and animal pathogens (reviews tivity presents challenges to facilities that desire (or are required)
by Howard 1911, West 1951, Wolf and Zijl 1969, Greenberg 1971, to monitor fly activity, thus discouraging implementation of an ef-
Olsen 1998, Nayduch and Burrus 2017). Incidence of human disease fective fly monitoring program. In the absence of a fly monitoring
can be reduced following implementation of area-wide house fly program, fly control is often initiated only when adult fly activity
management programs (Watt and Lindsay 1948, Lindsay et al. 1953, has resulted in obvious negative impact to the facility or to neigh-
Lindsay and Scudder 1956, Cohen et al. 1991, Levine and Levine bors, suggesting that an action threshold of adult fly activity is al-
1991, Chavasse et al. 1999, and reviewed by Greenberg 1973). ready exceeded and application of insecticides targeting adult flies
Animal production and urban waste handling facilities should is required (Axtell 1970a, Geden and Hogsette 1994). Also without
strive to maintain adult house fly activity below an ‘action threshold’ a fly monitoring program, measures applied to control flies cannot
above which economic injury or negative impacts (i.e., nuisance or be evaluated for effectiveness, other than through qualitative assess-
pathogen transmission) might occur (Stern et al. 1959, Flint and van ments of fly activity (e.g., fewer reports of nuisance). This can lead to
den Bosch 1981). Ideally, fly activity is routinely monitored so that continued use of ineffective measures such as insecticides to which
control measures are applied before fly activity exceeds the predeter- house flies have developed a high degree of resistance (reviewed by
mined action threshold (Urech 2004). Monitoring of fly activity may Keiding 1999, Freeman et al. 2019). The lack of standards for house

© The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America. 2571
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2572 Journal of Economic Entomology, 2020, Vol. 113, No. 6

fly monitoring methods also impacts development of new fly con- substrate samples is perhaps a better predictor of future adult fly
trol products and novel insecticides since efficacy evaluations vary activity anyway.
among studies making comparisons difficult. A method similar to immature sampling is the capture of recently
This article is a review of methods utilized for monitoring house eclosed adult flies as they emerge from a substrate after completing
fly activity and includes discussion of the application and challenges their immature development. Emerging adult flies are captured
to their use primarily in animal production systems. using an emergence trap placed onto the substrate that directs the
emerging adult flies by way of a screen or funnel into a collection jar
(Wright et al. 1973). Emergence traps have also been used as a com-
House Fly Monitoring Methods panion tool for immature sampling, with substrate samples placed
Methods for monitoring house fly activity have been described for into containers fitted with an emergence trap to collect emerging
poultry houses (Anderson and Poorbaugh 1964; Axtell 1970a,b; adult flies (Meyer et al. 1987, Mullens et al. 1996, Cook et al. 1999).

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Burg and Axtell 1984; Beck and Turner 1985; Lysyk and Axtell Immature sampling is limited as a method for routine monitoring
1986), cattle feedlots (Urech et al. 2004), dairies (Pickens et al. of house fly activity given the variance in immature density among
1972, Pickens and Miller 1987, Gerry et al. 2011), swine housing small substrate samples (Schoenburg and Little 1966; Stafford and
(Machtinger and Burgess 2020), and horse facilities (Machtinger Bay 1987, 1994) and the need to estimate immature mortality if the
et al. 2016). Monitoring house fly activity can focus on any life stage aim is to predict future adult fly activity. While emergence traps may
of the house fly, but activity of adult flies is usually of greatest interest improve prediction of future adult house fly activity since an esti-
since nuisance and pathogen transmission are negative impacts as- mate of immature mortality is not needed, this has not been tested.
sociated with the adult life stage. Monitoring methods discussed in Nevertheless, immature sampling methods remain useful for other
this article do not estimate the true size of the house fly population, purposes, such as to identify productive house fly developmental
as this would require more complex methods (Southwood 1978, sites for treatment or to evaluate fly production potential of different
Kristiansen and Skovmand 1985), but rather these methods provide substrates or substrate conditions (Eastwood et al. 1967, Axtell
a measure or index of house fly activity that is related to both fly 1986, Stafford and Bay 1987, Schmidtmann 1988, Gerry et al. 2005,
density and fly behavior (e.g., frequency of flight, landing habits, re- Hogsette et al. 2012).
