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Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics

Information System
with Analytics
Quick guide on ERP and PBI

FIT ACADEMY l GF King’s Court Bldg II., Chino Roces cor. Delarosa Sts., Makati City 1200, Philippines l Telephone Number: 63.2.759.4348 l www.fitacademy.ph
Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics


TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................................................................... 2
Chapter 1: Smartbooks on a Cloud Platform ................................................................................................ 6
What is an ERP System? ............................................................................................................................ 6
What is Cloud Computing? ....................................................................................................................... 6
Types of Cloud Deployment .................................................................................................................. 7
Key Features of Cloud Computing ........................................................................................................ 7
Smartbooks on Cloud Performance .......................................................................................................... 8
Technical Specifications ........................................................................................................................ 8
Chapter 2: Getting Started with Smartbooks ............................................................................................... 9
Challenges for SMEs .................................................................................................................................. 9
Smartbooks Framework .......................................................................................................................... 10
Basic Navigation ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Logging-in ................................................................................................................................................ 11
Smartbooks User Interface ..................................................................................................................... 14
Header................................................................................................................................................. 14
Modules Menu / Main Menu .............................................................................................................. 14
User Info.............................................................................................................................................. 15
Status Bar ............................................................................................................................................ 15
System Date & Time ............................................................................................................................ 16
Operation Modes in Smartbooks ........................................................................................................ 16
Functions in a Form............................................................................................................................. 16
Customize User Credentials ................................................................................................................ 16
Exercises .................................................................................................................................................. 18
Chapter 3: Master Data and Document Handling ...................................................................................... 19
Types of Master Data .............................................................................................................................. 20
Data Structure of Master Data................................................................................................................ 21
Customer/Supplier Master Record ..................................................................................................... 21
Item Master Record ............................................................................................................................ 22

FIT ACADEMY l GF King’s Court Bldg II., Chino Roces cor. Delarosa Sts., Makati City 1200, Philippines l Telephone Number: 63.2.759.4348 l www.fitacademy.ph
Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics

Navigation ............................................................................................................................................... 23
Customer Master Record .................................................................................................................... 23
Supplier Master Record ...................................................................................................................... 27
Item Master Record ............................................................................................................................ 31
Exercise ................................................................................................................................................... 32
Basic Features of a Marketing Document ............................................................................................... 33
General Document Structure .............................................................................................................. 33
Exercises .................................................................................................................................................. 34
Chapter 4: Expenditure Cycle...................................................................................................................... 35
Process Overview .................................................................................................................................... 35
Purchasing Documents and Reports ....................................................................................................... 36
Purchase Order ................................................................................................................................... 36
Receiving ............................................................................................................................................. 39
Purchase Return .................................................................................................................................. 42
AP Voucher.......................................................................................................................................... 45
Debit Memo ........................................................................................................................................ 48
Payment .............................................................................................................................................. 51
Exercises .................................................................................................................................................. 53
Chapter 5: Revenue Cycle ........................................................................................................................... 54
Process Overview .................................................................................................................................... 54
Sales Documents and Reports ................................................................................................................ 55
Sales Order .......................................................................................................................................... 55
Shipment ............................................................................................................................................. 58
Sales Return ........................................................................................................................................ 62
AR Invoice............................................................................................................................................ 65
Credit Memo ....................................................................................................................................... 68
Payment .............................................................................................................................................. 71
Exercises .................................................................................................................................................. 73
Chapter 6: Inventory Cycle.......................................................................................................................... 74
Items and Warehouses ........................................................................................................................... 74
Defining a Warehouse......................................................................................................................... 75
Inventory Transactions ........................................................................................................................... 77

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Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics

Item Receipt ........................................................................................................................................ 78

Item Issuance ...................................................................................................................................... 81
Item Transfer....................................................................................................................................... 84
Exercises .................................................................................................................................................. 86
Batch and Serial Numbers....................................................................................................................... 87
By Batches ........................................................................................................................................... 87
By Serial Numbers ............................................................................................................................. 102
Exercises ................................................................................................................................................ 118
Chapter 7: The Accounting Cycle .............................................................................................................. 119
A. Journalizing ....................................................................................................................................... 119
General Journal ................................................................................................................................. 119
Exercises ................................................................................................................................................ 127
Special Journal .................................................................................................................................. 128
Exercises ................................................................................................................................................ 143
B. Ledger ............................................................................................................................................... 144
General Ledger Defined .................................................................................................................... 144
Exercises ................................................................................................................................................ 146
Subsidiary Ledger Defined ................................................................................................................ 147
Exercises ................................................................................................................................................ 148
C. Trial Balance ...................................................................................................................................... 149
Trial Balance Defined ........................................................................................................................ 149
Navigation & Viewing........................................................................................................................ 150
Exercises ................................................................................................................................................ 151
D. Adjusting Entries ............................................................................................................................... 152
Adjusting Entries Defined ................................................................................................................. 152
Accruals ............................................................................................................................................. 152
Deferrals ............................................................................................................................................ 153
Navigation & Viewing........................................................................................................................ 154
Exercises ................................................................................................................................................ 156
E. Financial Statements ......................................................................................................................... 157
Financial Statements Defined ........................................................................................................... 157
Types of Financial Statement ............................................................................................................ 157

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Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics

Navigation and Viewing .................................................................................................................... 158

Exercises ................................................................................................................................................ 163
F. Closing Entries: Period-End Closing................................................................................................... 164
Closing Entry Defined ........................................................................................................................ 164
Temporary Accounts vs. Permanent Accounts ................................................................................. 164
Navigation & Viewing........................................................................................................................ 165
G. Journal Entry List .............................................................................................................................. 168
Navigation & Viewing........................................................................................................................ 168
Exercises ................................................................................................................................................ 169
CHAPTER 8: Introduction to Business Analytics ........................................................................................ 170
What is Business Analytics .................................................................................................................... 170
Metrics and KPIs................................................................................................................................ 171
Enterprise Dataflow .......................................................................................................................... 173
Enterprise Data Warehouse .............................................................................................................. 175
Reporting Tools ................................................................................................................................. 177
Data Visualization ............................................................................................................................. 177
Representing Data with Charts ......................................................................................................... 179
Effective Visualization ....................................................................................................................... 184
Microsoft Power BI ............................................................................................................................... 189
What is Microsoft Power BI? ............................................................................................................ 189
Ways to access Microsoft Power BI .................................................................................................. 190
Capstone Activity .............................................................................................................................. 194
Exercises ................................................................................................................................................ 208

FIT ACADEMY l GF King’s Court Bldg II., Chino Roces cor. Delarosa Sts., Makati City 1200, Philippines l Telephone Number: 63.2.759.4348 l www.fitacademy.ph
Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics

Chapter 1: Smartbooks on a Cloud Platform

At the end of this chapter, students will be able to:
• Know what is an ERP System
• Understand the difference between on premise and on cloud system experience.
• List the benefits of cloud computing
• Know the Smartbooks on cloud performance

What is an ERP System?

ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning, and an ERP system is a type of software that integrates a
variety of business processes and functions into a single system. An ERP system typically includes modules
for areas such as accounting, human resources, customer relationship management, supply chain
management, inventory management, and production planning.

Image from: www.projectline.ca

The primary objective of an ERP system is to provide a single source of truth for all business data, making
it easier for companies to manage their operations more efficiently and effectively. By consolidating data
from different departments, an ERP system can eliminate the need for multiple, disconnected software
applications, and help to streamline business processes, improve collaboration between departments,
and increase data accuracy and consistency.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing represents a new way to deploy computing technology to give users the ability to access,
work on, share, and store information using the internet. The ideal way to describe Cloud Computing
would be to term it as 'Everything as a Service' (abbreviated as XaaS). The cloud itself is a complex network
of data centers, each composed of thousands of computers working together that can perform and
achieve the functions of a software on a personal or business computer units by providing users access to
a vast number of applications, platforms and services delivered over the Internet.

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Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics

Types of Cloud Deployment

Private Cloud, also known as Internal Cloud, is a cloud-based infrastructure operated exclusively for a
single organization with all data protected behind an internal firewall. This is usually physically located at
the company's on-site data center or can also be managed and hosted by a third-party provider.

Public Cloud, also known as External Cloud, is available to the public where data are created and stored
on third-party servers. Service infrastructure belongs to service providers that manage them and
administer pool resources. The need for user companies to buy and maintain their own hardware is
eliminated. It is based on a shared cost model for all the users or in the form of a licensing policy such as
pay per use.

Hybrid Cloud encompasses the best features of the above-mentioned cloud computing deployment
models. It allows companies to mix and match the facets of public and private cloud that best suit their

Key Features of Cloud Computing

The characteristics of Cloud Computing express its significance in the current business market. It has
already been proven that Cloud Computing is a model for enabling universal, convenient and on-demand
network access. Below are the key features of Cloud Computing:

• Agility -helps in rapid and inexpensive re-provisioning of resources

• Location Independence - resources can be accessed anywhere (except on limitations set by

company's internal control)

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Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics

• Multi-Tenacity - resources are shared amongst a large pool of users

• Reliability - dependable accessibility of resources and computation

• Scalability - dynamic provisioning of data helps in avoiding various bottleneck scenarios

• Ease of Maintenance - users (companies/organizations) have less work in terms of resource

upgrades and management, handled by service providers of cloud computing

Smartbooks on Cloud Performance

Smartbooks is a purely web-based ERP system for small and medium sized enterprises. Smartbooks is a
software that easy to use, has deep functionality, is accessible and is compliant with BIR reporting
requirements. It is best for small- and medium-sized companies with their unique qualities and special

And because Smartbooks is based in the cloud, other IT costs are eliminated, such as the cost of putting
up and maintaining servers, hiring and maintaining an IT team, upgrading the software and spending for
other support expenses.

Technical Specifications
Smartbooks has minimal requirements when it comes to technical specifications so it can offer a simpler,
more cost-effective and more reliable solution for businesses. The following are the technical
specifications needed in order to access Smartbooks:

Can be accessed on various operating systems like:

Through web browsers like:

The optimal performance of the system is on an internet speed of 5 mbps and higher but can be accessed
on a minimum speed of 1 mbps.

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Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics

Chapter 2: Getting Started with Smartbooks

At the end of this chapter, students will be able to:

• Learn how to use the various user interface components of Smartbooks
• Familiarize and visualize the illustration to Smartbooks Framework
• Learn to value of information in scaling up businesses
• Identify the basic functionalities inside an ERP System (Interface, Operation
Modes, Functions in a document, Credentials Changing and Master Record) using

Challenges for SMEs

SME companies often acquire multiple solutions to meet specific needs as business expands; for example,
an accounting application to manage general ledgers and invoices, or a Storage Location management
solution to keep track of inventory.

Keeping this combination of applications up to date, integrated, and running seamlessly can be
challenging. To get a picture of what is happening in every part of the business, it takes a lot of time and
effort to extract and reconcile data across many solutions. While such applications may be effective for a
time, ultimately your business needs a more flexible and integrated solution.

With SMARTBOOKS, it is now possible to have a complete and real-time picture of your financial position.
Having this information readily available gives you more time to focus on growing your business.

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Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics

Smartbooks Framework

Smartbooks Cloud ERP system is composed of multiple modules. The above illustration shows the
structure of the system. Smartbooks accepts data entry, called transactions, which are converted through
various processes into output information that goes out to the users. Sales of products from customers,
purchases of inventory from Suppliers, and cash disbursements and receipts are the common type of

Smartbooks is composed of three major units:

1. Transaction Processing
This supports daily business operations with numerous reports, documents, and messages from users
throughout the organization. Transaction processing consists of three different cycles: the revenue, the
expenditure, and the project management. Each cycle captures and processes different types of financial

2. General Ledger/Financial Reporting

This produces the traditional Financial Statements, such as Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement
of Cash Flow, Tax Returns, Reports / Schedules, and other reports mandated by the government.

3. Management Reporting
This provides internal management reports needed for decision making.

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Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics
Basic Navigation
Smartbooks was designed with the most comprehensive User Interface in mind. You don’t need expert
technical knowledge to navigate through the portal because it was designed with utmost simplicity.

1. Go to https://portal.fitacademy.ph

2. Click Register > Fill up registration form >”University Code” will be provided by instructor > Click
3. Check your email for account activation and activate your account.

4. Input your credentials (email and password) and login.

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Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics

5. Go to Dashboard. “Section Code” will be provided by your instructor.

6. Click Add Code.

7. Once the code has been added, your user ID and password will appear.
8. Click Open Smartbooks URL to access Smartbooks.
9. Click Reset Password should you forgot your password.

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Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics

10. Input the User ID and Password provided by the portal on Smartbooks Login Page.

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Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics
Smartbooks User Interface

The header of the Smartbooks User Interface contains the logo of Smartbooks and the name of the

Modules Menu / Main Menu

Navigation in Smartbooks is done using the Modules Menu/Main Menu. It arranges the functions of the
individual process and applications in a tree-like structure. This menu contains a list of all modules with
their related options.

The features for this menu:

1. Are arranged accustomed to per user basis and need of access.

2. May be inactive for unauthorized users and will not modify some of the transactions.

The following modules are the primary content of the system:

Financials & Accounting

▪ Generate different financial reports

▪ Inquire about any account over any period
▪ Post transactions automatically without undergoing a separate process
▪ Generate BIR Reports
▪ Other features include: producing journal narratives, posting journals to any number of periods,
reversal of journal entries

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Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics

Inventory Management

▪ Maintain unlimited number of warehouses and stock quantities

▪ Set selling prices, even for specific branched or individual customers
▪ Manually maintain standard costs or automatically determine weighted average costs
▪ Other features include: allowing the invoicing, pricing and costing of dummy service or stock
items without recording them, maintaining maximum and minimum stock level quantities and
unlimited user-defined field specific to each inventory category for additional important
information required to be stored item

Sales & Distribution

▪ Enter and maintain customer orders and reference back to the order numbers
▪ Invoice orders directly with little or no additional input
▪ Give the user information and options on inventory location
▪ Present a full analysis of outstanding balance and aging of receivables
▪ Other features include: showing transactions settled at any given month or outstanding
transactions, calculating discounts across a range of products, viewing sequence of invoices,
credit notes & receipts entered in the transaction inquiries & processing collection applied to
specific invoice.


▪ Covers complete procurement cycle from PO generation to goods receiving

▪ Show comprehensive subsidiary ledger on supplier’s account
▪ Show an aged listing of accounts payable balances
▪ Enable payment run to create payment transactions

And other modules for the day-to-day business activities.

User Info
Displays the information of user’s profile (user name and ID, options to change password and logout).

