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Chapter 11.

Goodbye, Dad

Athy’s maids have been uneasy because Athy has not set a foot outside of her palace since Claude's
birthday party. One of them suggests that Athy takes a walk outside since the weather's very nice. Athy feels lazy,
but decides to listen to her maid.
Athy rather enjoys her walk outside in her garden. She's in her rose garden when she snaps one of the
roses with her bare hands. Seeing her roses now, she gets a strong urge to destroy them all. Then, her eyes meet
with Claude's.
They look at each other for few moments. Then Claude comes up to her and says, "I should not have let
you live." Athy is not surprised anymore, but his threats sounded a bit different this time.
Claude's hand reaches for Athy's neck and says, "I should have removed you from my sight the moment I
saw you. If I had killed you earlier, I wouldn't have to have you in my mind and think about you."
With his magic, Claude removes Athy's protection magic one by one. He crazily laughs as he notices that
the layers of protection magic were made by Claude himself.
"Your face. Your expression. They're all so annoying. I will kindly end this worthless life of yours."
Claude says as he continues to destroy the layers of magical protection on Athy.
"After you're gone, this unknown feeling of tightness, frustration, and annoyance every time I think
about you will disappear. So die by my hands."
Athy realizes that the layers of protection magic are disappearing one by one. By the last few layers, Athy
firmly believes that she does not want to die like this. At least not by Claude.
At that moment, rose petals swirl around Athy, and Claude stops for a moment due to Athy's sudden
magic. After a moment, Athy realizes that she's disappearing. She takes a look at Claude's face and sees his
crumbled face filled with frustration or devastation.

Athy whispers, "Goodbye, Dad" and completely disappears.

Chapter 11.5 That Dad, Claude

As beams of white light emerged from Athanasia, Claude stayed still and thought hard about what to do.
Felix shouted at him to move away, but Claude knew that Athanasia's life was in danger as time passed. Claude
ordered Felix to evacuate everyone from Emerald Palace. The magical force was so powerful that it felt like it was
ripping him apart, but Claude didn't falter. He planned to walk into the storm and forcefully stop the rampaging
magic at its core.
Right now, there was not enough time for him and Athanasia. He could not think of a better way
to stop the magical storm. If he forcefully stopped her magic, however, either one of them would be in mortal
danger. But Claude planned to channel that danger into himself. Nine out of ten people would call him crazy, but
Claude had the most powerful magic. Even if someone tried to stop him, he wasn't going to back down.

He knew doing this could kill him. But he didn't care.

