Khorana AA - Thromboembolism in Hospitalized Neutropenic Cancer Patients

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Thromboembolism in hospitalized cancer patients

Article in Journal of Clinical Oncology · February 2006

DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2005.03.8877 · Source: PubMed


411 467

6 authors, including:

Eva Culakova Nicole M Kuderer

University of Rochester Medical Center University of Washington Seattle


Gary H Lyman
Fred Hutch Cancer Center


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VOLUME 24 䡠 NUMBER 3 䡠 JANUARY 20 2006


Thromboembolism in Hospitalized Neutropenic

Cancer Patients
Alok A. Khorana, Charles W. Francis, Eva Culakova, Richard I. Fisher, Nicole M. Kuderer, and Gary H. Lyman
From the James P. Wilmot Cancer
Center and the Departments of Medi-
cine and Biostatistics and Computa-
tional Biology, University of Rochester, Purpose
Rochester, NY. Cancer is associated with thrombosis, but the frequency of thromboembolism in hospitalized
Submitted August 17, 2005; accepted
cancer patients receiving current chemotherapy regimens is not known. We investigated venous
October 5, 2005. and arterial thromboembolism and associated outcomes in hospitalized cancer patients actively
Supported by the James P. Wilmot
receiving therapy, as identified by neutropenia.
Cancer Research Fellowship (A.A.K.)
and National Institutes of Health Grant
We conducted a retrospective cohort study using the discharge database of the University
No. 2T32 ES007271 (E.C.).
HealthSystem Consortium. This included 66,106 adult neutropenic cancer patients with 88,074
Presented in part at the 40th Annual hospitalizations between 1995 and 2002 at 115 medical centers in the United States.
Meeting of the American Society of
Clinical Oncology, New Orleans, LA, Results
June 5-8, 2004. Thromboembolism was reported in 5,272 patients (8%), with 5.4% patients developing venous
Authors’ disclosures of potential con- thromboembolism and 1.5% developing arterial thromboembolism during the first hospitalization.
flicts of interest and author contribu- Patients with lymphoma and leukemia accounted for one third of venous and nearly one half of
tions are found at the end of this arterial events. Clinical variables most frequently associated with thromboembolism were age
ⱖ 65 years; primary site of cancer, including lung, GI, gynecologic, and brain; and comorbidities,
Address reprint requests to Alok A. including infection, pulmonary and renal disease, and obesity. In-hospital mortality was signifi-
Khorana, MD, 601 Elmwood Ave, Box cantly greater in patients with venous (odds ratio [OR] ⫽ 2.01; 95% CI, 1.83 to 2.22) or arterial
704, Rochester, NY 14642; e-mail:
thromboembolism (OR ⫽ 5.04; 95% CI, 4.38 to 5.79). From 1995 to 2002, there was a 36%
increase in venous events and a 124% increase in arterial events (P ⬍ .0001 for trend).
© 2006 by American Society of Clinical
Oncology Conclusion
Thromboembolism is frequent in hospitalized neutropenic cancer patients, including in perceived
low-risk subgroups such as patients with hematologic malignancies and nonmetastatic disease,
DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2005.03.8877
and seems to be increasing. Thromboembolism is associated with increased in-hospital mortality.
Increased efforts at thromboprophylaxis are warranted.

J Clin Oncol 24:484-490. © 2006 by American Society of Clinical Oncology

thromboembolism over a median follow-up time of

26 months.7
An association between thrombosis and malig- Varying rates may be observed because of the
nancy has been reported since at least the 19th heterogeneity of the hospitalized cancer popula-
century, and the risk of venous thromboembo- tion, which includes patients with a new diagnosis
lism is increased in cancer patients, especially in of cancer and patients admitted subsequently for
those receiving chemotherapy.1-3 The estimated surgery, elective chemotherapy, complications of
annual incidence of thromboembolism in the can- therapy, or end-of-life care. The incidence of
cer population is 0.5%,4 and thromboembolism is thromboembolism among these subgroups may
the second leading cause of death in these patients.5 vary, and the implications for prophylaxis and
An analysis of Medicare claims data for hospital therapy differ.8 Therefore, we chose to study can-
discharges from 1988 to 1990 indicated that cancer cer patients with neutropenia as reflecting a large
patients developed venous thromboembolism dur- and more homogenous population of patients
ing initial hospitalization significantly more fre- receiving active therapy. We investigated the pro-
quently than noncancer patients, although portion of patients with venous and arterial
incidence rates were only 0.6% and 0.57%, respec- thromboembolism in this population and charac-
tively.6 More recently, 7.8% of cancer patients terized its association with in-hospital mortality
treated at three medical centers developed venous and other variables.

