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Maldonado 1

Jaden Maldonado

Professor McCann

English 1301.129

6 October 2023

Writer’s Block

A ritual of procrastination that I use is pushing back when I am going to do assignments.

It does not register in my head that the assignments might take long, so I just decide to wait for

the last minute to work on the assignment. Sometimes this has cost me not being able to turn in

assignments before the due dates. Another procrastination ritual that I use is pacing around my

room before I get started on an assignment. Pacing is to help clear thoughts; however, I use it to

procrastinate on assignments. Instead of pushing back when I start on the assignments, I could

give a glimpse at the assignment to see what needs to be done. This could help me formulate

ideas at that moment, which would allow me to start on the assignment right there. To fix my

pacing, I could sit down at my computer and write down any ideas that come to mind. This could

allow me to clear my head and go into the assignment with a clear mind.

A ritual that I use to help start writing is to write down random thoughts that come into

my head. Writing these thoughts down allows my brain to start formulating ideas of writing

instead of thinking about anything else in my life. My favorite ritual is to start on the body

paragraphs of an essay before doing anything else. Personally, I feel that body paragraphs are the

easiest things in an essay, which makes them easy to write at the start of my rough draft. My

final ritual that I use is writing down my name, the professor’s name, the class, date, and the title.
Maldonado 2

This allows my brain to see that something is on paper, so it believes that it is no longer in

writer’s block.

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