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Module manual for


SPO Version 2012

Revision 2021-02-12 | 09:37:51

Module manual for

Physics (Bachelor (1-Subject))
Module manual for

In the following 77 pages are...

Examination Regulation Field

Module offer

Examination offer

Teaching offer
Module manual for

Examination Regulation Title & Version: ....................................................................................... 5 >

Compulsory Course.................................................................................................................................... 6 >

Experimental Physics.......................................................................................................................... 6 >

[1315781] Experimental Physics I (Mechanics and Relativity)..................................................................6 >

[1310570] Experimental Physics II (Heat and Electromagnetism)............................................................. 8 >

[1315000] Experimental Physics III (Optics and Quantum Physics)..........................................................10 >

[1315003] Experimental Physics IV (Atoms, Molecules, Nuclei)..............................................................12 >

[1315005] Experimental Physics Va (Solid State Physics).........................................................................14 >

[1315006] Experimental Physics Vb (Particle Physics and Astrophysics)................................................. 16 >

Theoretical Physics.............................................................................................................................. 18 >

[1322848] Mathematical Methods of Physics.............................................................................................18 >

[1310571] Theoretical Physics I (Classical Mechanics)............................................................................. 20 >

[1315001] Theoretical Physics II (Electrodynamics)..................................................................................22 >

[1315004] Theoretical Physics III (Quantum Mechanics).......................................................................... 24 >

[1315007] Theoretical Physics IV (Statistical Physics).............................................................................. 26 >

Mathematics............................................................................................................................................ 28 >

[1113423] Higher Mathematics III..............................................................................................................28 >

[1113003] Higher Mathematics IV............................................................................................................. 30 >

Advanced Mathematics I................................................................................................................... 32 >

[1113001] Higher Mathematics I................................................................................................................ 32 >

[1114973] Analysis I................................................................................................................................... 34 >

Advanced Mathematics II................................................................................................................. 36 >

[1113002] Higher Mathematics II............................................................................................................... 36 >

[1114974] Analysis II..................................................................................................................................38 >

Practical Courses...................................................................................................................................40 >

[1310569] Data Analysis............................................................................................................................. 40 >

[1314999] Basic Lab Course I.................................................................................................................... 42 >

[1315002] Basic Lab Course II................................................................................................................... 44 >

[1315008] Advanced Lab Course................................................................................................................46 >

Interconnection Modules................................................................................................................... 48 >

[1314112] Scientific Debate in Experimental Physics................................................................................48 >

[1314114] Cross Connections in Experimental Physics............................................................................. 50 >

[1314116] Cross Connections in Theoretical Physics.................................................................................52 >

Elective Courses...........................................................................................................................................54 >

Subsidiary Subject................................................................................................................................54 >

[1515490] Chemistry................................................................................................................................... 54 >

[9015711] Introduction to Medicine for Nature Scientists and Engineers 1,2............................................56 >

[6015549] Electronics.................................................................................................................................. 58 >

[1212313] Informatics................................................................................................................................. 60 >

[1114990] Linear Algebra .......................................................................................................................... 62 >

Specialization Subject......................................................................................................................... 64 >

[1315010] Elementary Particle Physics.......................................................................................................64 >

Module manual for

[1315009] Condensed Matter Physics.........................................................................................................66 >

[1315011] Quantum Theory of Many Body Systems................................................................................. 68 >

[1315012] Relativistic Quantum Theory.....................................................................................................70 >

Bachelor Thesis............................................................................................................................................ 72 >

[1314119] Bachelor Thesis..........................................................................................................................72 >

[1314121] Bachelor's Presentation.............................................................................................................. 74 >

Voluntary Courses....................................................................................................................................... 75 >

[1314127] Industrial Placement...................................................................................................................75 >

[1314123] Research Internship....................................................................................................................77 >

Physics BSPhy
Regulation Description

Examination Regulation Title & Version:

Physics (SPO Version / 2012)

Title Physics

Short title BSPhy

Version 2012

Description The bachelor-degree study in physics imparts knowledge as well as practices and skills in the field of
physics adapted to the specific requirements within the professional world. It provides a diversified
education in the fundamentals of experimental and theoretical physics, in mathematics, in a subsidiary
subject outside of physics, a compulsory optional subject within physics and in specific soft skills. A
first qualification for a profession is awarded.

Qualification Profile

Additionnal information

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Experimental Physics
Experimental Physics I (Mechanics and Relativity) (1315781)

Module titel Experimental Physics I (Mechanics and Relativity) (Compulsory subject)

Identifier 1315781

Version Angelegt über RWTH API als 1

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) winter semester

Valid from Winter semester 2006

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content Physical quantities and systems of units, kinematics and dynamics of point masses, conservation laws,
gravitation, rotating reference frames, deformable media, friction, aero- and hydrodynamics, dynamics
of rigid bodies, oscillations, waves, acoustics, special theory of relativity.

Learning objective The students have basic knowledge in mechanics and special theory of relativity. They know
fundamental concepts, such as conservation laws and the principle of relativity, and are able to apply
them to solve physical problems. Students are able to describe important phenomena of mechanics
verbally as well as mathematically and additionally are capable to specify or to develop basic
experiments on this topic. Furthermore, they are able to apply the acquired knowledge to practical
problems and carry out appropriate calculations. The exercises take place in small groups where the
students present their own solutions and ideas to their fellow students. As a key qualification, the
presentation of their own results is mediated.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites none

(recommended) None

References Wolfgang Demtröder. (2013). Experimentalphysik Band 1 Mechanik und Wärme (6., neu bearb. und
aktualis. Aufl.). Berlin [u.a.]: Springer. Hochschulbibliothek: LBS: 01:UX 1300 0002-1+6 eBook: http:// Physikbibliothek: (4. Aufl.) Bd 277-1+4 Dieter Meschede.
(2010). Gerthsen Physik (24., überarb. Aufl.). Heidelberg [u.a.]: Springer. Hochschulbibliothek: LBS:
01:UC 156 0001+24 eBook: Physikbibliothek: (23. Aufl.)
Bd 19+23

Language German

Examination Terms Admission to module examination: Written homework and successful participation in the exercise
Presence in the exercise sessions is compulsory.
Module examination: Written examination of 120 minutes duration (100% of the module grade, where
up to 20% can be credited to bonus points from the exercises).