Status Bar
The status bar extends along the entire lower edge of the Smartbooks main window and contains various
fields. The lower left-most portion of the status bar displays the following type of messages:

1. error message
Appears on a red background and informs you that the procedure cannot continue until corrective action
is taken.
2. information message
Appears on a blue background and informs you about the issue.

3. confirmation message

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Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics
Appears on a green background and
confirms the successful execution of a procedure.

System Date & Time

This is the current time and date that the Smartbooks system keeps track of so that transactions will be
recorded timely and accurately.

Operation Modes in Smartbooks

Copy From Copy records from another module to current module
Preview Preview the record in pdf, excel, or crystal report viewer
First Navigate to first recorded document
Previous Navigate to previously recorded document
Next Navigate to next recorded document
Last Navigate to last recorded document
Add Add a new record / document
New Open a new document to make a new transaction
Update Modify the data of an existing record / document

Functions in a Form
These functions provide you with extensive support in searching for objects.

1. Document Link
This function is normally linked with the master data and documents. Using it will open the detailed

2. Selection List
While entering data into a document, user can easily look-up for customer/supplier data, or item data
using this button, or simply place your cursor on the field which has SL button and then press Tab key.

Customize User Credentials

For a more personalize experience when using the system, you can change your user name and
password in Smartbooks.

1. Go to Administration module
2. Setup
3. Click on Define Users. User Listing will appear on your window.
4. On the list of users, click your student account

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Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics
5. Click edit. User Profile will
appear on your window.

6. Take note that User ID is not editable. This is what you use in logging in.
7. On the User Name field, input your name.
8. On the Password field, input your preferred new password.
9. Repeat your new password on the re-enter password field.
10. Click Update.

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Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics

Refer to Exercise on the workbook provided by your instructor.

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Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics

Chapter 3: Master Data and Document Handling

At the end of this chapter, students will be able to:

1. Understand the basic features of a master data
2. Process documents in an ERP system with ample knowledge on the different master
data in Smartbooks

One of the most useful features of Smartbooks is the ability to create documents such as invoices,
purchase orders, using master data records. When creating a target document, you have to specify which
items are copied from the base document. This feature helps reduce data entry errors and speeds up the
creation of new documents.

Most of the documents in Smartbooks can be created from one or more master data records. This is
possible because an initial document can be created from one kind of master data record but completed
by adding others. For example, let’s say that a purchase order is created for an item. The supplier
information is drawn into that purchase order and other items can be drawn in as well.

Master Data is essential to getting the most out of Smartbooks. These includes:
✓ data describing business partners such as customers and suppliers
✓ descriptions of items that are kept in inventory or manufactured by the company
✓ G/L accounts which are used to post transactions

When a new document such as Purchase Order, AP Voucher or Item Receipt is created, master data
provides much of the necessary information.

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Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics
Types of Master Data
1. Customer Data

Describes people and organizations to whom your company sells products and services. Customer master
data records are used as the foundation for documents related to processing and fulfilling orders for
customers and for the wizard for dunning letters.

2. Supplier Data

Describes people and organizations from which your company buys products and services. Supplier
master data records are used to create documents related to payable and accepting delivery of goods and
services; and processing payment to suppliers.

3. Item Data

Records that are used to create Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Bill of Materials, and other documents
which are necessary to move goods in and out of the company.

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Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics
Data Structure of Master

Customer/Supplier Master Record

1. Header

The header data comprises the Code, Type, Name and Business Style, as well as the Currency. You can
arrange your customers/suppliers into groups for analysis purposes.

2. General Tab

This tab mainly contains information fields, such as telephone number, e-mail, password, as well as default
values for documents, such as the buyer or the sales employee. You can also specify in this tab whether
the customer/supplier is active or on hold for a certain time period.

3. Contact Persons Tab

Allows you to enter data for any number of contact persons at the customer/supplier’s company. The
system displays the name of the person as you define as the standard contact person on the General tab

4. Addresses Tab

Contains the bill to address or several pay to address, as well as several ship to address, which you can
specify in the sales document. The delivery address for Payable document is always the address of your

5. Payment Terms Tab

Contains payment data that is used by default in documents. The system takes most of this payment data
from the payment terms defined.

6. Payment System Tab

Contains payment data that is used by the payment system

7. Accounting Tab

Contains the Control Account and optionally a reference to another master record for the
customers/suppliers head office (consolidating BP). It also contains information on how taxes are handled.

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Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics
Item Master Record
1. Header

The header data comprises the Code, Name, Category and Class for the item. This is the main information
of the item needed for the sales and purchasing process.

2. General Tab

Contains permissions as to item visibility to Purchasing, Sales and Inventory module. This also allows you
to enter range of dates for the period of items.

3. Purchasing Tab

This tab allows you to enter the quantity in payable units in the purchase order and modify the tax group
and rate at which an item is liable to tax when it is purchased.

4. Sales Tab

This tab allows you to enter unit of measurement and the item quantity per sales unit; also to enter tax
group and rate at which an item is liable to tax when it is sold.

5. Inventory Tab

Allows you to set G/L Accounts as per item, the type of unit by which you manage the inventory and the
costing method you will use.

6. Price List Tab

Allows you to set modification as the item’s price list, final price and/or price as per installment.

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Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics
Customer Master Record
To add Customers in Smartbooks,
• Go to Customers/Suppliers > Customers
• For the Customer Type, click the dropdown list to choose among the options.
• In the Customer No. field, change ‘PRIMARY’ to ‘Manual’.

• In the Customer Name field, input the name of customer, e.g. PC World Express.
• In the Customer No. field, input the customer number e.g. Customer 1.
• In the Group field, select ‘Customers’.
• Input the customer’s tax identification number (TIN) in the Tax ID field.
• You can also input additional details that supports the customer in the General tab.

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Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics

• Detailed information as for the contact person can be made into the Contact Persons tab.
• Once done, click the ‘Add’ button.

• Input the customer’s address on the Addresses tab.

• Once done, click the ‘Add’ button.

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Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics

• Set the payment terms and price list by clicking the dropdown field in the Payment Terms tab.

• In the General Tab under Accounting, assign G/L account as to where the entry should be placed
once a transaction is made. In the Accounts Receivable field, click the selection list and select
‘10210100- Accounts Receivable’ by performing double click or click ‘OK’ button.
• After completing all the details and steps, click the ‘Add’ button at the right lower portion. A
system message will appear once adding has been done successfully.

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Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics
Supplier Master Record
To add Suppliers in Smartbooks,
• Go to Customers/Suppliers > Suppliers
• For the Supplier Type, click the dropdown list to choose among the options.
• In the Customer No. field, change ‘PRIMARY’ to ‘Manual’.

• In the Supplier Name field, input the name of Supplier, e.g. Digitech Co.
• In the Supplier No. field, input the Supplier number e.g. Supplier 1.
• In the Group field, select ‘Suppliers’.
• Input the Supplier’s tax identification number (TIN) in the Tax ID field.
• You can also input additional details that supports the Supplier in the General tab.

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Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics
• Detailed information as for the
contact person can be made into the Contact Persons tab.
• Once done, click the “Add” button.

• Input the supplier’s address on the Addresses tab.

• Once done, click the ‘Add’ button.

• Set the payment terms and price list by clicking the dropdown field in the Payment Terms tab.

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Quick Guide on Smartbooks AIS with Analytics

• In the General Tab under Accounting, assign G/L account as to where the entry should be placed
once a transaction is made. In the Accounts Payable field, click the selection list and select
‘20100100- Accounts Payable’ by performing double click or click ‘OK’ button.
• After completing all the details and steps, click the ‘Add’ button at the right lower portion. A
system message will appear once adding has been done successfully.

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Item Master Record

To add items in Smartbooks,

• Go to Inventory > Items
• Input item information in the Item fields. Change the Item Code from ‘Primary’ to ‘Manual’.
Item Code: ITEM 1
Item Name: Gaming Keyboard

• Click the dropdown list in the Item Category field to choose between Items, Service, Labor, and
Travel. Choose Items.
• Select Merchandise Inventory in the dropdown list of the Item Class field.
• In the Price List tab, setup the price list you will use for the item created. Other price list will
automatically update based on the inputted amount on Base Price.

Price List Tab

Base Price: 895

• After completing all the details and steps, click the ‘Add’ button at the right lower portion.
• A system message will appear once adding has been done successfully.

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Please refer to the exercise workbook provided by your instructor.

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Basic Features of a Marketing Document

General Document Structure
All the documents in the purchasing and sales process share a similar structure. These documents are
often called and referred to as “Marketing Documents”. Much of the data appearing in these tabs defaults
from the master data. The values can be changed while working in the documents. These changes will
affect the document, but do not change the master records.

In general, the document is divided into:

1. The upper part (header) which contains general information.

2. The middle part is where all the specific information about the ordered item or service is entered, such
as item code, quantity, price, and line total.

3. The lower part (footer) contains calculated totals for the amount due, including discounts (if any), other
charges and tax.

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The Contents tab includes all the specific information about the ordered items or services.

The Accounting tab contains relevant accounting data such as system-generated entry if applicable.

Refer to Exercise on the workbook provided by your instructor.

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Chapter 4: Expenditure Cycle

At the end of this chapter, students will be able to:
1. Understand the purchasing process flow using Smartbooks
2. Prepare the documents required on the Expenditure Cycle
3. Differentiate the effects of each process in the inventory

Procurement management is one of the core functionality of the Smartbooks Cloud ERP application that
enables you to automate and standardize your core procurement activities. It provides support for
purchasing planning, vendor selection, purchase order management, and vendor invoice payment. And it
lets you do all these rapidly, with the necessary integration across business functions in accounting and
warehouse management to drive success.

With Smartbooks, you gain a detailed view of your vendors and support for an integrated, centralized
vendor data repository so you can make more effective.

Process Overview
Payable, also known as “Purchasing Process”, in the process of making sure that a steady stream of
required materials is on the way to your company when and where you need them. As a fully integrated,
end-to-end business management application, Smartbooks help you run the Payable process, starting
with the purchase request and continuing with the rest of the Payable documents.

Smartbooks automatically captures information at each step so you always know what’s on hand in
inventory as well as the up-to-the-minute financial state of a business. The real-time view helps you
identify potential shortages before they happen.

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Purchasing Documents and Reports

Purchase Order
Purchase Order is a commercial document issued by a buyer to a seller specifying the items (goods or
materials) or services- along with agreed quantities and price that the seller will provide the buyer.

When you enter a purchase order, no value-based changes are posted in the accounting system. However,
the order quantities are listed in inventory management. You can view the ordered quantities in various
reports and windows, such as the Inventory Status report and the Items window,

This information is important for optimizing ordering transactions and stockholding.

Navigation & Viewing

• Go to Purchases > Purchase Order
• In the Supplier No/Supplier Name field, click the selection list to view the list of suppliers to select
with and address the transaction with. Double click the supplier name or select it then press the
‘OK’ button.
• In the Journal Date, Due Date and Creation Date, the user can change the date based on the
specified date.

• In the Contents tab, select the item by clicking the selection list the Item Code/Item Name
column then performing double click on the item or selecting it then click the ‘OK’ button.

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• After selecting the item, price per quantity will reflect. Adjust the quantity in the Quantity column
• Once done, click the ‘Add’ button
• Upon finalizing all the order details, click the ‘Save’ button at the right-most portion of the system.
You will know that it has been saved if you see the successful system message below.

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Receiving document is a document created when you received the goods from a supplier. In most
companies, the person in the storage location or the office responsible for taking delivery of shipments
executes the receiving document. For services, the person for whom the services are rendered usually
issues the document.

When you record a receiving document, Smartbooks receives the goods into the warehouse, updates
the quantities and creates an accounting journal if you manage the perpetual inventory.

Navigation & Viewing

• Go to Purchases > Receiving
• In the Supplier No/Supplier Name field, click the selection list to view the list of suppliers to select
with and address the transaction with. Double click the supplier name or select it then press the
“OK” button.
• In the Journal Date, Due Date and Creation Date, the user can change the date based on the
specified date.

• In the lower left portion of the document, click the arrow in the Copy From button and select
Purchase Orders. This process will let you capture the details of the base document previously
• A pop-up window will appear with all the list of open Purchase Orders. Select the specific Purchase
Order you are going to process into receiving by ticking the checkbox and then clicking the
‘Choose’ button.
• A final window will appear with the specific Purchase Order with an ‘enable edit’ on the quantity
and price. In here, you can modify the details as to the actual goods received from the supplier.
Click ‘Finish’ button if all details are final.

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• In the ‘Notes’ field, you will notice the document basis of the received items.
• Click ‘Save’ button to add the Receiving document.
• A system message will appear. Click OK.
• You will know that it has been saved if you see the successful system message below and the
word ‘POSTED’ will appear on the right upper corner of the document.

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Purchase Return
Of course, there are always those occasions when item received are found to be defective or not
acceptable and must be returned to the supplier. Since you can’t directly change or cancel a Receiving
document, issue a Purchase Return document to make the necessary adjustment.

Navigation & Viewing

• Go to Purchases > Purchase Return
• In the Supplier No/Supplier Name field, click the selection list to view the list of suppliers to select
with and address the transaction with. Double click the supplier name or select it then press the
“OK” button.
• In the Journal Date, Due Date and Creation Date, the user can change the date based on the
specified date.

• In the lower left portion of the document, click the arrow in the Copy From button and select
‘Goods Receipt PO’. This process will let you capture the details of the base document previously
• A pop-up window will appear with all the list of open Goods Receipt PO. Select the specific
Receiving document you are going to process with a return by ticking the checkbox and then
clicking the ‘Choose’ button.
• A final window will appear with the specific Receiving with an ‘enable edit’ on the quantity and
price. Please take note that with the Purchase Return you need to specify the actual quantity
you are about to return as this will affect the total quantity and price in the next document to
process, which is the AP Voucher. Click ‘Finish’ button if all details are final.

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• In the ‘Notes’ field, you will notice the document basis of the returned items.
• Click ‘Save’ button to add the Purchase Return document.
• A system message will appear. Click OK.
• You will know that it has been saved if you see the successful system message below and the
word ‘POSTED’ will appear on the right upper corner of the document.

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AP Voucher
AP Voucher is the purchasing document in Smartbooks that vouches for the invoice that the supplier
sends for items or services ordered and received. You can create an AP Voucher from multiple purchase
orders and receiving documents. You cannot change it since it is the legal accounting document that
generates entries in the general ledger.

The AP Voucher results in a journal transaction that reflects an increase in the company’s liability to the
supplier and updates the tax account and relevant expense accounts.

Navigation & Viewing

• Go to Purchases > AP Voucher
• In the Supplier No/Supplier Name field, click the selection list to view the list of suppliers to select
with and address the transaction with.
• In the Journal Date, Due Date and Creation Date, the user can change the date based on the
specified date.

