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Original Manuscript

American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy

Identifying Best Practices for Managing © The Author(s) 2021
Article reuse guidelines:
Internal Carotid Artery Injury During
DOI: 10.1177/19458924211024864
Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery by

Consensus of Expert Opinion

Zachary M. Kassir, BA1, Paul A. Gardner, MD2,

Eric W. Wang, MD3, Georgios A. Zenonos, MD2,
and Carl H. Snyderman, MD, MBA3

Background: Injury to the internal carotid artery (ICA) is a potentially devastating complication of endoscopic endonasal
surgery (EES) that as many as 20% of skull base surgeons will experience at least once during their careers. Managing
these injuries is difficult given the small operative field and poor visibility created by high-flow hemorrhage, and, at present,
there is no consensus regarding best practices.
Objective: This study seeks to consolidate the practices and opinions of experienced skull base surgeons from high-volume
tertiary care centers into a single consensus statement regarding the best practices for managing ICA injuries during EES.
Methods: A panel of 23 skull base surgeons (15 neurosurgeons and 8 otolaryngologists) completed a 3-round Delphi survey
that assessed experiences and opinions regarding various aspects of ICA injury management. Mean (SD) years since fellowship
completion was 15.6 (8.1) and all but 3 surgeons had experienced an ICA injury at least once.
Results: The final consensus statement included 36 guidelines all of which were grouped under 1 of 4 categories: 11 state-
ments concerned preoperative management and equipment for high-risk patients; 14 statements concerned hemorrhage con-
trol; 4 statements concerned definitive management; 7 statements concerned pharmacologic treatment, blood pressure, and
neurophysiologic monitoring.
Conclusions: There are numerous decisions that a surgeon must make when facing a carotid artery injury. In our estimation,
many questions can be grouped under 1 of the 4 categories outlined in our consensus statement and can be addressed by
these findings.

endoscopic skull base surgery, internal carotid artery, vascular injury, Delphi method, sinus surgery

Introduction outcomes.3 The sporadic nature of reporting and limited

experience hamper efforts to establish best practices for intra-
Endoscopic endonasal surgery (EES) is the preferred method operative management.
for managing many neoplastic and inflammatory diseases of
the anterior skull base. Of all the possible complications of
EES, by far the most feared is iatrogenic injury to the internal 1
School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
carotid artery (ICA). While potentially devastating, ICA 2
Department of Neurological Surgery, School of Medicine, University of
injury during EES is rare; among cases of endoscopic pitui- Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
tary surgery, the incidence is ∼1%.1 However, it is also
Department of Otolaryngology, School of Medicine, University of
true that as many as 20% of skull base surgeons will experi- Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
ence this complication at least once during their careers.2 Corresponding Author:
Management of these injuries can be extremely difficult Carl Snyderman, UPMC Center for Cranial Base Surgery, 203 Lothrop
given the small operative field and poor visibility created Street, Eye & Ear Institute, Suite 500, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA.
by high-flow hemorrhage. As of 2015, 50 cases of ICA Email:
injury during EES were reported in the literature with most Presented as an on-demand virtual lecture at the North American Skull Base
articles detailing successful management and no adverse Society Annual Meeting, February 13, 2021.
2 American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy