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Modulangebotsverantwortlicher Physik Modellierungsteamverantwortlicher:

Dr. rer. nat. Katja Petzoldt Modulverantworlicher: Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Hebbeker

ECTS Credits 7

Contact time (WSH) 6

Examination duration (min) 120

Total hours (h) 210

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Experimental Physics
Experimental Physics I (Mechanics and Relativity) (1315781)

Contact hours (h) 90

Self-study hours (h) 120

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Experimental Physics I: Exercise 1st semester no semester 0 2

Course (131578102) recommended

Experimental Physics I: Written 1st semester no semester 7 0

Examination (131578101) recommended

Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Experimental Physics I: Lecture 1st semester no semester - 4


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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Experimental Physics
Experimental Physics II (Heat and Electromagnetism) (1310570)

Module titel Experimental Physics II (Heat and Electromagnetism) (Compulsory subject)

Identifier 1310570

Version Angelegt über RWTH API als 1

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) summer semester

Valid from Summer semester 2007

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content Thermodynamics: kinetic gas theory, real gases, phase transitions, cyclic processes, entropy,
fundamental laws of thermodynamics. Electromagnetism: electrostatics und magnetostatics in vacuum
and materials, electric current, time dependent fields, induction, electric circuits, oscillating circuits,
Maxwell equations, electromagnetic waves, electrodynamics and theory of relativity.

Learning objective The students have basic knowledge in thermodynamics and electromagnetism. They know the
fundamental concepts od thermodynamics and electromagnetism and are able to apply them to solve
physical problems. Students are able to describe important phenomena of thermodynamics and
electromegnetism verbally as well as mathematically and additionally are capable to specify or develope
basic experiments on this topic. Furthermore, they are able to apply the acquired knowledge to practical
problems and carry out appropriate calculations. The exercises take place in small groups where the
students present their own solutions and ideas to their fellow students. As a key qualification, the
presentation of their own results is mediated.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites none

(recommended) None

References Wolfgang Demtröder. (2013). Experimentalphysik Band 2 Elektrizität und Optik (6., überarb. u. akt.
Aufl. 2013). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. Hochschulbibliothek: LBS: 01:UX 1300 0002-2+6 eBook: Physikbibliothek: (5. Aufl.) Bd 277-2+5 Dieter Meschede.
(2010). Gerthsen Physik (24., überarb. Aufl.). Heidelberg [u.a.]: Springer. Hochschulbibliothek: LBS:
01:UC 156 0001+24 eBook: Physikbibliothek: (23. Aufl.)
Bd 19+23

Language German

Examination Terms Admission to module examination: Written homework and successful participation in the exercise
Presence in the exercise sessions is compulsory.
Module examination: Written examination of 120 minutes duration (100% of the module grade, where
up to 20% can be credited to bonus points from the exercises).

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Modulangebotsverantwortlicher Physik Modellierungsteamverantwortlicher:

Dr. rer. nat. Katja Petzoldt Modulverantworlicher: Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Hebbeker

ECTS Credits 7

Contact time (WSH) 6

Examination duration (min) 120

Total hours (h) 210

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Experimental Physics
Experimental Physics II (Heat and Electromagnetism) (1310570)

Contact hours (h) 90

Self-study hours (h) 120

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Experimental Physics II: Exercise 2nd semester no semester 0 2

Course (131057002) recommended

Experimental Physics II: Written 2nd semester no semester 7 0

Examination (131057001) recommended

Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Experimental Physics II: Lecture 2nd semester no semester - 4


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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Experimental Physics
Experimental Physics III (Optics and Quantum Physics) (1315000)

Module titel Experimental Physics III (Optics and Quantum Physics) (Compulsory subject)

Identifier 1315000

Version Angelegt über RWTH API als 1

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) winter semester

Valid from Winter semester 2007

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor/Master

Content Optics: electromagnetic fields in media, geometrical optics, optical instruments, wave optics,
interference, diffraction, polarization. Quantum physics: blackbody radiator and radiation laws,
fundamental experiments of quantum physics, wave-particle dualism, uncertainty relation, Schroedinger
equation (well potential), atomic model of Bohr, Rutherford cross section.

Learning objective The students have basic knowledge in optics and know important experiments and concepts of quantum
physics. They are able to apply their skills in optics to develop basic optical experiments and to apply
them to the calculation of practical problems. The students can solve easy problems in quantum physics.
The exercises take place in small groups where the students present their own solutions and ideas to
their fellow students. As a key qualification, the presentation of their own results is mediated.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites none

(recommended) None

References Wolfgang Demtröder. (2010). Experimentalphysik Band 3 Atome, Moleküle und Festkörper Dieter
Meschede. (2010). Gerthsen Physik

Language German

Examination Terms Admission to module examination: Written homework and successful participation in the exercise
Module examination: Written examination of 120 minutes duration (100% of the module grade, where
up to 20% can be credited to bonus points from the exercises).

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Modulangebotsverantwortlicher PhysikModellierungsteamverantwortlicher:

Dr. rer. nat. Katja PetzoldtModulverantworlicher: Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Martin Erdmann

ECTS Credits 7

Contact time (WSH) 6

Examination duration (min) 0

Total hours (h) 210

Contact hours (h) 90

Self-study hours (h) 120

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Experimental Physics
Experimental Physics III (Optics and Quantum Physics) (1315000)

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Experimental Physics III: Exercise 3rd semester no semester 0 2

Course (131500002) recommended

Experimental Physics III: Written 3rd semester no semester 7 0

Examination (131500001) recommended

Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Experimental Physics III: Lecture 3rd semester no semester - 4


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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Experimental Physics
Experimental Physics IV (Atoms, Molecules, Nuclei) (1315003)

Module titel Experimental Physics IV (Atoms, Molecules, Nuclei) (Compulsory subject)

Identifier 1315003

Version Angelegt über RWTH API als 1

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) summer semester

Valid from Summer semester 2008

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor/Master

Content Atomic physics: hydrogen atom, spin of the electron, emission and absorption of radiation, laser, x-
rays, atoms in external fields, periodic system of the elements. Molecular physics: molecular bindings,
molecular spectra. Nuclear physics: Properties of the nuclei, nuclear forces, nuclear models, nuclear
reactions (fission, fusion), radioactivity.