• In the lower left portion of the document, click the arrow in the Copy From button and select
Goods Receipt PO. This process will let you capture the details of the base document previously
• A pop-up window will appear with all the list of open Goods Receipt PO. Select the specific
Receiving document you are going to process with an invoice by ticking the checkbox and then
clicking the ‘Choose’ button.
• A final window will appear with the specific Goods Receipt PO with an ‘enable edit’ on the
quantity and price. You can observe that the quantity presented was net of the items that have
been returned. Click ‘Finish’ button if all details are final.

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• In the ‘Notes’ field, you will notice the document basis of the invoiced items.
• Click ‘Save’ button to add the A/P Voucher document.
• A system message will appear. Click OK.
• You will know that it has been saved if you see the successful system message below and the
word ‘POSTED’ will appear on the right upper corner of the document.

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Debit Memo
Debit Memo is a document used to reverse a part or entirely the inventory or accounting transactions
posted by an AP Voucher in the case you return items later or realize you have made mistakes while
entering data in previous related purchasing documents that have not been corrected.

You create a Debit Memo if you want to make any adjustments to AP Voucher. However, you can also
create a debit memo without a base document.

Navigation & Viewing

• Go to Purchases > A/P Debit Memo
• In the Supplier No/Supplier Name field, click the selection list to view the list of suppliers to select
with and address the transaction with.
• In the Journal Date, Due Date and Creation Date, the user can change the date based on the
specified date.

• In the Details tab, click the selection list in the Item Code and Item Name column, to select the
item you wish to process for adjustment then click the ‘OK’ button.
• Input quantity in the Quantity column
• Once item is okay, click ‘Add’ button.

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• You can input own remarks on the document in the Notes field.
• Final amount subject for adjustment is reflected in the Total Credit/Credit Balance field. Upon
finalizing all the details, click the ‘Save’ button at the right-most below portion of the system.
• A system message will appear, click ‘OK’
• You will know that it has been saved if you see the successful system message below and the
word ‘POSTED’ will appear on the right upper corner of the document.

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After the AP Voucher has been sent to the supplier, it’s time to actually pay the money owed for the goods
and/or services procured. This is done through the Treasury Module.

Navigation & Viewing

• Go to Treasury > Cash Outflows- Supplier
• In the Supplier No. field, click the selection list to view the list of suppliers to select with and
address the transaction with. Double click the supplier name or select it then press the “OK”
• In the Journal Date, Due Date and Creation Date, the user can change the date based on the
specified date.

• In the Documents for Payment tab, list of open A/P Invoice subject for payment and A/P Credit
Memo to be deducted from the total payment will appear. Select documents by ticking the
• You will see the total amount due for payment in the Total Amount Due field.

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• Next step is to ensure where to get the payment to the A/P Voucher, also known as the Payment
Means section. In the example, Cash tab is selected as the payment means.
• Click the dropdown list in the G/L Account field then select Cash on Hand.
• Input the amount reflected by the total amount due in the Amount field.
• As a sum for the payment about to made, you will see the amount for payment in the Total
Payment field.
• You may input own remarks on the document in the Notes field.
• If all details are final, you may now add the document by clicking the ‘Save’ button.
• A system message will appear, click ‘OK’.
• You will know that it has been saved if you see the successful system message below and the
word ‘POSTED’ will appear on the right upper corner of the document.

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Refer to Exercise on the workbook provided by your instructor.

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Chapter 5: Revenue Cycle

At the end of this chapter, students will be able to:

1. Understand the sales process flow using Smartbooks and its related documents and
2. Perform sales procedures using Smartbooks
3. Differentiate the effects of each process flow in the inventory.

Process Overview
Sales Process moves from issuing a sales order to selling goods and services to delivering those goods to
invoicing the customer for their purchases.

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Sales Documents and Reports

Sales Order
Sales Order is a commitment from a customer or lead to buy a product or service. The document serves
as a foundation for planning production purchase orders.

Creating sales orders does not post value-related changes in the accounting system. However, if the sales
order is created for items, the ordered quantities are listed in Inventory Management as reserved for the

This information is important for:

✓ Optimizing ordering transactions and stockholding and

✓ Ensuring that customer requirements are dealt with quickly and satisfactorily

Navigation & Viewing

• Go to Sales > Sales Order
• In the Customer No/Customer Name field, click the selection list to view the list of customers to
select with and address the transaction with. Double click the customer name or select it then
press the ‘OK’ button.
• In the Journal Date and Delivery Date, the user can change the date based on the specified date.
• You can also only input date in the Journal Date, and then the system will automatically adjust the
date in the Delivery Date in reference to the payment term period assigned to the customer.

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• In the Contents tab, select the item by clicking the selection list the Item Code/Item Name
column then performing double click on the item or selecting it then click the ‘OK’ button.

• After selecting the item, price per quantity will reflect. Adjust the quantity in the Quantity
• Once you are done, click the ‘Add’ button.
• Upon finalizing all the order details, click the ‘Save’ button at the right-most portion of the system.
You will know that it has been saved if you see the successful system message below.

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Shipment, also known as the Delivery document, is a legally binding document indicating that the delivery
of goods or services has occurred. Without this document, goods can be delivered only if an invoice has
already been created.

When you create a shipment, the corresponding goods issue is also posted. The goods leave the
warehouse and the relevant stock changes are posted. When the stock is changed, the values in the
accounting system changes as well.

Navigation & Viewing

• Go to Sales > Shipment
• In the Customer No/Customer Name field, click the selection list to view the list of customers to
select with and address the transaction with. Double click the customer name or select it then
press the ‘OK’ button.
• In the Journal Date, Due Date and Creation Date, the user can change the date based on the
specified date. You can also only input date in the Journal Date, and then the system will
automatically adjust the date in the Delivery Date in reference to the payment term period
assigned to the customer.

• In the lower left portion of the document, click the arrow in the Copy From button and select
Sales Orders. This process will let you capture the details of the base document previously added.
• A pop-up window will appear with all the list of open Sales Orders. Select the specific Sales Order
you are going to process into receiving by ticking the checkbox and then clicking the ‘Choose’

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• A final window will appear with the specific PO with an ‘enable edit’ on the quantity and price. In
here, you can modify the details as to the actual goods received to the supplier. Click ‘Finish’
button if all details are final.

• In the ‘Notes’ field, you will notice the document basis of the shipped items.
• Click ‘Save’ button to add the Shipment document.
• A system message will appear. Click OK.
• You will know that it has been saved if you see the successful system message below and the
word ‘POSTED’ will appear on the right upper corner of the document.

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Sales Return
For various reasons, customers sometimes return goods. In this case, you create a return document.

Navigation & Viewing

• Go to Sales > Sales Return
• In the Supplier No/Supplier Name field, click the selection list to view the list of customers to
select with and address the transaction with. Double click the customer name or select it then
press the “OK” button.
• In the Journal Date and Creation Date, the user can change the date based on the specified date.

• In the lower left portion of the document, click the arrow in the Copy From button and select
Shipment. This process will let you capture the details of the base document previously added.
• A pop-up window will appear with all the list of open Delivery. Select the specific Shipment
document you are going to process with a return by ticking the checkbox and then clicking the
‘Choose’ button.
• A final window will appear with the specific Delivery with an ‘enable edit’ on the quantity and
price. Please take note that with the Sales Return you need to specify the actual quantity you
are about to return as this will affect the total quantity and price in the next document to
process, which is the A/R Invoice. Click ‘Finish’ button if all details are final.

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• In the ‘Notes’ field, you will notice the document basis of the returned items.
• Click ‘Save’ button to add the Sales Return document.
• A system message will appear. Click OK.
• You will know that it has been saved if you see the successful system message below and the
word ‘POSTED’ will appear on the right upper corner of the document.

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AR Invoice
Invoice documents represents a legally-binding document. When an invoice is received, the posting is
made to the related customer accounts in the accounting system. If a delivery did not precede the invoice
and you sell the warehouse items, stock quantities are also updated accordingly when you issue the

If you create an invoice without reference to the delivery, the system automatically posts changes to the
stock. In other words, if a delivery already exists, errors can occur in inventory management because the
delivery quantity is posted twice in the system.

Navigation & Viewing

• Go to Sales > Invoice
• In the Customer No/Customer Name field, click the selection list to view the list of customers to
select with and address the transaction with. Double click the customer name or select it then
press the ‘OK’ button.
• In the Journal Date and Creation Date, the user can change the date based on the specified date.
You can also only input date in the Journal Date, and then the system will automatically adjust the
date in the Delivery Date in reference to the payment term period assigned to the customer.

• In the lower left portion of the document, click the arrow in the Copy From button and select
Deliveries. This process will let you capture the details of the base document previously added.
• A pop-up window will appear with all the list of open Deliveries. Select the specific Delivery
document you are going to process by ticking the checkbox and then clicking the ‘Choose’ button.
• A final window will appear with the specific Delivery with an ‘enable edit’ on the quantity and
price. You can observe that the quantity presented was net of the items that have been
returned. Click ‘Finish’ button if all details are final.

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• In the ‘Notes’ field, you will notice the document basis of the invoiced items.
• Click ‘Save’ button to add the Invoice document.
• A system message will appear. Click OK.
• You will know that it has been saved if you see the successful system message below and the
word ‘POSTED’ will appear on the right upper corner of the document.

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Credit Memo
A credit memorandum- often shortened to credit memo, is given to a customer by a seller that provides
goods/services. The memo is issued as a way to reduce the amount owed by the customer. The deduction
is taken from an invoice that was previously issued, which is the most common type of credit


Navigation & Viewing

• Go to Sales > A/R Credit Memo
• In the Customer No/Customer Name field, click the selection list to view the list of customers to
select with and address the transaction with. Double click the customer name or select it then
press the ‘OK’ button.
• In the Journal Date, Due Date and Creation Date, the user can change the date based on the
specified date. You can also only input date in the Journal Date and Due Date, and then the system
will automatically adjust the date in the Delivery Date in reference to the payment term period
assigned to the customer.

• In the Details tab, click the selection list in the Item Code and Item Name column, to select the
item you wish to process for adjustment then click the “OK” button.

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• Input quantity in the Quantity column

• Once item is okay, click ‘Add’ button

• You can input own remarks on the document in the Notes field.
• Final amount subject for adjustment is reflected in the Total Credit/Credit Balance field. Upon
finalizing all the details, click the ‘Save’ button at the right-most below portion of the system.
• A system message will appear, click ‘OK’
• You will know that it has been saved if you see the successful system message below and the
word ‘POSTED’ will appear on the right upper corner of the document.

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After the Invoice has been sent to the customer, it’s time to actually collect the money owed for the goods
and/or services delivered. This is done through the Treasury Module.

Navigation & Viewing

• Go to Treasury > Cash Inflows- Customer
• In the Supplier No. field, click the selection list to view the list of suppliers to select with and
address the transaction with. Double click the supplier name or select it then press the “OK”
• In the Journal Date, Due Date and Creation Date, the user can change the date based on the
specified date. You can also only input date in the Journal Date and Due Date, and then the system
will automatically adjust the date in the Delivery Date in reference to the payment term period
assigned to the customer.

• In the Documents for Payment tab, list of open A/R Invoice related to collection will appear. Select
specific document by ticking the checkbox.
• You will see the total amount due for payment in the Total Amount Due field.

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• Next step is to ensure where to put the collection from the A/R Invoice, also known as the
Payment Means section. In the example, Cash tab is selected as the payment means.
• Click the dropdown list in the G/L Account field then select Cash on Hand.
• Input the amount reflected by the total amount due in the Amount field.
• As a sum for the payment about to made, you will see the amount for payment in the Total
Payment field.
• You may input own remarks on the document in the Notes field.
• If all details are final, you may now add the document by clicking the ‘Save’ button.
• A system message will appear, click ‘OK’.
• You will know that it has been saved if you see the successful system message below and the
word ‘POSTED’ will appear on the right upper corner of the document.

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Refer to Exercise on the workbook provided by your instructor.

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Chapter 6: Inventory Cycle

At the end of this chapter, students will be able to:

1. Understand the inventory flow using Smartbooks
2. Understand the basic features of each sub-module in the Inventory module
using Smartbooks
3. Perform procedures in each inventory flow
4. Understand and perform the concepts of the following using Smartbooks
▪ Batch and Serial Numbers
▪ Pricelists and Discounts

Items and Warehouses

Smartbooks enables you to manage all the items that you purchase, manufacture, sell or keep in stock.
Services, such as labor, can also be defined as items. This can be useful for defined services you sell on a
regular basis. Items can also be used to describe fixed assets that are tracked for accounting purposes.

For each item, enter the data relevant for a particular area in the system. This data is used automatically
by the system for purchasing, sales, production, managing your warehouse, and accounting. Smartbooks,
therefore, provides optimum support for your business processes.

Using the item data in the system, you can optimize your stock. You have complete control over stock
quantities at all times and also can analyze the financial aspects of stockholding at the same time. In
Smartbooks, there is a direct relationship between warehouses and items.

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Defining a Warehouse
Navigation & Viewing
To define a warehouse in Smartbooks,

• Go to Admin > Setup > Inventory > Define Warehouses

• In the Warehouse fields, input the following information:

Warehouse Code: WHOUSE 1

Warehouse Name: Cavite Warehouse
Street: Maligaya St.
Block/Barangay: Pag-asa
City: General Trias City
Zip code: 4107

• Once done, click the ‘Add’ button.

• You will know that it has been saved if you see the successful system message below.

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Inventory Transactions

When an item is purchased or sold, warehouse inventory is automatically reduced or increased when the
transactions are entered in purchasing and sales. For example, if a delivery note is created based on a
sales order for a customer, the warehouse stock is reduced by the delivery quantity when the delivery
note is added.

The purchase or sale of an item is, however, not only the transactions that result in an item receipt or
item issuance. For example, if five pieces of an item are found damaged in the warehouse. These items
cannot, however, be sold because they are now useless. In this case, you have to post a separate item
issuance with the function described here.

An item receipt may be necessary, for example, if after carrying out a physical inventory, you establish
that you have not considered part of the quantity stored. You enter the forgotten quantity by means of
an item receipt in the system.

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Item Receipt
An Item Receipt lets you increase the inventory level in situation that is not the direct result of adding a
Payable document.

When you purchase an item, the Storage Location increases automatically when Smartbooks enters the
transaction. For example, if you create a Receiving, the Storage Location inventory increases accordingly
by the specified quantity.