sponse to odors or visual cues). Since the negative impacts of flies,
including nuisance and pathogen transmission, are also likely related Scudder Fly Grid
to both fly density and the frequency of fly behaviors, an index of This device, developed by Harvey Scudder of the U.S. Public Health
fly activity is likely to be more predicative of negative impacts than Service, is reported to be a ‘standard neutral resting surface’ for adult
would be an estimate of fly density alone. house flies (Scudder 1947). The grid is constructed of wooden strips
fixed to a 3.0 ft2 (0.91 m2) frame with open slits between the wooden
Immature Sampling strips providing edges attractive to resting house flies while also not
Sampling of accumulated animal feces or other developmental sub- obscuring the attractive substrate upon which the monitoring device
strate for the presence of immature flies may give an early indica- is placed. The grid is placed on the ground at a location where fly
tion of future adult fly abundance and activity. A garden trowel or activity is noticeably concentrated, and then flies resting on the sur-
soil coring tool can be used to acquire substrate samples of similar face of the grid are counted 30 s later. The fly grid therefore provides
volume and depth (usually the top few inches of substrate) which an instantaneous record of fly activity at the location and time that
are then spread out within a pan to observe and count immature the observation is performed. Because the fly grid is placed in areas
flies by species (Brydon 1966, Eastwood et al. 1967, Smith and Rutz of concentrated fly activity, the count is an index of fly activity not
1991, Hogsette et al. 2012). Immature flies can also be separated a measure of fly density (Murvosh and Thaggard 1966). Scudder fly
from the substrate sample using a Berlese funnel (Brydon and Fuller grid counts were highly related to visual counts of flies recorded at
1966, Axtell 1970a, Stafford and Bay 1987, Schmidtmann 1988), the same location immediately before the grid was placed (Welch
by washing substrate through sieves to retain immatures (Eastwood and Schoof 1953), but the grid ensures a standard visual target and
and Schoenburg 1966, Schoenburg and Little 1966), or by submer- is therefore expected to provide greater consistency in fly counts
ging substrate in water containing high-salt concentration (e.g., among sites and observers.
using magnesium sulfate) (Ladell 1936, Southwood 1978) causing Scudder used the highest of five consecutive grid counts as
immature flies to float to the water surface where they are readily the fly activity count of record for a single location and time, but
collected (Laurence 1954, Matthysse and McClain 1973, Pitts et al. Schoof (1955) suggests that only one grid count per attractive site
1998). Water with a high-sucrose concentration can also be used is needed since additional counts will usually have lower fly num-
to separate immature flies from a substrate sample, at least for re- bers due to repeated disturbance of the flies (see also Holway et al.
covery of third-instar house fly larvae (Tobin and Pitts 1999). The 1951). Murvosh and Thaggard (1966) reported that waiting only
salt flotation method is reported to be less efficient for collection 10 s before counting flies on the grid will give a higher fly count since
of immatures compared with washing substrate through sieves landing flies quickly crawl down between the wooden strips to reach
(Eastwood and Schoenburg 1966). One potential benefit of the salt the attractive substrate beneath the grid. Dhillon and Challet (1985)
flotation method is that separated immatures remain alive and can support using a shorter time from grid placement until recording the
be placed into suitable media to be reared to the adult stage to con- fly count, finding that 50% of flies land on a grid within the first 15 s
firm species identification (Ladell 1936, Laurence 1954). Eggs and during a 60-s observation period.
early instar fly larvae can be difficult to see in substrate samples The Scudder fly grid is reported to be a satisfactory index of
and are often excluded from substrate sample counts (e.g., Stafford adult house fly activity (Watt and Lindsay 1948, Murvosh and
and Bay 1987, Tobin and Pitts 1999). Since the cumulative mor- Thaggard 1966) and the fly grid continues to be used to monitor
tality of eggs and early instar larvae can be high (Morgan et al. fly activity (Morris and Hansen 1966; Morgan et al. 1975,
1981), the abundance of late-stage house fly larva and pupae in 1981; Morgan 1980; Krafsur 1985; Crespo et al. 1998), with
Journal of Economic Entomology, 2020, Vol. 113, No. 6 2573

methods used generally following those outlined by Murvosh and full range of environmental conditions experienced during the sam-
Thaggard (1966). However, in several studies where Scudder grid pling period (Lysyk and Moon 1994). Fly ribbons have been used to
counts were compared with other measures of fly activity, the grid monitor house fly activity for up to 7 d (Axtell 1970a,b; Lysyk and
counts were not related to fly density or to other measures of fly Axtell 1986; Turner and Ruszler 1989), but fly capture rates can
activity (Logan 1953, Pickens et al. 1972, Beck and Turner 1985, be reduced as sticky ribbons fill with flies (Axtell 1970a) suggesting
Lole 2005), suggesting caution when considering this method for shorter sampling periods may be needed in facilities with high fly
routine monitoring of adult house fly activity. House fly activity activity.