There are many considerations when managing an ICA In round 2, all responses were converted into statements/
injury. Knowing the necessary equipment to have on hand, proposed guidelines. All statements fell under 1 of 4 catego-
choosing the best strategy to obtain hemostasis, and under- ries: “pre-operative management and equipment for high-risk
standing how and when the vessel can be sacrificed are just patients,” “hemorrhage control,” “definitive management,”
a few of these considerations. Indeed, there is a wide and “pharmacologic treatment, blood pressure, and neuro-
variety of tools and techniques that may be employed to physiologic monitoring.” In cases where an answer choice
manage an ICA injury and choosing the best approach was not selected by any participants, that answer choice
during the crisis can be an overwhelming task. For surgeons was converted to a “negative statement.” For example, if
experiencing ICA injury for the first time, prior practice and no participant selected suturing as an acceptable way of con-
knowledge of established guidelines can ensure success and trolling a small ICA tear then the statement “suturing should
limit morbidity. not be used to repair a small ICA tear” was incorporated into
To date, many efforts have been made to elucidate the best the list. A complete list of statements was circulated among
methods for managing ICA injuries. In some cases, full- all participants who were then asked to rank their agreement
length protocols have been suggested by highly experienced with each statement on a 9-point Likert scale (1 = completely
surgeons from tertiary care centers.4 In others, animal or disagree; 9 = completely agree). Participants were also
cadaver-based simulations of ICA injuries have been used invited to provide free-text explanations for their answers
to validate tools and techniques.5–7 Additionally, multicenter or comment on the clarity of the statements.
case series are invaluable sources of lessons learned. There is Statements were recirculated in round 3 and participants
no universal consensus, however, regarding the best methods were once again asked to rank their agreement (where neces-
for managing ICA injury. This study seeks to address this sary, statements were revised to enhance clarity according to
need. Using the Delphi method, we sought to consolidate the recommendations of the panel). However, this time par-
the practices and opinions of experienced skull base surgeons ticipants could view the responses of other participants
from high-volume tertiary care centers into a single consen- from the previous round—all responses were reported
sus statement regarding the best practices for managing anonymously.
ICA injuries during EES. Consistent with the recommendations of the American
Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
(AAO-HNS), consensus was defined in terms of mean scores
Methods and the number of outliers (defined as responses of >2 points
The Delphi method is a research technique for achieving con- below the mean) for each statement. Statements with mean
sensus among a group of experts. It has been used widely in scores ≥7 with no more than 1 outlier were classified as
medical research to identify best practices for treating illness having consensus. Those with a mean score ≥6.5 with no
and managing complications of care8–13 The technique more than 2 outliers were classified as having near consensus.
involves multiple rounds wherein participants anonymously All other statements were classified as having no consensus.15
share their opinions or experiences on a given subject with The composition of the cohort also followed the recom-
the rest of the cohort. In each round, participants are asked mendations outlined by the AAO-HNS.15 In total, we
to reshare their opinions/experiences but are allowed to intended to include 11 to 25 participants in the study.
revise their statements in light of the opinions of other partic- Invitations to participate in the study were distributed
ipants from the previous round. As such, each subsequent among skull base surgeons at tertiary care centers across
round results in greater convergence of opinion. In theory, the country in an attempt to achieve broad geographic repre-
the process can be repeated until a complete consensus of sentation. Moreover, invitations were sent to both neurosur-
opinion is reached or until there is no longer a significant gery and otolaryngology skull base surgeons in an effort to
change in responses; however, in most cases, the number capture the perspectives of the 2 main “stakeholders”
of rounds is predetermined.14 involved in ICA injury repair. Specifically, invitations to neu-
Approval was obtained from our Institutional Review rosurgeons and otolaryngologists were distributed in an
Board (PRO16090072) for this study. The Delphi method approximate 2:1 ratio to reflect the proportionate experience
for this study included 3 rounds. In round 1, an evidence- of the 2 specialties in managing ICA injuries, respectively.
based review of the literature was carried out to generate In addition to the questions relevant to the Delphi method,
a 13 question, multiple-choice survey that assessed prac- participants were asked if they had ever experienced an
tices and opinions regarding various aspects of ICA injury ICA injury during EES and, on a scale of 1 (completely
management (Table 1). The multiple-choice format was unconfident) to 9 (completely confident) what their level of
chosen to make the survey easier to complete, but partici- confidence was regarding the management of carotid injuries.
pants were allowed to give free-text responses if none of Given the highly technical nature of the topic at hand, it was
the available choices captured their practices or opinions. felt that other stakeholders (anesthesiologists, patients,
Participants were allowed to select more than 1 answer nurses, etc) would not be able to give informed input and
for each question. therefore were not included in this study.
Kassir et al. 3

Table 1. Questions for Delphi Round 1.