Learning objective The students have fundamental knowledge in the fields of atomic physics, molecular physics and
nuclear physics. The students know the most important general properties of atoms, molecules and
nuclei and are able to calculate these for simple cases in the framework of quantum mechanics. The can
develop appropriate experiments and measuring procedures. The exercises take place in small groups
where the students present their own solutions and ideas to their fellow students. As a key qualification,
the presentation of their own results is mediated.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites 1. Experimentalphysik I or Experimentalphysik II 2. Wissenschaftliche Diskussion in der


(recommended) None

References Gerd Otter, Raimund Honecker. (19xx). Atome - Moleküle - Kerne - Band 1-3. Stuttgart: Teubner. Paul
Allen Tipler, Ralph A. Llewellyn, Gerd Czycholl. (2010). Moderne Physik. München: Oldenbourg.

Language German

Examination Terms Admission to module examination: Written homework and successful participation in the exercise
Module examination: Written examination of 120 minutes duration (100% of the module grade, where
up to 20% can be credited to bonus points from the exercises).

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Modulangebotsverantwortlicher Physik Modellierungsteamverantwortlicher:

Dr. rer. nat. Katja Petzoldt Modulverantworlicher: Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Martin Erdmann

ECTS Credits 7

Contact time (WSH) 6

Examination duration (min) 120

Total hours (h) 210

Contact hours (h) 90

Self-study hours (h) 120

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Experimental Physics
Experimental Physics IV (Atoms, Molecules, Nuclei) (1315003)

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Experimental Physics IV: Exercise 4th semester no semester 0 2

Course (131500302) recommended

Experimental Physics IV: Written 4th semester no semester 7 0

Examination (131500301) recommended

Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Experimental Physics IV: Lecture 4th semester no semester - 4


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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Experimental Physics
Experimental Physics Va (Solid State Physics) (1315005)

Module titel Experimental Physics Va (Solid State Physics) (Compulsory subject)

Identifier 1315005

Version Angelegt über RWTH API als 1_neu

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) winter semester

Valid from Winter semester 2019

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content - Crystallography - Binding types, hybrid orbitals (tight binding model) - Diffraction patterns
(scattering, coherence, atomic facor, structural factor ...) - Phase diagrams (alloys, ...) - Phonons - Free
electron gas in 3D (dispersion, heat capacity) - Fundamentals of energy-band model - Fundamentals of
semi-conductors (diodes, transistors) - Phenomenology of super-conductivity

Learning objective The students have fundamental knowledge in the field of solid state physics. They are able to solve
simple problems qualitatively and quantitatively. The exercises take place in small groups where the
students present their own solutions and ideas to their fellow students. As a key qualification, the
presentation of their own results is mediated.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites 1. Wissenschaftliche Diskussion in der Experimentalphysik 2. Experimentalphysik I 3.

Experimentalphysik II

(recommended) None

References Konrad Kopitzki, Peter Herzog. (2009). Einführung in die Festkörperphysik. Wiesbaden: Vieweg +

Language German

Examination Terms Admission to module examination: Written homework and successful participation in the exercise
Module examination: Written examination of 120 minutes duration (100% of the module grade, where
up to 20% can be credited to bonus points from the exercises).

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Modulangebotsverantwortlicher Physik Modellierungsteamverantwortlicher:

Dr. rer. nat. Katja Petzoldt Modulverantworlicher: Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Uwe Klemradt

ECTS Credits 5

Contact time (WSH) 4

Examination duration (min) 90

Total hours (h) 150

Contact hours (h) 60

Self-study hours (h) 90

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Experimental Physics
Experimental Physics Va (Solid State Physics) (1315005)

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Experimental Physics Va: Excercise 5th semester no semester 0 1

Course (131500502) recommended

Experimental Physics Va: Written 5th semester no semester 5 0

Examination in Solid State Physics recommended

Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Experimental Physics Va: Lecture in 5th semester no semester - 3

Solid State Physics recommended

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Experimental Physics
Experimental Physics Vb (Particle Physics and Astrophysics) ...

Module titel Experimental Physics Vb (Particle Physics and Astrophysics) (Compulsory subject)

Identifier 1315006

Version Angelegt über RWTH API als 1_neu

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) winter semester

Valid from Winter semester 2019

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content Particle physics: accelerators, detectors, building blocks of matter, quark model, interactions, Feynman
diagrams, electromagnetic interaction, strong interaction, weak interaction. Astrophysics: cosmic
radiation, evolution of stars, composition and evolution of the universe, cosmic background radiation,
cosmology, dark matter, dark energy.

Learning objective The students have fundamental knowledge in the fields of particle physics and astrophysics. They are
able to solve simple problems qualitatively and quantitatively. The exercises take place in small groups
where the students present their own solutions and ideas to their fellow students. As a key qualification,
the presentation of their own results is mediated.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites 1. Wissenschaftliche Diskussion in der Experimentalphysik 2. Experimentalphysik I 3.

Experimentalphysik II

(recommended) None

References Donald H. Perkins. (2006). Introduction to high energy physics (4. ed., 5. print.). Cambridge [u.a.]:
Cambridge Univ. Press. Donald H. Perkins. (2003). Particle astrophysics (1. publ.). Oxford: Oxford
Univ. Press.

Language German

Examination Terms Admission to module examination: Written homework and successful participation in the exercise
Module examination: Written examination of 120 minutes duration (100% of the module grade, where
up to 20% can be credited to bonus points from the exercises).

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Modulangebotsverantwortlicher Physik Modellierungsteamverantwortlicher:

Dr. rer. nat. Katja Petzoldt Modulverantworlicher: Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Lutz Feld

ECTS Credits 5

Contact time (WSH) 4

Examination duration (min) 90

Total hours (h) 150

Contact hours (h) 60

Self-study hours (h) 90

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Experimental Physics
Experimental Physics Vb (Particle Physics and Astrophysics) ...