varies by time of day and with environmental conditions (Parker Fly ribbons have also be used to acquire a near-instantaneous
1962, Zahn and Gerry 2020), and an instantaneous record of fly count using the moving sticky tape or walking sticky tape count
fly activity such as a grid count is expected to reflect conditions method (Turner and Ruszler 1989). This method was developed for
at the time of sampling (Lysyk and Moon 1994). Additionally, rapid assessment of fly activity at caged-layer poultry facilities where

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using the Scudder fly grid where several fly species are abundant birds are held in rows of suspended wire cages and bird feces ac-
can be a challenge, given the difficulty to identify at a glance the cumulates beneath the rows of caged birds. To perform a moving
flies landing on the device. sticky tape count, a fly ribbon is held by hand with the bottom of
the ribbon suspended approx. 2.5–5 cm above the ground while the
Sticky Fly Ribbons operator walks at a normal pace between rows of caged birds. Flies
The use of ribbons, tapes, and papers coated with a sticky sub- disturbed into flight by the passing movement may be captured on
stance to capture resting flies has a long history. A patent for sticky the fly ribbon. Turner and Ruszler (1989) reported walking a route
fly paper was first recorded in 1908 (Ross 1908) and Howard to sample an entire poultry house or at least two full cage rows
(1911) describes using suspended sticky papers to take advan- within the house for a minimum total walking distance of 304.8 m
tage of house fly behavior to preferentially land on hanging ob- (1,000 ft). In the study by Turner and Ruszler (1989), fly activity esti-
jects such as curtain cords and suspended lamp chains. The coiled mated by the moving sticky tape method was not correlated with fly
sticky fly ribbon still in use today was patented shortly thereafter activity estimated by 7-d fly ribbon counts. The authors suggest that
(Wagner 1919). House flies prefer to land on longer, thinner fly the moving sticky tape method is an improvement over placing fly
papers (750 × 20 mm) relative to shorter, wider fly papers (375 × ribbons in fixed locations because the moving tape method captures
40 mm) (Raybould 1964) perhaps supporting the observation that flies along the entire walking route, thereby addressing variation in
house flies are attracted to surface edges (Scudder 1947). Fly rib- fly density throughout the poultry house. However, like other in-
bons will capture several pest fly species, allowing activity of these stantaneous fly counts, the moving sticky tape method would cer-
species to be monitored simultaneously (Anderson and Poorbaugh tainly be subject to diel and environmental variation in fly activity
1964; Axtell 1970a,b; Legner et al. 1973; Lysyk and Axtell 1986; perhaps resulting in the lack of correlation between the two sam-
Gerry et al. 2011). pling methods.
Fly ribbons are best placed at locations frequented by flies
(Pickens et al. 1972), such as indoors near the roof of animal housing Sticky Fly Traps
where flies accumulate at night (Anderson and Poorbaugh 1964). Like the fly ribbons described above, sticky fly traps are coated with
Most researchers report good fly capture when fly ribbons are placed a sticky material to capture flies landing on the trap or encountering
to hang from midline roof supports within poultry houses or cattle the trap during flight. Relative to fly ribbons, sticky traps often have
barns (Anderson and Poorbaugh 1964; Axtell 1970a,b; Pickens et al. a larger surface area and many traps have a rigid plastic or fiber-
1972; Legner et al. 1973; Rutz and Axtell 1979; Quisenberry and glass frame. One of the more commonly used sticky traps for moni-
Foster 1984; Lysyk and Axtell 1986; James et al. 2017). Dusty condi- toring fly activity at animal facilities is the Alsynite biting fly trap
tions reduce the stickiness of fly ribbons making them unsatisfactory (Williams 1973, Broce 1988). Although the Alsynite biting fly trap is
for monitoring fly activity in broiler-breeder poultry facilities (Rutz commercially marketed to capture stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans
and Axtell 1981) or drylot dairies (Gerry et al. 2011). Fly ribbons ex- (L.)) associated with cattle or horse facilities, it has also been used
posed to direct sun will also quickly lose their stickiness (Anderson to monitor house fly activity at cattle facilities (Geden 2005, Gerry
and Poorbaugh 1965). et al. 2011, Urech et al. 2011), horse facilities (Machtinger et al.
