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Smart RFID System for Locker Cabinet Security

Using Android App

Kristianto Wijaya Jonathan Audris Heriyanto Davis Inde Satya
Computer Science, School of Computer Computer Science, School of Computer Jonathan Audris Heriyanto
Science Bina Nusantara University, Science Bina Nusantara University, Computer Science, School of Computer
Bandung Campus Bandung Campus Science Bina Nusantara University,
Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia Bandung Campus Jakarta, Indonesia

Jovianto Godjali Rissa Rahmania

Computer Science, School of Computer Computer Science, School of Computer
2022 4th International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent System (ICORIS) | 978-1-6654-5395-0/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICORIS56080.2022.10031313

Science Bina Nusantara University, Science Bina Nusantara University,

Bandung Campus Bandung Campus
Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract—Crime rates have gone higher from year to year, many scenarios [2]. RFID has a built-in antenna that can
especially crimes related to thievery. It is one of the issues that communicate to a scanning device that can read the data
traditional security devices failed to handle, due to their remotely and also each RFID tag has its own unique
weaknesses and inability to inform the owner about the status identifying number. All of this creates a world of endless
of the lock. Technology has advanced to another level, where it possibilities, and we have seen many of them already in
has enabled devices to communicate with one another with the action. For example, a sensor tag in a library book can store
use of the internet. This technology can be used to complement various information like how many times it has been
traditional security system weaknesses. The purpose of this borrowed, the borrowed frequency in any given time length,
research was to propose a prototype of a Smart RFID System
and information about the book itself such as how many
for Locker Cabinet Security Using an Android App. The
prototype utilizes WeMos D1 R2 with ESP8266 Wi-Fi module
pages, release years, authors, and many more. A lot of
as the microprocessor. Blynk app is used to monitor and potentials area available for RFID lock systems, and with
control the microcontroller. First, the WeMos D1 R2 will be each passing year, it is getting more and more interesting and
connected to actuators and sensors, such as a servo motor, complex.
LCD, and RFID reader. Therefore, it can control the Due to technological developments that continue to
functionality of each component, followed by android develop and become increasingly sophisticated, it is certain
application which can be used by the admin to identify the UID
that the security system in the technology should be installed
of the card being tapped by the user and give permissions to
very securely. However, it is possible for criminal acts such
open the locker. When the admin chooses “Accept”, the
cabinet will be unlocked and when “Deny”, the lock stays shut.
as data theft and system hacking often occur, therefore we
The prototype is able to work as intended, while it also spark need a better security system for maintaining the security of
researcher to improve the prototype by implementing a data of a company, organization, or agency [3]. In addition,
database system, better application development, and applying IoT devices must implement best practice security measures
artificial intelligence to the system. such as encryption, and to make it harder for the attacker, the
device must be physically secured, and make sure if a device
Keywords—RFID, Internet of Things, Embedded System, is compromised, it must reject or decline the program that
Security System, mobile app, ESP8266, Blynk was provided by the attacker and notify the user that the
system is compromised [4]. We know that safety is an
I. INTRODUCTION important thing in our daily life routine, security can provide
Nowadays, the Internet of Things (IoT) is basically a comfort and serenity for everyone, cabinet security system
fast-growing technology. IoT makes all possible for human requires special attention, especially when we want some
to connect or communicating object such as home locker is not easily opened by unauthorized people. A poor
appliances, vehicles, factory machines, wearable devices, security system can make us feel anxious when we want to
various types of sensors and more. A combination of go outside cause our place could be the target of robbery or
commercial interest and government initiatives have made other similar crimes. In that case, we want to make smart
smart homes, smart healthcare, smart cities, and smart devices that can restrict people from entering the room and
transport primary areas of focus for IoT application only that person has the key to access the room.
development. Smart home is a section of the IoT that aims to Munoz-Ausecha et al. [5], present advantages of
integrate home security and automation [1]. Security is using RFID, such as high volume, low price non-contact
essential for every building and home, especially if the room reading, and tag features while also providing its
contains important data and files for an organization. Radio disadvantages, that is in the past, there has been a case of
Frequency Identification (RFID) is a unique part of IoT. cloning MiFare passes leading to security breach. This
RFID have low-cost maintenance which make RFID concludes that while RFID has its “modern” advantages, it
appealing for IoT projects and its flexibility to be applied in can also backfire. Due to that, two factor authentication is