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Copyright © 2006 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.
Thromboembolism in Cancer Patients

categorized into 17 types, and these represented one third of the

population. A small minority of patients (1.4%) had multiple cancers.
All discharge summaries of adult cancer patients with febrile neutropenia Thromboembolic Events
admitted between 1995 and 2002 to one of 115 medical centers in the United Thromboembolic events were reported in 5,272 patients
States were reviewed using the discharge database of the University HealthSys-
(7.98%), including 4,434 patients (6.71%) who developed thrombo-
tem Consortium. Patients were identified using International Classification of
Diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification (ICD-9-CM) codes that contained embolism during the first hospitalization (Table 2). Of 14,727 patients
at least one diagnosis of malignant disease (ICD-9-CM 140 to 208) and the with multiple hospitalizations, 838 (5.69%) developed thromboem-
diagnosis of agranulocytosis (ICD-9-CM 288). Patients with thromboembo- bolism during subsequent hospitalizations. For further analysis, we
lism were identified using codes for venous thrombosis (codes 451.0 to 451.9, considered events during the first hospitalization only. The most fre-
452, 453.0 to 453.9, and 557.0), pulmonary embolism (codes 415.1 to 415.9), quent events were venous thrombosis (4.79%) and pulmonary embo-
arterial embolism (codes 444.0 to 444.9), acute cerebrovascular disease (codes lism (0.93%). Arterial events, including acute coronary disease
433.0 to 434.9 and 436), and acute coronary arterial disease (codes 410.0 to
(0.8%), acute cerebrovascular disease (0.5%), and arterial embolism
410.9 and 411.1 to 411.8). Patients with a history of venous thromboembolism
or of receiving anticoagulation were identified using codes V125.1, V125.2, (0.2%), occurred less frequently. A prior history of venous thrombo-
and V586.1. The major categories of cancer that were studied (and their codes) sis, pulmonary embolism, or chronic anticoagulation was more com-
included lung (162 and 163), breast (174), colon (153), rectum (154), stomach mon in patients who developed venous thromboembolism than in
(151), pancreas (157), other abdominal cancers (152, 155, 156, 158, and 159), patients who did not (P ⬍ .0001), although this comprised only a
ovary (183), endometrium and cervix (179 to 182), head and neck (140 to small percentage of patients (1.7%).
149), esophageal (150), Hodgkin’s disease (201), non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
The proportion of patients with venous and arterial thromboem-
(200 and 202), brain (191 and 192), prostate (185), bladder (188), renal (189),
leukemia (204 to 208), testicular (186), myeloma (203), and sarcoma (170 and bolism increased by 36% and 124%, respectively, over the 8 years of
171). Comorbidities and risk factors included documented infection (001 to study (Fig 1; P ⬍ .0001 for trend for both). This increase occurred
139.8, 480 to 486, and 9966.2), pulmonary disease (487 to 519.9), hypertension despite a decrease in median length of hospital stay from 8 to 7 days
(401), renal disease (580 to 593.9), diabetes mellitus (250 to 250.9), tobacco and a decline in the proportion of patients with lengths of stay greater
abuse (305.1 to 305.12 and V1582), congestive heart failure (428 to 428.9), than 10 days from 46.1% to 42.5% (P ⬍ .0001). Notably, the propor-
hepatic disease (570 to 576.9), and obesity (278). These comorbidities and risk tion of patients greater than 65 years old increased during the same
factors referred to the period of hospitalization only. In-hospital mortality was
period from 23.2% to 28.1%, as did the proportion of obese patients,
defined as death from any cause during the period of hospitalization.
which increased from 0.48% to 1.14% (P ⬍ .0001 for both).
Statistical Analysis Sites of cancer with the highest proportion of patients with ve-
The association of thromboembolism with clinical variables was studied nous thromboembolism were pancreas (12.1%), brain (9.5%), and
