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A Research Proposal presented to the

Faculty of Science

Senior High School Department


Binondo, Manila

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

Practical Research I




JUNE 2023

The increasing number of pets being left alone at home while their owners are at work

has raised concerns about the well-being and welfare of these beloved companions. This research

aims to explore the impact of pets being left alone during work hours from the perspectives of

both pet owners and their furry friends. Through a qualitative approach utilizing interviews and

observations, we seek to understand the physical, emotional and behavioral challenges faced by

pets in these circumstances. Additionally, we will investigate the experiences and concerns of pet

owners as they navigate the delicate balance between their work responsibilities and providing

optimal care for their pets. The study will focus on a sample of pet owners residing in a specific

community, allowing for a deeper understanding of the unique challenges and dynamics in this

context. Data analysis will involve content analysis, identifying themes and patterns in the

narratives shared by participants. Findings from this research will shed light on the consequences

of pet loneliness and isolation, while also exploring potential solutions to enhance the well-being

of these pets and support pet owners in managing their work-life-pet balance. The results of this

study will contribute to the growing body of knowledge on pet care, emphasizing the importance

of addressing the needs of pets left alone at home. The insights gained will inform the

development of strategies and interventions to improve the lives of these pets, ensuring their

physical and emotional well-being while providing guidance for pet owners in creating a

nurturing and supportive environment. Ultimately, this research aims to foster a deeper

understanding of the challenges faced by pets and their owners, promoting a more compassionate

and responsible approach to pet care in our society.


TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................................1

CHAPTER I...................................................................................................................................1

RESEARCH PROBLEM..............................................................................................................1
Statement of the Problem.............................................................................................................2
Scope and Limitations..................................................................................................................2
Significance of the Study.............................................................................................................3

CHAPTER II..................................................................................................................................4

METHODS AND PROCEDURE.................................................................................................4

Research Design...........................................................................................................................4
Data Collection Procedure...........................................................................................................5
Data Analysis...............................................................................................................................5


APPENDIX A.................................................................................................................................8

Pets have become an important part of our lives, providing companionship, love, and

entertainment. However, many pet owners are faced with the dilemma of leaving their pets alone

at home when they go to work. This can lead to a range of problems for pets, such as boredom,

anxiety, and behavioral issues, which can have a negative impact on their overall health and


According to Norling and Keeing (2010) Many dog owners are faced with the problem of

what to do with their dog when they go to work. Different solutions to the problem may affect

dogs, owners, and employers. In this study, 204 working, Swedish dog owners and 90 employers

were interviewed by telephone regarding practical issues and attitudes, in order to identify

problems and possible solutions. Results show that leaving the dog at home was the most

common solution (73%), followed by bringing the dog to work (16%) and using some form of

dog day care (11%).

This research will focus on exploring the problem of pets being left alone at home while

their owners are at work, and identifying effective solutions to address this issue. The study will

involve a review of the current literature on pet care and behavior, as well as primary research

through surveys and interviews with pet owners and experts in the field. This research aims to

address these issues and provide insight into the feasibility and effectiveness of pet care centers

as a solution for the problem of pets being left alone while their owners are at work.
Statement of the Problem

The Study will address the perspective of the workers who leaves their pets alone at

home. Specifically, the researchers aim to answers the following questions:

1. What are the possible reasons that a pet is being left at home?

2. What is the benefits of this research to the researchers,pets,pet owners and also to

the community?

3. How effective are existing pet care centers in addressing the problem of pets

being left alone while their owners are at work?

4. Who is the researchers target market?

Scope and Limitations

The Study aims to determine the perspective of the workers that is leaving their pets

alone at home in the Philippines, specifically the researchers will focus only the workers who

have a pet at home. The researchers limit the study in Baseco commmunity.The researchers limit

the interview to a minimum of 50 pet owners. The researchers survey was not peer reviewed.

The researchers limit the pet care center to one due to the low budget of the researchers. The

researchers will proceed from April 4, 2023 to June 28, 2023. The Study is only intended to

discuss the research statement and questions, and it is only intended to use the data collected

from the respondents.

Significance of the Study

This Study focuses on how are the researchers helping the workers to take care of their

pets while they are busy at work and the perspectives of the workers and the pets who are being

left at home alone. This research can contribute to the pet care industry by providing a new

business opportunity for entrepreneurs and creating employment opportunities for individuals

who are passionate about working with animals. Overall, the study of a pet care center as a

solution to the problem of pets being left alone at home can have a positive impact on the lives of

pets, pet owners, and the community as a whole. Specifically, the research is of significance to

the following beneficiaries:

Community. A pet care center can be an important part of the local community, helping to build

relationships with pet owners and other businesses for the researchers who made it.

Personal. The researchers may also experience personal benefits such as learning new skills,

meeting new people,financial,satisfaction and developing a deeper understanding and

appreciation for animals.

Pets. The pet care center proposed in your research can contribute to the overall well-being of

pets by providing a safe and stimulating environment that can help improve their physical and

emotional health.

Pet Owners. By providing insights into the negative effects of leaving pets alone for extended

periods, this research can help pet owners make informed decisions about the care of their pets.

This can lead to improved pet health and well-being, as pets who receive proper care and

attention are less likely to experience stress, anxiety, and other health issues.