However, payable an item is not the only transaction that results in an Item Receipt. Example, an increase
in the inventory by after carrying out a physical inventory, you establish that part of the quantity stored
that has not been taken into consideration. You can enter the overlooked quantity by means of an Item
Receipt in the system.

Note that you cannot update or delete an Item Receipt document after you add it. To correct the Contents
tab information in an Item Receipt that has not been entered correctly, enter a compensatory goods
movement, such as Item Issuance or Inventory Transfer

Navigation & Viewing

• Go to Inventory > Inventory Transactions > Item Receipt
• In the Journal Date and Creation Date, the user can change the date based on the specified

• In the Details tab, select the item by clicking the selection list the Item Code/Item Name column
then performing double click on the item or selecting it then click the ‘OK’ button.

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• After selecting the item, price per quantity will reflect. Adjust the quantity in the Quantity
• Once done, click the ‘Add’ button.

• You can input own remarks on the document in the Notes field.
• Upon finalizing all the details, click the ‘Save’ button at the right-most portion of the system.
• A system message will appear, click ‘OK’.
• You will know that it has been saved if you see the successful system message below and the
word ‘POSTED’ will appear on the right upper corner of the document.

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Item Issuance
An Item Issuance lets you reduce the inventory level in a situation that is not direct results of a sales
document entry.

After an item is sold, the Storage Location inventory is automatically reduced when Smartbooks enters
the transactions. For example, if you create a delivery document that is based on a sales order, the Storage
Location inventory is reduced by the specified quantity once the delivery document is added.

However, the sale of an item is not the only type of transaction that results in an Item Issuance. You cannot
update or delete a goods issue document after you add it. To correct the Details tab information in an
Item Issuance that has not been entered correctly, enter a compensatory goods movement, such as an
Item Receipt or Inventory Transfer.

Navigation & Viewing

• Go to Inventory > Inventory Transactions > Item Issuance
• In the Journal Date and Creation Date, the user can change the date based on the specified

• In the Contents tab, select the item by clicking the selection list the Item Code/Item Name
column then performing double click on the item or selecting it then click the ‘OK’ button.

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• After selecting the item, price per quantity will reflect. Adjust the quantity in the Quantity
• Once done, click the ‘Add’ button.

• You can input own remarks on the document in the Notes field.
• Upon finalizing all the details, click the ‘Save’ button at the right-most portion of the system.
• A system message will appear, click ‘OK’.
• You will know that is has been saved if you see the successful system message below and the
word ‘POSTED’ will appear on the right upper corner of the document.

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Item Transfer
Item Transfer document is used to transfer inventory from one Storage Location to another. An inventory
transfer can also be carried out as a consignment for a customer. The items are then stored in the
customer’s Storage Location and are sold from here.

You cannot change the table after it has been added. If you display an existing inventory transfer later on,
none of the fields in the table are active.

You can, therefore, only correct an inventory transfer table that has not been entered correctly by
entering a compensatory goods movement later.

Navigation & Viewing

• Go to Inventory > Inventory Transactions > Item Transfer
• In the Journal Date and Creation Date, the user can change the date based on the specified

• Click the selection list in the Source Storage Location field to select the warehouse you wish to
get the item for transfer. Once you have selected a warehouse, perform double click on it or just
select it then click the ‘OK’ button.

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• In the Contents tab, select the item by clicking the selection list the Item Code/Item Description
column then performing double click on the item or selecting it then click the ‘OK' button.

• Click now the selection list in the To Storage Loc. column then select the warehouse you wish
the item to be transferred.
• After selecting the item and destination location, you may adjust the quantity in the Quantity
• Upon finalizing all the details, click the ‘Save’ button at the right-most below portion of the

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• A system message will appear,
click ‘OK’
• You will know that it has been saved if you see the successful system message below and the
word ‘POSTED’ will appear on the right upper corner of the document.

Refer to Exercise on the workbook provided by your instructor.

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Batch and Serial Numbers

By Batches
Batches are used to track groups of items with characteristics in common. These characteristics might
be attributes you define such as a shade of color, granularity of PH balance. The characteristics could be
dates, such as expiration dates, manufacturing dates, or the date the items were received into


Adding of Item Managed by Batches

To add items managed by Batches,
• Go to Inventory > Items
• Input item information in the Item fields. Change the Item Code from ‘Primary’ to ‘Manual’.
Item Code: B ITEM 1
Item Name: Laptop Case

• Click the dropdown list in the Item Category field to choose between Items, Service, Labor, and
Travel. Choose Items.
• Select Merchandise Inventory in the dropdown list of the Item Class field.
• In the Inventory tab, change the ‘Costing Method’ by clicking the dropdown list and select ‘Fifo’
or First In First Out. Select whether the item is managed by Serial or Batch Numbers by clicking
the dropdown list on the ‘Manage Item By’ field and choose ‘Batches’.

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• In the Price List tab, setup the price list you will use for the item created. Other price list will
automatically update based on the inputted amount on Base Price.

Price List Tab

Base Price: 280

• After completing all the details and steps, click the ‘Add’ button at the right lower portion.
• A system message will appear once adding has been done successfully.

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Create Purchase Order and Receiving documents for the Items managed by batches.

Purchase Order - Batches

• Go to Purchases > Purchase Order
• In the Supplier No/Supplier Name field, click the selection list to view the list of suppliers to select
with and address the transaction with. Double click the supplier name or select it then press the
‘OK’ button.
• In the Journal Date, Due Date and Creation Date, the user can change the date based on the
specified date.

• In the Contents tab, select the item managed by batches by clicking the selection list the Item
Code/Item Name column then performing double click on the item or selecting it then click the
‘OK’ button.

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• After selecting the item, price per quantity will reflect. Adjust the quantity in the Quantity column
• Once done, click the ‘Add’ button
• Upon finalizing all the order details, click the ‘Save’ button at the right-most portion of the system.
You will know that it has been saved if you see the successful system message below.

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Receiving - Batches

• Go to Purchases > Receiving

• In the Supplier No/Supplier Name field, click the selection list to view the list of suppliers to select
with and address the transaction with. Double click the supplier name or select it then press the
“OK” button.
• In the Journal Date, Due Date and Creation Date, the user can change the date based on the
specified date.

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• In the lower left portion of the document, click the arrow in the Copy From button and select
Purchase Orders. This process will let you capture the details of the base document previously
• A pop-up window will appear with all the list of open Purchase Orders. Select the specific Purchase
Order you are going to process into receiving by ticking the checkbox and then clicking the
‘Choose’ button.
• A final window will appear with the specific Purchase Order with an ‘enable edit’ on the quantity
and price. In here, you can modify the details as to the actual goods received from the supplier.
Click ‘Finish’ button if all details are final.

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• Before saving the document, define batch numbers by double clicking the line of the items
being received. Click ‘Batch Number(s)’ on the line above the area where you add the item.

• A pop-up window will appear to setup the batch number. In the ‘Batch Number’ field, input
the batch number that will identify each batch and input the desired quantity per batch.
• Once done, click the ‘Add’ button, then click ‘OK’ to close the pop-up window.

• Once reverted to the Receiving document, click ‘Update’.

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• In the ‘Notes’ field, you will notice the document basis of the received items.
• Click ‘Save’ button to add the Receiving document.
• A system message will appear. Click OK.
• You will know that is has been saved if you see the successful system message below and
the word ‘POSTED’ will appear on the right upper corner of the document.

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Create Sales Order and Shipment documents for the Items managed by batches.

Sales Order - Batches

• Go to Sales > Sales Order
• In the Supplier No/Supplier Name field, click the selection list to view the list of suppliers to select
with and address the transaction with. Double click the supplier name or select it then press the
‘OK’ button.
• In the Journal Date, Due Date and Creation Date, the user can change the date based on the
specified date.

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• In the Details tab, select the item managed by batches by clicking the selection list the Item
Code/Item Name column then performing double click on the item or selecting it then click the
‘OK’ button.

• After selecting the item, price per quantity will reflect. Adjust the quantity in the Quantity column
• Once done, click the ‘Add’ button
• Upon finalizing all the order details, click the ‘Save’ button at the right-most portion of the system.
You will know that it has been saved if you see the successful system message below.

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Shipment - Batches
• Go to Sales > Shipment
• In the Customer No/Customer Name field, click the selection list to view the list of customers to
select with and address the transaction with. Double click the supplier name or select it then press
the “OK” button.
• In the Journal Date, Due Date and Creation Date, the user can change the date based on the
specified date.

• In the lower left portion of the document, click the arrow in the Copy From button and select
Sales Orders. This process will let you capture the details of the base document previously added.

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• A pop-up window will appear with all the list of open Sales Orders. Select the specific Sales Order
you are going to process into receiving by ticking the checkbox and then clicking the ‘Choose’
• A final window will appear with the specific Sales Order with an ‘enable edit’ on the quantity and
price. In here, you can modify the details as to the actual goods received from the supplier. Click
‘Finish’ button if all details are final.

• Before saving the document, define batch numbers by double clicking the line of the items
being shipped. Click ‘Batch Number(s)’ on the line above the area where you add the item.

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• A pop-up window will appear to select the items to be delivered.

• You will see the batch numbers of the available items. Click ‘Auto Select’ button. The system
will automatically choose from the available items on a first in first out basis. Once done, click
‘OK’ to close the pop-up window.

• Once reverted to the Shipment document, click ‘Update’.

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• In the ‘Notes’ field, you will notice the document basis of the received items.
• Click ‘Save’ button to add the Shipment document.
• A system message will appear. Click OK.
• You will know that is has been saved if you see the successful system message below and
the word ‘POSTED’ will appear on the right upper corner of the document.

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To view the details of batch number,

• Go to Inventory > Reports > Batch Numbers List

• Change the Status from ‘Released’ to ‘All’, then click ‘Search’.

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By Serial Numbers
Serial numbers can help you track items down to the level of each individual object in your warehouse,
so you know exactly which one was sold to a customer. The typical criteria for determining if an item
needs a serial number are:

➢ Is the item a high value item?

➢ Should the item be tracked for security or repair reasons?

Serial numbers are also important in Service. A serialized item can be set up to automatically create a
customer equipment card and a service contract when the item is delivered to a customer. The customer
equipment card is used to store service information, such as valid service contracts, any service calls, and
inventory transactions for the item.


Adding of Item Managed by Serial Numbers

To add items managed by Serial Numbers,
• Go to Inventory > Items
• Input item information in the Item fields. Change the Item Code from ‘Primary’ to ‘Manual’.
Item Code: SN ITEM 1
Item Name: ASUS ROG Strix G15 G513

• Click the dropdown list in the Item Category field to choose between Items, Service, Labor, and
Travel. Choose Items.
• Select Merchandise Inventory in the dropdown list of the Item Class field.
• In the Inventory tab, change the ‘Costing Method’ by clicking the dropdown list and select ‘Fifo’
or First In First Out. Select whether the item is managed by Serial or Batch Numbers by clicking
the dropdown list on the ‘Manage Item By’ field and choose ‘Serial Numbers’.

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• In the Price List tab, setup the price list you will use for the item created. Other price list will
automatically update based on the inputted amount on Base Price.

Price List Tab

Base Price: 70,000

• After completing all the details and steps, click the ‘Add’ button at the right lower portion.
• A system message will appear once adding has been done successfully.

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Create Purchase Order and Receiving documents for the Items managed by serial numbers.

Purchase Order – Serial Numbers

• Go to Purchases > Purchase Order
• In the Supplier No/Supplier Name field, click the selection list to view the list of suppliers to select
with and address the transaction with. Double click the supplier name or select it then press the
‘OK’ button.
• In the Journal Date, Due Date and Creation Date, the user can change the date based on the
specified date.

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• In the Contents tab, select the item managed by batches by clicking the selection list the Item
Code/Item Name column then performing double click on the item or selecting it then click the
‘OK’ button.

• After selecting the item, price per quantity will reflect. Adjust the quantity in the Quantity column
• Once done, click the ‘Add’ button
• Upon finalizing all the order details, click the ‘Save’ button at the right-most portion of the system.
You will know that it has been saved if you see the successful system message below.

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Receiving – Serial Numbers

• Go to Purchases > Receiving

• In the Supplier No/Supplier Name field, click the selection list to view the list of suppliers to select
with and address the transaction with. Double click the supplier name or select it then press the
“OK” button.
• In the Journal Date, Due Date and Creation Date, the user can change the date based on the
specified date.

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• In the lower left portion of the document, click the arrow in the Copy From button and select
Purchase Orders. This process will let you capture the details of the base document previously
• A pop-up window will appear with all the list of open Purchase Orders. Select the specific Purchase
Order you are going to process into receiving by ticking the checkbox and then clicking the
‘Choose’ button.
• A final window will appear with the specific Purchase Order with an ‘enable edit’ on the quantity
and price. In here, you can modify the details as to the actual goods received from the supplier.
Click ‘Finish’ button if all details are final.

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• Before saving the document, define batch numbers by double clicking the line of the items
being received. Click ‘Serial Number(s)’ on the line above the area where you add the item.

• A pop-up window will appear to setup the serial numbers. In the right lower portion, click
‘Generate by Range’ and input the serial number details that will identify each item.
• Once done, click the ‘Generate’ button, you will see the generated serial numbers per item.
Click ‘OK’ to close the pop-up window.

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• Once reverted to the Receiving document, click ‘Update’.

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• In the ‘Notes’ field, you will notice the document basis of the received items.
• Click ‘Save’ button to add the Receiving document.
• A system message will appear. Click OK.
• You will know that is has been saved if you see the successful system message below and
the word ‘POSTED’ will appear on the right upper corner of the document.

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Create Sales Order and Shipment documents for the Items managed by Serial Numbers.

Sales Order - Batches

• Go to Sales > Sales Order
• In the Supplier No/Supplier Name field, click the selection list to view the list of suppliers to select
with and address the transaction with. Double click the supplier name or select it then press the
‘OK’ button.
• In the Journal Date, Due Date and Creation Date, the user can change the date based on the
specified date.

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• In the Details tab, select the item managed by batches by clicking the selection list the Item
Code/Item Name column then performing double click on the item or selecting it then click the
‘OK’ button.

• After selecting the item, price per quantity will reflect. Adjust the quantity in the Quantity column
• Once done, click the ‘Add’ button
• Upon finalizing all the order details, click the ‘Save’ button at the right-most portion of the system.
You will know that it has been saved if you see the successful system message below.

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Shipment – Serial Numbers

• Go to Sales > Shipment
• In the Customer No/Customer Name field, click the selection list to view the list of customers to
select with and address the transaction with. Double click the supplier name or select it then press
the “OK” button.
• In the Journal Date, Due Date and Creation Date, the user can change the date based on the
specified date.

• In the lower left portion of the document, click the arrow in the Copy From button and select
Sales Orders. This process will let you capture the details of the base document previously added.