Fly activity counts using fly ribbons hung from roof rafters in 2016), and in urban environments (Winpisinger et al. 2005). Other
open-sided poultry houses for 24 h were positively correlated with sticky fly traps that have been used for monitoring fly activity include
the number of flies emerging from poultry manure collected from sticky cards (Black and Krafsur 1985, Hogsette et al. 1993, Geden
these same poultry houses, suggesting that fly ribbons are a suitable et al. 1999), sticky cans (Kaya and Moon 1978, Black and Krafsur
means to measure fly density (Legner et al. 1973). Fly ribbons hung 1985), sticky pyramids (Pickens and Miller 1987), and sticky panels
for 24 h provided a more reliable index of changing house fly density (Kaufman et al. 2001, 2005; Zahn and Gerry 2020). While any of
than were fly ribbons hung for only 1–2 h (Pickens et al. 1972, Beck the numerous commercially available sticky fly traps might similarly
and Turner 1985), and 24-h fly ribbon counts successfully reflected be used for fly monitoring, these traps are generally untested for effi-
a doubling of fly density, whereas 2-h fly ribbon counts, Scudder fly cacy as fly capturing or monitoring devices.
grid counts, and visual observation of flies resting at a specific pre- The placement and use of sticky traps will vary with the many
determined location (‘station counts’) failed to detect doubling of fly trap designs in this category of fly monitoring method. As for fly
density (Pickens et al. 1972). Short period (1–2 h) sampling methods ribbons, it is expected that longer sampling periods will provide
are very likely subject to the same effects of environmental condi- a better index of overall fly activity as compared with sampling
tions as described above for the Scudder fly grid. When fly ribbon periods ≤24 h. Relative to fly ribbons, many sticky traps may be
sampling periods were increased to ≥2 d, fly counts were related to more suitable for outdoor use and can often be deployed for longer
other measures of adult fly activity (Rutz and Aztell 1979, Lysyk sampling periods given their rigid frame and larger surface area. But
and Axtell 1986) as flies accumulated on the fly ribbons over the like fly ribbons, sticky traps may be ineffective in dusty conditions
2574 Journal of Economic Entomology, 2020, Vol. 113, No. 6

(e.g., Kaufman et al. 2001, Gerry et al. 2011). Also, removal of cap- baited with waste food or noxious odors (Burg and Axtell 1984).
tured flies by wild birds can impact activity estimates (e.g., Gerry Baited jug traps are typically placed near the roof peak in narrow
et al. 2011). poultry houses, at the level of the highest poultry cages in multilevel
poultry houses, or about 1 m above accumulated feces in high-rise
Attractant-Baited Traps (deep-pit) poultry houses (Rutz and Axtell 1979, 1981; Burg and
Axtell 1984; Lysyk and Axtell 1985, Stafford et al. 1988). Trap
A patent filed in 1872 described a fly trap to be placed above food
counts vary along the length of a poultry house (Burg and Axtell
waste, offal, or other fly-attractive materials to capture flies by
1984) and attractant-baited traps placed at ground level near the
directing them upward through an inverted wire mesh cone into a
end of a cage row outperformed traps near the middle of the cage
larger screened cage (Harper 1872). Though versions of this conical
row (Wilson and Mulla 1975), suggesting that trap position even
fly trap existed prior to 1872, Harper’s patent was well timed as
within a single animal housing structure is important to consider

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scientists were just beginning to appreciate flies as carriers of patho-
when using baited traps. Trap color can also impact fly capture, so
gens (e.g., Howard 1911). In the early 1900s, Harper’s inverted cone
consistency of color is important (Burg and Axtell 1984). In loca-
trap, and many homemade versions, became widely used, and public
tions where dust accumulation limits the use of sticky ribbons and
health agencies and local businesses even sponsored contests for
sticky traps, baited jug traps may be the best choice for monitoring
community residents to construct and deploy these traps to capture
fly activity (Rutz and Axtell 1981).
and kill disease-transmitting flies (e.g., Daubs 2015). While these
Baited jug traps hung from the roof of poultry houses for 24 h
traps proved effective at capturing large numbers of adult flies, they
provided activity estimates related to fly density (Lysyk and Axtell
were not particularly efficient for monitoring adult house fly activity
1985). And fly counts from baited jug traps hung from the roof for 2
as traps were often baited with food waste or other materials at-
d were related to fly counts using sticky fly ribbons hung for 2 or 7
tractive to many pest fly species. Nevertheless, entomologists suc-
d (Rutz and Axtell 1979, Lysyk and Axtell 1986). In poultry houses,
cessfully used these attractant-baited traps to capture flies in early
baited jug traps were a more reliable indicator of fly density than
house fly dispersal studies (e.g., Parker 1916; Bishopp and Laake
were instantaneous counts of resting flies on walls and structural
1919, 1921; Quarterman et al. 1954a,b; Schoof et al. 1952; Schoof
posts (Stafford et al. 1988). Other traps containing insecticidal fly
and Siverly 1954a,b) and a USDA issued Farmer’s Bulletin in 1916,
bait have been similarly used to monitor fly activity, including place-
revised in 1921, described several designs for attractant-baited traps
ment of an insecticidal bait strip above a fly collection pan (Geden
and bait materials that could be used to attract flies (Bishopp 1921).