1. Which of the following preparations would you make for a patient at high risk of ICA injury?
A: Pre-op MRI
B: Pre-op CTA
C: Pre-op BOT
D: Surgical navigation
E: Neurophysiological monitoring with SSEPs
F: Central line for infusion
G: Single peripheral line for infusion
H: 2 peripheral lines for infusion
I: Preop femoral cannulation for angiography or endovascular management
J: Preparation of the neck for transcervical access to the ICA
K: Other (please specify)

2. What equipment do you believe is necessary to have in the OR in anticipation of an ICA injury?
A: Cottonoids
B: Bipolar electrocautery
C: Endoscopic needle holder or suture device
D: Doppler probe
E: Aneurysm clips (and endoscopic aneurysm clip applier)
F: C-arm/fluoroscopy
G: 2 units of blood in the OR
H: 2 units of blood on hold
I: Other (please specify)

3. What is your method for stopping bleeding from a small (2-3 mm) ICA injury or tear of an accessory branch?
A: Bipolar electrocautery
B: Packing the entire nasal cavity
C: Cottonoids + focal pressure
D: Cottonoids + crushed muscle + focal pressure
E: Cottonoids + focal pressure + other hemostatic material (Floseal, etc)
F: Tachosil glue or other allograft
G: Reconstruction of the vessel wall (without occlusion) with an aneurysm clip
H: Suturing
I: Other (please specify)

4. What is your method for stopping bleeding from a large (>3 mm) ICA injury?
A: Bipolar electrocautery
B: Packing the entire nasal cavity
C: Cottonoids + focal pressure
D: Cottonoids + crushed muscle + focal pressure
E: Cottonoids + focal pressure + other hemostatic material (Floseal, etc)
F: Tachosil glue or other allograft
G: Reconstruction of the vessel wall (without occlusion) with an aneurysm clip
H: Suturing
I: Other (please specify)

5. From where would you preferentially harvest crushed muscle?

A: Temporalis
B: Thigh
C: Rectus abdominis
D: Tongue
E: Longus capitis
F: I do not harvest crushed muscle
G: Other (please specify)
4 American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy

Table 1. Continued.

6. What pharmacologic agents would you use during an ICA injury?

A: Heparin bolus to prevent thrombus
B: Adenosine for induction of temporary cardiac arrest
C: Indocyanine green dye for fluoroscopy
D: Would not use any of these
E: Other (please specify)

7. Which of the following are acceptable methods for gaining proximal control of an ICA injury?
A: Digital compression of the ICA in the neck
B: Dissecting the neck and clamping the common carotid artery
C: Dissecting the neck and clamping the ICA at its origin
D: Placing pressure on the ICA proximal to the injury endonasally
E: Placing an aneurysm clip proximal to the injury endonasally
F: Femoral cannulation and inflating a balloon proximal to the injury
G: I never try to obtain proximal control of an ICA injury
H: Other (please specify)

8. Which of the following is true regarding ICA sacrifice?

A: I would sacrifice the ICA to resolve an ICA injury before considering bypass or stent placement
B: I would sacrifice the ICA if I could not otherwise control the bleeding even if the patient failed a BOT
C: I would sacrifice the ICA only if the patient passed a BOT
D: I would never sacrifice the ICA
E: Other (please specify)

9. If necessary, how would you sacrifice the ICA? (this question did not appear if D was selected in question 8)
A: Compress the ICA with packing endonasally
B: Place aneurysm clips endonasally
C: Ligate the ICA in the neck
D: Perform endovascular coiling of the ICA
E: Other (please specify)