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• A pop-up window will appear with all the list of open Sales Orders. Select the specific Sales Order
you are going to process into receiving by ticking the checkbox and then clicking the ‘Choose’
• A final window will appear with the specific Sales Order with an ‘enable edit’ on the quantity and
price. In here, you can modify the details as to the actual goods received from the supplier. Click
‘Finish’ button if all details are final.

• Before saving the document, define batch numbers by double clicking the line of the items
being shipped. Click ‘Serial Number(s)’ on the line above the area where you add the item.

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• A pop-up window will appear to select the items to be delivered.

• You will see the serial numbers of the available items. Click ‘Auto Select’ button. The system
will automatically choose from the available items on a first in first out basis. Once done, click
‘OK’ to close the pop-up window.

• Once reverted to the Shipment document, click ‘Update’.

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• In the ‘Notes’ field, you will notice the document basis of the received items.
• Click ‘Save’ button to add the Shipment document.
• A system message will appear. Click OK.
• You will know that is has been saved if you see the successful system message below and
the word ‘POSTED’ will appear on the right upper corner of the document.

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To view the details of batch number,

• Go to Inventory > Reports > Serial Numbers List

• Change the Status from ‘Released’ to ‘All’, then click ‘Search’.

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Refer to Exercise on the workbook provided by your instructor.

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Chapter 7: The Accounting Cycle

At the end of this chapter, students will be able to:

• Use Smartbooks Cloud Accounting to simulate the whole Accounting Cycle

A. Journalizing
In accounting and bookkeeping, a journal is a record of financial transactions in order by date. A journal
is often defined as the “book of original entry”. The definition was more appropriate when transactions
were written in a journal prior to manually posting them to the accounts in the general ledger or subsidiary

General Journal
General Journal is the master journal that all company transactions or journal entries are recorded in. A
typical general journal has at least five columns:

✓ One for the date

✓ Account title
✓ Posting reference
✓ Debit column
✓ Credit column

The majority of journal entries in Smartbooks comes from one of the other modules: Sales, Purchasing,
Treasury and Inventory documents post transaction automatically to the G/L. However, in GAAP accrual-
based accounting, you sometimes need to make manual journal entries for certain transactions such as
depreciation, accruals, correcting entries, and the like.

When a journal entry is added manually, it is recorded immediately and cannot be deleted- only reversed.

The purpose of manual journal entries is to record transactions that are not automatically initiated from
a sub-ledger or from another process within Smartbooks.

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Creating/Posting Manual Journal Voucher

• Go to Financials > Journal Voucher.
• In the Journal Date and Creation Date field, enter the period you are going to post the voucher.
As standard, the date will be shown in those fields as to date of the system, also known as date
• In the Type column of the General tab, click the dropdown list and select the G/L Account

• After selecting the type, click the selection list in the G/L Account No. column, a list of accounts
you can will appear. You can choose it by performing double-click or clicking the “OK’ button.

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• Once account has been selected, you may now enter an amount on either Debit or Credit
column to reflect the amount to be posted on the created transaction.
• After which, you need to click ‘Add’ to save entry for each line created.

• Please take note that there should be an equal amount that will represent the Debit and Credit
column for you to save the whole document. Once done and complete, click “Save” in the lower
portion of the document.

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• A system message will appear to confirmation of the entry to be included in the system. Click
“OK”, to confirm.

• You will know that it has been saved if you see the successful system message below and the
word ‘POSTED’ will appear on the right upper corner of the document.

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Saving Journal Voucher as a Draft

• Following the steps above, you may now create entries for each transaction.
• One good thing about Journal Voucher Draft is that you can save it without even considering the
balance/variance as per the Debit and Credit column. Just click “Save As Draft” and then it will be
saved in the system as a draft record of entry.

• The system will enter it with the status ‘Operation ended successfully’. After which, you may now
have the choice to update or remove the said draft.

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Making Recurring Entry

Some transactions recur monthly or weekly. Most often, this document is used for recording recurring
transactions such as depreciation expense, equipment lease payments, payroll, office rent and utility

• Go to Financials > Recurring Postings

• Input the recurring entry Code and Description.
• Set the entry that will be used as a recurring entry, by selecting G/L Account on the Type column;
• By clicking the selection list on the G/L Account/BP column and selecting the appropriate entry.
You can select it by performing double click or clicking the “OK” button.

• Once account has been selected, you may now enter an amount on either Debit or Credit column
to reflect the amount to be posted on the created transaction.
• After which, you need to click ‘Add’ to save entry for each line created.

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• Please take note that there should be an equal amount that will represent the Debit and Credit
column in order for you to save the whole document. You can check the total amount per column
in the Total Debit and Total Credit field.

• The next step will be the setup of time being for the transaction. In the Frequency field, you can
set the manner of recurrence of entry. (e.g. Monthly)
• In the Start/End Date, you can set the time of start and if there’s an end to the recurring entry, if
there’s any.
• Click ‘Add’ to finalize the entry.
• A message of ‘Operation ended successfully’ will appear after saving it.

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• The system will duplicate the original posting each time the date arrives, and will allow you to
either add the posting as is, or modify it before the final posting to the general ledger.

Please refer to exercise 4.2 of the workbook provided by your instructor.

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Special Journal

Special Journals Defined

Special journals are all accounting journals except for the general journal. These journals are used to
record specific types of high-volume information that would otherwise be recorded in and overwhelm the
general ledger. The total amounts in these journals are periodically transferred to the general ledger in
summary form. Transactions are recorded in special in chronological order, making it easier to research

Examples of special journals are:

✓ Purchases Journal
✓ Cash Disbursements Journal
✓ Sales Journal
✓ Cash Receipts Journal

Document Structure
Each purchasing document in Smartbooks has nearly identical header and footer areas and tabs named
Details and Journal. This structure helps to ensure that all relevant data are captured as the A/P Process

1. Header Area
The upper area of a purchasing document. You enter supplier data and delivery dates here, if Smartbooks
does not fill it in automatically as part of the process flow.

2. Footer Area
The lower area of a payable document and contains the calculated totals for the purchase, including tax.

3. Details tab
The part where all the specific information about the ordered items or services entered such as quantity,
price, item number and item name.

4. Journal tab
Contains the relevant general ledger (G/L) account information for the purchase pulled from the
financial accounting master data

Purchases Journal
The purchases journal lists all credit purchases of merchandise. Entries in this journal usually include
the date of the entry, the name of the supplier, and the amount of the transaction. Some companies
include columns to identify the invoice date and credit terms, thereby making the purchases journal
a tool that helps the companies takes advantage of discounts just before they expire. The purchases
journal to the right has only one column for recording transaction amounts. Each entry increases
(debits) purchases and increases (credits) accounts payable.

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Each day, individual entries are posted to the accounts payable subsidiary ledger accounts. Creditor
account numbers (or check marks if the creditor accounts are not numbered) are placed in the
purchases journal’s reference column to indicate that the entries have been posted. At the end of
the accounting period, the column total is posted to purchases and accounts payable in the general

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To access:

• Go to Purchases > AP Voucher

• In the Supplier No/Supplier Name field, click the selection list to view the list of supplier to select
with and address the transaction with.
• In the Journal Date, Due Date, and Creation Date, the user can change the date based on the
specified date.

• In the Contents tab, select the item by clicking the selection list the Item Code/Item Name
column, then performing double click on the item or selecting it then click the ‘OK’ button.

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• After selecting the item, price per quantity will reflect. Adjust the quantity in the Quantity column
• Once you are done, click the ‘Add’ button.

• Final amount subject for payment is reflected in the Balance Due field. Upon finalizing all the
details, click the ‘Save’ button at the right-most portion of the system.

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• A system message will appear, click ‘OK’.

• You will know that it has been saved if you see the successful system message below and the
word ‘POSTED’ will appear on the right upper corner of the document.

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Cash Disbursements Journal

Cash disbursements occur in business when a company makes a payment. A number of different
transactions can incur a cash disbursement. Companies record these transactions, as every
disbursement results in a lower cash balance. Disbursements will either result in a use or exchange
of assets. Many companies report disbursements in a separate accounting journal.

Companies usually will maintain a cash disbursement journal as part of their general ledger. Frequent
cash disbursements can quickly fill the general journal, resulting in this subunit of the overall
accounting ledger. Only cash disbursements go in this journal. Companies that initially purchase
goods on credit will record the entry into the purchases journal. Once the payable is due, the
company must disburse cash. This entry is part of the cash disbursements journal.

To access:

• Go to Treasury > Cash Outflows > Cash Outflows- Supplier

• In the Supplier No, field, click the selection list to view all list of suppliers for processing of
payment. Select one by performing double-click on the supplier or clicking the ‘OK’ button.

• You can see all open invoices in the Documents for Payment tab. Select the invoice you are about
to process for payment by clicking the checkbox (this will highlight the said invoice for processing).
• After selecting the invoice, setup payment means by clicking one of these tabs:

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• Input amount due in the Amount field.

• You can also put some remarks in the document which will reflect both in the system, through
the Notes or Journal Entry field.
• Once done, click now the ‘Save’ button.
• A system message will appear, click ‘OK’.
• You will know that it has been saved if you see the successful system message below and the
word ‘POSTED’ will appear on the right upper corner of the document.

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Sales Journal
The sales journal lists all credit sales made to customers. Sales returns and cash sales are not recorded
in this journal. Entries in the sales journal typically include the date, invoice number, customer name,
and amount. Invoices are the source documents that provide this information. In its most basic form,
a sales journal has only one column for recording transaction amounts. Each entry increases (debits)
accounts receivable and increases (credits) sales.

Notice the dates and posting references applied to each entry in the illustration to the right. Each
day, individual sales journal entries are posted to the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger accounts
so that customer balances remain current. Customer account numbers (or check marks if customer
accounts are simply kept in alphabetical order) are placed in the sales journal's reference column to
indicate that the entries have been posted. At the end of the accounting period, the column total is
posted to the accounts receivable and sales accounts in the general ledger. Account numbers are
placed in parentheses below the column to indicate that the total has been posted.

Many companies use a multi-column (columnar) sales journal that provides separate columns for
specific sales accounts and for sales tax payable. Each line in a multi-column journal must contain
equal debits and credits. For example, the entries in the sales journal to the right appear below in a
multi-column sales journal that tracks hardware sales, plumbing sales, wire sales, and sales tax
payable. Individual entries are still posted daily to the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger accounts,
and each column total is posted at the end of the accounting period to the appropriate general ledger

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To access:

• Go to Sales > Invoice.

• In the Customer No/Customer Name field, click the selection list to view the list of customer to
select with and address the transaction with.
• In the Journal Date, Due Date, and Creation Date, the user can change the date based on the
specified date.

• In the Contents tab, select the item by clicking the selection list the Item Code/Item Name
column then performing double click on the item or selecting it then click the “OK” button.

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• After selecting the item, price per quantity will reflect. Adjust the quantity in the Quantity
• Once you are done, click the ‘Add’ button.

• Final amount subject for payment are reflected in the Balance Due field. Upon finalizing all the
details, click the ‘Save’ button at the right-most portion of the system.
• A system message will appear, click ‘OK’.
• You will know that it has been saved if you see the successful system message below and the
word ‘POSTED’ will appear on the right upper corner of the document.

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Cash Receipts Journal

A cash receipts journal is a special record used in accounting, usually by retailers. It involves recording
the details of sales in a specific manner. In turn, the cash receipts journal gathers together the
relevant information in a way that makes it easier to copy across, in aggregate, to traditional double-
entry accounts.

To access:
• Go to Treasury > Cash Inflows > Cash Inflows- Customer
• In the Customer No, field, click the selection list to view all list of suppliers for processing of
payment. Select one by performing double-click on the supplier or clicking the “OK” button.

• You can see all open invoices in the Documents for Payment tab. Select the invoice you are about
to process for payment by clicking the checkbox (this will highlight the said invoice for processing).
• After selecting the invoice, setup payment means by clicking one of these tabs:

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• Make sure to input amount due in the Amount field which is reflected also in the Total Amount
Due field.
• You can also put some remarks in the document which will reflect both in the system, through
the Notes or Journal Entry field.
• Once done, click now the ‘Save’ button.
• A system message will appear, click ‘OK’.
• You will know that it has been saved if you see the successful system message below and the
word ‘POSTED’ will appear on the right upper corner of the document.

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Refer to Exercise on the workbook provided by your instructor.

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B. Ledger
General Ledger Defined
A general ledger is the master set of accounts that summarize all transactions occurring within an entity.
There may be a subsidiary set of ledgers that summarize into the general ledger. The general ledger, in
turn, is used to aggregate information into the financial statements of a business; this can be done
automatically with accounting software.*

The general ledger contains a debit and credit entry for every transaction recorded within it, so that the
total of all debit balances in the general ledger should always match the total of all credit balances. If they
do not match, the general ledger is said to be “out of balance” and must be corrected before reliable
financial statements can be compiled from it.*


Navigation & Viewing

Note: Being a super-user type of account allows you to view reports as per branch or as per consolidated portion.

• Go to Financials > Reports > General Ledger

• In the Branch field, click the dropdown list to show the option as to what branch are you
specifically trying to generate to.
• If you want to generate all the G/L account, do not select any G/L on the G/L Account Code field.
• Next is setting up the period as to date the report will reflect. Click the calendar icon to both From
and To field and the select the time period.
• To generate the General Ledger report, click the arrow beside ‘Preview’ button and select ‘Export
to PDF’.
• A pop-up window will appear, you may select between ‘Details’ and ‘Summary’ then click ‘Select’
to generate the PDF file.

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Refer to Exercise on the workbook provided by your instructor.

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Subsidiary Ledger Defined

A subsidiary ledger stored the details for a general ledger control account. Once information has been
recorded in a subsidiary ledger, it is periodically summarized and posted to a control account in the
general ledger, which in turn is used to construct the financial statements of a company.

Most accounts in the general ledger are “not” control accounts; instead, individual transactions are
recorded directly into them. Subsidiary ledgers are used when there is a large amount of transaction
information that would clutter up the general ledger. This situation typically arises in companies with
significant sales volume. Thus, there is no need for a subsidiary ledger in a small company.*


Navigation & Viewing

• Go to Financials > Reports > Subsidiary Ledger
• In the S/L Type field, click the dropdown list and select the type of business partner you want to
see the account.
• After selecting the business partner type, select the specific business partner by clicking the
selection list in the S/L Account No. or S/L Account Name field. Highlight it then double-click or
click ‘OK’ button to proceed with the business partner selection.
• Once specific customer/supplier has been selected, click the calendar icon in the Reference Date
field then input desired range of date to be generated with.
• After finalizing all details needed, click the ‘Search’ button.