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Experimental Physics Vb: Exercise 5th semester no semester 0 1

Course (131500602) recommended

Experimental Physics Vb: Written 5th semester no semester 5 0

Examination in Particle- and recommended
Astrophysics (131500601)

Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Experimental Physics Vb: Lecture in 5th semester no semester - 3

Particle- and Astrophysics recommended

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Theoretical Physics
Mathematical Methods of Physics (1322848)

Module titel Mathematical Methods of Physics (Compulsory subject)

Identifier 1322848

Version V1

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) winter/summer semester

Valid from Winter semester 2020

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content Modeling: Idealization, mathematical formulation, solution of the equations, physical interpretation of
the results, validity of these and limitsMathematical methods: properties of functions, differentiation,
integration, Taylor series, complex numbers, simple differential equations, vectors, Fourier series,
operations with matrices (determinant, invert, diagonalize, eigenvalues), functions of several variables,
differential operators, curve integrals and multidimensional integrals, basics of vector analysis

Learning objective The students learn central mathematical concepts and tools of physics and are introduced to the idea of
modelling. Students know the basic concepts and methods of higher mathematics and are able to apply
more complex mathematical calculation methods to solve physical problems. They also recognize the
abstractions and idealizations that go along with the mathematical formulation of a physical problem and
are able to specify these concretely using simple mechanical systems. The students are able to interpret
their results in a physical context. The students know the connections between the topics covered. The
exercises take place in small groups in which the students present their own solutions and approaches
to the other students. The presentation of the students' own results is a key qualification acquired.
The students develop first ideas of how they can use the language of mathematics to present physical
connections and test them. Students are required to organize themselves into learning groups to work on
the exercises.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites None

(recommended) None

References -

Language German

Examination Terms Written examination of 120 minutes duration (100% of the module grade, where up to 20% can be
credited to bonus points from the exercises). The admission to the module examination is acquired by
written homework and successful participation in the exercise sessions. Presence in the exercise sessions
is compulsory.

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Volker Meden

ECTS Credits 7

Contact time (WSH) 6

Examination duration (min) 120

Total hours (h) 210

Contact hours (h) 90

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Theoretical Physics
Mathematical Methods of Physics (1322848)

Self-study hours (h) 120

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Mathematical Methods of Physics 1st semester no semester 7 0

(Exam) (132284801) recommended

Mathematical Methods in Physics 1st semester no semester 0 2

(Exercise) (132284802) recommended

Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Mathematical Methods in Physics 1st semester no semester - 4

(Lecture) recommended

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Theoretical Physics
Theoretical Physics I (Classical Mechanics) (1310571)

Module titel Theoretical Physics I (Classical Mechanics) (Compulsory subject)

Identifier 1310571

Version V2

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) summer semester

Valid from Winter semester 2020

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content • Introduction to the Newtonian mechanics of mass points: coordinate systems, equation of
motion, conservation laws, simple dynamic problems, accelerated reference systems
• Generalized coordinates, constraints, Lagrangian formulation of mechanics, principle of action,
Noether theorem
• Two-body problem, kinematics and dynamics of rigid bodies, multidimensional oscillations,
simple continuous systems (string oscillation)
• Hamiltonian mechanics
• Relativistic mechanics: Principle of relativity, Lorentz transformations, eigentime, multi-velocity
and four-pulse, Lorentztensors, relativistic equation of motion

Learning objective Students learn the basics of the abstract formulation of mechanical problems and their applications.
Students have a basic understanding of space, time and forces. They have learned various concepts
for the formulation and mathematical processing of a mechanical problem, know their advantages and
disadvantages and can apply them to specific problems. They know the relevance of conservation laws
and their relation to symmetries as a basic concept in physics. They understand the physical motivation
for assumptions, approximations and approaches in the description and solution of mechanical problems
and their qualitative effects. They can interpret the solutions obtained physically. For selected simple
problems, numerical solutions are presented or worked out, which allows access to questions that cannot
be solved analytically, e.g. non-linear dynamics with transition to chaos. The students thus learn the
basic approach of theoretical physics. Students are required to organize themselves into study groups
to work on the exercises. The exercises take place in small groups in which the students can present
their own solutions and approaches to the other students. Teamwork and the presentation of one's own
results key qualifications acquired. The students deepen their ability to talk about physics with the help
of mathematical concepts.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites none

(recommended) none

References -

Language German

Examination Terms The admission to the module examination is acquired by written homework and successful participation
in the exercise sessions.
Presence in the exercise sessions is compulsory.
Written examination of 120 minutes duration (100% of the module grade, where up to 20% can be
credited to bonus points from the exercises).

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Volker Meden

ECTS Credits 7

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Theoretical Physics
Theoretical Physics I (Classical Mechanics) (1310571)

Contact time (WSH) 6

Examination duration (min) 120

Total hours (h) 210

Contact hours (h) 90

Self-study hours (h) 120

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Theoretical Physics I: Exercise 2nd semester no semester 0 2

Courses (131057102) recommended

Theoretical Physics I: Klausur 2nd semester no semester 7 0

(131057101) recommended

Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Theoretical Physics I: Lecture 2nd semester no semester - 4


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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Theoretical Physics
Theoretical Physics II (Electrodynamics) (1315001)

Module titel Theoretical Physics II (Electrodynamics) (Compulsory subject)

Identifier 1315001

Version Angelegt über RWTH API als 1

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) winter semester

Valid from Winter semester 2007

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor/Master

Content - Electrostatics: Fundamentals and boundary value problems, multipole expansion - Magnetostatics -
Time dependent fields: Maxwell equations, relativistic covariant formulation, electromagnetic potential -
Electromagnetic waves: radiation fields, radiation of waves, accelerated point charge - Electrodynamics
in media: static problems, refraction and absorption of electromagnetic waves

Learning objective - Understanding of the fundamentals of classical electrodynamics - Formulation and mathematical
handling of problems in electrodynamics The exercises take place in small groups where the students
present their own solutions and ideas to their fellow students. As a key qualification, the presentation of
their own results is mediated.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites none

(recommended) None

References Fliessbach: Elektrodynamik Jackson: Klassische Elektrodynamik

Language German

Examination Terms Admission to module examination: Written homework and successful participation in the exercise
Module examination: Written examination of 120 minutes duration (100% of the module grade, where
up to 20% can be credited to bonus points from the exercises).