2005) or addition of dry granular bait to a 5 G (18.9 liter) bucket
At present, there are numerous commercially available trap de-
(Gerry et al. 2011). Essentially, any collecting device containing in-
signs that rely on noxious odors to attract and capture flies, with
secticidal fly bait can be used as long as flies feed on the bait and
many traps drowning the captured flies in a smelly liquid solution
the insecticide used produces rapid mortality (Zahn et al. 2019), so
within the trap. These ‘stinky fly traps’ can be quite effective for cap-
that flies cannot escape the trap. However, use of traps containing
turing large numbers of flies, but identifying the drowned and rot-
insecticidal fly bait for long-term fly monitoring programs should be
ting flies is difficult and unpleasant. Placing a separate collecting bag
considered carefully since selection for insecticide resistance can be
or mesh insert into these traps to separate captured flies from the
rapid in house flies (Keiding 1999, Kaufman et al. 2010, Hubbard
liquid solution may simplify use of these traps for monitoring fly
and Gerry 2020) and any increase in fly resistance to the insecticidal
activity (Urech et al. 2011, James et al. 2017). However, the effect-
bait will confound estimates of fly activity over time.
iveness of attractant-baited traps can vary considerably by proximity
to natural attractants or fly development sites (Pickens et al. 1967,
Pickens and Miller 1987) and baited traps can vary in attractive- Spot Cards
ness by trap design, bait formulation, bait age, and environmental Spot cards (or fly speck cards) are white index cards placed at loca-
conditions (Madwar and Zahar 1951, Geden 2005, Geden et al. tions where flies are noted to commonly deposit fecal and regurgi-
2009) potentially making these traps inconsistent for routine house tation spots (‘fly spots’), with the number of spots deposited onto
fly monitoring. Fly age may also be a factor in attraction to baited the card over the sampling period recorded as an index of fly ac-
traps as suggested by Gerry et al. (2011). Variability in attraction of tivity (Axtell 1970a,1986). Any size white index card will work as
baited traps is perhaps responsible for the lack of agreement in fly a spot card, though 3 × 5 in (7.62 × 12.7 cm) cards are most com-
activity recorded for baited traps and other trap methods in some monly used. If cards of different sizes are used, fly spot counts can
studies (e.g., Schoof 1955). A more uniform attractant such as vin- be transformed to spots/cm2 of card area for comparative analysis
egar (Qian et al. 2013), molasses (Bishopp 1921, Brown et al. 1961, (e.g., Gerry et al. 2011). White strips of paper, white tiles, or other
Geden 2005, Geden et al. 2009), or fly-attractive volatiles (Frishman white objects on which flies will similarly land and deposit spots
and Matthysse 1966, Mulla et al. 1977, Hwang et al. 1978, Cossé can also be used (Matthysse and McClain 1973). Several fly species
and Baker 1996, Quinn et al. 2007, Hung et al. 2019) may reduce can deposit fly spots onto these cards, so the spot count is a relative
variability among individual baited traps and improve their use for measure of overall fly activity (Axtell 1970a, Pickens et al. 1972,
monitoring fly activity. Lysyk and Axtell 1986). While the relative contribution of any one
To reduce variability among traps and to simplify identification fly species to the total spot card count can perhaps be estimated by
and enumeration of captured flies, traps can be baited with com- the relative density of each fly species on fly ribbons or using other
mercially produced insecticidal fly bait. Captured flies feed on the adult fly sampling methods (Lysyk and Axtell 1986), this has not
insecticidal bait and die within the trap without the need for a liquid been tested and spot deposition rates may vary among fly species.
solution to drown the flies. For example, a translucent plastic 1 G While fly ribbons are typically hung from roof rafters, placing
milk jug containing 25 g of dry insecticidal granular fly bait (‘baited large spot cards to hang vertically from roof rafters for 24 h proved
jug trap’) has been used to monitor house fly activity in poultry unreliable as a measure of fly density in dairy barns (Pickens et al.
houses (Rutz and Axtell 1979, 1981; Burg and Axtell 1984). These 1972) and poultry houses (Beck and Turner 1985). Spot cards
traps are more specific for capture of house flies relative to traps placed flush against roof rafters for 24 h were even less sensitive
Journal of Economic Entomology, 2020, Vol. 113, No. 6 2575

to changing fly density, particularly as daily temperature increased since it fails to provide a target level of fly activity that must be
and flies increasingly avoided the roof area (Lysyk and Axtell 1985). achieved to avoid further complaints or at least to avoid a future
Spot cards placed on cage row feed troughs in poultry houses for determination of nuisance by the local health agency.