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Refer to Exercise on the workbook provided by your instructor.

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C. Trial Balance
Trial Balance Defined
A trial balance is a bookkeeping or accounting report that lists the balances in each of an
organization's general ledger accounts. (Accounts with zero balances will likely be omitted.) The
debit balance amounts are listed in a column with the heading "Debit balances" and the credit
balance amounts are listed in another column with the heading "Credit balances." The total of each
of these two columns should be identical.

In a manual system a trial balance was commonly prepared by the bookkeeper in order to discover
whether math errors and/or some posting errors were made. Today, bookkeeping and accounting
software has eliminated those clerical errors. This means that the trial balance is less important for
bookkeeping purposes since it is almost certain that the total of the debit and credit columns will be

However, the trial balance continues to be useful for auditors and accountants who wish to show
1. the general ledger account balances prior to their proposed adjustments;
2. their proposed adjustments, and
3. all of the account balances after the proposed adjustments.

These final balances are known as the adjusted trial balance, and these amounts will be used in the
organization's financial statements.

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Navigation & Viewing

• Go to Financials > Reports > Trial Balance
• In the Branch field, click the dropdown list to show the option as to what branch are you
specifically trying to generate to.
• After selecting the branch you wish to generate the report, setup the period date. Click the
calendar icon in the As Of field to select the date.
• To generate the Trial Balance report, click the arrow beside ‘Preview’ button and select ‘Export to
• A pop-up window will appear, you may select the ‘bi_trialbalance’ then click ‘Select’ to generate
the PDF file.

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D. Adjusting Entries
Adjusting Entries Defined
Adjusting entries are journal entries made at the end of an accounting cycle to update certain
revenue and expense accounts and to make sure you comply with the matching principle.
The matching principle states that expenses have to be matched to the accounting period in which
the revenue paying for them is earned. There are four main types of accounts that need to be
adjusted: prepaid expenses, accrued expenses, unearned revenues, and accrued revenues.

The two major types of adjusting entries are:

a. Accruals are for revenues and expenses that are matched to dates before the transaction has been

b. Deferrals are for revenues and expenses that are matched to dates after the transaction has been

Accruals are adjustments for 1) revenues that have been earned but are not yet recorded in
the accounts, and 2) expenses that have been incurred but are not yet recorded in the accounts. The
accruals need to be added via adjusting entries so that the financial statements report these

Some accrued items for which adjusting entries may be made include:
• Salaries
• Past-due expenses
• Income tax expenses
• Interest income
• Unbilled revenue

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In accounting, this means to defer or to delay recognizing certain revenues or expenses on
the income statement until a later, more appropriate time. Revenues are deferred to a balance sheet
liability account until they are earned in a later period. When the revenues are earned they will be
moved from the balance sheet account to revenues on the income statement.

Some deferred items for which adjusting entries would be made include:
➢ Prepaid insurance
➢ Prepaid rent
➢ Office supplies
➢ Depreciation
➢ Unearned revenue

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Navigation & Viewing

• Go to Financials > Journal Voucher
• In the Journal Date and Creation Date field, enter the period you are going to post the adjusting
voucher. As standard, the date will be shown in those fields as to date of the system, also known
as date today.
• In the Type column of the General tab, click the dropdown list and select the G/L Account
• After selecting the type, click the selection list in the G/L Account No. column, a list of accounts
will appear. You can choose it by performing double-click or clicking the “OK’ button.

• Once account has been selected, you may now enter an amount on either Debit or Credit
column to reflect the amount to be posted on the created transaction.
• In the Adjusting Entry column, click the dropdown list to select the period of the adjusting entry.
• After which, you need to click Add to save entry for each line created.
• In the ‘Notes’ field, input the remarks of the adjusting entry.

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• Please take note that there should be an equal amount that will represent the Debit and Credit
column in order for you to save the whole document. Once done and complete, click ‘Save’ in the
lower portion of the document.
• Click ‘Save’ button to add the document.
• A system message will appear. Click OK.
• You will know that it has been saved if you see the successful system message below and the
word ‘POSTED’ will appear on the right upper corner of the document.

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E. Financial Statements
Financial Statements Defined
Financial Statements are reports that summarize important financial accounting information about your
business. There are three main types of financial statement: the balance sheet, profit and loss
statement, and cash flow statement.

Together they give you and outside people like investors, a clear picture of your company’s financial

Types of Financial Statement

Balance Sheet
A balance sheet shows the financial position of a business as of the report date (so it covers a specific
point in time). The information is aggregated into the general classifications of assets, liabilities and
capital/equity. Line items within the asset and liability classification are presented in their order of
liquidity, so that the most liquid items are stated first. This is a key document, and so is included in most
issuances of financial statements.

Profit and Loss Statement

Also known as Income Statement, a profit and loss statement reveals the financial performance of an
organization for the entire reporting period. It begins with sales, and then subtracts out all expenses
incurred during the period to arrive at a net profit or loss. This is usually considered the most important
financial statement, since it describes performance.

Statement of Cash Flows

This report reveals the cash inflows and outflows experienced by an organization during the reporting
period. These cash flows are broken down into three classifications: operating activities, investing
activities, and financing activities. This document can be difficult to assemble and so is more commonly
issued only to outside parties.

Statement of Changes in Equity

This report documents all changes in equity during the reporting period. These changes include the
issuance or purchase of shares, dividends issued and profits/losses. This document is not usually
included when the financial statements are issued internally, as the information in it is not overly useful
to the management team.


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Navigation and Viewing

For Balance Sheet

• Go to Financials > Reports > Balance Sheet
• In the Branch field, click the dropdown list to select your option as to what branch you are
generating the report (specific or as a whole)
• After selecting the branch you wish to generate the report, setup the period date. Click the
calendar icon in the As Of field to select the date.
• To generate the Balance Sheet report, click the arrow beside ‘Preview’ button and select ‘Export
to PDF’.
• A pop-up window will appear, you may select the details level then click ‘Select’ to generate the
PDF file.

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For Profit or Loss Statement

• Go to Financials > Reports > Profit or Loss
• In the Branch field, click the dropdown list to select your option as to what branch you are
generating the report (specific or as a whole)
• After selecting the branch you wish to generate the report, setup the period date. Click the
calendar icon in the From and To field to select the date.
• To generate the Profit or Loss report, click the arrow beside ‘Preview’ button and select ‘Export
to PDF’.
• A pop-up window will appear, you may select the details level then click ‘Select’ to generate the
PDF file.

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For Statement of Cash Flows

• Go to Financials > Reports > Cash Flow
• In the Branch field, click the dropdown list to select your option as to what branch you are
generating the report (specific or as a whole)
• After selecting the branch you wish to generate the report, setup the period date. Click the
calendar icon in the From and To field to select the date.
• To generate the Profit or Loss report, click the arrow beside ‘Preview’ button and select ‘Export
to PDF’.
• A pop-up window will appear, choose Cash Flow then click ‘Select’ to generate the PDF file.

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F. Closing Entries: Period-End Closing

Closing Entry Defined
A closing entry is a journal entry made at the end of an accounting period to transfer balances from a
temporary account to a permanent account.

Companies use closing entries to reset the balances of temporary accounts—accounts that show balances
over a single accounting period—to zero. By doing so, the company moves these balances into permanent
accounts on the balance sheet. These permanent accounts show a company’s long-standing financials.*

Temporary Accounts vs. Permanent Accounts

Temporary Accounts
Temporary accounts are accounts in the general ledger that are used to accumulate transactions over a
single accounting period. The balances of these accounts are eventually used to construct the income
statement at the end of the fiscal year.

When the income statement is published at the end of the year, the balances of these accounts are
transferred to the income summary, which is also a temporary account.

The income summary is used to transfer the balances of temporary accounts to capital/retained earnings,
which is a permanent account on the balance sheet.©

Permanent Accounts
Permanent Accounts are accounts that show the long-standing financial position of a company. Balance
sheet accounts are permanent accounts. These accounts carry forward their balances throughout multiple
accounting periods.©


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Navigation & Viewing

Note: Only the manager’s account shall be able to execute the period end closing. All the balances in
branches will be connected to the closing entry made.

• Go to Admin > System Configuration > Journal Period

• Select the Journal Period you want to close by clicking the Document Link button.
• Upon clicking, a pop-up window will appear, click the dropdown list of the ‘Status’ field and
change it from ‘Open’ to ‘Closed’. Click ‘Update’.

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• Go to Financials > Closing Period

• Click the selection list in the Period field, then a list of periods will appear. You can choose a period
by performing double-click or clicking the ‘OK’ button.

• Accounts that are subject for closing will appear, for your viewing and checking.
• In the Remarks field, you can edit details or additional notes on the closing entry document.
• The Closing Balance field will let you see the final balance for closing, which will be reflected and
closed to the Retained Earnings account in the system.
• After checking and updating remarks, you may now close the accounts by clicking the ‘Add’
button at the right-most portion of the document.
• A system message will appear, click ‘OK’.

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• You will know that it has been saved if you see the successful system message below

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G. Journal Entry List

Navigation & Viewing
To generate all the system-generated journal entries as well as the manual journal entries in Journal
• Go to Financials > Reports > Journal Entry List
• Double click the line of the entry you want to view.

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CHAPTER 8: Introduction to Business Analytics

Everyone makes decisions. A graduating Senior High School might want to decide on what
college to enroll to. He might choose to forego college for now and find a part-time job. He might even
decide to have a “gap” period to collect his thoughts and plan out his future more. Not every decision is
as potentially life-altering as the above example. A mother will be making groceries and is torn between
two milk brands. Which should she choose? An office worker has the choice to use Grab to hail a ride to
work or he can commute to work using public transportation. He might even opt for a taxi, whichever
might come first. Whichever he chooses would be the result of a quick opportunity cost analysis in his
head: he might go for Grab if he has an urgent meeting, for example.

Everyone makes decisions. This is doubly so for businesses. Businesses fail and prosper with the
decision making of its leaders. The question then becomes: How would the leaders make the best,
most sound decision? There was a time when managers and executives just went with decision-making
using their “gut feeling” based off their past experiences. Wouldn’t it be better when decisions are made
based off quantifiable parameters, supported by facts? This way, the ability to create decisions is always
backed by the company’s numbers: past, present, and projected future. This venture, while sound, is
easier said than done. A company in today’s internet-connected world generates tons of data daily. How
do you make sense of it all? What is relevant, and what is unnecessary noise? How do you cut the wheat
from the chaff? This is where Business Analytics comes in.

What is Business Analytics

Business Analytics, or just analytics, is the use of data, information technology, statistical
analysis, quantitative methods, and mathematical or computer-based models to help managers gain
improved insight about their business operations and make better, fact-based decisions1. The term is
often used interchangeably with Business Intelligence. In some cases, Business Intelligence is used to
refer to the overall practice of data analysis in a business context, while Analytics refers to the deeper,
more advanced methods of analyzing data. Either way, it is a process that involves data, the tools to
gather and interpret it. In practice, the tool to properly disseminate the information to the key
stakeholders is also included.

Business Analytics is primarily a decision-making tool. Some common decisions include:

1. Pricing Decisions
2. Decisions to target consumer segments (age, gender, etc.)
3. Merchandising Decisions (what brands, quantity to buy, etc)
4. Location Decisions (where to establish a new branch, for example)
And many others that affects a business’ operations, supply chain, distribution, finance, human
resources, and more2.

James Evans, Introduction to Business Analytics, (Pearson Education, 2013), 3.

Evans, Intro to BA, 4

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Business Analytics is used to gather data and churn it into actionable items to create strategic and
tactical decisions. Here are some uses of Business Analytics:
1. Measure the “Customer Service Level” of a distribution firm. It measures the company’s
ability to service their customers from the moment the sales order has been placed, up to the
moment the goods arrive at their doorstep.
2. Measure the “Overall Equipment Efficiency”. It measures the effectiveness of a production
line of machines.
3. Quantify the abilities of athletes to make a championship-ready team.

The above is a list of just some examples where data is taken and transformed into a measurable and
quantifiable markers with which to base strategies off. These measurable and quantifiable items are
called Metrics.

Metrics and KPIs

As described in the previous section, Metrics are measures of quantitative assessment
commonly used for assessing, comparing, and tracking performance or production3. Simply put, it takes
whatever Measure in the organization’s data and applies calculations and comparisons to them.
Measures, in turn, are the raw numerical data. Any data item that can be subject to the four basic
arithmetic operations is considered a measure. This is an important distinction, as data can come in
many forms, and even if a piece of data is purely numerical, it does not automatically mean that it is a
measure. For example, Employee Codes can be purely numerical to denote hiring order. Even if it is
purely numerical, it makes no sense to add up Employee Numbers.

Metrics come in a wide range and can vary between companies and industries. There are some
that are industry standards, but more often than not, they are customized to an individual company’s
specific needs and outcomes. Executives, and managers, in particular, use them to create strategic and
tactical decisions in order to achieve their goals. Because a metric can come from nearly any data point
in an enterprise, its ability to state a quantifiable target, and the company’s position in relation to that
target at any given point in time is one of the most important characteristics a metric should have.

Generally, executives and managers seek to have a dashboard, where different Key
Performance Indicators are gathered in the same place. These are specific metrics that help measure a
company’s success. This helps simplify analysis and opens up discussions in strategy meetings by having
a single interactive page displaying all the relevant metrics.

Examples of Commonly Used Metrics

1. Sales vs. Targets – one of the most universal basic metrics. It simply shows the difference
between actual sales numbers against the target figure. If the Sales Figure is below the Target
Figure, then something needs to be done.

Julie Young, ‘Metrics’, Investopedia.com, https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/metrics.asp, (accessed 6th
May, 2019).

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2. Current Period Sales vs. Previous Period Sales – used as a measure of sales over various
periods of time. Due to economic forces like inflation, Sales Figures are usually expected to
grow over time to counter act it, however, it still depends on the targets set during the
planning meeting usually done near the start of the company’s year. Examples include Year-
to-Date Sales vs. Year-to-Date Last Year Sales and Year-on-Year Sales Analysis.

3. Sales vs. Returns – when a product that has been sold is returned at an unsellable state (rat
bites, packaging is too deformed, water damaged, etc.) it will automatically count as a loss to
the company. This metric will allow the company to monitor how much of the products sold
actually get delivered without issue to its customers. Too many returns on a particular product
make and model might point to a problem from the supplier/warehouse/delivery process or
too many returns from a particular customer might indicate a problem with that customer.
This is separate from the Returns vs Target Returns metric.