Research Design

The Study aim to explore the experiences, perceptions and behavior of pet owners

regarding leaving their pets alone at home and their attitudes towards pet care centers.

Qualitative research methods allow for in-depth exploration of individual perspectives, capturing

rich and nuanced data about pet owners' experiences, concerns, and motivations. The researchers

aim to provide to explore diverse perspectives, and inform future research directions on Pet

Daycare Centers therefore, our research study is Narrative.


Non-random purposive quota sampling was used to determine the participants for this

study. The criteria for inclusion are as follows: (1) A pet owner (2) Resided in the Baseco

community . The participants were interviewed visually through questionnaire.


The research will use semi-structured interviews as the primary instrument for gathering

data. Semi-structured interviews are a qualitative research method that allows for a combination

of predetermined questions and open-ended prompts. This approach provides a flexible

framework for exploring participants' experiences, perceptions, and behaviors related to pet care.

The semi-structured interview guide will be developed based on the research objectives and the

specific aspects of pet care that is aim to investigate.

Data Collection Procedure

All of the participants that fit the criteria selection were interviewed for the study. The

researchers selected a total of fifty (50) respondents and were interviewed visually. Data

collection was executed and finalized on June 28, 2023. The respective respondents were given

informed consent before proceeding with the interview. The transcript of the interviews was

automatically collected through questionaire and was collated for subsequent analysis.

Data Analysis

The data collected in the study about pets being left alone at home while their owners are

at work will be analyzed using content analysis. This approach will involve organizing and

transcribing the data, developing a coding scheme based on the research objectives,

systematically applying codes to segments of the data, analyzing the frequency and distribution

of codes, interpreting the findings to identify themes and patterns related to pet care and owner

behavior, and reporting the results to gain insights into the reasons, experiences, and attitudes

surrounding pets being left alone, as well as potential implications for pet care practices and the

well-being of the pets.


Norling, A-Y, & Keeling L. (2010). Owning a Dog and Working: A Telephone Survey of Dog

Owner and Employers in Sweden. Pet Care Centers and Working Pet Owners,


Utz, R. (2014). Walking the Dog: The Effect of Pet Ownership on Human Health and Health

Behaviors. The Health Benefits of Dog Ownership, 116(2), 327-339.

Polick C., Applebaum J., Hanna C., Jackson D., Tsaras-Schumacher S., Hawkins R.,Conceicao

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Medical Decision-Making among Hospitalized Patients: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of

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Hodgson K., Darling M., Freeman D., & Monavvari A (2017). Asking About Pets Enhances

Patient Communicationand Care:A Pilot Study. Paws for Better Care, 54, 1-6

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Implementation of a Pet Care Management System. Transforming Pet Care Management,

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Measuring Changes in Perceptions of Access to Pet Support Care in Underserved

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Muvhali M., & Singh T (2021).Pet groomers' occupational exposures: an under-researched

group of workers in a growing pet-care industry. Occupational Exposures and Health

Risks in Pet Groomers, 34(2) 87-95

Freiwalda A., Litster A., & Weng H-Y (2014). Survey to investigate pet ownership and attitudes

to pet care in metropolitan Chicago dog and/or cat owners. Pet Ownership and Attitudes

towards Pet Care in Metropolitan Chicago, 115(3-4), 198-204.

Strengers Y., Pink S., & Nicholls L (2018). Smart energy futures and social practice

imaginaries: Forecasting scenarios for pet care in Australian homes. Smart Energy

Futures for Pet Care, 48, 108-115.
Appendix A
Transcript of Interview

Questions Responses

Q1: Do you have a job?  Yes: 22

 No: 28

Q1.1: What kind of job is it?  Office: 4

 Working at home: 12

 Others: 6

Q2: If you have a pet, what kind of pet is it?  Dog: 31

And how many are there? If you have both a
cat and a dog, put a number on the side of the  Cat:23
answer as to how many cats there are, as well (both Cat and Dog: 9)
as the dog.
 Rabbit:4

 Parrot:0

 Others:1 (rooster)

Q3: Has your pet had any vaccinations?  Yes: 21

 Not yet: 24

 Not needed:5

Q3.1: If YES, please state which vaccine it is. (Skip  Anti-Rabies: 21

if the answer is NO)

Q4: What does your pet likes to do? ( You can  Sleeping: 28
choose all the options if your pet likes to do it all)
 Playing:22

 Eating: 22

 Going outside: 13

 Others: 3

Q5: What does your pet like to eat? Please state

what brand or type of food it is.  Dog foods: 24

 Cat foods: 17

 Meats: 4

 Fruits: 0 (Carrots)

 Others: 7

Q6: Would you be prepared to pay for your pet's  Yes: 28 (proceed 6.1 and 6.2)
care while you are at work if we built a pet care
center for them?
 No: 22 (proceed to 6.3)

Q6.1: if YES, why? N/A

Q6.2: How much are you willing to pay for it  Php 150.00 per pet a day: 15
in addition to the free pet food?
 Php 200.00 per pet a day: 2

 Php 250.00 per pet a day: 6

 Php 300.00 per pet a day: 4

 Others:1 (Php 100)

Q6.3: If NO, why? N/A

Please write what you want to suggest or want
to say for our proposed business. N/A

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