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How are adverbs used in sentences?

Adverbs provide context in a sentence by describing how, when, where, and to what extent
something occurs. Adverbs can be used to modify verbs, adjectives, and even other adverbs.

Modifying verb Modifying adjective Modifying adverb

I started playing golf quite
Tamara danced slowly Jeff is extremely talented

Adverbs can also be used to modify entire sentences by expressing a viewpoint or making an
evaluation. These adverbs (called sentence adverbs) are typically set off with commas.
Examples: Sentence adverbs
Luckily, the fire department responded immediately.
Monica can’t attend the party, unfortunately.

Adverbs vs. adjectives

While adverbs can modify verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and entire sentences, adjectives can only
modify nouns and pronouns (e.g., “the red door”).
Adverbs are often formed by adding “-ly” to the end of an adjective. However, adverbs can also be
formed from adjectives in other ways, depending on the ending.

Original ending Adverbial ending Example

-y -ily (replacing the “y”) happy; happily,
-le -y (replacing the “e”) able; ably
-ic -ally energetic; energetically

Some adverbs use the same form as their corresponding adjectives. These are known as flat adverbs
(e.g., “straight,” “fast,” “early”). Other adverbs (e.g., “never”) simply don’t have a corresponding
Tip: If you’re unsure whether a word is being used as an adverb or an adjective, look at the word
that it’s modifying. If it’s modifying a noun or a pronoun, it’s an adjective. If it’s modifying anything
else, it’s an adverb.
For example, in the sentence “Don’t drive fast,” the word “fast” is an adverb because it’s modifying
the verb “drive.”
In the phrase “a fast car,” the word “fast” is an adjective because it’s describing the noun “car.”

Adverbs and linking verbs

Adverbs are sometimes confused with adjectives when they are used with linking verbs (i.e. a verb
that connects the subject of a sentence with a subject complement that describes it).
While adverbs can be used to describe how an action is done, linking verbs (e.g., “look,” “feel,”
“sound,” “be”) refer to states of being and therefore take an adjective rather than an adverb.
Examples: Adverbs and adjectives with linking verbs
 Angela seems angrily.
 Angela seems angry.
Adverbs of manner
An adverb of manner describes how an action is performed or how something happens. In most
cases, adverbs of manner occur after the main verb.

Examples: Adverbs of manner in a sentence

Jessie read quietly.
Tom laughed loudly.
If the verb has a direct object (a thing being acted upon), the adverb should be placed before the
verb or at the end of the sentence. It should never be placed between the verb and its object (in the
following examples, “the book” is the object).

Examples: Adverbs of manner and direct objects

Jessie read quietly the book.
Jessie quietly read the book.
Jessie read the book quietly.

Adverbs of degree

Adverbs of degree are used to qualify verbs, adjectives, or adverbs by expressing extent or degree.
Some common adverbs of degree include: “extremely,” “absolutely,” “slightly,” “quite,” and
Examples: Adverbs of degree in a sentence
The medication had a very positive effect.
I’ll be ready soon; I’m almost finished.

Adverbs of place

An adverb of place provides information about the location of an action (e.g., position, distance, and
direction). Adverbs of place typically occur after the main verb of a sentence.
Examples: “Adverbs of place” in a sentence
Go downstairs and open the door.
Confetti was thrown everywhere.
Come here!

Note: Some words can be used as both an adverb of place and a preposition. When the sentence has
no object, it’s considered an adverb (e.g., “go inside”). If the sentence has an object, it’s considered a
preposition (e.g., “go inside the house”)

Adverbs of time
Adverbs of time (e.g., “yesterday,” “today,” “tomorrow”) describe when something happens. They
are typically placed at the end of a sentence.
Examples: Adverbs of time in a sentence
I have to run, but I’ll see you tomorrow.
Dylan has a dentist appointment, so he will be late for school today.
Adverbs of duration (e.g., “temporarily,” “forever,” “shortly”) are slightly different; they describe
the length of time something happens for.
Examples: Adverbs of duration in a sentence
The power outage should be fixed shortly.
I played football briefly, but I didn’t enjoy it.

Adverbs of frequency
Adverbs of frequency describe how often something happens. They can be divided into two
categories based on how specific they are.

Adverbs of indefinite frequency (e.g., “always,” “sometimes,” “never”) give an idea of how often
something occurs, but they don’t give an exact timeframe. Adverbs of indefinite frequency are
usually placed before the main verb.
Examples: Adverbs of indefinite frequency in a sentence Anna always works on Saturdays.
Jessica never washes the dishes.

Adverbs of definite frequency (e.g., “hourly,” “daily,” “weekly”) give a more precise description of
how often something happens. They typically occur at the end of a sentence.
Examples: Adverbs of definite frequency
I check my email hourly.
We visit France yearly.

Adverbs of purpose
Adverbs of purpose (also called adverbs of reason) help to explain why something is the case. Many
adverbs of purpose function as conjunctive adverbs. Other adverbs of purpose usually take the form
of adverbial phrases instead of individual words.
Examples: Adverbs of purpose in a sentence
The company made a huge profit; therefore, the employees were given raises.
Since you’re busy, I’ll call back later.

Other types of adverbs

There are a few additional types of adverbs that are worth considering:
 Conjunctive adverbs
 Focusing adverbs
 Interrogative adverbs
 Relative adverbs

Conjunctive adverbs
Conjunctive adverbs (also called linking adverbs) connect two independent clauses by turning the
second clause into an adverbial modifier of the first. They can be used as transition words to
introduce consequence, condition, comparison, contrast, and clarification.
Examples: Conjunctive adverbs in a sentence
The wedding is scheduled for tomorrow. However, we no longer have a caterer.
Kelly’s funding application was denied; therefore, she cannot continue her research.
Note Conjunctive adverbs are often confused with coordinating conjunctions (e.g., “and,” “but”).
However, unlike coordinating conjunctions, conjunctive adverbs can’t connect two clauses
Instead, conjunctive adverbs are typically separated from a preceding clause by a period or
semicolon and followed by a comma.
 The car is damaged, besides it’s too expensive.
 The car is damaged. Besides, it’s too expensive.
 The car is damaged; besides, it’s too expensive.
Focusing adverbs
Focusing adverbs are used to emphasize a particular part of a sentence. They’re typically positioned
next to the word they’re drawing attention to. Some common focusing adverbs include: “only,”
“just,” “especially,” “even,” “either,” and “neither.”
Examples: Focusing adverbs in a sentence
Natalia loves reading, especially fiction.
Jen had a great time at the party; she even danced.

Interrogative adverbs
The interrogative adverbs “when,” “where,” “why,” and “how” are used to introduce a question.
Examples: Interrogative adverbs in a sentence
When do you want to go shopping?
Where did you get that doughnut?

Relative adverbs
The relative adverbs “where,” “when,” and “why” are used to introduce dependent or relative
clauses (i.e., clauses that contain a subject and verb but do not express a complete thought).
Examples: Relative adverbs in a sentence
This is the city where the soldiers were stationed.
That was the moment when I first noticed him.

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