4. Sales vs. Invoice – for large companies, the sales process is more than just the face-to-face
exchange of money and goods between two parties. In this way, we can think of the Sales
numbers as the “expected sales” value, while the Invoice numbers are the “actual sales” value
that will count towards the company’s profits. There is usually a time difference between the
time an order is placed and the actual billing of said order. Because billing will only be counted
for actual goods/services delivered, there will be instances where only partial billing will be
done while the remaining goods/services will be delivered on a later date. This metric will
help keep track of those partial billings so that 100% fulfillment can be achieved.

5. Truck Utilization – distribution companies deliver products from their warehouse to their
clients. Using a truck for deliveries represent an expense in terms of labor, vehicle
maintenance, and fuel. Each truck has its own rated dimensions and maximum weight rating.
This metric will help maximize how each truck is used: making sure that it is close to full
capacity (in terms of dimensions and weight) and have routes that will serve the most
customers coming to and from the distribution center.

6. Customer Segmentation – knowing the customer is one of the quickest ways to expand a
business’ earning potential. This metric will enable the business to know which of their
customers make up the bulk of sales. Customers can be segmented by Gender, Age, Location,
Industry, etc. Knowing the customer segmentation and the performance of each segment will
help create a more focused marketing campaign.

7. Hiring Rates – Hiring Managers and Staff are usually evaluated at the rate they are able to
process applicants from initial interview to final contract signing. This metric will help them
monitor applicants and how they get past each stage of hiring to figure out if new hiring
practices should be relaxed or be more stringent.

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8. Occupancy Rate – measures the rate at which rooms are reserved in Hotels. This helps the
management figure out just how much of their rooms are used by customers. At the same
time, if expressed as a function of time, it will help determine lean and peak seasons for the
business, which helps set expectations and help ease preparations when a sudden influx of
occupants appear.

9. Service Level Agreement – SLA’s are used in IT Support Organizations to keep track of support
tickets and team utilization. It gives an idea of how effective the organization is by getting the
number and kind of tickets (from low priority to show stopper) and the average response
time. Each kind of ticket has its own window wherein it will need to be solved. An effective
organization is one where each kind of ticket is resolved within this window. Any misses will
open up discussion on what exactly happened and what will need to be done to avoid such
misses in the future.

10. Lead Summary – a marketing campaign will have different ways to generate leads when trying
to drum up interest on a product and/or brand awareness. Methods include internet ads,
television ads, print ads, on-premise events, etc. Knowing which method yields the most
responses will help focus company resources in the method with most impact.

These metrics will typically be expressed from the Top Level, that is, the total number for the
whole company. They can then be drilled down to multiple levels. For example, the Sales vs. Target
Metric can be drilled down to a Per Brand level to evaluate the performance of account managers, then
drilled down again to Per Item to see which items or SKU (Stock Keeping Unit, pronounced “skew”) are
actually turning a profit.

Enterprise Dataflow
While we have so far discussed the importance of the analytical/analysis aspect of Business
Analytics, we must not forget that it is only a part of the whole process. As the saying goes, “The
numbers don’t lie”. But what if they can? One thing that should be kept in mind, especially when
working with computers is this: Garbage In, Garbage Out. When you input a garbled mess, expect
output that will be less than useful. In our end goal of data analysis, this basically means putting the
veracity of our data to the test. How sure are we that the data we are analysing is correct? It may seem
to be an obvious concept, but in the real world, making sense of what data is needed in our analysis and
whether that data is correct is not 100% guaranteed, and thus we should take a bird’s eye view of how
data travels inside an enterprise. This can be easily done through the use of a basic System Landscape

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While ultimately the focus of this courseware is going to be on the analysis aspect, it still would
be a good idea to learn about the data’s journey through the enterprise. As you can see, a lot has to
happen even before we can attempt analysis. Let us now walk through each part of the landscape,
starting from the left:

Data Sources
An enterprise’s data needs grow bigger and bigger as the business scales up. Due to this, the
machines (servers and clients) bought to address data needs a few years ago might no longer be enough
to address the need today, yet they are system-critical that taking them offline even for a bit could
create an operational scenario where the business users won’t be able to transact, which makes the
data for reporting to the higher ups no longer accurate or no longer available. There are three main
categories of data sources in an Enterprise.

ERP Systems
In an ideal world, ALL of an enterprise’s data is fed into its ERP System and all reports are
obtained directly from it. However, the real world makes it difficult because in the end, ERP Systems are
still just machines, with their limited (not infinite) capacity and processing power. An ERP System might
also not be able to address an enterprise’s needs as the company grows larger. This means that the
company will then have to procure a new ERP System, or upgrade its current one, which requires a
significant investment.

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An ERP System makes extensive use of Master Data to help keep track of Business Partners and
Items. Usually the maintenance of these is assigned to key people, who will be the ones to manage the
creation of new Master Data or the updating of such. Lastly, when new equipment is bought or an
existing ERP System is upgraded, the company might need to schedule a little bit of down time to
implement them. The ERP System is unavailable at these times, so these will need to be scheduled
ahead of time, and concerned parties will need to be informed so they can work around it (adding
System Memory, for example, requires for the system to be shut down first before new Memory
Modules can be installed).

Other Databases
Sometimes, due to geographical or cost constraints, a branch of the company might be
physically impossible to connect to the corporate network. This means that they can’t use the ERP
System without resorting to workarounds. One such workaround is to maintain a separate database that
records all transactions for the day. At the end of the day, the database will upload the collected data to
the ERP system.

In other instances, databases might be part of a legacy system that is still being used. It might be
integrated into a Business Process that is system-critical, and current Cost/Time/Technical constraints
mean that they can’t be assimilated to the ERP system just yet. In order to be able to decommission
these systems, the business process and the data they produce must be integrated to the ERP. If this is
impossible, then an Enterprise Data Warehouse will be required to consolidate their data. This will
require additional cost in time and manpower, as it is a project that will require specialized knowledge in
both the legacy system AND the ERP/EDW (This is an example of Data Migration).

Flat Files
As mentioned before, in a perfect world, all of an enterprise’s data is going to be present in the
ERP, for instant extraction and reporting. However, in reality, there is a process in place so that data
within it cannot be tampered with. Transactions will usually have an approval process to help keep out
doubtful and fraudulent records, while Master Data is managed by key employees. However, there are
some instances where a branch is in such a remote location that an internet connection is not available.
This is where Flat Files come in. Transactions for that branch will be recorded in a flat file, later to be
sent to the Head Office for processing and consolidation.

Flat files are usually Excel or delimited text files that business users create in order to make their
own reports when needed. Delimited text files are usually either tab-delimited or comma-separated
value (CSV) files. These files can still be opened in Excel, though tab-delimited files might need a few
extra steps before it can be read (though because they are text files, Notepad will also do). In order to
keep an accurate enterprise-wide report, these will have to be formatted in such a way that it can be
uploaded back into the ERP or Enterprise Data Warehouse.

Enterprise Data Warehouse

While the ERP system has some built-in reporting functionality, it is far from a complete
solution. The most obvious limitations are the fact that custom reports are difficult to create, and data
visualization capabilities are lacking, if present at all. What’s more, the reporting functionality will also
consume system memory in order to be processed. This can have an adverse impact on its ability to
transact, especially if large, detailed reports (per customer or per item, or worse, both) are needed. An
Enterprise Data Warehouse is needed in order to work around these limitations.

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The Enterprise Data Warehouse is built in order to consolidate the disparate data sources so
that only the data necessary for reporting will actually be used. Consolidating data is an important
aspect of Business Analytics, because first and foremost, above even facilitating data analysis, is
concerned with delivering “a single version of the truth”. That is, an accurate representation of the
business, from any view point. From an implementation standpoint, this will require the following:

1. New hardware that will become the server hosting the Data Warehouse. It must be connected
to the corporate network.
2. A dedicated project team from the Enterprise Side made up of Business Users.
3. A dedicated project team either from the Enterprise IT Team or an external organization who
will be responsible for setting up the environment.

Building an Enterprise Data Warehouse is a massive undertaking that can take weeks, months,
even years to complete, depending on how large the target scope is. In order to build an Enterprise
Data Warehouse:

1. The Business Users will need to determine the reports they want to derive from their data
2. The Business Users will then convene with the IT Team in order to iron out the technical
requirements (Blueprinting). This includes providing information on business processes and
where the data can be obtained. This could take a few days to a few weeks.
3. Once the IT Team has worked out the actual requirements needed by the Business Users, it is
time to implement the EDW to those specifications.
4. Testing will follow for data accuracy with the help of the Business Users.

Because it is on separate hardware, it usually follows a daily “load schedule” during off-peak
hours, usually midnight or very early morning, where the previous day’s transactions will be loaded into
it. It is scheduled during off-peak hours because those times are usually the ones where the ERP
especially, is not being used.

Note that the EDW is at its core a large database. If the scope starts becoming too large, it may
be advisable to create another one that will have its own purpose, but uses the same Data Sources.
Hardware may be powerful enough to host multiple Data Warehouses in the same machine.
SMARTBOOKS Warehouse is a tool to help build Data Warehouses, as is SMARTBOOKS Data Services.
Note that the actual implementation is highly technical, so the Business Users are not expected to
actually help build the EDW, rather the IT Team might defer to them occasionally to ensure correctness
and accuracy, and clarify some other things that did not come up during Blueprinting.

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Reporting Tools
Once the Enterprise Data Warehouse has consolidated and sorted out the individual data
elements required by the Business Users, it is time to recombine them into a report that will then allow
analysis by the Business Users to help keep track of the status of the business. Because the Enterprise
Data Warehouse is essentially a large Database, it is likely that technical column names are still used
instead of more common, Business-friendly terms. For example, a database column that represents a
Business Partner’s last name is called “INDIV_FNM” or some such. This doesn’t really make sense from
the Business User’s perspective, as the name doesn’t immediately make sense. To help alleviate this, a
Semantic Layer is set up as a sort of “translator” so that the Business User can immediately understand
what the data is, by allowing them to see technical terms as business terms.

One other bottleneck in reports creation and Data Analysis is the complexity of extracting data
from the EDW for analysis. It used to be that the Business User will have to request data from the IT
Team. This provides a lot of delays in information. For one, the actual extraction might take some time,
and the fact that the IT person may not be all that well-versed in Business Lingo, which will affect the
quality of data. If it’s wrong, he will have to re-extract the data. All of those delays, and that’s not even
counting the delays from having to wait for response E-mails!

One of the defining features today in Business Analytics Tools is what’s called Self-Service BI. In
addition to the Semantic Layer, reporting tools are created with an easy to understand interface (usually
drag-and-drop actions make up the majority of interactions) so that the Business User will be
empowered to create their own reports. It covers easy extraction from the Data Warehouse to Report
Creation to Publishing, without or with minimal help from IT. This helps with the timely flow of
information, as reports can be created in an instant by the Business User alone.

Another aspect of Business Intelligence is the quick dissemination of reports to their intended
audiences. It is for this reason that specialized tools also usually come with the ability to log in to a
platform where reports can be published.

Data Visualization
A typical company will process a lot of data, and because of that, the ability to sift through a lot
of data in order to be able to do timely analysis and from that analysis bring forth insights to steer the
company into making the best decision at any impasse. As we have seen in the previous topic, the
enterprise’s data can essentially be displayed like so:

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The above table contains 72 individual data points that shows GPU Sales by the brands that we
are carrying in our shops. In preparation for a business strategy meeting, you were tasked with finding
out the following information:

1. The brand with the highest sales and when

2. The brand with the lowest sales and when
3. The bottom 3 brands in terms of sales in February

How long did it take you to come up with the answers? Were you immediately able to discern
the information at 100% accuracy? Now contrast the difficulty and timeliness when analyzing something
like the following:

Take note, as well: the GPU Sales table only contains 72 data points. A real company, even the
smallest one, will generate a whole lot more. Now with that said, we should take care on how we
visualize data, as there are a lot of different charts and graphs we can use, but not everything is
universal. Some charts lend themselves to better convey a specific type of information or message than

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Representing Data with Charts

Using charts allows users to transform tabular data into a graphical representation. It makes
analyses easier to digest and helps retain audience’s attention. There are many different types of charts,
and not all of them are created equal. Some are more suited to display certain types of information
compared to others. For example, a chart best for monitoring trends over time might not be the best
choice to show contributions to a whole. The following are just some of the different charts that can be
used to display data:

Bar/Column Charts

Bar charts represent data using horizontal rectangles. They are invaluable for quickly conveying
a comparison between values of a series of data. In the above example, we can infer at least two
important pieces of information: which genre of movie generates the most revenue relative to other
genres (going by the size of the bar), and on which state relative to other states (going by the color of
the bar). Column charts convey the same information, only the orientation is different:

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Stacked Bar/Column charts display the contribution of each data point to the total value:

In the above example, the revenue is expressed as a 100% value for each genre, and shows the
contribution of each genre to the total.

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Line Charts

Line Charts provide a useful means for displaying data over time4. You may put more than one
line in the chart to monitor multiple data sets in the same time frame. Be sure to do so sparingly
because it can make the chart look cluttered, and defeat the purpose of simplifying data analysis.

Evans, Intro to BA, 56

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Combination Column-Line Charts

The Combination Column-Line Chart combines the properties of both line charts and column
charts. They allow for analyzing trends and comparisons at the same time. The most common usage is
to monitor sales performance over time. In the example above, the target is expressed as a line chart
while the revenue is expressed as a column chart. If the column exceeds the line chart, then the
performance was great because the target was surpassed.

Pie Charts
For any given set of data, we are usually interested in finding out the relative proportion of each
data source to the total5. For this Pie Charts are used. This is done by expressing the total as a circle,
then partitioning it into different slices. The bigger the slice, the greater the contribution to the whole.

Evans, Intro to BA, 56

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Be very particular with the data being analyzed when using a pie chart. If there are too many
slices, it will look cluttered, and you will also have to factor data labels if necessary.

Scatter Charts
Scatter Charts show the relationship between two variables. To construct a scatter chart, we
need observations that consist of pairs of variables (numeric data points)6. For example, a college
student will have different grades per semester per subject, midterms and finals, in particular. The chart
will show if the grade for the midterms is an indication of the grade in the finals.

Bubble Charts
Bubble Charts are a type of scatter chart, in which the size of the data marker corresponds to
the value of a third variable. It is a way to plot three variables in two dimensions. 7

Evans, Intro to BA, 58

Evans, Intro to BA, 59

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There are many other kinds of charts used for analyses. Some charts even use geographical data
so that any of the other kinds are laid out on a map to see a quick summary for the different regions
used by the business. Some of these charts will be seen in the later topic, which is the hands-on activity
on how to use Microsoft Power BI.