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Modulangebotsverantwortlicher Physik Modellierungsteamverantwortlicher:

Dr. rer. nat. Katja Petzoldt Modulverantworlicher: Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Volker Meden

ECTS Credits 7

Contact time (WSH) 6

Examination duration (min) 150

Total hours (h) 210

Contact hours (h) 90

Self-study hours (h) 120

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Theoretical Physics
Theoretical Physics II (Electrodynamics) (1315001)

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Theoretical Physics II : Exercise 3rd semester no semester 0 2

Course (131500102) recommended

Theoretical Physics II: Written 3rd semester no semester 7 0

Examination (131500101) recommended

Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Theoretical Physics II : Lecture 3rd semester no semester - 4


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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Theoretical Physics
Theoretical Physics III (Quantum Mechanics) (1315004)

Module titel Theoretical Physics III (Quantum Mechanics) (Compulsory subject)

Identifier 1315004

Version V3

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) summer semester

Valid from Winter semester 2020

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content - Formulation of the mathematical framework of quantum mechanics- Basic quantum systems: free
particle, one-dimensional systems, harmonic oscillator- Approximation methods: time-independent
perturbation theory, variational method, time-dependent perturbation theory- Schrödinger and
Heisenberg picture, symmetries and conservation laws, angular momentum, spin, addition of angular
momenta- Coulomb potential- Atomic physics: spectrum, fine structure, atom in classical radiation
field, Zeeman effect- Scattering theory- Many-particle quantum mechanics: identical particles, fermions,
bosons, rules of atomic structure

Learning objective - Understanding of the conceptual fundamentals of the theoretical description of microphysical
phenomena - Acquisition of the theoretical handling of basic quantum systems, potentially with the help
of approximation methods
- Understanding of the principles of the structure of atoms The exercises take place in small groups
where the students present their own solutions and ideas to their fellow students. As a key qualification,
the presentation of their own results is mediated.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites 1. Mathematische Methoden der Physik or Theoretische Physik I 2. Wissenschaftliche Diskussion in der

(recommended) None

References Shankar: Principles of Quantum Mechanics Cohen-Tannoudji: Diu und Laloe, Quantum Mechanics
Sakurai: Modern Quantum Mechanics

Language German

Examination Terms Admission to module examination: Written homework and successful participation in the exercise
odule examination: Written examination of 120 minutes duration (100% of the module grade, where up
to 20% can be credited to bonus points from the exercises).

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Volker Meden

ECTS Credits 8

Contact time (WSH) 6

Examination duration (min) 150

Total hours (h) 240

Contact hours (h) 90

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Theoretical Physics
Theoretical Physics III (Quantum Mechanics) (1315004)

Self-study hours (h) 150

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Theoretical Physics III: Exercise 4th semester no semester 0 2

Course (131500402) recommended

Theoretical Physics III: Written 4th semester no semester 8 0

Examination (131500401) recommended

Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Theoretical Physics III: Lecture 4th semester no semester - 4


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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Theoretical Physics
Theoretical Physics IV (Statistical Physics) (1315007)

Module titel Theoretical Physics IV (Statistical Physics) (Compulsory subject)

Identifier 1315007

Version V3

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) winter semester

Valid from Winter semester 2020

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content - Fundamental concepts of statistical mechanics: Probabilities, density operator, Liouville equation,
ergodic hypothesis, statistical ensembles (micro-canonical, canonical, macro-canonical), entropy,
ideal gas, fluctuations, thermodynamical potentials, different applications- Phenomenological
thermodynamics: temperature, heat, equations of state, work, internal energy, 1st-3rd law of
thermodynamics, entropy, Carnot processes, thermodynamic potentials, minimization principles and
stability criteria, phase equilibrium, van der Waals equation, virial expansion, different applications-
(Quantum-) statistics of special systems: ideal Fermi and Bose gas, Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein
statistics, Bose condensation, degenerate Fermi gas, harmonic oscillator, photons and phonons, Planck's
radiation law, magnetic phenomena- Elements of kinetic theory

Learning objective - Understanding of the fundamentals of the statistical interpretation of physical processes- Formulation
and mathematical handling of the statistical processes in the context of classical and quantum
physicsThe exercises take place in small groups where the students present their own solutions and ideas
to their fellow students. As a key qualification, the presentation of their own results is mediated.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites 1. Mathematische Methoden der Physik 2. Theoretische Physik I 3. Wissenschaftliche Diskussion in der

(recommended) None

References Huang: Statistical Physics Reif: Statistische Physik und Thermodynamik Landau, Lifshitz: Bd. V
Statistische Physik

Language German

Examination Terms Admission to module examination: Written homework and successful participation in the exercise
Module examination: Written examination of 120 minutes duration (100% of the module grade, where
up to 20% can be credited to bonus points from the exercises).

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Volker Meden

ECTS Credits 8

Contact time (WSH) 6

Examination duration (min) 150

Total hours (h) 240

Contact hours (h) 90

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Theoretical Physics
Theoretical Physics IV (Statistical Physics) (1315007)

Self-study hours (h) 150

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Theoretical Physics IV: Exercise 5th semester no semester 0 2

Course (131500702) recommended

Theoretical Physics IV: Written Exam 5th semester no semester 8 0

(131500701) recommended

Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Theoretical Physics IV: Lecture 5th semester no semester - 4


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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Higher Mathematics III (1113423)

Module titel Higher Mathematics III (Compulsory subject)

Identifier 1113423

Version -

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) winter/summer semester

Valid from Winter semester 2007

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor/Master

Content Functions of several variables (cont.) And vector fields: Jacobi matrix, differential operators, gradient
fields, line integrals, path independence, 1st fundamental theorem for line integrals, scalar and
vector potential parameter integrals, multiple integrals, Fubini's theorem, integration over normal
ranges, calculation of volumes, transformation formula. Integral theorems: Stokes' theorem in the
plane and Green's identity, 2nd fundamental theorem for line integrals, surfaces in parametric form,
surface integrals, integral theorems of Gauss and Stokes in space, Applications to potential theory
and the fundamental theorem of vector analysis. Fourier series: Sequences of functions, uniform
convergence, interchange of limit processes, convergence in mean square, trigonometric polynomials
and trigonometric series, Bessel's inequality, Parseval identity, the main theorem Fourier series,
application to boundary and eigenvalue problems. Basic concepts of probability theory: Probability
spaces, conditional probability and stochastic independence, total probability and Bayes formula,
random variable and distribution functions, expected value, variance, Chebyshev's inequality and weak
law of large numbers, the central limit theorem.

Learning objective The students should

• learn the differential and integral calculus of vector fields and understand the resulting concepts
of vektroanalysis,
• learn the practical use of multi-dimensional integrals,
• learn the abstract foundation and the practical use of Fourier series to learn,
• familiarize with the concepts and techniques of probability theory.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites none

(recommended) No prerequisites for admission to the module. The admission to the module examination is acquired
Requirements by written homework. Additional admission requirement for the module examination is the regular
presence in the exercises.