10. Which of the following is true regarding stent/flow-diverter placement?

A: I would preferentially use a stent to resolve an ICA injury before considering sacrifice or bypass regardless of the results of a BOT
B: I would only use a stent if a patient failed a BOT
C: If a patient failed a BOT, I would preferentially use a stent to resolve an ICA injury before considering bypass
D: I would never attempt to preserve the ICA using a stent
E: Other (please specify)

11. Which of the following is true regarding ICA bypass?

A: I would preferentially attempt an ICA bypass to resolve an ICA injury before considering sacrifice or stent placement
B: If a patient failed a BOT, I would preferentially attempt ICA bypass before stent placement
C: I would attempt an ICA bypass but only after the patient failed a BOT and stent placement was ruled out as an option
D: I would never attempt an ICA bypass
E: Other (please specify)

12. How would you manage a patient’s blood pressure during an ICA injury?
A: I would elevate mean arterial pressure (>90 mm Hg)
B: I would maintain normal mean arterial pressure (80-90 mm Hg)
C: I maintain a low mean arterial pressure (<80 mm Hg)
D: Other (please specify)

13. If evoked potentials changed during your management of an ICA injury, how would you respond?
A: Elevate blood pressure
B: Readjust packing
C: Obtain an angiogram emergently
D: I do not use SSEP monitoring during my cases
E: Other (please specify)
Abbreviations: MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; CTA, computed tomography angiography; ICA, internal carotid artery; SSEP, somatosensory evoked potential;
OR, operating room.
Kassir et al. 5

Table 2. Characteristics of Participating Skull Base Surgeons. Table 3. Statements Reaching Consensus and Near Consensus
Regarding Preoperative Management and Equipment for High-risk
Participants Patients.
Characteristics (n = 23)
Consensus Near consensus
Male surgeons (n, %) 21 (91.3)
Surgeons based in United States (n, %) 22 (95.7) Preoperative MRI is necessary for Aneurysm clips and clip
Skull base otolaryngologists (n, %) 8 (34.8) patients with a high risk of ICA applier are necessary to
Skull base neurosurgeons (n, %) 15 (65.2) injury have in the OR for a patient
Affiliation with a University Hospital (n, %) 23 (100) with a high risk of ICA injury
Years since fellowship completion (mean, SD) 15.6 (8.1) Preoperative CTA is necessary for
Surgeons having experienced at least 1 internal 20 (87.0) patients with a high risk of ICA
carotid artery (ICA) injury (n, %) injury
Placing 2 peripheral lines for
perfusion is necessary for
Results patients with a high risk of ICA
The characteristics of our cohort are presented in Table 2. Intraoperative surgical navigation is
In total, 23 skull base surgeons (15 neurosurgeons and 8 oto- necessary for patients with a high
laryngologists) participated in the Delphi method with 18 risk of ICA injury
universities (17 in the United States and 1 in Australia) rep- Neurophysiologic monitoring with
resented among participants. Participants reported a mean somatosensory evoked potentials
score of 7.7 regarding confidence in managing ICA injuries. is necessary for patients with a
All but 3 participants had previously experienced an ICA high risk of ICA injury
injury at least once during their careers. Cottonoids are necessary to have
in the OR for patients with a high
After all participants completed the initial 13 question
risk of ICA injury
survey, a list of 63 proposed guidelines was circulated for con- Bipolar electrocautery is necessary
sideration in rounds 2 and 3. At the end of the third round, com- to have in the OR for patients
plete consensus was achieved for 31 (49%) statements and near with a high risk of ICA injury
consensus was achieved for 5 (8%) statements. No consensus A doppler probe is necessary to
was achieved on the remaining 27 (43%) statements. have in the OR for patients with a
high risk of ICA injury
It is necessary to have 2 units of
Preoperative Management and Equipment blood in the OR for patients with
for High-risk Patients a high risk of ICA injury
It is necessary to have 2 units of
Regarding preoperative management and equipment for high- blood on hold for patients with a
risk patients, 10 statements achieved full consensus while 1 high risk of ICA injury
achieved near consensus (Table 3). Participating surgeons
reached consensus that both preop magnetic resonance Abbreviations: MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; CTA, computed
tomography angiography; ICA, internal carotid artery; OR, operating room.
imaging (MRI) and computed tomography angiography
(CTA) were necessary for patients at high risk of ICA injury.
In addition, high-risk patients should have 2 peripheral the injury. While bipolar electrocautery and a combination of
lines placed in anticipation of rapid infusion while cottonoids and focal pressure alone were deemed effective for
neurophysiologic monitoring with somatosensory evoked small (2-3 mm) ICA tears or injury to an accessory branch,
potential (SSEP) and intraoperative surgical navigation are both interventions were deemed ineffective for large (>3 mm)
also necessary. Regarding other equipment that should be tears. In contrast, a combination of crushed muscle and focal
readily accessible for high-risk patients, consensus was achieved pressure was deemed an acceptable strategy for both tear
regarding cottonoids, bipolar electrocautery, a doppler probe, sizes and was the only strategy deemed acceptable to control
and blood products (2 units in the operating room (OR) and bleeding from a large tear. Acceptable sites for crushed
2 units on hold). Near consensus was also obtained that muscle harvesting included the thigh, rectus abdominis, and
aneurysm clips and a clip applier should be available. temporalis muscles. A consensus was reached that flowable
gelfoam (Surgifoam®, Floseal®, Surgiflo®) should not be used
to repair carotid injuries of any size and that suturing should
Hemorrhage Control not be used to repair small tears. A near consensus was achieved
Regarding hemorrhage control, 11 statements reached full con- that suturing should not be used to repair large tears as well.
sensus while 3 reached near consensus (Table 4). Statements The only 2 options for proximal control that were included in
that achieved consensus differed with respect to the size of the final consensus statement (both having achieved near
6 American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy

Table 4. Statements Reaching Consensus and Near Consensus Table 5. Statements Reaching Consensus and Near Consensus
Regarding Hemorrhage Control. Regarding Definitive Management.

Consensus Near consensus Near

Consensus consensus
A combination of cottonoids and Suturing should not be
focal pressure alone can be attempted to repair a large If an ICA bleed cannot otherwise be controlled,
attempted to control bleeding tear ICA sacrifice should be considered regardless of
from a small tear the results of a BOT
A combination of cottonoids and Placing an aneurysm clip If ICA vessel sacrifice is necessary, endovascular
focal pressure alone should not proximal to the injury coiling is the preferred method
be used to control bleeding from endonasally is an effective One should always preferentially use a stent/flow
a large tear method of gaining proximal diverter to resolve an ICA injury before
control of an internal carotid considering sacrifice or bypass regardless of the
artery (ICA) injury results of a BOT
Bipolar electrocautery can be Dissecting the neck and clamping ICA bypass should be attempted only after a
used to control bleeding from a the ICA at its origin is an effective patient fails a BOT and stent/flow diverter
small tear method of gaining proximal placement is ruled out as an option
control of an ICA injury
Abbreviations: ICA, internal carotid artery; BOT, balloon occlusion test.
Bipolar electrocautery should not
be used to control bleeding from
a large tear
Table 6. Statements Reaching Consensus and Near Consensus
A combination of cottonoid,
Regarding Pharmacologic Management, Neurophysiologic
crushed muscle, and focal
Monitoring, and Blood Pressure Control.
pressure can be used to control
bleeding from a small tear Consensus Near consensus
A combination of cottonoid,
crushed muscle, and focal Heparin should be given to ASA should be given to prevent
pressure can be used to control prevent thrombus while thrombus after repair of an
bleeding from a large tear repairing an ICA injury ICA injury
It is acceptable to harvest crushed Adenosine for inducing
muscle from the thigh temporary cardiac arrest can
It is acceptable to harvest crushed be useful when repairing an
muscle from the temporalis muscle ICA injury
It is acceptable to harvest crushed One should maintain a normal
muscle from the rectus (80-90) or high (>90) mean
abdominis muscle arterial pressure while
Morselized Gelfoam should not managing a carotid injury
be used to repair small or large If the SSEP signals changed, I
ICA tears would elevate the mean arterial
Suturing should not be attempted blood pressure
to repair a small tear If the SSEP signals changed, I
would readjust any packing
If the SSEP signals changed, I
consensus) were the placement of an aneurysm clip proximal to would obtain an angiogram
the injury endonasally as well as dissecting the neck and clamp- emergently
ing the ICA at its origin. Abbreviations: ICA, internal carotid artery; SSEP, somatosensory evoked