using a univariate analysis and reported as odds ratios (ORs) with 95% CIs. endometrial or cervical (9%; Table 3). Patients with non-Hodgkin’s
The association results were re-evaluated using a multivariate logistic regres- lymphoma (n ⫽ 650) and leukemia (n ⫽ 641) represented more than
sion model with venous thromboembolism as the response variable. The full
one third of all patients with venous events, and lung (n ⫽ 326) and
cohort of 66,106 patients was used in the multivariate model because data
regarding age, sex, and mortality were complete (except for data on 90 patients breast (n ⫽ 204) cancers accounted for nearly one sixth of all patients
regarding mortality). For missing data regarding race, an other/unknown with venous events. Sites of cancer with the highest proportion of
category was created. Clinically relevant factors, including age ⱖ 65 years, race, patients with arterial thromboembolism were prostate (3.9%), lung
sex, comorbidities, and sites of cancer known to be associated with thrombo- (2.8%), and bladder (2.8%; Table 3). Patients with non-Hodgkin’s
embolism, were included in the model. To test homogeneity of ORs between lymphoma (n ⫽ 173) and leukemia (n ⫽ 279) represented nearly half
mortality and thromboembolism, we split the data set into 54 groups based on
of all patients with arterial events, with lung (n ⫽ 131) and breast
zip code and year (P ⫽ .20 for venous thromboembolism and P ⫽ .10 for
arterial thromboembolism). The association between mortality and thrombo- cancer (n ⫽ 36) accounting for a further one sixth of patients.
embolism was also tested in a multivariate analysis. The association of categor- Variables significantly associated with venous thromboembo-
ical variables with outcomes were based on a ␹2 test while the Cochran- lism included age ⱖ 65 years; site of cancer, including pancreas, brain,
Armitage test was used to determine trend. Statistical significance of endometrial or cervical, and lung (P ⱕ .01 for each); and presence of
independent variables in multivariate analyses were based on the Wald ␹2 test. comorbidities, including infection, pulmonary disease, hypertension,
Statistical analysis was conducted using SAS version 8.2 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). renal disease, congestive heart failure, hepatic disease, and obesity
(Table 1). Variables associated with arterial thromboembolism in-
RESULTS cluded age ⱖ 65 years; male sex; black race; site of cancer, including
leukemia, colon, prostate, and lung (P ⱕ .01 for each); and presence of
comorbidities, including infection, pulmonary disease, hypertension,
Patient Characteristics renal disease, diabetes mellitus, congestive heart failure, and hepatic
A total of 88,074 hospitalizations with neutropenia occurred in disease. There was a significant association between the occurrence of
66,106 cancer patients between 1995 and 2002 in 115 medical centers, venous and arterial thromboembolism (OR ⫽ 1.73; 95% CI, 1.38 to
including 14,727 patients (22.3%) with multiple hospitalizations. The 2.16). Among patients with age ⱖ 65 years, women were more likely to
average age was 53 years, and 26.2% of patients were greater than 65 develop venous thromboembolism (5.7% of men v 6.6% of women;
years old (Table 1). Nearly three fourths of the population (72.8%) OR ⫽ 1.16; 95% CI, 1.02 to 1.31; P ⫽ .02), and the proportion was
was white, with blacks representing 11.2% and Hispanics representing highest among black women with age ⱖ 65 years (7.7% v 6.5%
4.6% of the population. Hematologic malignancies were common for other women aged ⱖ 65 years; P ⫽ .13). Information regarding
and included leukemia (22.1%), non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (19.6%), presence or absence of metastatic disease was available for only a
myeloma (6.8%), and Hodgkin’s disease (3.1%). Solid tumors were subgroup of the population (n ⫽ 38,010). In this subgroup, venous 485
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Copyright © 2006 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.
Khorana et al

