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Chapter I

The Problem and Its Background


In contemporary society, gender roles and

stereotypes continue to play a pivotal role in shaping

individuals' perceptions of themselves and influencing

their life choices. The pervasive impact of gender

stereotypes is particularly pronounced in educational

settings, where societal expectations often mold academic

experiences and career aspirations. The researchers aims

to explore the intricate relationship between gender

stereotypes and their effects on both academic

achievement and career aspirations.

According to Tabassum and Nayak (2021), gender

stereotypes continue to exist and are transmitted through

media, social, educational, and recreational

socialization, which promote gender prejudice and


Gender stereotypes, deeply ingrained in cultural and

societal norms, often dictate predefined roles and

expectations for individuals based on their gender. These

stereotypes not only shape personal identities but also

influence how individuals are perceived and treated

within various social contexts. In the realm of

education, the consequences of gender stereotypes are

multifaceted, with potential implications for academic

performance and the pursuit of diverse career paths.

The researchers aims to uncover the nuanced ways in

which gender stereotypes manifest in educational

environments, affecting the academic trajectories and

future career choices of individuals. By identifying

these influences, we hope to contribute valuable

knowledge that can inform strategies for promoting gender

equality and fostering an inclusive educational landscape

that empowers individuals to pursue their academic and

professional aspirations irrespective of gender-based

Statement of the Problem

The study will address the intricate interplay between

individuals and the prevailing influence of gender

stereotypes within educational landscapes. Specifically,

the researchers aim to answers the following questions:

1. What are the specific impacts of gender stereotypes

on academic achievement among senior high school

studens, considering factors such as:

a. Self-esteem

b. Motivation

c. Engagement in learning

2. How do gender stereotypes manifest within senior

high school settings, including classrooms,

curriculum, and interpersonal interactions?

3. In what ways do gender stereotypes influence senior

high school students' perceptions of their own

capabilities and potential in pursuing diverse

career paths?
Significance of the Study

This research is positioned to significantly

contribute to the comprehension of the intricate dynamics

surrounding the impact of gender stereotypes on academic

achievement and career aspirations. Stakeholders invested

in education, policymaking, and societal progress stand

to gain valuable insights from the study. Specifically,

the research holds significance for the following


Educators and Administrators. The study's findings will

provide educators and school administrators with a

nuanced understanding of how gender stereotypes manifest

in educational settings. This insight can guide the

development of more inclusive teaching methods and

policies that cater to the diverse needs and aspirations

of students.

Career Counselors and Advisors. Individuals guiding

students in their career choices will benefit from

insights into the impact of gender stereotypes on career

aspirations. This knowledge can enhance career counseling

practices, enabling counselors to offer targeted and

empowering guidance that transcends traditional gender


Policymakers in Education. Policymakers responsible for

shaping educational frameworks will find the study

invaluable. The research outcomes can inform evidence-

based policies aimed at fostering gender equality within

educational institutions, addressing disparities, and

creating environments conducive to diverse academic and

professional pursuits.

Students and Parents. The study directly impacts students

and their parents by providing a deeper understanding of

the factors influencing academic choices and career

aspirations. This knowledge empowers students to navigate

educational landscapes authentically, while parents gain

insights to support their children in making informed


Scope and Limitations

The Study aims to determine the impact of gender

stereotypes on academic achievement and career

aspirations in the Philippines, specifically the

researchers will focus on Raja Soliman Science and

Technology High school (RSSTHS). And will be limited for

the Senior High School who are affected by gender

stereotypes. The research will proceed from November 13,

2023 to November 28, 2023. The Study is limited to the

garnered data from the respondents, and will only be used

to discuss the research statement and questions.

Definition of Terms

Gender Stereotypes - Widely accepted beliefs about

suitable roles and behaviors based on gender, influencing

societal expectations.

Academic Achievement - Measurable academic outcomes,

including grades, exam results, and participation in

activities, indicating overall success.

Career Aspirations - Personal goals and desired

professional paths, encompassing specific choices and

confidence levels.

Educational Setting - Physical and social environment

shaping learning experiences, including classrooms,

facilities, and teaching methods.

Self-Efficacy - Confidence in one's ability to achieve

academic and career goals.

Resilience - Capacity to positively adapt and recover

from challenges related to gender stereotypes.

Support Systems - Networks, resources, and individuals

offering assistance and encouragement for students' well-

being and success.

Extracurricular Activities - Voluntary pursuits beyond

the curriculum, indicating holistic student development.

Grade Point Average (GPA) - Standardized measurement of

academic performance, calculated from course grades.

Inclusive Teaching Practices - Methods fostering an

equitable environment by considering diverse learning

needs and challenging gender stereotypes.

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