24 h provided counts that were more sensitive to fly density even To support a more criterion-based fly management program, ac-
if spot counts were lower (Lysyk and Axtell 1985). In ventilated tion thresholds are needed to guide control efforts. To address this
animal housing, spot cards placed on the downwind side of building need, some researchers have suggested action thresholds that were
support posts provided higher spot counts relative to cards placed subjectively derived from fly activity surveys interpreted through the
on the upwind side of support posts (Geden et al. 1999). professional experience of the researcher. Axtell (1970a) offered the
Increasing the spot card sampling period to 7 d generally im- first fly activity action thresholds for caged-layer poultry farms in
proves the relationship of spot card counts to other measures of fly North Carolina. He suggested that fly activity was acceptable below
activity. In poultry houses, spot cards hung from roof supports for 200 flies/ribbon/week or 100 spots/card/week. These action thresh-

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7 d gave spot counts correlated with fly counts from fly ribbons and olds combined counts for several pest fly species since house flies and
baited jug traps hung from roof supports for 2–7 d (Rutz and Axtell little house flies (Fannia canicularis (L.)) were abundant on many of
1979, Lysyk and Axtell 1986), and spot cards placed on support the farms surveyed. Following a subsequent survey, Axtell (1970b)
posts for 7 d gave spot counts correlated with fly captures on sticky estimated appropriate action thresholds to be 100 flies/ribbon/week
cards placed on the posts for just 24 h (Geden et al. 1999). At swine or 100 spots/card/week, demonstrating that he understood these ac-
facilities, counts from spot cards were correlated with counts from tion thresholds were not universal but were instead specific to the
sticky cards when both were placed ~2 m above swine pens over facilities surveyed, the monitoring methods used, and specific place-
the same 7-d sampling period (Machtinger and Burgess 2020). At ment of monitoring devices at each facility (Lysyk and Axtell 1986).
drylot dairies, 7 d spot card counts were correlated with same week Other subjectively derived action thresholds have been suggested as
fly ribbon counts and 1–2 wk later baited trap counts (Gerry et al. 300 flies/ribbon/week (Lysyk and Axtell 1986), 50 spots/card/week
2011). The lag in the fly activity estimate using baited traps relative (Axtell 1986, Lysyk and Moon 1994), and either 350 flies/trap/week
to spot cards perhaps suggests that baited traps attract older flies (Rutz 1981, Axtell 1986) or 300 flies/trap/week (Lysyk and Moon
relative to the presumably age-neutral spot cards, but this should 1994) for baited jug traps.
be more carefully examined since this was noted in only two of the
three dairies sampled.
Perhaps, the biggest challenge to using spot cards as a routine fly Optimum Sample Size and Sampling Precision
monitoring tool is the time that must be committed to counting the The action threshold can also guide how many sampling devices of
hundreds or even thousands of fly spots that can accumulate on each any selected type should be deployed at a facility (‘optimum sample
card during the sampling period. To reduce this time commitment, size’). At fly activity levels near the action threshold, sampling de-
a spot counting algorithm (FlySpotter) has been developed to iden- vices must provide enough sampling precision to distinguish a suf-
tify and count fly spots on the scanned image of a spot card (Gerry ficient change in fly activity. Sampling precision is a function of the
et al. 2011). The FlySpotter program is available here: https://www. mean and variance of sample data, and is related to the density and distribution of flies and the design and number of sampling devices
used (Southwood 1978). Precision is given by the coefficient of vari-
ability (CV) = SE / x̄, with SE = standard error of the mean, and
Action Thresholds x̄ = sample mean. A CV ≤ 0.25 is sufficient to detect a doubling of
In crop pest management, negative impacts that result from pest ac- fly activity (Southwood 1978), though a CV ≤ 0.15 has been sug-
tivity are largely economic (e.g., loss in profit) and can be readily gested for use given the greater sampling precision (Lysyk and Axtell
modeled against costs to control the pest. This allows for determin- 1986). Following the method of Karandinos (1976), the expression
ation of a pest density action threshold where it is economically ad- above can be rearranged to give n = s2 / x̄ 2(CV)2, where n = sample
vantageous to control the pest (Stern et al. 1959). For house flies, size, s2 = sample variance, and x̄ = sample mean. For any monitoring
negative impacts are largely nuisance, though other impacts such as method, a preliminary survey of fly activity performed on the same
spotting of walls, fouling of foods, or transmission of pathogens may or perhaps similar facility using the desired monitoring method will
occur in some situations (Axtell and Arends 1990). While high fly ac- provide data to model the relationship of sample mean to sample
tivity can certainly result in economic costs (e.g., citations, lawsuits, variance. With a strong relationship of mean to variance for the
health expenses), these costs are largely unpredictable. In addition, sample data, variance can be expressed as a function of the mean to
many impacts are not strictly economic (nuisance, public relations, replace variance (s2) in the equation above. The minimum number of
disease). Given the unpredictable nature of economic costs and the sampling devices needed to detect a doubling of fly activity near the
many noneconomic impacts, the development of an appropriate ac- action threshold is then determined by solving for n using CV = 0.25
tion threshold for house fly activity has proven difficult. Given the (or CV = 0.15 if greater precision is desired) and setting the sample
association of house flies with nuisance, the term ‘nuisance threshold’ mean ( x̄) to equal the action threshold. Lysyk and Axtell (1986) pro-
is occasionally used to indicate the fly activity level above which vide an excellent review of this method.