Table 1. Characteristics of the Study Population and Association With Venous and Arterial Thromboembolism by Univariate Analysis
Venous Thromboembolism Arterial Thromboembolism
No. of % of % With Odds % With Odds
Characteristic Patients Total Event 95% CI Ratioⴱ 95% CI Event 95% CI Ratio 95% CI

All patients 66,106 100 5.37 5.20 to 5.54 1.47 1.38 to 1.56
Age, years
⬍ 65 48,750 73.75 5.08 4.89 to 5.28 1.14 to 1.33 0.97 0.89 to 1.06 2.64 to 3.40
ⱖ 65 17,356 26.25 6.18 5.82 to 6.54 1.23† 2.86 2.61 to 3.11 3.0†
Female 34,639 52.40 5.46 5.22 to 5.70 0.90 to 1.03 1.32 1.29 to 1.44 1.10 to 1.41
Male 31,467 47.60 5.27 5.02 to 5.52 0.96‡ 1.63 1.49 to 1.77 1.25‡
White 48,161 72.85 5.35 5.15 to 5.55 0.99 0.92 to 1.07 1.44 1.33 to 1.55 0.94 0.81 to 1.08
Black 7,438 11.25 5.54 5.02 to 6.06 1.04 0.93 to 1.15 1.75 1.45 to 2.05 1.23 1.02 to 1.48
Hispanic 3,075 4.65 5.11 4.35 to 5.88 0.95 0.80 to 1.12 1.07 0.71 to 1.44 0.72 0.51 to 1.02
Other/unknown 7,432 11.24 5.42 4.91 to 5.94 1.01 0.91 to 1.13 1.52 1.24 to 1.80 1.04 0.86 to 1.27
Site of cancer
Leukemia 14,600 22.09 4.39 4.06 to 4.72 0.77 0.70 to 0.84 1.91 1.69 to 2.13 1.43 1.25 to 1.65
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma 12,977 19.63 5.01 4.63 to 5.38 0.91 0.84 to 1.00 1.33 1.14 to 1.53 0.89 0.75 to 1.05
Breast 5,187 7.85 3.93 3.42 to 4.50 0.70 0.61 to 0.81 0.69 0.47 to 0.92 0.45 0.32 to 0.63
Lung 4,655 7.04 7.00 6.27 to 7.74 1.36 1.21 to 1.53 2.81 2.34 to 3.29 2.09 1.74 to 2.52
Myeloma 4,527 6.85 5.79 5.11 to 6.47 1.09 0.96 to 1.24 0.93 0.65 to 1.21 0.61 0.45 to 0.84
Hodgkin’s disease 2,042 3.09 3.87 3.03 to 4.71 0.70 0.56 to 0.88 0.54 0.22 to 0.86 0.36 0.20 to 0.65
Ovary 1,955 2.96 6.50 5.40 to 7.39 1.23 1.03 to 1.48 1.38 0.86 to 1.90 0.94 0.64 to 1.38
Head and neck 1,606 2.43 2.74 1.94 to 3.54 0.49 0.36 to 0.66 1.81 1.15 to 2.46 1.24 0.86 to 1.80
Sarcoma 1,597 2.42 4.82 3.77 to 5.87 0.89 0.71 to 1.12 0.31 0.04 to 0.59 0.21 0.09 to 0.50
Endometrium/cervical 1,060 1.60 8.96 7.24 to 10.68 1.76 1.42 to 2.17 1.42 0.70 to 2.13 0.96 0.58 to 1.61
Colon 756 1.14 6.75 4.96 to 8.53 1.28 0.96 to 1.70 2.65 1.50 to 3.79 1.84 1.18 to 2.89
Other abdominal 720 1.09 7.64 5.70 to 9.58 1.47 1.11 to 1.93 1.39 0.53 to 2.24 0.95 0.51 to 1.77
Brain 716 1.08 9.50 7.35 to 11.64 1.87 1.45 to 2.40 0.70 0.09 to 1.31 0.47 0.19 to 1.13
Esophagus 699 1.06 6.72 4.87 to 8.58 1.27 0.95 to 1.72 2.00 0.96 to 3.04 1.38 0.81 to 2.35
Rectum 645 0.98 6.98 5.13 to 9.22 1.33 0.98 to 1.80 1.86 0.82 to 2.90 1.28 0.72 to 2.27
Stomach 580 0.88 7.41 5.28 to 9.55 1.42 1.04 to 1.94 1.72 0.66 to 2.78 1.18 0.63 to 2.21
Testicular 491 0.74 6.52 4.33 to 8.70 1.23 0.86 to 1.76 0.81 0.02 to 1.61 0.55 0.21 to 1.47
Prostate 439 0.66 7.29 4.86 to 9.72 1.39 0.97 to 2.00 3.87 2.07 to 5.68 2.74 1.68 to 4.46
Pancreas 438 0.66 12.10 9.05 to 15.15 2.45 1.84 to 3.27 1.60 0.42 to 2.77 1.09 0.52 to 2.31
Bladder 288 0.44 6.60 3.73 to 9.46 1.25 0.78 to 1.99 2.78 0.88 to 4.68 1.93 0.95 to 3.90
Renal 212 0.32 7.55 3.99 to 11.10 1.44 0.87 to 2.40 0.47 0.00 to 1.39 0.32 0.05 to 2.27
Multiple cancers 906 1.37 4.97 3.55 to 6.38 0.92 0.68 to 1.24 2.43 1.43 to 3.43 1.69 1.10 to 2.59
Other cancers 9,010 13.63 5.98 5.49 to 6.47 1.14 1.04 to 1.26 1.02 0.81 to 1.23 0.66 0.53 to 0.82
Infection 28,904 43.72 6.32 6.04 to 6.60 1.39 1.30 to 1.49 1.85 1.69 to 2.00 1.59 1.40 to 1.80
Pulmonary disease 13,100 19.82 8.05 7.59 to 8.52 1.77 1.65 to 1.91 3.18 2.88 to 3.48 3.11 2.73 to 3.53
Hypertension 12,463 18.85 5.89 5.48 to 6.30 1.13 1.04 to 1.23 2.27 2.01 to 2.53 1.79 1.56 to 2.06
Renal disease 7,549 11.42 7.91 7.30 to 8.52 1.62 1.48 to 1.77 3.30 2.90 to 3.70 2.74 2.36 to 3.17
Diabetes mellitus 5,122 7.75 5.62 4.99 to 6.25 1.05 0.93 to 1.19 3.05 2.58 to 3.52 2.32 1.95 to 2.76
Congestive heart failure 2,722 4.12 7.02 6.06 to 8.04 1.35 1.16 to 1.57 7.35 6.37 to 8.33 6.45 5.49 to 7.57
Hepatic disease 2,090 3.16 7.37 6.25 to 8.49 1.42 1.20 to 1.68 2.11 1.49 to 2.72 1.47 1.08 to 1.99
Obesity 518 0.78 8.11 5.76 to 10.46 1.56 1.14 to 2.15 1.74 0.61 to 2.86 1.19 0.61 to 2.31
Past history
Venous thromboembolism 878 1.33 3.87 2.60 to 5.15 0.71 0.50 to 1.00 1.25 0.52 to 1.99 0.85 0.47 to 1.55
Chronic anticoagulation 397 0.6 15.87 12.41 to 19.46 3.37 2.57 to 4.42 1.76 0.71 to 3.6 1.2 0.57 to 2.56

