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Logic Design Homework No.

Write your name your ID clearly on a separate page and hand it in.

0. Read the file hw02_analysis.pdf.

1. From the schematics of homework 1, problem 5, calculate the following for each of the
sub-problem (that is, do it for 5a, 5b, 5c, and 5d):

• Number of transistors
• Area
• Worst case propagation delay

2. Adam (a), Beth (b), Charles (c), and you (y) live in the same house. This house has very
limited resources. No room has a ceiling, and under the roof there is only one light bulb
(light). Basically, the house looks like this:

For fairness, they make a system to solve this. They plan to use 4 individual switches named
a, b, c, and y. Everyone can turn his or her switch on or off (1=on, 0=off). The important
thing is everyone pays unequal rent. Determining how the light turns on or off will depend on
each switch's state and the weight equal to that person's rent. Everybody agrees to use the
"vote point" system. The vote point calculated by the sum the rents for all the "on" switches.
If the vote point is equal to or exceeds half of the total rent, the light will be turned on. The
rental rates that Adam, Beth, Charles, and you pay are 415, 355, 335, and 390, respectively.
You are assigned to design the digital circuit and calculate the resources that this design
requires to implement the desired function.
You are only allowed to use the following gates in the design:


The desired digital function is

light = f(a, b, c, y)

Submit the following:

a. Vote table (truth table plus total voting points, and whether light is on or off for
that input combination)
b. The schematic (drawn by hand)
c. The detailed calculation of the number of transistors and the total chip area
d. The worst-case propagation delay analysis, including the description of the circuit
path that causes the worst-case delay.

3. Recall that we use the symbol ^ to represent an XOR operation:

a. Prove that a ^ b = b ^ a
b. Prove that (a ^ b) ^ c = a ^ (b ^ c)
c. Prove that a ^ 0 = a
d. Prove that a ^ 1 = a’
e. So, what is the result if you XOR each of the individual digits together?
e1. 01011 (That is, what is 0^1^0^1^1?)
e2. 000001111101110111101111
e3. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
4. Consider the following circuit

Draw the timing diagram for Q0, Q1, and Q2 for the next 8 clock cycles. The current values
of {Q2, Q1, Q0} = 3'b010.

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