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Fig. 1. System Schematic of Smart RFID Locker Cabinet Security System using Android Application

preferable in order to ensure the system security. In this unoccupied house [8]. They might succeed in penetrating the
research Rahman and Prasetyo [6], found the dominant type security system and this will be the real problem. Traditional
of crimes in Indonesia is crimes against the right of security system lacks the function to inform the households
ownership on average of 191,511 cases. Everyone wants the when their houses are getting robbed. All of this danger gets
protection of their valuable assets, for example in a library even worse if the door is protecting large data or valuable
locker. In the library we can leave our luggage in the locker items for a company or organization. It will be a lot safer and
but, it causes anxiety about our belongings, especially if the more convenient to use something like a fingerprint scanner
item is a valuable item such as a laptop, tablet, handphone, or face recognition authorization, as those things cannot go
wallet, and other valuables because of that anxiety the missing, and they are not duplicable.
concept of locker security arises. Protecting our valuable
assets is of the utmost importance and installing a great Next, a traditional CCTV camera system is used
security system is the best option to keep our valuable assets depending on the situation. While for example street cameras
safe. Zeyad et al. [7] proposed a smart household touch- in big cities or in airports are often monitored by human
eyes, if we use traditional CCTV cameras to monitor a room
sensitive locker security system based on GSM technology,
using emerging wireless technology, microcontroller, and or the front door of our homes, then it is not efficient. The
GSM which the system will notify the user through SMS most obvious problem is that you need someone to monitor it
when someone touches our locker. Therefore, this research is at all times, plus if there are a lot of cameras it is becoming
made to analyze and develop the security system for cabinets increasingly difficult to monitor all of them. This problem
to deal with people’s worry when they are storing their can be easily solved if we use something like a motion
precious belongings. detector camera, to detect if a person is nearby the door, then
it can take a picture of the person’s face, and send it to the
The paper is organized as follows: Literature Reviews are owner’s phone. The owner can either approve (opening the
discussed in Section 2, The Materials and Methods door, letting the person get in) or disapprove (closing the
(Proposed System) are presented in Section 3, Section 4 door shut, to prevent the person from getting in). Not only
presents Results and Discussion, and Section 5 concludes the that we do not have to monitor it at all times, all of this can
paper. be done remotely, which is very convenient.
II. LITERATURE REVIEW Shanthini et al. [9], proposed a system in this research,
using a servo motor, Arduino UNO, Bluetooth module,
In this section, literature review was conducted by mobile application, and buzzer to improve the security of a
referencing to other papers and journals, as well as websites room. First, guests must enter the Bluetooth password in
to acquire data in order to answer the research questions: a) order to connect to the Bluetooth module, then they are
Can IoT support the system security? b) How can IoT prompted to input their credential into the app. The
support this security system? c) What technologies or credential will be verified by comparing it with the credential
components support the IoT to be implemented into the stored in the firebase database. In the firebase database, the
security system? owner can maintain every stored id, such as deleting and
Many people in their daily life use a traditional security registering it. If the credential entered by the guess is valid,
system that uses a key to lock or unlock a door. Due to a lot the LOCK and UNLOCK button will appear in their
of distractions in everyday life, the key can go missing if we application, both buttons will be able to rotate the servo
are careless enough, and people with bad intentions can motor to unlock or lock the door. If the credential is invalid,
duplicate the key easily. Burglars also have the tendency to the buzzer will ring and the guests’ phone number along with
avoid confrontation with households when they plan to SMS will be sent to the owner’s phone and guests will
commit thievery, so they will likely plan to rob an receive a warning notification. Another research that has