Effective Visualization
Now that we have the building blocks on how we can visualize data, how can we make good use
of them? Let’s go back to the saying: “The numbers don’t lie”. Even if after all of the data
transformations in the System Landscape has been tested for accuracy and we are 100% sure that the
data is correct, the presentation of data can have a huge impact on how insights can be derived from it.
That is to say, the way we present our findings have an effect on how the “objective truth” that the raw
numbers dictate. In this topic, we will see some examples on what to avoid so that we can build
effective visuals. Take for example the following column charts:

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Objectively speaking, they tell the same thing. The Blue Column is not as high as the Orange
column. The chart on the right says that the gap is not really that big. However, if we go with the chart
on the left, it seems that the gap is astronomical at first glance. That is, until you take a look at the axis
labels and see that the right chart starts at zero, and the one on the left starts at 50. As you can see, the
way we present our data can have an impact on the conclusion that we can obtain or present. The chart
on the left did not technically lie, but it manipulates the “severity” of the message in order to mislead its

The above is not the only reason to be careful with our data presentation. Keep in mind that
nowadays, enterprise data is used to create “stories” that will be used on Business strategy meetings
and even marketing materials. It is in our best interest to make sure that the way data is presented
promotes easy readability while making sure that the messaging is accurate and does not mislead. When
it comes to readability, take note of the following:

1. Keep it simple. Use a uniform color scheme to minimize items having the same shade and
avoid using 3-d versions of charts when 2-d ones will suffice. 3-d charts usually skew the
perspective and may present inaccuracies. Take the example below.

Item Sales

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The blue slice seems to be smaller than the green slice due to the 3-d effect, but if we turn
on data labels or convert the chart into its 2-d equivalent, we’ll see that it not the case:

Item Sales

Item Sales

Simple is almost always better than fancy.

2. Speaking of data labels, they can also affect readability. Make sure to use readable fonts
(usually ones without serifs). Also, the location of the labels are important. Take the following

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The labels are supposed to be inside the slices, but because there are slices that are close in
value, there are places in the chart where it is hard to discern which label corresponds to
which slice. Finally, the formatting of the label Number, Percent with the number
portion using comma separators is confusing. This type of information might have been
better preserved as a table instead of forcing it into a pie chart.

In enterprise reporting, individual charts are rarely used to convey information. Usually, multiple
analyses and KPIs are monitored in one page known as the Dashboard. Dashboards are single-page
interactive documents used to track different aspects of the business. Note that when you create a
dashboard, keep in mind the direction people read. People read from left to right, top to bottom. As
such, on top of the above considerations, we must also mind the way we lay these visualizations out to
ensure maximum readability. You can’t just lay individual charts haphazardly:

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This means that effective design involves placing the most important KPI’s near the top left of the page,
such as below. Another thing to keep in mind is to keep the interactive elements near the top of the
page in a single location. Make sure to group together KPI’s that deal with the same business aspect
together as well.

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Microsoft Power BI
What is Microsoft Power BI?
Microsoft Power BI is a Self-Service BI Solution developed by Microsoft. It was first released in 2011 and
is now one of the premier BI Solutions in the world, implemented across over 35,000 companies all over
the world spanning multiple different industries. It offers a lot of flexibility of access to report creation,
data analysis, and report publication.

It is a collection of software services, apps, and connectors that work together to turn your
unrelated sources of data into coherent, visually immersive, and interactive insights. Whether your data
is a simple Microsoft Excel workbook, or a collection of cloud-based and on-premises hybrid data
warehouses, Power BI lets you easily connect to your data sources, visualize (or discover) what's
important, and share that with anyone or everyone.

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Ways to access Microsoft Power BI

There are multiple ways to use Power BI:

1. Power BI Desktop – the application is installed in the local machine, either by using a dedicated
installer or downloading from the Microsoft Store. It offers some advanced utilities such as data
clean up, data modelling, and other advanced analysis options (such as the usage of DAX functions
to enable more advanced Statistical Analysis) and the like. All of these on top of the ability to
create and publish reports.

2. Power BI Service – the application is accessed via the Power BI Portal. The user will need to log
on using his/her account and from there access the report creator. It is cloud-based, so for as long
as the user has an internet connection, he can access his work through a web browser (even
mobile devices). This is also where the main collaborative functions, such as Workspaces are

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3. Power BI Mobile App – a free-to-download app (available in both iOS and Android platforms)
where the user can log in using the same account he uses for Power BI Service. This mobile app
is one of the main ways users can consume (not create) published reports. This will allow
managers and other employees of an enterprise to be able to check up on different reports even
if their computer is unreachable.

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For this courseware, we will be using Power BI Service and the Mobile App.

Getting Started
In order to start using Power BI Service and its collaboration options, you will need a Power BI
Account with a Pro License (this should have already been provided via e-mail). For a Power BI Business
user, there are 5 building blocks they will need to get familiar with. These are:

1. Visualizations – a type of chart built in Power BI.

2. Data Sets – a container of data. These can come from a variety of sources, including files and
3. Reports – one or more pages of interactive visuals, text, and graphics. A single page is often
dedicated to answering a central area of interest.
4. Dashboards – a single page that uses visualizations to tell a story. It contains much of the
same elements as a Report. However, t is different from a Report in that the single page can
contain visuals from different separate reports. This allows different key areas from different
reports to be much more easily seen in a single page.
5. Apps – a way to bundle and share related dashboards and reports together.

Collectively, these building blocks are referred to as Content. Report creation in Power BI
Service usually has the following workflow:

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A typical workflow will usually involve all the building blocks. A designer
(yellow boxes) collects data from a dataset and creates a report. After
which, the designer will publish the findings via creation of dashboards
and apps so that the business user (black box) can take action.

It is important to note that designer and business user in this context refer
to roles as seen from Power BI. The designer is responsible for the
creation of content and the business user is responsible for its
consumption and analysis. In most cases, the business user relates
requirements to the designer so that the report can be built to certain
specifications. In some cases, employees in an organization are trained on
how to use Power BI so that said employees can act as BOTH designer and business user.
This allows the enterprise to save up a bit on licensure expenses.

Screenshot and Mobile Device Disclaimer

Please note that because Power BI is under continuous development by Microsoft so that new
features will be implemented, there might be some discrepancies with the screenshots and there might
not be an exact match with what can be seen on-screen. The screenshots are taken using Google
Chrome web browser, so when following along, it would be best to use it on the user’s end as well (be it
on a computer or mobile device). Also, please note that the user experience was designed for usage
with a computer’s web browser in mind. There will be some differences in usability when Power BI
Service is accessed via the browser on a mobile device. If a mobile device will be used for creating
reports, it will have to be used in landscape mode, and please note that for almost all mobile devices,
right-click is mapped to the tap-and-hold gesture, with the right-click menu appearing after the user lets
go of the screen.

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Capstone Activity
We will now be using Microsoft Power BI to create our reports and analyses based on our
sample data.

Setting up your account

# Activity Expected Outcome
1 Check your e-mail for the
message about your Power BI

2 Open your browser and go to the

following link:

Click on “Power BI Service” and

log in using your credentials

2.1 For Mobile Users, click on the

button with three horizontal
lines then select “Power BI
Service” and log in using your

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2.2 It is also advisable to request the

desktop version of the site. Go to
the browser settings and turn on
Desktop site.


This is to try and make the on-screen elements adjust


The exact name and location of this option might change

depending on the make and model of the device, the
browser used, and the version of the browser.

3 After supplying your username

and password, you will
encounter this message. Click on


The next steps will involve using both the browser and the
Authenticator App.

4 You will be redirected to the

“Keep your account secure”

On your mobile phone,

download and install Microsoft’s
Authenticator App.

After the app is installed in your

phone, click next on the web


The bottom screenshot is from Google Play Store. The

phone used for the screenshot already has Authenticator
installed, which is why there is no “install” option.

If you are having trouble finding the app, simply search for
“Microsoft Authenticator”, without the quotes.

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5 In the Authenticator App, click

on the three dots on the upper
right hand corner of the screen,
then set up a “Work or School”
Account, then click Next on the

6 You will be presented with a QR

code on the browser.

On the Authenticator App, select

“Scan a QR Code”. Scan the QR
Code on the screen, then once
the scan is complete, click Next
on the browser.

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6.1 If you can’t scan the QR Code for

any reason, there should be an
option to enter the code
manually at the bottom of the
Authenticator App.

You will then be prompted to

manually type a Code and URL.

The Code and URL can be found

in the Web Browser, by clicking
the Can’t Scan Image? Button.

Click Next on the browser when

you are done inputting the code
and URL.

7 You will then be testing the sign

in. Approve the sign in on the
mobile app in order to get the
following screenshot.

Click on Next

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8 Click on Done

9 If an error is encountered, simply

restart the browser, then try
logging in again.

Creating a Sample Report

Logging In and Creating a Workspace
# Activity Expected Outcome
1 Launch your web browser


Majority of log in steps are a repeat of the initial account

setup process in the previous section. Ignore this section if you
are already logged in.

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2 Go to the following link:


Click on “Sign In” and log in using

your credentials

2.1 For Mobile Users, click on the

button with three horizontal lines
then select “Power BI Service” and
log in using your credentials.

2.2 It is also advisable to request the

desktop version of the site. Go to
the browser settings and turn on
Desktop site.


This is to try and make the on-screen elements adjust


The exact name and location of this option might change

depending on the make and model of the device, the browser
used, and the version of the browser.

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3 After logging in, you should be

redirected to the Home Page on a
new browser tab.

Note: what you see on your screen will differ from the
screenshot here. If it is the first time you logged in, you will
not see any Favorites + frequents entries, for example.

4 We will now start the report

creation process by making a

On the left-hand side of the

screen, click on “Workspaces”
then click on “New Workspace”

The workspace feature will require a PRO License. Accounts

given to students will have a PRO License attached. Power BI
has many different licensing schemes that are out of the scope
of the discussion in this courseware.

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5 A new panel will open to the right

of the screen. On this new panel,
give the Workspace a Name and
Description. You can also give it an
optional icon, which may help you
identify the workspace by sight
when you start managing multiple
of them.

Click Save once done.

This will redirect us to the

Workspace itself.

The Workspace is a place for multiple users to collaborate with each other. All content inside a
workspace can be interacted with by all the different users that are granted access to it. The kind of
interaction users have available to them will depend on the kind of membership that has been granted
to them by the Workspace Creator.

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Uploading a Data Set

# Activity Expected Outcome
6 We need to upload the data
that we will analyze into Power

In the Workspace, click on New

then click on Dataset

7 We can upload either an Excel

or CSV File, or manually paste
the data. In this case, we will be
uploading a Sample File.

Click on Excel

8 A new window will open.

Navigate to where you saved
the sample file, then select
Smartbooks with BA sample
data.xlsx file. Click on Open

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9 A message will appear in the

upper right hand corner of the
screen. Wait for the data upload
to finish.

You will know that the upload is

finished when you get
redirected to a “Summary Page”
of sorts regarding the statistics
of the uploaded data.

Click on the Workspace Link to

go back to the workspace.

10 You should now see the

uploaded data set. A report can
now be created based on this
uploaded data. Hover the
mouse on the Smartbooks with
BA Sample Data dataset, click
on the More Options Button,
then click Create Report

11 The Report Creation Interface

should appear

Before proceeding with the creation of the sample report, let us familiarize ourselves with the
different parts of the interface.

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1. Menu Bar – save the report using the File option, and the ability to change how the report is
being viewed, along with allowing the user to insert some other elements in the report such
as text boxes and editing how the different visualizations interact with each other.
2. Report Canvas – this is where visualizations are laid out and formatted.
3. Filters Pane – sets options on limiting the displayed data in the report.
4. Visualizations Pane – contains two parts: The first one is where the user can select
visualizations to put into the Report Canvas. The bottom part is where the properties of the
selected visualizations can be changed. This bottom part is context-sensitive (options change
depending on the selected Visualization). It can contain up to three tabs: Fields, Format, and
5. Data Pane – contains all the data fields that were in the dataset. Power BI automatically
assigns the field names as they appear in the top row of the data source.
6. Page Options – allows to add, delete, rename, and duplicate pages.
7. Workspace Link – allows the user to quickly go access the currently selected workspace.

The report creation process is as follows:

1. Select the visualization by clicking on the desired type in the Visualizations Pane.
2. Select data to be included in the visualization by ticking the checkbox in the Fields Pane. If
the user needs more control over the order of fields, drag and drop the Field from the Fields
Pane to the Field Tab of the Visualizations Pane.
3. Resize and format the visualization.
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 until all desired visualizations are complete. Be sure to save often!
5. Publish the Report.

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Let’s now proceed with creating a sample report with two visualizations.

Creating the Sample Report

# Activity Expected Outcome
12 First, we want to see the
contribution of each Sub Revenue
Stream to for the month of May.

For this, we will need to add a Pie


In the Visualizations Pane, select

Pie Chart.

A chart template should appear in

the report canvas.
Notches on the sides of the template indicates that the visual is

13 In the Data Pane, put a check on

the Revenue Streams and May
(Actual) Fields.

This should update the chart

template in the canvas with the
proper visuals.

14 Resize the Visualization so that it

takes up roughly 1/2 of the canvas,
positioned at the right.

You will sometimes see dotted red lines while resizing and
moving visualizations around. This helps in getting the proper
alignment of the report’s visual elements.

15 Click on any empty space in the

canvas to make sure that there are
no visuals selected, then add a Line
and Clustered Column Chart. A
Chart Template should appear on
the left side of the canvas.

This Graph will show the compare the Actual Revenue Stream
on the Month of April and May

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16 Move this chart to the lower left

quadrant of the canvas then check
the Data Revenue Stream,
April (Actual) and May (Actual).

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17 Click on any empty space in the

canvas to make sure that there are
no visuals selected, then add a (3)
three Cards. Position the 3 cards at
the upper left part of the canvas.

18 While the 1st card is selected,

check the May (Actual) then select
the 2nd card, check April (Actual)
lastly select the 3rd card, check

19 The final report should look like


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20 With the sample Report

completed, click on File in the
Menu Bar and then click on Save.
A new window should open up.
Give it a name, then click on Save.
This is the only time in this guide that you will be explicitly
instructed to save your report. As Power BI Service has no auto-
save function at the time of writing, make sure to save often to
minimize the risk of lost progress.

21 Because this is the first time we

saved, the report will be redirected
into the Reading View. In order to
continue working on and editing
the report, on the Menu Bar, click
on Edit.

22 Identify Patterns and Trends on the See Sample Analysis Below

Report and conduct a more in-
depth analysis then finally draw a
conclusion or recommendation on
each visualization.

Refer to Exercise on the workbook provided by your instructor.

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***Nothing follows***

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