An odds ratios of ⬎ 1.0 for age signifies a greater likelihood of thromboembolism in neutropenic cancer patients age ⱖ 65 years, and, for sex, signifies a greater
likelihood of thromboembolism in male patients. For sites of cancer, an odds ratio of ⬎ 1.0 signifies a greater likelihood of thromboembolism relative to other
neutropenic cancer patients.
†For age ⱖ 65 years.
‡For male sex.

thromboembolism was more frequent in patients with metastatic In-Hospital Mortality

disease (OR ⫽ 1.23; 95% CI, 1.13 to 1.34), whereas arterial thrombo- The in-hospital mortality for the entire population was 8.3% over
embolism was not (OR ⫽ 0.59; 95% CI, 0.51 to 0.69). the 8 years of study. Patients with venous thromboembolism had


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Copyright © 2006 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.
Thromboembolism in Cancer Patients

Table 2. Thromboembolic Complications Observed in the Study Population

During First Hospitalization During Later Hospitalizations During All Hospitalizations
(n ⫽ 66,106) (n ⫽ 14,727) (N ⫽ 66,106)
Outcome No. % 95% CI No. % 95% CI No. % 95% CI

Any thromboembolism 4,434 6.71 6.52 to 6.9 838 5.69 5.32 to 6.06 5,272 7.98 7.77 to 8.18
Venous thromboembolism 3,550 5.37 5.2 to 5.54 705 4.79 4.44 to 5.13 4,255 6.44 6.25 to 6.62
Venous thrombosis 3,167 4.79 4.63 to 4.95 661 4.49 4.15 to 4.82 3,828 5.79 5.61 to 5.97
Pulmonary embolism 616 0.93 0.86 to 1.01 95 0.65 0.52 to 0.77 711 1.08 1 to 1.15
Arterial thromboembolism 970 1.47 1.38 to 1.56 165 1.12 0.95 to 1.29 1,135 1.72 1.62 to 1.82
Acute arterial embolism 141 0.21 0.18 to 0.25 30 0.20 0.13 to 0.28 171 0.26 0.22 to 0.3
Acute cerebrovascular disease 353 0.53 0.48 to 0.59 69 0.47 0.36 to 0.58 422 0.64 0.58 to 0.7
Acute coronary artery disease 506 0.77 0.7 to 0.83 71 0.48 0.37 to 0.59 577 0.87 0.8 to 0.94