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advanced system security proposed by San Hlaing et al. [10], the serial number has been registered, the Arduino will send
this research is about an electronic door lock with two factor the signal to automatically open the magnetic solenoid. With
security system using Arduino, RFID, and keypad. The the server applied, more data can be stored, way more than
yellow LED on the device will be turned on and the program when the data is only inside the Arduino. The modernized
will permit the user to enter a password from the keypad if version of the RFID sensor is also available in the market,
the user has a valid ID card tapped against an RFID reader. If where the sensor can detect cards with different frequencies,
the user has the correct ID card and entered the correct such as E-KTP. Najib et al. [16] used this sensor and
password, a green LED will be turned on and the solenoid proposed research about a smart door lock using the
that acts as the lock will be opened. The solenoid can be modernized RFID sensor, passive infrared sensor, solenoid
altered to lock the door by pressing a * or # key. Another as door locks, buzzer, E-KTP as RFID tags which acts as the
research employing android application is proposed by input, and android application to controlling and monitoring
Alqahtani et al. [11], it is about an automated smart locker which is connected to NodeMCU V3 ESP8266 as storage
for college using Arduino UNO integrated with android data and connect with firebase real-time database. A different
application using HC-05 Bluetooth module in order to approach which was conducted by Lorenzo et al. [17] where
control the state of the lock. College students will be able to a review about RFID and Bluetooth security is taken place.
access their locker from their phone by choosing to lock or The focus is on the security challenges in this digitalization
unlock the cabinet door. The phone will then send a world, to prevent information availability, integrity, and
notification about the door. If a problem occurred with the confidentiality from being compromised.
Bluetooth connection, student still can access their cabinet by
typing a password from a keypad. Buzzer and LED will be Kumar et al. [18] realized that IoT devices are made up
turned on in case the student entered the wrong password of many smaller devices such as sensors, tags, actuators,
three times. Not only room security, IoT-based security can mobile devices, and many more which could interact with
also be implemented on a security box as proposed by Ayon each other without the present of human, which are
et al. [12], which designed a smart security box system using vulnerable in term of security. The focus on the research is to
Arduino and GSM module. The research works by setting a discuss possible attacks that can occur on an RFID system,
particular time for the box to be opened. If someone tries to and how to handle them.
open a box earlier, an LDR sensor will be enacted, and it will RFID can be used for security, tracking, and monitoring
send a signal to Arduino. The Arduino will then activate an purposes. For the application itself, RFID can be used in
alarm, LCD, and GSM module. The alarm will alert whoever tollgate transactions, bank locker security systems, and
opens the box and the LCD will display a warning message. automatic speed control. The main features of RFID itself
Additionally, the GSM module will send a message to the are:
proprietor’s mobile phone to inform them that the box is
being opened by someone else. The GSM module will send • RFID has a unique ID
the message based on the user’s phone number and it also • Capture data at high speed
depends on the signal strength through the mobile tower. • Ability to read and store data with read/write
passwords protection mode
The security system has become an important and
mandatory thing for every house. Usually, most doors can be
opened by using keys, numeric keypad, or id card. Although, Also, the benefit of using RFID are:
incident such as key or card loss has led to robbery case or • RFID tag stores data in non-volatile memory and is
can be even worse. To prevent this problem Radzi et al. [13] able to hold 8 kilobytes of data. This is better than
proposed a security system based facial recognition using the standard barcodes which are designed with
raspberry pi combine with IoT. Radzi et al. using deep limited information.
learning technique to perform face recognition on door
• Each RFID tag is labeled as individual as each tag
access control system. In this paper, the face recognition is
has its own unique ID.
able to recognize the face and able to send notification to a
user when unknown people have been detected. Another • Ability to store dynamic information, while
safety indicator is how people inside the room can feel safe barcodes are only able to store static information.
about their belongings. Atmiasri et al. [14], proposed to • Applicable in various areas as its small size and
design and build an automatic goods locker with Radio consume less power, as well as low cost, high
Frequency Identification (RFID) security which uses speed, and high accuracy.
Atmega328 for the microcontroller, also using the keypad to
Munoz-Ausecha et al [19], found that RFID is becoming
provide input to the Atmega328 microcontroller and then
more relevant to human lives and branched to newer
using solenoid for the door lock. The main purpose of this
applications as well as complementing the old and known
research is to make cabinet locker security become safe and
applications. Based on the research conducted, it is found
easy to use. In this research an automatic item locker with
that the total of RFID applications on IoT documents
RFID security can be created and operated with the
published is positioned above every other application with a
Atmega328 microcontroller as a circuit control centre, then
total of 2399 documents published between 2019 and 2020.
the RFID is able to read the ID RFID tag with a maximum
This concludes that RFID supports many applications in the
distance of 1.8cm. RFID also can be applied with more
Internet of Things due to its features and benefits.
advanced architecture, e.g., Hasan et al. [15] proposed an
automatic door lock for classroom security systems. The Next, Baashirah and Abuzneid [20] conducted a survey
system uses an RFID ID Card as the key that connects to the to review and compare different authentication of RFID from
server. The server will then give the instruction to the low-cost passive tags to get better utilization in the
microcontroller as the input to the magnetic lock door. When appropriate application. They demonstrate in this paper due

