D365 - User Manual - Employee

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Employee Self Service User Manual

Name Information
Solution Name Employee self Service
Solution Acronym ESS
Document Owner Syeda Bushra Sultana

Document History:

Version No Date Author Reviewed By Approved By

Viswani K and
1.0 3/1/2022 Rajesh Tatineni Rajesh Tatineni
Syeda Bushra Sultana

Table of Contents:
Employee Self Service: ........................................................................................................................... 4
Overview: ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Navigation & Access: .......................................................................................................................... 5
1. LOG IN THE HRMS .......................................................................................................................... 5
2. ACESS TO EMPLOYEE SELF SERVICE PAGE ................................................................................. 6
3. ESS MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................................ 6
3.1 Personal Information ................................................................................................................. 7
3.2 My Information ........................................................................................................................... 7
3.2.1 Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 8
a. Work Items Assigned to Me: .................................................................................................. 8
b. Questionnaires assigned to me: ............................................................................................. 8
c. Company Directory:................................................................................................................ 9
d. Team Calendar: ....................................................................................................................... 9
3.2.2 My Career Information............................................................................................................ 10
a. Time Off Balances: ................................................................................................................ 10
b. Tasks ...................................................................................................................................... 15
3.2.3 Additional Information: ......................................................................................................... 15
a. Benefits: ..................................................................................................................................... 15
b. Performance Journal ................................................................................................................ 15
c. Competencies: ........................................................................................................................... 15
d. Organization:............................................................................................................................. 16
e. Questionnaire:........................................................................................................................... 16
f. Health Insurance Dependent Declaration: ............................................................................. 16

Employee Self Service:


This article provides an overview of Employee Self Service Portal

Employee self-service boosts engagement and increase the accuracy of data as it is controlled by

Navigation & Access:


HRMS D365 will be available through VIKI Portal, below is the link for VIKI portal.

This link will redirect you to log in through ValueMomentum credentials.

Below will be landing page for VIKI, to use HRMS click on the highlighted in the below image

➢ check if you have user access else contact support team at CRMsupport@valuemomentum.com.

➢ Once logged in, you ‘ll be directed to HR page. This consists of calendar, work items and you’re to -do list.
Below is the landing page.

A. Click on Employee Self Service Tab or you can click on this icon to your left column to access ESS

B. Once the icon is clicked you will be redirected to the below page.

This page will provide below for all management and storage of information.
1. Personal Details
2. My information
• Summary
• Career Information
• Benefits
3. My Team

3.1 Personal Information
ESS lets you add all the personal information and helps to store your data in case you misplace it.
Update your personal details and it can be used in emergency situations if necessary.

➢ when you navigate to edit option, you can edit your personal details like addresses, contact
details, Personal contacts, Identification numbers and Image. We have migrated existing data from
our portal to new HRMS. Please verify and update if necessary.

3.2 My Information
My Information tab displays the following Info:
3.2.1 Summary
3.2.2 My Career Information
3.2.3 Additional Information

3.2.1 Summary
a. Work Items Assigned to Me
b. Questionnaires assigned to me
c. Company Directory
d. Team Calendar

a. Work Items Assigned to Me:

This displays all the approvals and workflow items that are assigned to an Employee. This list of items can be
configured, and you can send emails to the users.

b. Questionnaires assigned to me:

This displays all scheduled questionnaires assigned directly to the employee or group.

c. Company Directory:
It lets us look up employee information related to individuals in the organization and public contact info is
available to all employees within Value Momentum. You cannot disclose your coworkers details to anyone
out of VM.
You can directly filter out the desired contact by search and sort methods.

d. Team Calendar:
Team Calendar is a great way to plan your own team leaves, so it doesn’t conflict between two employees of
the same team.
You can directly view your direct reports Leave plans as defined in hierarchy. You can customize the dates
and departments.

3.2.2 My Career Information
a) Time off Balances
b) Tasks
c) Next Registered Course
d) Certificates
e) Next Scheduled Review
f) Performance Goals
g) Total Skills
h) Compensation
i) Attachments
All highlighted are part of launch and are covered in this document.

a. Time Off Balances:

Tracking your sick leaves, vacation time and any other leaves helps in reminding you of all the historic data
and plan accordingly.
Time off balance tile helps you view your balance, approved requests & leave history.
Raise Leaves Request
You can raise your leave by selecting “request time off” under time off balance. Mention the type of leave you
plan to take, below are the types of leaves available in the system.
Type of Leave
CL/SL Casual/ Sick Leave
EL Earned Leave
ML Maternity Leave
LM Leave for Miscarriage

LA1 N LA2 Leave for Adoption (For age below 3months LA1 is
applicable and for age above 3 LA2 is applicable)
LTA Leave for tubectomy operation
ML LOP Extension of ML with loss of pay
LPB Leave for illness arising out of pregnancy, delivery,
premature birth of child
LOP Loss of pay
Comp off COMP OFF

➢ Click on the request time off, highlighted in the below screen

➢ Select the type of leaves you would want to avail for and specify dates, reasons and mention your
comments and submit the time off after selecting dates and specifying leave time.

➢ When selecting for CL/SL, please specify reason code on which type of leave to be availed for either sick
leave or casual leave.

➢ You can request for time off either for half day or one full day or more than one day , please click under
dates and select amount of leaves as half day or full day.

➢ Comp off , raised and approved in the SharePoint will be uploaded in HRMS D365 weekly to be utilized
against leaves
➢ Leaves over weekends- For production support employees leave raising over weekend will be launched
shortly until then leaves has to be managed through roaster.
➢ Currently HRMS system does not trigger any notifications when leaves are raised, approved, denied and
cancel. Employ shall manually verify when such leaves request is raised.

Leave Balance View

➢ In order to view Leave balances for all types of leaves, employee can click on the highlighted and shall
have all the balance visible.

➢ Once “View time off” is viewed, below screen will appear with balance
➢ You can view the total leave balance against each leave type, approved Time of the past and pending time
off request in queue for approval.

Leave cancellation
➢ Leaves approved by manager can be sent for cancellation, if there is any change of plans.
➢ Click on the time off request and click on the approved time off , to display the list of leaves taken.
➢ Click on the request id and select the leaves to be sent for cancellation
➢ Once leaves is selected, use “cancel time off” highlighted in below image to send leave for cancellation.
➢ Once leaves is cancelled, it will be reflected in the balance

b. Tasks
Tasks let you visualize and manage your work accordingly.
Displays the tasks that are assigned to you and lets you view and manage them.

3.2.3 Additional Information:

This section provides links to other areas of ESS.
a. Benefits:
Not applicable for Indian employees
b. Performance Journal
Will be part of next launches
c. Competencies:
Will be part of next launches

d. Organization:
Job details on your current designation, skills, Certificates, education, Job tasks and area of responsibility will
be added based on the primary position you are assigned to and will be visible in future launches.

e. Questionnaire:
You can choose to complete a questionnaire at any time. The author of the questionnaire can determine the
time frame and for whom the questionnaire is applicable. There are company wide questionnaire that can be

f. Health Insurance Dependent Declaration:

Please refer to the user manual_health insurance dependent.

End of Document


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