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P301 - Project Proposal form

Learner Name Matthew Learner number

Centre Name Law Centre Number

Teacher Assessor Maria Date

Unit P301

Proposed project title Climate change

Section One: Title, objectives, responsibilities

Title or working title of project (in the form of a question ):

How is climate change damaging earth and

actions humans are taking to prevent the

Project objectives (eg, what is the question you want to answer? What do you want to
learn how to do? What do you want to find out?)

. Is human really solving climate change ?

. How is it effecting us
. How long left do we have before it’s too late

. Are we being told the truth about the climate ?


If it is a group project, what will your role or responsibilities be?

Having a specific task such as how is climate change effecting us or what

is human doing to prevent climate change from getting worst
Section Two: Reasons for choosing this project

Reasons for choosing the project (eg links to other subjects you are studying, personal
interest, future plans, knowledge/skills you want to improve, why the topic is

I do take geography in A level so this might actually help me with my subjects

and I am interested in studying geography in university so I think having some
knowledge of climate change is necessary and this is a chance for me to being
able to research about certain topics
Section Three: Activities and timescales
Activities to be carried out during the project (eg, research, How long this
analysis, writing, preparing for the presentation, etc) will take

Activities being carry out :

Project planning : where to start, research, internet survey

to collect data

Research : Research in both geography and human

development that is being part of climate change

. How are we doing to stop climate change ( main objective )

. Is it too late to stop climate change ( question )

Milestone one:
Finish first draft by early next year

Target date (set by tutor-assessor):

Milestone two: Complete the whole thing

Target date (set by tutor-assessor):

Section Four: Resources
What resources will you need for your research, write up and presentation (eg
libraries, books, journals, equipment)
Books ( unlikely )


A level geography book ( try to get one )

Bibliography about climate change

Recent event and discussion that was talked

about on news

What areas of research will you cover?

What have human do to prevent climate change over the years

How long has climate change lasted (history wise )

What costed climate change

Is it too late to stop climate change

Comments and agreement from tutor-assessor

Comments (optional):

I confirm that the project is appropriate.

Agreed: (name) (date)

Comments and agreement from proposal checker

Comments (optional):

I confirm that the project is appropriate.

Agreed: (name) (date)

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