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Fig. 2. Flowchart Security System on Client

to fill the requirements of an RFID system that must be programmable microprocessor unit on Arduino-UNO
satisfied, then the system could be able to defend major footprint. This component will be the main “brain” of this
attacks such as DoS, desynchronization, impersonation, and system. The features of this development board consist of:
more. Because of the RFID passive tag has limited resources
to compute complex operation, the heavyweight and simple- • Connectable to Wi-Fi connection via ESP8366
weight protocols are not suitable for practical • 11 digital I/O pins
implementation. Even so, lightweight and ultra-lightweight • Micro USB connection
protocols use only simple operations within the tag • Compatible with Arduino and NodeMCU
computation limit and shows the lowest tag overhead level. • 3.3V – 5V power output
The most suitable for the current applications are lightweight
and ultra-lightweight protocols. They also examine the Mifare RC522 Reader Module used for our ID card
security threats in each protocol from another research paper, scanner. This reader module uses 3.3V as power, which is
and the result is some of the protocols successfully resist all compatible with WeMos D1 R2 which can output 3.3V – 5V
major attacks. While the other protocols could not resist all power. Each ID card has its own unique ID (UID) which will
major attacks, they could perform better that the fully secure be read by the scanner. And then the scanner will give the
protocols in term of computation cost, which have high UID to WeMos to check whether the UID is allowed or not.
computation overhead on the tag side. LCD 20×4 using the I2C interface is the next component to
Based on those literature reviews, we are inspired to display what the user should do e.g., the LCD displayed “Put
make an RFID system for locker cabinet security connected your card on RFID reader”, that way the user knows to tap
to an android app using Blynk. their ID card. The last component is needed to serve as the
lock, for this prototype, a servo motor is used. Servo motor is
III. THE MATERIALS AND METHOD (PROPOSED used as the system actuator. A Servo motor is a type of motor
SYSTEM) that is able to rotate as programmed. In this system, the servo
motor serves as a solenoid substitute, which serves as the
In this section, the materials and method for our proposed
cabinet lock. It has three cables, the red cable that must be
system will be described. Figures will also be presented for
connected to a 5-volt power source, the dark brown cable
the flowcharts about how the system will function, android
that must be connected to the ground pin of ESP8266, and
application, which was made using Blynk application, and
the yellow cable that must be connected to the digital pin to
the prototype itself.
receive pulse width modulation (PWM) signal from the
The component used for our system, consists of WeMos ESP8266.
D1 R2 with ESP8266 WiFi module as the main
Blynk IoT is a platform that is used to control
microcontroller, Servo motor serves as the cabinet lock,
microcontrollers, such as ESP8266 and Arduino, from
Mifare RFID reader module as the card scanner, LCD for the
smartphones. It consists of the Blynk server, Blynk app, and
interface module, and an android app made with Blynk as the
Blynk libraries. Blynk app enables the developer to design a
access control are shown on Fig. 1. WeMos D1 R2 with
graphical interface with the provided widget and give them
ESP8266 Wi-Fi module development board is a
an address in order to transmit or receive responses from the