greater mortality than patients without such a diagnosis (OR ⫽ 2.01; significance in this model were year of hospitalization (with mor-
95% CI, 1.83 to 2.22; P ⬍ .0001), and a similar trend was observed in tality declining over the duration of study), age ⱖ 65 years, race,
the subgroup of patients with information regarding metastatic dis- site of cancer, and comorbidities.
ease (Fig 2A). In-hospital mortality was greater in patients with venous
thromboembolism and either nonmetastatic disease (OR ⫽ 1.62; 95%
CI, 1.37 to 1.91; P ⬍ .0001) or metastatic disease (OR ⫽ 2.06; 95% CI, DISCUSSION
1.74 to 2.44; P ⬍ .0001). Similarly, in-hospital mortality was greater in
patients with arterial thromboembolism (OR ⫽ 5.05; 95% CI, 4.38 to We studied the occurrence of thromboembolism in hospitalized
5.79) and either nonmetastatic disease (OR ⫽ 3.6; 95% CI, 2.96 cancer patients receiving chemotherapy, as identified by the pres-
to 4.37; P ⬍ .0001) or metastatic disease (OR ⫽ 3.87; 95% CI, 2.93 to ence of neutropenia. The analysis shows that venous and arterial
5.13; P ⬍ .0001; Fig 2B). thromboembolic events are frequent complications of hospitaliza-
Multivariate Analysis tion in this population and that they both contribute to increased
The following clinical variables were found to be significantly in-hospital mortality. The proportion of patients with thrombo-
associated with venous thromboembolism using a multivariate embolism is high across all subgroups studied including patients
logistic regression analysis: age ⱖ 65 years; site of cancer, including with hematologic malignancies and with nonmetastatic disease,
brain, lung, stomach, pancreas, other abdominal, ovary, endome- who are commonly perceived to be at lower risk for thromboem-
trium, and cervix; arterial thromboembolism; and presence of bolism. Older age, particular sites of cancer, infection, and other
comorbidities, including infection, pulmonary and renal disease, comorbidities are associated with a higher risk of thromboembolic
and obesity. Their association with venous thromboembolism is events. Of particular concern is the increasing frequency of venous
described in Table 4. A similar multivariate analysis for mortality and arterial thromboembolism.
identified venous (OR ⫽ 1.5; 95% CI, 1.3 to 1.6) and arterial throm- The proportion of patients with venous thromboembolism re-
boembolism (OR ⫽ 2.7; 95% CI, 2.3 to 3.2) as significantly associ- ported in our study is greater than the proportion observed in a
ated with increased in-hospital mortality. Other variables of prospective study of acutely ill medical patients, which found an inci-
dence of 0.7% symptomatic venous thrombosis and 1% pulmonary
embolism in the placebo arm.9 The proportion is also much higher
than the 0.6% incidence observed in Medicare claims data from 1988
to 1990.6 The incidence of arterial thromboembolism in hospitalized
cancer patients has not been previously reported. Several factors may
have contributed to the high proportion of thromboembolism ob-
served. The study population comprised only patients receiving
chemotherapy because a discharge diagnosis of neutropenia was
required. Nearly 44% of patients experienced an infectious com-
plication during hospitalization. Both chemotherapy and infection
are risk factors for thrombosis.3,10-12 Hematopoietic growth fac-
tors, which are commonly used in hospitalized patients with febrile
neutropenia, may be thrombogenic, although a recent meta-
analysis was inconclusive.13 The true risk of thromboembolism
may have increased since the last report; indeed, we observed a
significant increase in its occurrence over the study duration. There
may be an increased awareness of the diagnosis of thromboembo-
Fig 1. Increase in the proportion of patients with venous and arterial thrombo- lism, leading to increased testing.14 Risk factors, such as patient age
embolism over time. Results are presented as annual proportions between 1995
and 2002. Significant trends for increase in occurrence were observed for both and obesity, increased over the same period, although length of hos-
venous and arterial thromboembolism (P ⬍ .0001 for trend). pitalization declined. Newer, more thrombogenic cancer treatment 487
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Khorana et al