Claude went right to the core where the magical storm started. And at that moment beams of white light
exploded in front of his eyes.
"Are you serious?" Claude angrily yelled at Felix.
Felix was not backing down. "I'm not kidding, Your Highness. Princess Athanasia is Your Highness' one
and only..."
"Felix, do not test my patience."
Claude already had so much work on his hands. But whatever Felix was gibbering about made his head
ache. He heard What happened, about the magical storm and how he forcefully stopped it. Claude laughed with
disbelief upon hearing that from Felix. Why? There's no way that he couldn't control his own magic. In this small
planet, was there a magician stronger than he who could make Claude lose consciousness?
'That's because Your Highness took the danger instead of Princess Athanasia." Felix replied. "You
walked into that magic storm to save the Princess yourself, remember?"
Claude couldn't believe that he was unconscious for ten days. A Princess? Since when did he have a
daughter? And he risked his life to save a Princess?
"Felix, have you gone mad?"
After hearing Felix's explanations, Claude genuinely worried for Felix's mentality. He also looked a lot
older than what Claude remembered. What had happened overnight for Felix to say these outlandish things? Did
he eat something wrong?
After listening to Felix for a while, Claude remembered that girl when he woke up. Yes. Now that he
remembered, that girl dared to call him "Dad." He had seen some women come to his room in order to take the
title of a Queen, but he has never seen someone who wanted to take the title of his daughter. He was perplexed.
Now that he recalled that moment, he clearly remembered the crystal blue eyes.
"I think there's a problem with your memory, Your Highness,"
Felix continued. He looked very serious. However, Claude was not convinced. Ah hah! Now that I see it,
that evil wench used black magic on him. I don't know what she is, but for her to change Felix this much,
she must have some good skills. Then the reason why Felix looks ten years older is due to the side effect of the
black magic.
Finally understanding, Claude nodded his head a few times. Perhaps the fact that Felix kept arguing that
Claude lost his memories could have been one of the black magic spells. There was no other explanation.
Otherwise, Claude couldn't understand why he would sacrifice his life and jump into a magic storm. IF in a
tiniest instance the girl was actually his daughter, what was so important about blood-relationship that would
make him sacrifice his life for? If that were true, his dead older brother would come out of his grave and berate
Claude, and Claude would have no excuses.
Claude couldn't understand this situation in any logical way, so he focused on regaining his physical
health. Due to his unnatural healing ability, however, it didn't take long for him to have his physical health back.
Once Claude began to work, however, he was able to see that Felix was not completely lying to him. He
really didn't have memories of the last nine years. Obelia's internal situations as well as foreign relationships were
all different compared to what he previously remembered.
After looking through various documents that Felix prepared for him, Claude was able to recognize that
he really had no memories of past nine years.
Even though he was able to admit that he didn't have any memories of last nine years, Claude was
adamantly unable to admit that he had a daughter.
"If you have time to speak of such nonsense, help me with these documents instead."
Claude then saw a strange object in his room.
"Why is there a sofa over there? No one would come in here anyway."
This room was Claude's private room when he looked over documents. If he had to meet with others,
they would use a different room.
Felix, as if he were waiting for Claude to ask such question, replied, "You asked for that sofa so that
Princess Athanasia wouldn't have to stand and wait for you when she came to see you."
"Additionally, you made special requests to make the sofa as bouncy and as comfortable as possible."
Claude had no words.
"Please look carefully. Don't you remember something? Princess Athanasia came over here often and
watched you work on documents."
"That was a rather fresh joke."
"My apologies, Your Highness, but that was not a joke." Felix raised his voice, as he was going crazy with
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"And I'm telling you too. I don't have time for jokes. Now that you have a seat, you will not dare move
your mouth until you finish all your work." Claude decided to give Felix work to do so that he would shut up. He
forgot about the sofa for a while, but his questions continued. "Since when did we have that building?"
"Princess Athanasia's hobby is reading. You ordered us to build Princess' personal private library three
years ago."
"Library?" Claude doubted his eyes and straightened his face. "Don't joke with me. I have never ordered
such thing."
"Of course you would say that, since you lost your memory." Felix was not even trying to hide his
rudeness and looked at Claude like he was a mentally-ill person. Claude's eye twitch upon seeing Felix's expression
towards him. He soon moved towards the library.
Claude looked at the two library guards with cold eyes.
"What are you two doing?" Claude asked with utter annoyance. Claude didn't like this situation very
much. You came, Your Highness? They sounded like they've met Claude before.
The two guards sensed Claude's cold attitude and spoke without orders.
A deep crease formed on Claude's forehead. To what extent did that wench use black magic?
Felix whispered, "Before, there was an uninvited intruder at Princess Athanasia's library, so you wiped
away the old library guards and got new ones."
"You're still babbling nonsense."
"You were enraged then. That's why these new guards are so eager."
Claude's facial expression crumbled because he was able to understand why the guards acted the way
they did from Felix's explanation. But Claude was adamant and shook his head. No. Even if it made sense, it didn't
make any sense.
Felix whispered once more, "We're here, so why don't you take a look inside? Even when Princess
Athanasia was not present, you visited the library from time to time."
"Shut up. I don't have such memories." Claude refused
and walked away from the library. Then the guards loudly wished Claude goodbye.

After a while, Claude stopped in his tracks once more. He had been annoyed with this scent for a while,
and he laid his eyes on a rose garden that he's never seen before. And this rose garden looked like a Queen or a
Princess might enjoy.
"After Your Highness found out that Princess Athanasia liked roses, you ordered to have several rose
gardens throughout the palace." Felix whispered again. "Among the rose gardens, the one at the Emerald Palace
where the Princess resides is the most beautiful. Your Highness and the Princess enjoyed tea at that place too..."
This time, Claude acted with complete disinterest whether Felix blabbered or not. However, his facial
expression had completely crumbled.
"The rose gardens are not the end. Your Highness also gave various golds, riches, and secret vaults as
presents to the Princess. If you're curious, I can lead you the way."
"My apologies, Your Highness, but even if you glare at me as if you'd eat me alive, these occurrences
that happened will not change."
Claude was in utter disbelief. Even if what Felix said were true, there must have been something wrong
with the past him. Even though Felix almost convinced him (that what he said were all true), Claude was not going
to fall for such "I'm exhausted by all your nonsense talk. I must rest, so leave immediately."
"Don't you think I should be by your side? In case if you feel any discomfort, I can be your hands and
feet. Also, if you have any questions, I can..."
"Leave. Now." Claude ordered with clenched teeth.
Felix was about to leave, until something caught Claude's attention.
"Wait." He squinted his eyes and approached the object. After waking up from losing consciousness, this
was his first time approaching his bed. He would usually sleep on his sofa. Claude walked past his bed and went
near a wall that had a cover. After removing the cover, Claude's face stiffened immediately.
'What's that weird object? Is it some kind of paper charm with a spell?"
"My goodness, Your Highness! You have kept this with such preciousness! Ah, I have always known that
you adored Princess Athanasia, but to this extent...!" Felix's eyes glazed, and Claude scowled.
"This is a picture that Princess Athanasia gave to you as a present."

