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Leadership Foundations

with Dr. Shirley Davis

How Inclusive, Welcoming, and Engaging Is Your Organization?

Below are sample questions that are typically asked of staff to determine how inclusive, welcoming,
and engaging their workplace culture is. Review each question to determine how you can improve
the employee experience.

DEI Structure and Implementation

1. DEI is integrated into core organizational systems and practices.
2. Diverse perspectives and ideas are valued by my coworkers, managers, and others.

Recruitment and Retention

3. The workforce across all levels represents the diversity of the customers that we serve.
4. Leaders are educated in understanding differences and the impact their biases may
have on selection, development, and advanced decisions.
5. Efforts are made to ensure that underrepresented groups have equal access to
promotion and succession planning and opportunities.

Benefits and Work-Life Integration

6. Accessibility and accommodation for religious practices, persons with disabilities,
and other special needs are accepted and do not negatively impact the perception
of performance.
7. Policies and practices guard against favoritism and are applied equitably across the
organization in a culturally sensitive way.
8. Technology support for mobility, disabilities, and flexible work arrangements are
available for select employees.

DEI Learning and Education

9. DEI is integrated into all learning and advances the organization’s strategy.

10. I am given adequate feedback about my performance.
11. I receive feedback from my supervisor on an ongoing basis.
12. The feedback I receive is useful and constructive.

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Opportunities for Development and Growth
13. I receive the training I need to do my job well.
14. My manager encourages and supports my professional development
and advancement.
15. I am encouraged to learn from my mistakes.

Fairness, Respect, and Diversity

16. My manager treats their employees fairly.
17. The organization’s policies for promotion and advancement are administered
fairly across the organization.
18. Favoritism is not an issue in this organization.
19. I am satisfied with the culture of my workplace.

Workplace Flexibility
20. The culture in this organization supports flexible work arrangements.
21. I am able to satisfy both my job and family/personal responsibilities.

22. Information and knowledge are shared openly within this organization.
23. I have trust that what senior management shares is honest and forthright.

24. My salary is competitive to similar jobs I might find elsewhere.
25. I understand how compensation decisions are made regarding my performance.

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