Table 3. Site of Malignancy and Proportion of Patients With Thromboembolism

Total Venous Venous Pulmonary Total Arterial Acute Coronary Cerebrovascular Arterial
Thromboembolism Thrombosis Embolism Thromboembolism Disease Disease Embolism
No. With % With No. of % With No. of % With No. of % With No. of % With No. of % With No. of % With
Site of Cancer Events Event Patients Event Patients Event Patients Event Patients Event Patients Event Patients Event
All sites 3,550 5.37 3,167 4.79 616 0.93 970 1.47 506 0.77 353 0.54 141 0.21
Pancreas 53 12.10 52 11.87 6 1.37 7 1.60 1 0.23 4 0.91 2 0.46
Brain 68 9.50 58 8.10 16 2.23 5 0.70 4 0.56 1 0.14 1 0.14
Endometrial/cervical 95 8.96 87 8.21 12 1.13 15 1.42 4 0.38 8 0.75 3 0.28
Other abdominal cancers 55 7.64 50 6.94 8 1.11 10 1.39 1 0.14 5 0.69 4 0.56
Renal 16 7.55 15 7.08 3 1.42 1 0.47 1 0.47 0 0.00 0 0.00
Stomach 43 7.41 36 6.21 10 1.72 10 1.72 3 0.52 6 1.03 1 0.17
Prostate 32 7.29 27 6.15 11 2.51 17 3.87 10 2.28 5 1.14 2 0.46
Lung 326 7.00 259 5.56 97 2.08 131 2.81 66 1.42 50 1.07 20 0.43
Rectum 45 6.98 43 6.67 8 1.24 12 1.86 6 0.93 1 0.16 5 0.78
Colon 51 6.75 44 5.82 14 1.85 20 2.65 10 1.32 7 0.93 3 0.40
Esophagus 47 6.72 42 6.01 7 1.00 14 2.00 6 0.86 7 1.00 1 0.14
Bladder 19 6.60 19 6.60 1 0.35 8 2.78 5 1.74 3 1.04 0 0.00
Testicular 32 6.52 31 6.31 2 0.41 4 0.81 1 0.20 0 0.00 3 0.61
Ovary 127 6.50 109 5.58 27 1.38 27 1.38 13 0.66 11 0.56 5 0.26
Myeloma 262 5.79 240 5.30 31 0.68 42 0.93 25 0.55 16 0.35 2 0.04
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma 650 5.01 578 4.45 116 0.89 173 1.33 98 0.76 61 0.47 24 0.18
Sarcoma 77 4.82 69 4.32 10 0.63 5 0.31 1 0.06 2 0.13 2 0.13
Leukemia 641 4.39 593 4.06 74 0.51 279 1.91 145 0.99 108 0.74 32 0.22
Breast 204 3.93 177 3.41 44 0.85 36 0.69 20 0.39 8 0.15 9 0.17
Hodgkin’s disease 79 3.87 72 3.53 13 0.64 11 0.54 7 0.34 3 0.15 1 0.05
Head and neck 44 2.74 41 2.55 5 0.31 29 1.81 16 1.00 10 0.62 3 0.19
Multiple cancers 45 4.97 42 4.64 3 0.33 22 2.43 13 1.43 3 0.33 7 0.77
Other cancers 539 5.98 483 5.36 98 1.09 92 1.02 50 0.55 34 0.38 11 0.12

regimens, increasing use of implanted venous access devices, and shown to be associated with an advanced stage and a three-fold lower
an increased awareness of thrombosis as a complication of hospi- survival at 1 year.26
talization may also have contributed.15-17 Although the discharge Our study had several limitations. It was retrospective and based
codes we used to identify venous thrombosis included superficial on discharge codes. However, accuracy of coding for pulmonary em-
thrombophlebitis, the number of patients with this diagnosis alone bolism and deep venous thrombosis has been previously shown to be
was small (n ⫽ 198, 0.2%). 92% and 84%, respectively.27 Neither the time to thromboembolic
The significance of cancer site suggests that intrinsic factors event nor the time from thromboembolism to mortality were avail-
unique to these particular tumors contribute to hypercoagulabil- able. The study included only inpatients and may have underesti-
ity. The high risk of venous thromboembolism in patients with mated the true proportion because venous thromboembolism is often
pancreas, brain, and gynecologic cancers is consistent with prior diagnosed and managed on an outpatient basis. Although neutrope-
observations.7,18-20 The association of arterial thromboembolism nia is usually a manifestation of chemotherapy administration, it can
with prostate, lung, and colon cancers and leukemia is a novel also occur without the use of chemotherapy, particularly in patients
finding and deserves further investigation. with myeloproliferative disorders. In this study, however, the propor-
The occurrence of thromboembolism has several clinical conse- tion of patients with thromboembolism was not substantially altered
quences related to patient morbidity, interruption of chemotherapy, when patients with myeloproliferative disorders were excluded (data
and cost of hospitalization.21 In our analysis, thromboembolism was not shown). We could not validate the diagnosis of neutropenia in our
also associated with increased in-hospital mortality. Arterial throm- study population, although it has been previously shown to be specific
boembolism and pulmonary embolism can be life threatening and in similar administrative datasets.28,29 Thromboprophylaxis can alter
could have contributed to the observed increase in mortality. How- the incidence of venous thromboembolism, but its use in our study
ever, venous thrombosis without embolism is not a life-threatening population was not known.30 According to a recent survey, however,
condition. Experimental models suggest that activation of the coagu- less than 5% of medical oncology patients are routinely administered
lation cascade confers a growth advantage on the tumor. In particular, thromboprophylaxis.31 Venous thromboembolism occurred in 5.4%
tissue factor, thrombin, and fibrin(ogen) can enhance tumor growth, of patients, and therefore, logistic regression analysis may be ham-
metastasis, and angiogenesis.22-25 The presence of venous thrombosis pered by the rare disease assumption. Information regarding stage of
could signify an aggressive tumor biology and, therefore, a worse disease, use of implanted intravascular access devices, type and timing
short-term prognosis. Cancer diagnosed at the same time as or within of chemotherapy regimens, and outside-hospital mortality was not
1 year of an episode of venous thromboembolism has previously been available. Documentation regarding other known risk factors for