nuisance complaints may occur (e.g., Quisenberry and Foster 1984). Following the methods described above using a CV = 0.15 at
Even if house fly activity could be modeled against costs, there re- action thresholds of 200 flies/ribbon, 100 spots/card, or 350 flies/
mains an intractable barrier to determining an action threshold. Fly baited jug trap, Lysyk and Axtell (1986) determined that a fly ac-
nuisance is arguably the most common negative impact of flies, yet tivity monitoring program in a narrow caged-layer poultry house re-
the tolerance for flies varies for each person according to their ex- quires a minimum of 6 fly ribbons, 7 spot cards, or 9 baited jug traps
perience and expectations. For this reason, many public health agen- (but only 4 baited jug traps in Lysyk and Axtell 1985), whereas a
cies simply rely on public complaints of flies as evidence of nuisance high-rise (deep-pit) poultry house would require 14 fly ribbons, 8 spot
(Thomas and Skoda 1993). However, this approach is unsatisfactory cards, or 10 baited jug traps. On drylot dairies, Gerry et al. (2011)
2576 Journal of Economic Entomology, 2020, Vol. 113, No. 6

determined that 16 fly ribbons, 12 spot cards, or 7 baited traps are fly density (Pickens et al. 1972, Beck and Turner 1985) probably
needed to achieve a CV = 0.15, or to detect a doubling of fly activity as a result of the considerable influence of both time and the en-
(CV = 0.25) then just 6 fly ribbons, 5 spot cards, or 3 baited traps vironment on fly behavior at any single point in time. Measures
are needed. With no published action thresholds for dairies or other of house fly activity with sampling times of <24 h were also un-
cattle facilities, Gerry et al (2011) used the highest mean fly or spot related to fly density (Pickens et al. 1972, Beck and Turner 1985)
count recorded for each monitoring method as a surrogate for the likely for the same reason. Increasing the sampling period to ≥24 h
unknown action threshold. If the true action threshold is lower than improved the relationship of fly activity estimates to fly density for
the highest recorded mean count, then the number of traps needed all monitoring methods. While monitoring methods are intended to
may be higher than the number reported in this study. estimate fly activity, rather than fly density as discussed at the be-
While the methods described above can also guide immature ginning of this review, useful monitoring methods are still expected
sampling effort (number of samples needed) for routine monitoring to have a relationship to fly density. For example, fly density ac-

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of fly activity at any one site, substantial aggregation of immature counted for 54–60% of the fly activity estimate in poultry houses de-
flies within developmental substrate suggests that optimum sample pending upon the monitoring method used (Lysyk and Axtell 1985).
size is more appropriately derived with variance estimated using Monitoring methods used for longer sampling periods are expected
Taylor’s power law (Stafford and Bay 1994). After sampling third- to provide a better estimate of overall fly activity because flies (or
instar house fly larvae from poultry feces in shallow-pit caged-layer spots) accumulate over a range of environmental conditions experi-
houses, Stafford and Bay (1994) determine that to detect a doubling enced by the fly population being sampled (Lysyk and Moon 1994).
of the immature fly density would require 64–145 separate sub- Instantaneous or short-term measures of fly activity may still be
strate samples depending upon the mean density per sample at each useful to record change in fly activity when it can be reasonably as-
sampling site. To reduce the high degree of variance in immature fly sumed that either fly density or frequency of fly behavior is relatively
density among small substrate samples (Schoenburg and Little 1966, unchanged to allow for interpretation of the estimated fly activity.