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microcontroller. Blynk server will be responsible for application. Fig. 4a indicates the android app on waiting
communication between the microcontroller and smartphone. state. The waiting state means that the system is waiting for
The microcontroller will be able to communicate with the the ID card to be tapped into the RFID scanner. Fig. 4b
server by using the classes and objects provided by Blynk depicts the android application after the user tapped the valid
libraries. card into the scanner, and the buttons can be pressed by the
admin that allows the user to open the locker (‘Accept’), as
Flowchart Security System on client in Fig.2 describes depicted in Fig. 4c, or keep it locked (‘Deny’) as depicted in
how the system works for the client, started by when the Fig. 4d.
client wanted to access the cabinet locker door using a card
reader, and the card reader automatically sends the card UID A. Work Description
data to Arduino which will be continued to the android app. When an RFID card is placed near the RFID reader, the
Admin, using the android app, will receive the data and RFID reader will transmit an electromagnetic field from its
notification from Arduino and admin will verify the data, if antenna. Electrons will move through the RFID card’s
the data doesn’t have access the door will not open, but if the antenna and power the chip. The powered chip inside the
data have access the door will open. RFID card will enable it to give its UID in the form of radio
waves and the RFID reader will be able to read the UID in
the RFID tag. Then, the RFID reader will pass the data to the
WeMos D1 R2 microcontroller. The microcontroller will
check the UID and compare it with the one it stores. If the
UID matches, the microcontroller will send the UID to the
Blynk app. The admin will see the UID, and decide to open
the cabinet or to keep it closed by pressing the corresponding
button. If the button labeled “Accept” is pressed, the
microcontroller will power the D4 pin and output the PWM
signal, thus rotating the servo motor 150 degrees to unlock
the cabinet, but if the user denies it, the microcontroller will
keep the cabinet locked. If the UID does not match, the
microcontroller will also send the UID to the Blynk app to
inform the user that someone is trying to access the cabinet.
This section consists of 2 parts, results and discussion.
The result is presented with the prototype that has been made
and the explanation of the testing phase. The discussion part
presents the challenges encountered while working on the
prototype and possible improvements to the prototype.
A. Results
For the prototype, a cardboard box is used to serve as our
locker cabinet, and the electrical components are put on the
box as shown in Fig. 5. The servo motor is inside the box to
lock and unlock the box, as shown in Fig. 6.
The lock system used is similar to the sliding lock
system. Except, instead of sliding the lock, it rotates
clockwise, going inside the box (Fig. 6b) when opening and
counter-clockwise, going back to its original position when
locking (Fig. 6a). When the door is locked, it will hold the
Fig. 3. Flowchart Security System on Admin door from being opened by holding it when the door is
pulled up.
Fig. 3 shows Flowchart Security System on admin that
explained the system work for the admin. After the user taps The result of this research has shown that initially, the
the ID card to the RFID scanner, the admin will receive the LCD will display “Put your card on RFID reader” when no
notification and UID data from Arduino and show it on the one is placing RFID cards as shown in Fig. 7a. When
android application then admin will validate the data, if the someone places their card on the RFID reader, it can be
data is not valid, the admin can reject the access through the found that the RFID reader is able to read the RFID card and
application and notify the client that they don’t have access pass the UID into the microcontroller. The microcontroller
to the locker. If the data is valid, the admin can accept the also has succeeded in validating the UID as it is responding
access through the application and the locker will open. by writing “Access denied” (Fig. 7b) when the card is not
valid, and by writing “Valid ID, awaiting admin’s
Our proposed application design interface was made by permission” (Fig. 7c) when the card is valid. Regardless of
using a third-party application, Blynk, presented in Fig. 4. the card, the microcontroller will send its UID to the Blynk
Essentially, the interface of the app consists of a virtual LCD app as shown in Fig. 4b, and grant the admin’s choice to
on the top half of the app, which will provide the UID of the accept or deny access if the card is valid. Depending on the
card being tapped into the RFID scanner, and two buttons to admin’s choice, the Blynk app will send the virtual pin of the
receive input from the admin on the bottom half of the pressed button to the microcontroller and make the

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microcontroller rotate the servo motor if the admin pressed
the accept button as shown in Fig. 6b. The servo motor will
rotate for 150 degrees to unlock the cabinet and rotate again
for 150 degrees to lock the cabinet.
B. Discussion
One of the challenges encountered while working on this
project was how to implement our lock system. The cause is
the servo motor used as the lock. The Servo motor barely
works as a lock because it is not strong enough to hold the
door being pulled. As for this problem, in future work, can
be solved by using a solenoid lock instead of a servo motor.
A solenoid lock is stronger to serve as the lock than a servo
motor, but the downside is the need for extra voltage for the
solenoid to work. WeMos D1 R2 that was used on our
prototype can only output 3-3V – 5V power, therefore extra
voltage from a 9V battery can be used to power the solenoid.
Other challenges faced were how all the components
were being put on. As seen in Fig. 5, the cable management
is still poorly managed. Hence, there is room for
improvement in the prototype. Some bugs were also found c) d)
on the android app. For example, sometimes the virtual LCD
is not updating when the user taps the card and it doesn’t Fig. 4. Proposed Application Design, a) waiting state, b) waiting approval,
show the UID and the virtual LCD sometimes bugged out c) accepted, d) denied.
and doesn’t show anything. This problem could be solved
with better application engineering as we used third-party The prototype is still limited to its functionality to open a
software, Blynk to make the android app. This prototype can locker using RFID and android application, and this
also be implemented for other uses, such as a room security prototype has opportunities to be enhanced. For instance, if
system if the lock is strong enough to hold doors. someone stole the ID card, it would still need admin approval
to access the locker cabinet. As for the prototype that has
been made, the admin would need to check manually to
compare the ID card with the respective owner e.g., by using
a signature or photos. This limitation can be solved by using
more advanced technology, such as applying a camera to the
system to identify the user accessing the locker, and
Artificial Intelligence (A.I) will compare the face of the user
with the photo in the database. When the face is matched,
then the locker will open and when the face doesn’t match,
the locker will stay closed. Another thing that can be applied,
is a database system. The data for UID can be kept in a
database system rather than the prototype's microprocessor

a) b)


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Fig. 5. Prototype view, a) side view, b) front view




Fig. 6. Prototype lock system, a) locked, b) unlocked
Fig. 7. LCD Display, a) Idle, b) card denied, c) card accepted, d) admin
V. CONCLUSION gives permission.
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