"That means that it IS a magic charm with a spell by that wench..."

"What do you mean a magic charm with a spell? Ah, now that you've mentioned it, it has a protection
spell. It's been so long ago, but there's absolutely no imperfection with the paper."

Upon hearing Felix's words, Claude looked at the paper. He was determined to find some sort of black
magic on the paper, but all he could find was the presence of his own magic. Like what Felix said, the paper indeed
had protection magic. So that means that this paper, with no extra hidden magical power, is simply just a paper
with a drawing?
"Even if it's so... what's the meaning of these figures? That wench must have put a cursing spell on this
paper, otherwise I don't understand why I would frame this piece of paper on the wall..."
"I was surprised too. Whenever Princess Athanasia presented you her pictures, you always scoffed
them off. But in reality, to know that you saved them so preciously... And on top of that, you casted protection
magic on them in case if anything happened to them..."
"What kind of nonsense..."
"Ah, don't worry, Your Highness. This Felix has a heavy mouth. I will not utter anything about how you
have framed Princess Athanasia's drawings on this wall where no one would see."
What? I kept this drawing because it's precious? And in case if anything were to happen, I put protection
magic over them?
"Ha... How nostalgic. I can see that you've ordered them from left to right, indeed what Your Highness
would do. Ah, Your Highness would not remember so I will explain. The first drawing was when Princess
Athanasia was five years-old, and she drew how Your Highness and the Princess played together. The next
picture was When the Princess was eight years-old, and she drew flying through the sky with Your Highness. The
next picture was when the Princess was nine years-old, when you gave the key to the secret vault..."
Nonsense over nonsense!! For a moment, Claude felt intense headache. He couldn't believe whatever
Felix was talking about, and he didn't want to believe those words. Even if what he said were true, there must have
been another person inside of Claude who pretended to be him. Otherwise, there was no other explanation.
Claude was so
dumbstruck. He had no words. Claude thought that either he himself was crazy or Felix was crazy. But there was
something weird. As Felix continued to babble and present evidence, it seemed like Claude was the crazy one.
"Ah, Your Highness! Why don't you see that picture?"
'There's another picture?" Claude had enough of this situation.
"If I remember correctly, there is one more."
"No, that's enough. I don't need any more explanations. They must be crazy drawings anyway. "
"No, Your Highness. This is what a painter drew for a portrait."
Claude froze. "Portrait? I asked for a portrait?" Apparently, his crazy acts were not over. Claude's blue
eyes turned cold. He couldn't believe that he would ask a painter for a portrait.
"To be more specific, it's a portrait of Your Highness and the Princess together."
Even when Claude was a prince, he never had a portrait along anywhere in the palace. His father and
older brother never allowed for such things. And when Claude became the Emperor, he never wanted a portrait of
"That, too, was according to the Princess' request. She requested not long ago, so the portrait is not
completed yet.”
And yet, Claude apparently had a portrait. With someone who claimed to be his daughter.
"Where is it?"
"Would you like see it?"
Various feelings emerged deep within him. It was a mixture of lava-like rage and ice-like hatred. With an
intention of destruction, Claude moved along Felix.
"It's over here. The smell of paint will still be strong..." The room heavily smelled of painting. By using his
magic, Claude removed the cover that was hiding the portrait. A small ray of sunlight shined on the painting.
"If the painting is exposed to natural sunlight for long, the colors of the paint will change so you should
not have the curtains open for too long,"
Felix spoke next to the portrait, but Claude was not paying any attention to him. As if time and space
stopped around him, Claude just stood there and looked at the portrait, there was no denying it. The person in the
portrait was indeed Claude himself. He was sitting on that purple sofa in his room. And his hand was on the
shoulders of the girl he had seen when he woke up.
Due to its incompleteness, there were areas of the portrait where the painter did not color yet. However,
its lacking aspects were not what Claude was interested in. His eyes were fixated on the two people's faces in the
After a while, Claude couldn't help but to laugh in disbelief. Were you so engrossed in that wench's
theatrical play? At that moment, he was unable to suppress his emotions while looking at the faces in the portrait.
How laughable. What family? What father and daughter?
This was so laughable that he was unable to utter any degradation.
Why are you making that facial expression?
Never in Claude's life did he make such expression. Throughout his chaotic and hellish life, he has never
made that stupid, carefree expression. Never in his life did he even imagine to make such face, but what is that. He
was unable to recognize his own face. It must have been the black magic. There was no doubt. Hence, he must
bring that wench and kill her right away...
But before that, he raised his hand to destroy the portrait but quickly stopped. For some reason, he made
an attempt to raise his arm, but it stayed right next to his side. He made another attempt to raise his arm and
destroy the portrait, but his arm couldn't move up.
"I will leave first, Your Highness." After watching Claude for a while, Felix quietly left the room. Even so,
Claude couldn't take his eyes off of the girl's face in the portrait. He couldn't understand why his chest felt so tight
and frustrated.
"Dad, I have a wish."
Then, for a moment, it felt as though someone was whispering to his ear.
"I want to have this for an early birthday present. Will you grant it?"
"A wish you say. What is it? Tell me."
"I want to have a portrait. Like every other royal family. With Dad."
Then, a sudden wave of intense pain shocked Claude's head. Yes, there is no reason to delve further into
this. If it's annoying, I can just get rid of it. So I should get rid of that portrait. I should... but...for some unknown
reason, I am unable to touch that painting. This stupid painting. For that stupid person inside the portrait...
"I must be really mad." Even in his awake state, that wench must have put a very heavy spell on that
portrait. Afterwards, Claude stupidly stared at the portrait feeling as though he had swallowed thorns. He felt like
he found something very precious that was lost to him without his
knowing. With this strange feeling of nostalgia, he kept asking himself if he were actually crazy, over and over
again, even when the sun had already set.