References Vorlesungsskript Meyberg, Vachenauer: Höhere Mathematik (Springer)

Language German

Examination Terms Die Zulassung zur Modulprüfung wird durch schriftliche Hausaufgaben erworben. Weitere
Zulassungsvoraussetzung für die Modulprüfung ist die regelmäßige Anwesenheit in den Übungen.
Written examination of 90 minutes duration (100% of the module grade, where up to 20% can be
credited to bonus points from the exercises).

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Modulangebotsverantwortlicher

MathematikModellierungsteamverantwortlicher: Dr. rer. nat. Katja PetzoldtModulverantworlicher:
Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Christof Erich Melcher

ECTS Credits 8

Contact time (WSH) 6

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Higher Mathematics III (1113423)

Examination duration (min) 0

Total hours (h) 240

Contact hours (h) 90

Self-study hours (h) 150

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Higher Mathematics III: Exercise 3rd semester no semester 0 2

Course (111342304) recommended

Higher Mathematics III: Written 3rd semester no semester 8 0

Examination (111342303) recommended

Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Higher Mathematics III: Lecture 3rd semester no semester - 4


Höhere Mathematik III: Globalübung 3rd semester no semester - -


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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Higher Mathematics IV (1113003)

Module titel Higher Mathematics IV (Compulsory subject)

Identifier 1113003

Version -

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) winter/summer semester

Valid from Summer semester 2008

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content Function theory: Holomorphic functions, Möbius transformation, conformal mappings, complex
integration, Cauchy integral theorem, Laurent expansion, residue theorem with applications.
Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics: Hilbert spaces, bounded and self-adjoint operators,
basic spectral theory, Lebesgue integral, Fourier transform, distributions, aspects of partial differential

Learning objective The students should learn important mathematical foundations of theoretical physics and know how to
deal with the concepts.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites none

(recommended) None

References Vorlesungsskript Meyberg, Vachenauer: Höhere Mathematik (Springer)

Language German

Examination Terms The admission to the module examination is acquired by written homework. Additional admission
requirement for the module examination is the regular presence in the exercises.
Written examination of 90 minutes duration (100% of the module grade, where up to 20% can be
credited to bonus points from the exercises).

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Modulangebotsverantwortlicher

MathematikModellierungsteamverantwortlicher: Dr. rer. nat. Katja PetzoldtModulverantworlicher:
Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Christof Erich Melcher

ECTS Credits 7

Contact time (WSH) 5

Examination duration (min) 0

Total hours (h) 210

Contact hours (h) 75

Self-study hours (h) 135

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Higher Mathematics IV (1113003)

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Higher Mathematics IV: Exercise 4th semester no semester 0 2

Course (111300302) recommended

Higher Mathematics IV: Written 4th semester no semester 7 0

Examination (111300301) recommended

Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Higher Mathematics IV: Lecture 4th semester no semester - 3


Höhere Mathematik IV: Globalübung 4th semester no semester - -


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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course Mathematics

Advanced Mathematics I
Higher Mathematics I (1113001)

Module titel Higher Mathematics I (Compulsory subject)

Identifier 1113001

Version -

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) winter/summer semester

Valid from Winter semester 2016

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor/Master

Content Logic, real and complex numbers, sets and the infimum/supremum, the principle of induction,
elementary inequalities, functions, inverse functions, sequences and convergence, the exponential and
logarithmic functions, limits, continuity, uniform continuity, intermediate value theorem, fixed point
theorem, series, power series, derivatives and linear approximation, product rule, chain rule, mean value
theorem of differential calculus, optimization problems, convexity, Taylor's formula, Newton's method,
vector spaces, basis, dimension, linear operators, linear systems of equations, nullspace and range,
Gaussian elimination, matrix inverse, LU decomposition, determinants, Cramer's rule, eigenvalues and
eigenvectors, diagonalization of a matrix.

Learning objective The students will

• develop an understanding of the language and structure of a mathematical argument
• master the basic concepts, mathematical objects, and techniques of the course and be able to
work with them in specific problems
• develop competence in the methods and intuition of mathematics and practice using them on
concrete problems
• through exam preparation gain insight into the breadth and difficulty of the written exam as well
as the form of a well-written solution
• develop the requisite basic knowledge and skills for further studies

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites none

(recommended) None

References Vorlesungsskript Meyberg, Vachenauer: Höhere Mathematik (Springer)

Language German

Examination Terms The admission to the module examination is acquired by written homework. Additional admission
requirement for the module examination is the regular presence in the exercises.
Written examination of 90 minutes duration (100% of the module grade, where up to 20% can be
credited to bonus points from the exercises).

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Modulangebotsverantwortlicher

MathematikModellierungsteamverantwortlicher: Dr. rer. nat. Katja PetzoldtModulverantworlicher:
Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Christof Erich Melcher

ECTS Credits 8

Contact time (WSH) 6

Examination duration (min) 0

Total hours (h) 240

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course Mathematics

Advanced Mathematics I
Higher Mathematics I (1113001)

Contact hours (h) 90

Self-study hours (h) 150

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Higher Mathematics I: Exercise 1st semester no semester 0 2

Course (111300102) recommended

Higher Mathematics I: Written 1st semester no semester 8 0

Examination (111300101) recommended

Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Higher Mathematics I: Lecture 1st semester no semester - 4


Globalübung Höhere Mathematik I 1st semester no semester - -


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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course Mathematics

Advanced Mathematics I
Analysis I (1114973)

Module titel Analysis I (Compulsory subject)

Identifier 1114973

Version -

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) winter semester

Valid from Winter semester 2016

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content Axiome der reellen Zahlen, Induktionsprinzip, Supremum-Maximum, komplexe Zahlen,

Polynome, Folgen und Reihen, Cauchy-Kriterium, Satz von Bolzano-Weierstraß, Limes superior,
Konvergenzkriterien, elementare Funktionen (exp, log, sin, cos), reelle und komplexe Funktionen einer
Variablen, (gleichmäßige) Stetigkeit.