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Thromboembolism in Cancer Patients

Table 4. Predictors of Venous Thromboembolism by Multivariate Logistic

Regression Analysis
Characteristic Odds Ratioⴱ 95% CI P

Age ⱖ 65 years 1.12 1.03 to 1.21 .0051

Site of Cancer
Lung 1.29 1.14 to 1.46 ⬍ .0001
Stomach 1.60 1.17 to 2.19 .0035
Pancreas 2.80 2.09 to 3.76 ⬍ .0001
Other abdominal 1.53 1.16 to 2.03 .0031
Ovary 1.35 1.12 to 1.63 .0016
Endometrium/cervical 1.98 1.59 to 2.46 ⬍ .0001
Brain 2.23 1.73 to 2.87 ⬍ .0001
Arterial thromboembolism 1.36 1.09 to 1.71 .0079
Pulmonary disease 1.57 1.45 to 1.70 ⬍ .0001
Renal disease 1.41 1.30 to 1.54 ⬍ .0001
Infection 1.28 1.20 to 1.38 ⬍ .0001
Obesity 1.52 1.10 to 2.09 .0110

The odds ratios are adjusted for sex, race, hypertension, diabetes mellitus,
congestive heart failure, and hepatic disease, none of which were significant.

thromboembolism was also missing (eg, information on use of post-

menopausal hormonal replacement therapy was available for ⬍ 0.1%
of the study population).
Despite these limitations, it is clear from our analysis that the risk
of both venous and arterial thromboembolism is high and increasing
in hospitalized neutropenic cancer patients, and the occurrence of
thromboembolism portends a poor short-term prognosis. Thrombo-
prophylaxis with warfarin and low molecular weight heparins has
Fig 2. Thromboembolism and inpatient mortality. Presence of (A) venous and
(B) arterial thromboembolism was significantly associated with increased mor- been shown to be effective in cancer outpatients and hospitalized
tality in patients with metastatic or nonmetastatic disease (P ⬍ .0001). Informa- acutely ill medical patients, respectively.9,30 These compounds may
tion regarding metastatic disease was available for only a subgroup of the
population (n ⫽ 38,010). Information regarding mortality was not available for 90
have other beneficial effects in cancer patients.32,33 Prospective studies
patients. Error bars represent 95% CIs. are necessary to characterize the risks and benefits of thromboprophy-
laxis in this patient population.

9. Samama MM, Cohen AT, Darmon JY, et al: A phate, paclitaxel, and carboplatin in patients with
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■ ■ ■

We thank David Oakes, PhD, for critical comments and Susan Sullivan and Barbara Hartzog for editorial assistance.

Authors’ Disclosures of Potential Conflicts of Interest

The authors indicated no potential conflicts of interest.

Author Contributions

Conception and design: Alok A. Khorana, Charles W. Francis, Gary H. Lyman

Administrative support: Gary H. Lyman
Collection and assembly of data: Eva Culakova, Gary H. Lyman
Data analysis and interpretation: Alok A. Khorana, Charles W. Francis, Eva Culakova, Richard I. Fisher, Nicole M. Kuderer, Gary H. Lyman
Manuscript writing: Alok A. Khorana, Charles W. Francis, Eva Culakova, Richard I. Fisher, Nicole M. Kuderer, Gary H. Lyman
Final approval of manuscript: Alok A. Khorana, Charles W. Francis, Eva Culakova, Richard I. Fisher, Nicole M. Kuderer, Gary H. Lyman


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Copyright © 2006 American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.

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