Afterwards, Claude suffered from severe insomnia. After working on delayed documents and closing his
eyes even for a brief moment, he kept thinking about someone he didn't want to recall. He couldn't get her face
with eyes full of tears out of his mind. So, every night he tossed and turned.
Claude convinced himself that when the girl in the portrait shows her face one more time in front of him,
he would strike to kill her without any hesitation. He should have killed her the moment he woke up from losing
consciousness. The moment he had seen her; he should have killed her right away. Killing her was the right thing to
do, and the possibility of her being a Princess or his daughter being true didn't matter to him anymore. Right now,
he was simply annoyed about how that girl's face appeared whenever he closed his eyes or in his sleep. The fact
that she looked like someone he used to know (but can't quite remember) also drove him crazy.
But when he wanted to go for the kill right away, he never really followed with any action. At least
consciously, he wanted to deny the fact that this girl may be his daughter. That's why when she's in front of him,
Claude should kill her right away. If he misses a chance, his unconsciousness would prevent from actually killing
Whenever this girl called him as such, his heart squeezed with extreme tightness that he felt frustrated
beyond his control.
"Shut up. If you call me that one more time, I will slice your tongue out."
But what can he do. He couldn't kill her, again, even when she was right in front of him.
"Killing you and ripping you into pieces is not enough, but your thick-skinned act did allure my interest
for a brief moment, so I will let you live this once."
Crazy bastard. What the hell are you saying. Wenches like her should be killed right away, but "I will let
you live this once?" Killing her while she's defenseless would be so simple. All he had to do was reach out his
hands and bring forth his magic.
"After this moment, I order this wench to be locked in the Emerald Palace."
But because he couldn't kill her.
"If you wish to live, you better not show even your hair outside of this palace."
Despite these words, his face was crumbled as he walked away from the girl. Unknown to him, it felt like
someone was smashing his heart and stabbing his insides. Claude felt like someone was squeezing his neck.
The moment Claude returned to his room, he roughly punched the wall. But the pain in his heart was
much greater than the pain he felt on his hand.
From that night onwards, Claude suffered from nightmares.
"I want Your Highness to love this child."
What other explanation that a "nightmare" would fit this situation? Someone he wanted to bury in his
memory kept appearing in his dream and whispering in his ear.
"Like the way you loved me, please love this child that I'll be leaving you with."
After hearing this voice, he missed so much in his dream, Claude laughed with disbelief. Don't joke with
me. What kid are you talking about? I don't have any memories of having a daughter. Even if you say that, you died
anyway. I had begged you to stay with me, but you left me and died. And now you're asking me for a favor?
Yes, Felix said this too. That the wench called Athanasia was the daughter between me and Dianna. That
she's the only evidence of Dianna's existence (and history).
If that's so, then there's even more reason to not grant such favor. Instead of accepting and loving this
person in front of him, he must accept and love the daughter of this woman? That should not and cannot be.
Claude coldly stared at the woman in front of him.
I will never love that child. I have never loved her and will continue to not love her. So if you're that
worried about this child, you should come to me even as a ghost.
If he actually said these words to her, however, Claude was afraid to see her saddened expression. But he
was also angry with her leaving him alone, so he was unable to gently talk to her.
And to his surprise, Dianna smiled at him. Even if he didn't say anything, she smiled as if she knew what
was in his mind. Claude unconsciously reached out for the person in front of him.
Don't go.
His voice sounded desperate. This is why he hated this. This is why he never wanted to play with feelings
and emotions, because he was unable to control his own feelings, he became powerless. Look at him, as he
pitifully begged. But Dianna continued to smile at him, even when she disappeared.
What was that?
When Claude woke up, he couldn't remember anything.
He forgot all of his dreams. He dreamt of something, but he couldn't recall. He couldn’t stand the way his
chest tightened to the point where he couldn't breathe. Afterwards, Claude suffered from severe headaches. In
order to occupy his mind, he worked on documents all day. Even just before his birthday party, he worked and
didn't sleep. And in case he would dream (that made him feel weird) again, he didn't even get near his bed.
Thus, Claude suffered from lack of sleep. Felix begged for him to go for walks, but after meeting that girl
who played his daughter last time, he had not stepped a foot outside of his palace. With this daily pattern, he was
becoming more sensitive (like, his bad personality's getting worse). So even when his birthday party had just
begun, all he thought about was when this stupid party would end. "Your Highness, will Princess Athanasia not
attend this party? I was expecting to see Your Highness and the Princess together like last time at her
If he had not become so sensitive, he would have ignored such words. But with his poor health and
extreme annoyance, Claude had ordered to bring Athanasia in front of him. He was determined to kill her, but he
could not find himself to do so.
Kill her? Instead, Claude felt like throwing up whenever he spewed violent words to the girl in front of
him. Instead of feeling joy after seeing her kneel, Claude felt like he was making a big mistake. He felt anxious and
guilt, unbeknownst to him.
"Remove that wench out of my sight."
And at that moment, Claude realized that he his murderous intents were only verbal, and that he was not
actually prepared to kill that girl.
"Even without your command, I will leave with my own” No, this was not a problem of feeling prepared.
Claude really couldn't kill her with his own hands.
"Bless you from Obelia's sun and glory. Happy birthday from the bottom of my heart, Your Highness."
As if she didn't forget what he had told her last time, she no longer called him "Dad." When he realized
this change, Claude felt like a huge rock sat on his heart. Claude was unable to utter any word. He was only able to
see her walk away.
After he returned to his room after the birthday party, Claude swiped the contents on his desk with rage.
His headaches only got worse as time went on. He felt like
going crazy every day. He tried to remember something, but he couldn't recall. Claude was unable to close his eyes
even for a moment during his birthday.