Definitive Management the results of a BOT and is best achieved through endovascular
Regarding definitive management, 11 statements reached full coil embolization. A consensus was also reached that ICA
consensus while 3 reached near consensus (Table 5). All pro- bypass should be considered a last resort when stent placement
posed guidelines had to do with 1 of 3 options: sacrifice, was not possible and the patient had failed a BOT.
stent/flow-diverter placement, or bypass. By the end of round
3, consensus was reached that stent/flow-diverter placement Pharmacologic Management, Neurophysiologic
should be considered first-line therapy for definitive manage-
ment regardless of the results of a balloon occlusion test Monitoring, and Blood Pressure Control
(BOT). Nonetheless, in cases where the bleeding cannot other- Regarding pharmacologic management, neurophysiologic
wise be controlled, sacrifice should be considered regardless of monitoring, and blood pressure control, 6 statements
Kassir et al. 7

achieved full consensus while 1 achieved near consensus may not be readily available at all medical centers due to
(Table 6). Adenosine and heparin were both identified as cost and surgical routines.22 As such, referral of a high-risk
agents with important uses during an ICA injury. patient to a center where this technology is readily available
In the postoperative period, aspirin is advised to prevent may be warranted.
thrombus/embolus formation. Consensus was reached that The consensus statement also identifies more simplistic
mean arterial pressure should be kept normal or elevated but critical tools like cottonoids and bipolar cautery as neces-
while managing an ICA injury. Correspondingly, planned sary pieces of equipment and elaborates on how these may be
hypotension during the crisis is inadvisable. As previously used to achieve initial control of the hemorrhage. Intuitively,
established, neurophysiological monitoring with SSEPs has applying nonocclusive focal pressure with a cottonoid and
an important role, and the consensus statement promotes a waiting for hemostasis is the simplest method for stopping an
3-pronged approach when signals change: elevate the ICA bleed and is indicated for small tears. According to the
patient’s blood pressure, readjust any packing, and obtain results of the Delphi method, however, this approach is not
an angiogram emergently. advisable for large tears. Bipolar electrocautery, another
easily employed technique, is viewed similarly. Simply put,
when it comes to controlling bleeding from large tears, full con-
Discussion sensus was reached on only 1 of the proposed measures—the
This study is unique in its effort to develop a consensus state- utilization of crushed muscle. Indeed, the efficacy of crushed
ment regarding the management of ICA injury during EES. muscle has become widely established in the literature with
This consensus statement represents the experiences and prior research specifically demonstrating its superiority to
opinions of 23 skull base surgeons from high-volume tertiary other hemostatic agents including Floseal and oxidized regen-
care centers with a broad geographic distribution. Simply put, erated cellulose.6,23,24 In terms of the optimal site for harvesting
there are numerous decisions that a surgeon must make when muscle, the consensus statement endorses almost any of the
facing a carotid injury. Based on this process, many questions sites suggested in our survey (temporalis, thigh, and rectus
can be grouped under 1 of the 4 categories outlined in the abdominis) but no consensus was reached for the longus
