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 Introduction
 Bernoulli’s Principle
 Continuity Equation
 Derivation of Bernoulli’s Equation
 Applications of Bernoulli’s Theorem

I would like to thank my physics teacher, Mr. Mukesh Sharma Sir for
guiding me throughout this project work. I should also thank our lab
assistant who helped me with practical work.

A special acknowledgement goes to our principal G.S Pandey sir who

gave me the golden opportunity of this wonderful project, which also
helped me in doing a lot of research and I came to know about so
many new things.

I wish to thank my parents as well for their support and

encouragement without which I could not have completed this
project in the time frame.

In the end, I want to thank my friends who displayed appreciation for

my work and motivated me to continue my work.
This is to certify that Charul Sahu ,a student of Class XI
SCIENCE, has successfully completed the research on the
below mentioned project under the guidance of Mr. Mukesh
Sharma Sir during the year 2023-24 in partial fulfilment of
physics practical examination conducted by CBSE, NEW

Sign ofINTR
internal examiner Sign of external examiner
In 1738, the Swiss scientist Daniel Bernoulli developed a relationship
for the flow of fluid through a pipe of varying cross section. He
proposed a theorem for the streamline flow of a liquid based on the
law of conservation of energy.

Bernoulli’s Principle
The relationship between the pressure of a flowing fluid to its
elevation and its speed is obtained by an equation known as
Bernoulli’s equation. This equation is based on the conservation of
energy and their conversion to each other. Since Daniel Bernoulli
dictates it, so it is widely known as Bernoulli’s principle. This
principle can be applied in many applications, such as in spray
guns, venturimeter, nozzles, etc. By applying Bernoulli’s principle,
we can solve many real-life engineering problems related to fluid
Continuity Equation
The continuity equation states that when an incompressible and
non-viscous liquid flows in a streamlined motion through a tube of
non-uniform cross-section, then the product of the area of the
cross-section and the velocity of flow is the same at every point in
the tube.
Thus, we can write: A1v1=A2v2
Av= Constant
v ∝ 1/A
Where A1 and A2are the areas of cross-section of the tube.
And v1and v2are their respective velocity.

Derivation of Bernoulli’s Equation

The following are the assumptions made in the derivation of

Bernoulli’s equation:
1. The fluid should be ideal.
2. The flow should be steady.
3. There should be no energy loss.
4. The fluids should be incompressible.
5. The flow should be irrotational.
Let us consider a flow of liquid through a pipe AB as shown in Figure. Let V be
the volume of the liquid when it enters A in a time t which is equal to the
volume of the liquid leaving B in the same time. Let aA, vA and PA be the area of
cross section of the tube, velocity of the liquid and pressure exerted by the
liquid at A respectively.

Figure :- Flow of liquid through a pipe AB

Let the force exerted by the liquid at A is

Distance travelled by the liquid in time t is
d = vA t
Therefore, the work done is
W = FAd = PAaAvA t
But aAvAt = aAd =V, volume of the liquid entering at A.
Thus, the work done is the pressure energy (at A),
W = FAd = PAV
Since m is the mass of the liquid entering at A in a given time,
therefore, pressure energy of the liquid at A is

Potential energy of the liquid at A,

PEA = mg hA,
Due to the flow of liquid, the kinetic energy of the liquid at A,

Therefore, the total energy due to the flow of liquid at A, EA = EPA +


Similarly, let aB, vB, and PB be the area of cross section of the tube,
velocity of the liquid, and pressure exerted by the liquid at B.
Calculating the total energy at EB, we get
From the law of conservation of energy,

Thus, the above equation can be written as

The above equation is the consequence of the conservation of

energy which is true until there is no loss of energy due to friction.
But in practice, some energy is lost due to friction. This arises due to
the fact that in a fluid flow, the layers flowing with different
velocities exert frictional forces on each other. This loss of energy is
generally converted into heat energy. Therefore, Bernoulli’s relation
is strictly valid for fluids with zero viscosity or non-viscous liquids.
Notice that when the liquid flows through a horizontal pipe, then
Applications of Bernoulli’s Theorem
(a) Blowing off roofs during wind storm
In olden days, the roofs of the huts or houses were designed with a
slope as shown in Figure. One important scientific reason is that as
per the Bernoulli’s principle, it will be safeguarded except roof during
storm or cyclone.

Figure:- Roofs of the hurts or houses

During cyclonic condition, the roof is blown off without damaging the
other parts of the house. In accordance with the Bernoulli’s principle,
the high wind blowing over the roof creates a low-pressure P 1. The
pressure under the roof P2 is greater. Therefore, this pressure
difference (P2–P1) creates an up thrust and the roof is blown off.

(b) Aerofoil lift

The wings of an airplane (aerofoil) are so designed that its upper
surface is more curved than the lower surface and the front edge is
broader than the real edge. As the aircraft moves, the air moves
faster above the aerofoil than at the bottom as shown in Figure.
According to Bernoulli’s Principle, the pressure of air below is greater
than above, which creates an upthrust called the dynamic lift to the
c) Bunsen burner
In this, the gas comes out of the nozzle with high velocity, hence the
pressure in the stem decreases. So outside air reaches into the
burner through an air vent and the mixture of air and gas gives a blue
flame as shown in Figure.

Figure:- Bunsen burner

d) Venturimeter
This device is used to measure the rate of flow (or say flow speed) of
the incompressible fluid flowing through a pipe. It works on the
principle of Bernoulli’s theorem. It consists of two wider tubes A and
A' (with cross sectional area A) connected by a narrow tube B (with
cross sectional area a). A manometer in the form of U-tube is also
attached between the wide and narrow tubes as shown in Figure.The
manometer contains a liquid d of density ‘ρm’.
Let P1 be the pressure of the fluid at the wider region of the tube A.
Let us assume that the fluid of density ‘ρ’ flows from the pipe with
speed ‘v1’ and into the narrow region, its speed increases to ‘v2’.
According to the Bernoulli’s equation, this increase in speed is
accompanied by a decrease in the fluid pressure P2 at the narrow
region of the tube B. Therefore, the pressure difference between the
tubes A and B is noted by measuring the height difference
(ΔP = P1−P2) between the surfaces of the manometer liquid.
From the equation of continuity, we can say that Av1 = a v2 which
means that

Using Bernoulli’s equation,

From the above equation, the pressure difference

Thus, the speed of flow of fluid at the wide end of the tube A

The volume of the liquid flowing out per second is

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