Learning objective Die Studierenden sollen Verständnis für grundlegende Prinzipien der Analysis, insbesondere für den
Grenzwertbegriff entwickeln, die Grundbegriffe und –techniken sicher beherrschen, die Fähigkeit
zum aktiven Umgang mit den Gegenständen der Lehrveranstaltung erwerben, mathematische
Arbeitsweise erlernen, mathematische Intuition entwickeln, deren Umsetzung in präzise Begriffe
und Begründungen einüben und Fertigkeiten für das gesamte weitere Studium erwerben. Durch die
Hausaufgaben wird die Teamarbeit gefördert. Die Vorstellung der Lösungen in den Kleingruppen schult
die Präsentationstechnik. Daher wird 1 Kreditpunkt dem fachübergreifenden Bereich zugeordnet.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites none

(recommended) Keine

References O. Forster: Analysis I Vieweg; H. Führ, A. Krieg, S. Walcher: Analysis I Skript RWTH Aachen; H.
Heuser: Lehrbuch der Analysis 1 Teubner; C. Tretter: Analysis I Birkhäuser

Language German

Examination Terms Zulassungsvoraussetzung: Lösen von Übungsaufgaben

Prüfungsleistung: Bestehen einer Klausur oder von zwei Teilklausuren (benotet, Gewichtung jeweils
50%); Prüfungsart und -dauer werden zu Beginn der Lehrveranstaltung bekannt gegeben.

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Aloys Krieg, Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Sebastian Walcher

ECTS Credits 8

Contact time (WSH) 6

Examination duration (min) 0

Total hours (h) 240

Contact hours (h) 90

Self-study hours (h) 150

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course Mathematics

Advanced Mathematics I
Analysis I (1114973)

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Exercise Analysis I (111497302) 1st semester no semester 0 2


Examination Analysis I (111497301) 1st semester no semester 8 0


Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Lecture Analysis I 1st semester no semester - 3


Globalübung Analysis I 1st semester no semester - -


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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course Mathematics

Advanced Mathematics II
Higher Mathematics II (1113002)

Module titel Higher Mathematics II (Compulsory subject)

Identifier 1113002

Version -

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) winter/summer semester

Valid from Winter semester 2016

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor/Master

Content Generalized eigenvectors, Jordan normal form, matrix exponential, special matrics (e.g., symmetric,
Hermitian, orthogonal, positive definite), Gramm-Schmidt process, Riemann integral and integrability,
elementary integral inequalities, mean value theorem of integral calculus, antiderivatives and the
smoothing property of integration, indefinite integrals, integration techniques (e.g., integration by
parts, substitution method, trigonometric substitution, partial fractions), indefinite integrals, l'Hospital's
rule, Taylor's theorem with integral form of the remainder, termwise differentiation and integration of
series, ordinary differential equations (odes), modeling, examples and solution techniques, direction
fields and integral curves, numerical approximation and the Euler method, autonomous equations and
phase plane techniques, linear systems of odes and stability of solutions, linearization and nonlinear
stability, general theory of existence and uniqueness, Gronwall's inequality, global existence, gradient
flows and Hamiltonian systems, boundary value problems, eigenvalue problems, properties of sets in
higher dimensions (open, closed, bounded), functions of several variables, differentiability and linear
approximation of functions of several variables, partial derivatives, space curves, mean value theorem
and Taylor's formula in higher dimensions, optimization problems with and without constraints.

Learning objective The students will

• develop an understanding of some foundational principles of analysis, including Riemann
integration of functions of one variable and differentiability of functions of several real variables
• master the basic concepts, mathematical objects, and techniques of the course and be able to
work with them in specific problems
• develop competencies in ordinary differential equations including the modeling of simple
physical processes, the characterization of an equation or system (order, linear vs. nonlinear,
smoothness of the right-hand side, et cetera), analytical solution of problems when possible and
numerical approximation of general problems
• through exam preparation gain insight into the breadth and difficulty of the written exam as well
as the form of a well-written solution

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites none

(recommended) None

References Vorlesungsskript Meyberg, Vachenauer: Höhere Mathematik (Springer)

Language German

Examination Terms The admission to the module examination is acquired by written homework. Additional admission
requirement for the module examination is the regular presence in the exercises.
Written examination of 90 minutes duration (100% of the module grade, where up to 20% can be
credited to bonus points from the exercises).

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Modulangebotsverantwortlicher

MathematikModellierungsteamverantwortlicher: Dr. rer. nat. Katja PetzoldtModulverantworlicher:
Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Christof Erich Melcher

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course Mathematics

Advanced Mathematics II
Higher Mathematics II (1113002)

ECTS Credits 8

Contact time (WSH) 6

Examination duration (min) 0

Total hours (h) 240

Contact hours (h) 90

Self-study hours (h) 150

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Higher Mathematics II: Exercise 2nd semester no semester 0 2

Course (111300202) recommended

Higher Mathematics II: Written 2nd semester no semester 8 0

Examination (111300201) recommended

Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Higher Mathematics II: Lecture 2nd semester no semester - 4


Höhere Mathematik II: Globalübung 2nd semester no semester - -


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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course Mathematics

Advanced Mathematics II
Analysis II (1114974)

Module titel Analysis II (Compulsory subject)

Identifier 1114974

Version -

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) summer semester

Valid from Winter semester 2016

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content Differentiation, Kettenregel, Satz von Rolle, Mittelwertsatz, Satz von de l’Hospital, Taylorentwicklung,
(lokal) gleichmäßige Konvergenz, Potenzreihen, Riemann-Integral (bzw. Regelintegral), Hauptsatz der
Differential- und Integralrechnung, Integrationstechniken, uneigentliches Integral, normierte Räume,
Fixpunktsatz von Banach, Kompaktheit, Satz von Heine-Borel, mehrdimensionale Differentialrechnung.