consensus statement and can be clearly addressed by the find- capitis or tongue. It is worth noting that the longus capitis
ings, providing a framework for any surgeon facing these has only recently been suggested as a donor site.6
injuries. While suturing is widely recommended as an option to
There are a number of necessities identified for the preop- repair an ICA tear4,17,24 our findings suggest that this
erative planning of high-risk patients. High-risk factors should generally be avoided endonasally. The degree of dif-
include malignancy involving the ICA, recurrence after radi- ficulty involved in suturing through the endonasal approach
ation with ICA involvement, narrowing or encasement of the can be prohibitive, and the attempt can waste precious
ICA, and patient factors such a vasculopathy, coagulopathy, time.25 As commented by 1 of our participants in the final
connective tissue disease, etc. For these patients, imaging is round, “I would consider suturing in an open case, but I
an essential component of the preoperative workup and has have never seen it work endonasally.”
been shown to decrease the rate of complications of EES.16 In cases of severe injury, it may be necessary to obtain
The combination of MRI and CTA advised in the final con- proximal control of the ICA before achieving hemostasis.
sensus statement provides a thorough understanding of the However, only 2 of the proposed methods were included in
relationship between critical vascular structures and the the consensus statement (both achieving near consensus).
target lesion. Not only is this necessary to plan an optimal Five participants stated that they would employ cervical
surgical approach, but identifying ICA encasement or dis- proximal control only if the injury occurred on or near the
placement or tumor invasion of the vessel wall can alert sur- petrous ICA segment, which is congruent with Gardner
geons to the possibility (and sometimes inevitability) of et al.25 who stated that proximal control through a cervical
carotid injury during EES,17 warranting anticipatory mea- incision is best employed when the tear is in the horizontal
sures like acquisition of abundant blood products and dual petrous, lacerum, or parapharyngeal ICA segments. Placing
intravenous placement for rapid infusion and the need for an aneurysm clip is indicated for more distal segments (para-
preoperative BOT to prepare for possible ICA sacrifice. clival and parasellar). Regarding the placement of endonasal
Furthermore, it is worth noting the importance this consensus aneurysm clips for proximal control, the near consensus we
places on technologies. As confirmed by the extant literature, obtained is also consistent with this paper which stated that
intraoperative surgical navigation,18 doppler ultrasonography this often requires further exposure of the injured ICA
for carotid localization,19,20 and SSEP monitoring21 have segment as well as the placement of a distal clip, making
been shown to prevent or improve outcomes from vascular this a potentially taxing and time-consuming strategy that,
injury during EES. They do so, in general, by helping to pre- while effective, may not always be achievable.
cisely localize the ICA as well as providing an intraoperative After gaining control of an ICA bleed, it is widely
understanding of the physiologic impact of management accepted that the patient should undergo immediate angiog-
strategies. It is simultaneously worth noting that these tools raphy and evaluation for definitive management.4,17,24,25
8 American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy

