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To do the GCSE Biology 1 work the syllabus assumes that some biology has been taught

and learnt in KS3

Pupils starting KS4 should already have done in KS3 or even KS2:

 Living v. non-living things

 7 Characteristics of living things

 Organs of the human body and what they do (simple level)

 Using keys and simple classification of plants and animals

 We used to do plant groups: algae, mosses, ferns and flowering plants and stress fungi
are not plants. Spore making v. seed making (Structure of a flower)

 Animal groups, vertebrates and invertebrates. We used to then do the various

invertebrate groups including arthropods and arthropod classes!

 Photosynthesis and plant nutrition

 Respiration and breathing

 Cell theory and basic animal and plant cell structure. They should know at least cell
wall, cell membrane and nucleus containing genes (DNA)
 Some specialised cells

 Food chains and food webs.

 Energy from the sun.
 Pyramids of number
 Predator - prey relationships

 Basic nutrition, food groups, gut structure and digestion.

 Know simply what an enzyme is and does

 Puberty changes, Sexual reproduction, pregnancy and birth (simple level)

 Selective breeding

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