Claude mindlessly looked out of his window. It seemed like Felix gave up explaining nonsense to him too.
For some reason, Claude's headache had lessened, and he felt like he could think clearly. Even though his head felt
better, Claude lacked vitality (unknown to himself).
Yes, with this improved condition, I shall get rid of this headaches origin once and for all. Claude stormed
to the Emerald Palace. For a strange reason, he knew right away where Athanasia would be. When he found her
golden hair in the midst of white roses, he felt strangely nostalgic. But emotions would not get in Claude's way
today. He was determined to kill her once and for all. With extreme murderous intent, he did not hesitate to reach
for the face in front of him.
The wave of clashes between Athanasia's protection magic and Claude's own magic was about to swallow
both of them. With glass-shattering noise and petals of white them. With glass-shattering noise and petals of white
roses twirling in the air, Athanasia simply stood there in front of him despite fully knowing his murderous intent. Is
she finally feeling fear that she has frozen? Or maybe she still believes that I will not actually kill her? Whatever it
was, she was a fool. She should just run away right now.
And deep within, Claude himself actually wished that she ran away from him. But he did not want to
admit this feeling.
Claude realized that the protection magic on this girl was actually his own magic. There were layers upon
layers of protection magic, and Claude smirked with disbelief. This level of layers of protection magic was almost
obsessive. It was as if it did not allow this small girl to get even a smallest cut.
But the fact that Claude was the one who was breaking the layers of magic was almost comical.
In order to prevent himself from stopping his intent, Claude clenched his teeth. But was this what he
really wanted? After this is over, would Claude be able to not regret his actions?
Claude forced himself to follow his actions. He reminded himself why he had initially come to the Emerald
Palace. But... Why does it hurt so much, like he's dying? As if when this person in front of him dies, he would not
be able to stand it. The fact that he was trying to kill this girl suddenly felt extremely frightening.
There was one layer of protection magic left. At last, his hand finally circled around the girl's neck. The moment
he felt her pulse on her neck, Claude hesitated for a very
brief moment.