Participants were asked to share their opinions regarding 3 encourage surgeons to add adenosine to their toolbox in
options for definitive management: sacrifice of the ICA, cases with a high risk of ICA injury. Additionally, while coun-
endovascular stenting, and surgical bypass. Choosing terintuitive in the setting of acute hemorrhage, heparin helps to
between sacrifice and stent/flow-diverter placement is, in par- prevent an embolic phenomenon that may occur secondary to
ticular, often challenging. Sacrifice, on the one hand, is main- injury to the vessel wall or repetitive manipulation.4 Moreover,
tained by many to be first-line due to its efficiency and aspirin is recommended by consensus to prevent embolic phe-
reliability in resolving a bleeding vessel.26–28 It is well toler- nomenon in the postoperative period.
ated by most with ∼80% of patients possessing sufficient col- Finally, we asked participants to share their opinions
lateral circulation to withstand the maneuver without regarding blood pressure and neurophysiologic monitoring
postoperative deficits.4,17 Placing aneurysm clips proximal during EES. Consistent with recommendations made by
and distal to the injury endonasally is one method with dem- AlQahtani et al4 and Gardner et al,17 the final consensus
onstrated efficacy; the need to fully expose the injured ICA statement dictates that blood pressures should be kept
segment (often difficult and time consuming) can make this normal to high during the management of an ICA injury.
untenable.29 In centers with ready access to interventional Presumably, while a state of hypoperfusion may make the
services (radiology, neurology, or neurosurgery) and espe- bleed easier to control, ensuring adequate cerebral perfusion
cially with the growing prevalence of hybrid ORs, sacrifice is paramount. Our participants also reached a consensus that
by endovascular means has become an alternative that SSEP monitoring plays an important role in ICA injury man-
offers greater expediency and effectiveness in cases when agement. In particular, SSEP can help guide permissive
the injury is too difficult to manage endonasally. According hypotension while avoiding hypoperfusion and changes in
to the consensus statement, embolization with coils is pre- evoked potentials during the course of the crisis could indi-
ferred to external methods of sacrifice. Stenting, on the cate an embolic phenomenon or potentially the unintentional
other hand, has been shown to be safe and effective,26,30,31 occlusion of the ICA lumen by the surgeon.21 This consensus
but is technically difficult (especially when the ICA is statement advocates for a straightforward, 3-pronged
kinked or if the injury is at or past the cavernous segment), approach which includes elevating the patient’s blood pres-
and runs the risk of worsening the injury.17 Even still, one sure, readjusting any packing, and obtaining an angiogram
can intuitively appreciate that maintaining the patency of emergently to assess for occlusion at any point along the
both carotids is preferable as future incidence of trauma, ath- vessel.
erosclerosis, or other cause of stenosis cannot be predicted in Limitations of this study warrant discussion. Most
addition to the risk of flow-related aneurysms (especially in a notably, the cohort for this study was made up almost entirely
young patient). This logic is consistent with the consensus of skull base surgeons practicing in the United States which
reached by our Delphi participants that stent/flow-diverter may limit the generalizability of our findings in the interna-
placement is preferable to sacrifice even when collateral cir- tional skull base community. Additionally, while the consen-
culation is confirmed. In general, bypass is reserved for situa- sus statement is based on a consensus of expert opinion, we
tions when the patient is known to lack collateral circulation offer no evidence regarding its efficacy.
(and therefore cannot tolerate sacrifice) and when stent place- Future efforts should be made to validate the efficacy of
ment has failed or is otherwise untenable. However, it may be our consensus statement. At present, there is a growing
the only option if interventional services are not available. body of literature using simulation models of ICA injury so
Indeed, when it comes to definitive management, the impor- that surgeons can gain experience managing the crisis.
tance of having access to interventionalists cannot be over- Perfusion-based human cadaver and animal models, in par-
stated. For medical centers lacking access to this resource, ticular, can provide realistic training environments for this
transfer of high-risk patients to tertiary care centers is purpose.34–36 We propose teaching this consensus statement
advisable. to novice surgeons and assessing how this may impact effi-
The final consensus statement also elaborates on the phar- ciency and outcomes in managing artificial ICA injuries.
macologic management of ICA injuries during EES. Demonstrable efficacy in this setting could validate the use
Regarding adenosine, administration induces transient hypo- of this consensus statement for real-world situations. At the
tension which can attenuate severe bleeding and enhance vis- very least, it is hoped that it will provide a strong framework
ibility long enough for hemostatic agents to be applied. While for surgical teams to build their own protocols.
previously used during intracranial aneurysm surgery, adeno-
sine is a relatively new concept for EES with the first reports
of its safety and effectiveness coming from Fastenberg Conclusions
et al32 in 2019. At present, the limited literature suggests that This study helps to identify best practices for managing ICA
adenosine has the potential to be a safe and effective adjuvant injury during EES based on consensus of expert opinion. The
measure in cases where an ICA bleed is otherwise uncontrol- final consensus statement is comprehensive in its scope,
lable endonasally.32,33 The results of this consensus statement offering guidance for preoperative preparations, materials
corroborate these findings and should serve to further and techniques for hemorrhage control and definitive
Kassir et al. 9

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