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Question 1

Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question,
Write the correct answer only.) 15)
Adealer ina city buys some goods worth 6000 from the same city. If the rate of GSTis
18%, then CGST paid by him is
a) 1080
b) 540
c) 6540
d) 7080

Ifx E1, then the solution set of theinequation |<2r+ Sis

a) {.... -4, -3}
b) {...4,-3, -2)
c) {(2, -1, 0, 1,...)
d) (-1, 0, 1,...}

vahuc ofk is
ii) Ifthe cquation 2r- 5x + (k +3) = 0 has equal roots, then the
a) 8 b)
iv) The mean proportional betwcca and l28 is
a) 64
b) 32
c) 16
d) 8
adius 1s doubicd and hcignt s halved,
a) lulvel
b) doubled
c) four timcs
d) same

vi) IfPA and PB are two tangents to a circle with centre Osuch that ZAPB = 80,hca
2AOP is:
a) 40°
b) 50
c) 60
d) 70°

vü) If the coordinates of one cnd ofa

diameter of a circle are (2, 3) and coordinates of its
centre are (-2, 5), then the coordinates of the other
cnd of the diameter is:
a) (-6,7)
b) (6, -7)
c) (-4, 2)
d) (s, 3)

viii) Which of the following points is invariant with

a) (-2,3) respect to the line y =-2?
b) (2,3)
c) (3,-2)
) (3, 2)
ix) In the givcn figure, if O is the
a) 40° centre of the circle. thcn the value of X 1S
b) s0°
c) 45°
d) 60

X) Ifthe slope of the linc passing through the points (2, 5) and (z, 3) is 2, then
the value
of xis:
a) 2
b) 1
c) -]
d) 3

xi) The probability of getting a number which is neither prime nor composite in single
throw of a dice is
a) b) 1 d) o

xii) The remainder when 2x* +9x + 4x- 10 is divided by x+ 3 is

a) -3
c) 5
d) -s

xii) If2x, x +10and 3x +2 are in AP, then x=

a) b) 2 c)4 d) 6

xiv) IF+y
4x y=
2. 2 P hen the value of x-y=,
a) -3 b) 1 c) 3 d) 5

xv) Adata has 25 observations aranged in descending order. observation

represents the median.
a) 12b b) 13h c) 14th d) 1s4
Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options (Do not copy the questions,
write the correct answer only) [10]
(i) The point (3, - 2) is invariant under reflection in the line :
a) x = -2
b) y+2 = 0
c) y- 2 = 0
d) x+3= 0
(ii) In the adjoining figure, Ois the centre of the circle and AC = BC. If 20AB = 40°,
then CAB is equal to

a) 20°
b) 15°
c) 25°
d) 65°

(iii) A cylindrical roller 3 m in length
and0.5 m in radius, when rolled on a road was
an area of 6600 m. Then, the number of found to cover
revolutions made by the roller is :
a) 100
d) 1400

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