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At that moment, Claude saw a wave of bright light, and something along with the white flower petals
swirling in the air. Claude initially thought they were broken pieces of protection magic. He soon realizes that what
he was seeing were actually bubbles. Then Claude saw that the girl's physical form was getting distorted along with
the bubbles.
Suddenly, there was too much light for Claude to open his eyes properly. For a moment, he distinguishes
whether this was his dream or reality. When Claude's senses quickly came back, he realized that the bubbles (along
with Athanasia's physical form) were dispersing in the air. This time, he reached out for her. But it was not to kill
No. Don't go.
Like inside Claude's dream, Claude surprised himself for uttering those words out loud. When his hand
reached for her, however, he was unable to grasp anything but the white bubbles.
"Goodbye, Dad.”
The girl in front of him sadly smiled with tears in her eyes and whispered those words to him. As if she's
saying farewell forever. As if she would never see him again.
Then, the intense light vanished, and Claude has never felt this fear before.
With heavy silence and atmosphere, Claude stood all by himself in the messy rose garden. Even though
the origin to his headaches disappeared in front of his eyes, he now suffered pain a hundred times more than
before. He felt as if he lost everything. But he didn't know what he lost.
Athy moves away from the crowd and returns to her lodging place. Athy's now able to change her
appearance by using her magic, so people wouldn't have a way of knowing who she really is. She teleports to a
green field. This was where she teleported herself (even though she doesn't know how) when she barely escaped
After that incident with Claude, Athy has not been able to return to the Emerald Palace. She roams about
the town, but she's not a beggar because she can magically create money. Even though Athy can create how much
money she wants, she misses her little gem babies back in her palace.
Thankfully, Athy hasn't had any problems with magic money disappearing on her. Even though she knows
that creating money with magic was illegal, she doesn't have any other options.
After roaming about the town and seeing people and
knights from the palace searching for Princess Athanasia, Athy decides that she can no longer stay in Obelia.

With her magic, Athy no longer feels afraid of facing Claude. If he somehow appears in front of her one
day, she would be able to teleport somewhere else before he catches her. She is determined that she will never
die in Claude's hands.
Athy finishes organizing her thoughts in the green field and impulsively decides to visit Atlanta.
Athy teleported herself to Atlanta and checked in at a lodging place. With her changed appearance and
magically-created money, she decided to enjoy the city.
Any other options.
After roaming about the town and seeing people and knights from the palace searching for Princess
Athanasia, Athy decides that she can no longer stay in Obelia.
With her magic, Athy no longer feels afraid of facing Claude. If he somehow appears in front of her one
day, she would be able to teleport somewhere else before he catches her. She is determined that she will never
die in Claude's hands.
Athy finishes organizing her thoughts in the green field and impulsively decides to visit Atlanta.
Athy teleported herself to Atlanta and checked in at a lodging place. With her changed appearance and
magically-created money, she decided to enjoy the city. While touring around the city, Athy came across the
famous school that Ezekiel studied abroad in. She watched students entering the school.
On a whim, Athy decided to turn herself invisible and tour the campus. She then decided to take one class
when a student caught her attention, He was sleeping while the professor spoke, only to suddenly wake up
screaming, "GIVE ME CHOP STEAK!!! " Students laughed while the professor kicked him out. Athy later learned
that his name was Cabel Erenst.

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