Stafford and Bay 1994), several small substrate samples may be Sampling repeatedly throughout a day for example might provide
combined into larger pooled samples prior to analysis (e.g., Mullens insight into environmental impacts on fly behavior (e.g., Zahn and
et al. 1996). This may reduce the total number of samples that must Gerry 2020). And studies that perform sampling at the same time
be processed to achieve the desired level of precision. each day are attempting to reduce the environmental impact on fly
Immature sampling is more commonly used to compare imma- behavior so that changes in fly density can be examined. However,
ture fly density among sites or developmental substrates. When com- the impacts of time and environment on fly behavior are complex
paring different sites, the sampling effort needed to achieve a desired (Zahn and Gerry 2020) as suggested by the lack of correlation be-
level of precision in mean density will vary by site (Southwood 1978). tween fly density and instantaneous measures of fly activity where
Furthermore, the optimum sample size needed for each site or sub- this has been examined (Pickens et al. 1972, Beck and Turner 1985).
strate is typically unknown when sampling is initiated. Because the When all fly monitoring studies are considered together, regard-
time to process each immature sample is typically much greater than less of facility type, fly activity estimates were related to fly density
the time needed to obtain the sample, processing only the number of when sampling periods were ≥24 h for fly ribbons, ≥2 d for baited
samples from each site that are needed to achieve the predetermined jug traps, or 7 d for spot cards (Pickens et al. 1972, Rutz and Axtell
level of precision will save considerable time. This can be accom- 1979, Lysyk and Axtell 1986, Stafford et al. 1988, Geden 1999,
plished following an iterative method outlined in Schoenburg and Gerry et al. 2011). The magnitude and precision of fly activity esti-
Little (1966) by obtaining a larger than needed number of samples mates is related to the design and placement of monitoring devices.
from each site, sequentially processing each sample, recalculating the Fly activity estimates were higher for monitoring devices placed on
sample mean and variance after each sample (or number of samples) or near roof rafters (Rutz and Axtell 1979, 1981; Lysyk and Axtell
is processed, and applying these recalculated values to determine the 1985, 1986; Stafford et al. 1988), where house flies typically accu-
level of precision achieved to that point. Precision is determined by mulate at night (Anderson and Poorbaugh 1964). However, high
the confidence interval for and percent of deviation from the sample daily temperature can negatively impact fly capture near the roof
mean. If the desired precision has not been met, additional samples at least for spot cards (Lysyk and Axtell 1985). Also, spot cards or
are processed. Upon reaching the desired level of precision in the sticky traps placed at downwind locations in ventilated housing will
sample mean for that site, all remaining unprocessed samples can outperform those placed at upwind locations (Geden et al. 1999).
be discarded. Thus, while the number of samples processed for each House fly activity also varies along the long axis of a poultry house
site or substrate will be different, the sample mean for each site or (Willson and Mulla 1975, Burg and Axtell 1984) suggesting moni-
substrate is determined to the same level of precision. toring devices should be distributed along the long axis for any
animal housing structure.
Devices that require capture of flies on sticky surfaces (fly rib-
bons and sticky traps) are unsatisfactory in dusty conditions (Pickens
Discussion et al. 1967, Rutz and Axtell 1981, Kaufman et al. 2001, Gerry et al.
House fly behaviors such as flight are influenced by diel variation 2011) and fly ribbons perform poorly outdoors particularly in direct
and environmental condition (Dakshinamurty 1948, Parker 1962, sunlight and high wind (Anderson and Poorbaugh 1965, Gerry et al.
Pickens et al. 1967, Zahn and Gerry 2020) so that even when fly 2011). Traps baited with liquid attractants are generally unsuitable
density is unchanged, the frequency of behaviors (fly activity) will for fly monitoring due to the lack of specificity for house flies and dif-
vary as time of day or environmental conditions change (e.g., Lysyk ficulty of identifying flies captured in the liquid bait. Baited jug traps
and Axtell 1985). The impact of time and environment is most acute (or other devices using insecticidal bait) can rectify the problem of
for instantaneous or near-instantaneous measures of house fly ac- separating flies from a liquid attractant, but these traps are unsuitable
tivity such as the Scudder grid count, visual observations, station for a long-term fly management program since any decrease in suscep-
counts, or the moving sticky tape method. When compared dir- tibility of the flies to the offered insecticide will confound fly activity
ectly, instantaneous measures of fly activity have been unrelated to estimates over time (discussed in Geden 2005, Gerry et al. 2011).
Journal of Economic Entomology, 2020, Vol. 113, No. 6 2577

Baited jug traps (and similar devices) are, however, well-suited for devices, commonalities in monitoring outcomes among facilities can
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