Learning objective Die Studierenden sollen Verständnis für einige grundlegende Prinzipien der Analysis, insbesondere
die mehrdimensionale Differential- und die eindimensionale Integralrechung sowie den
Kompaktheitsbegriff entwickeln, die Grundbegriffe und -techniken sicher beherrschen, mathematische
Arbeitsweise erlernen, mathematische Intuition entwickeln, deren Umsetzung in präzise Begriffe und
Begründungen einüben, exemplarisch die Entwicklung der Analysis an einigen zentralen Begriffen
nachvollziehen und Basiswissen und Fertigkeiten für das gesamte weitere Studium erwerben. Durch die
Hausaufgaben wird die Teamarbeit gefördert. Die Vorstellung der Lösungen in den Kleingruppen schult
die Präsentationstechnik. Daher wird 1 Kreditpunkt dem fachübergreifenden Bereich zugeordnet.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites none

(recommended) Kenntnisse der Module Mathematisches Propädeutikum und Analysis I


References O. Forster: Analysis I, II, Vieweg; H. Führ, A. Krieg, S. Walcher: Analysis II, Skript, RWTH Aachen;
H. Heuser: Lehrbuch der Analysis 1, 2, Teubner; C. Tretter: Analysis I, II, Birkhäuser

Language German

Examination Terms Zulassungsvoraussetzung: Lösen von Übungsaufgaben

Prüfungsleistung: Bestehen einer Klausur oder einer mündlichen Prüfung (benotet); Prüfungsdauer und -
art werden zu Beginn der Lehrveranstaltung bekannt gegeben.

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Aloys Krieg, Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Sebastian Walcher

ECTS Credits 8

Contact time (WSH) 6

Examination duration (min) 0

Total hours (h) 240

Contact hours (h) 90

Self-study hours (h) 150

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course Mathematics

Advanced Mathematics II
Analysis II (1114974)

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Exercise Analysis II (111497402) 2nd semester no semester 0 2


Examination Analysis II (111497401) 2nd semester no semester 8 0


Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Lecture Analysis II 2nd semester no semester - 4


Globalübung Analysis II 2nd semester no semester - -


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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Practical Courses
Data Analysis (1310569)

Module titel Data Analysis (Compulsory subject)

Identifier 1310569

Version -

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) summer semester

Valid from Winter semester 2006

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content Information Technology: Computer Algebra System, computer programming, algorithms, data analysis
on the computer, Graphical data analysis Statistics: probability concept, special probability densities,
Multidimensional probability distributions, central limit theorem, transformation of probability densities,
estimating parameters, Monte Carlo methods, least squares method, statistical and systematic errors,
error propagation, testing of hypotheses, discrete Fourier analysis

Learning objective Students learn the use of the computer for the analysis of measurement data to compare the results with
theoretical predictions and other experiments to assess the validity of the results Hence, the computer is
introduced as a working tool of the physicist on the basis of concrete examples. As another key skill the
students learn to assess and classify statistical information.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites none

(recommended) None

References Blobel, Lohrmann: Statistische und numerische Methoden der Datenanalyse (Teubner)

Language German

Examination Terms Admission to module examination: Regular and successful participation in the accompanying practical
Presence in the practical exercises is compulsory.
Module examination: Written examination of 90 minutes duration (100% of the module grade).

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Schael, Stefan

ECTS Credits 6

Contact time (WSH) 5

Examination duration (min) 90

Total hours (h) 180

Contact hours (h) 75

Self-study hours (h) 105

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Practical Courses
Data Analysis (1310569)

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Data Analysis: Practical Course 2nd semester no semester 0 3

(131056902) recommended

Data Analysis: Written Examination 2nd semester no semester 6 0

(131056901) recommended

Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Data Analysis: Lecture 2nd semester no semester - 2


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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Practical Courses
Basic Lab Course I (1314999)

Module titel Basic Lab Course I (Compulsory subject)

Identifier 1314999

Version -

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) winter/summer semester

Valid from Summer semester 2007

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content Four experiments in the physics fields of mechanics, acoustics, thermodynamics and electromagnetics

Learning objective Use of the knowledge acquired in the physics lectures, building an experiment, dealing with measuring
instruments, relation to practice, computer-aided measurement and analysis, error estimation and
discussion, team work. As soft skills next team work also presentation skills are imparted by the
presentation of results in the context of a concluding seminar.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites 1. Datenverarbeitung 2. Experimentalphysik I or Experimentalphysik II

(recommended) None

References Anleitungsmappen des Grundpraktikums Walcher: Praktikum der Physik Kohlrausch: Praktische Physik
Diverse Lehrbücher der Experimentalphysik (versuchsspezifisch)

Language German

Examination Terms Presence in the lab course is compulsory.

Module examination by grading of the lab work

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Modulangebotsverantwortlicher Physik Modellierungsteamverantwortlicher:

Dr. rer. nat. Katja Petzoldt Modulverantworlicher: Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Schael

ECTS Credits 6

Contact time (WSH) 5

Examination duration (min) 0

Total hours (h) 180

Contact hours (h) 75

Self-study hours (h) 105

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Practical Courses
Basic Lab Course I (1314999)

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Basic Lab Course I (131499901) 3rd semester no semester 6 5


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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Practical Courses
Basic Lab Course II (1315002)

Module titel Basic Lab Course II (Compulsory subject)

Identifier 1315002

Version -

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) winter/summer semester

Valid from Winter semester 2007

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content Four experiments in the physics fields of waves, optics and electromagnetics

Learning objective Use of the knowledge acquired in the physics lectures, building an experiment, dealing with measuring
instruments, relation to practice, computer-aided measurement and analysis, error estimation and
discussion, team work. As soft skills next team work also presentation skills are imparted by the
presentation of results in the context of a concluding seminar.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites Grundpraktikum I

(recommended) None

References Tutorials of the lab course Walcher: Praktikum der Physik Kohlrausch: Praktische Physik Additional
books in experimental physics (depending on the experiment)

Language German

Examination Terms Presence in the lab course is compulsory.

Module examination by grading of the lab work

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Modulangebotsverantwortlicher Physik Modellierungsteamverantwortlicher:

Dr. rer. nat. Katja Petzoldt Modulverantworlicher: Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Schael

ECTS Credits 6

Contact time (WSH) 5

Examination duration (min) -

Total hours (h) 180

Contact hours (h) 75

Self-study hours (h) 105

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Practical Courses
Basic Lab Course II (1315002)

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Basic Lab Course II (131500201) 4th semester no semester 6 5


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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Practical Courses
Advanced Lab Course (1315008)

Module titel Advanced Lab Course (Compulsory subject)

Identifier 1315008

Version -

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) winter semester

Valid from Summer semester 2008

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content Preparatory course: Measurement analysis, measurement methods, error analysis and statistics, electrical
conductivity (Drude model, Sommerfeld theory of metals, electronic band structure, semiconductors),
quantum mechanical tunnel effect, 4-level lasers, pulsed lasers, laser safety, ferro- and ferrimagnetism,
magnetic anisotropies in thin films, manufacture of thin films, magneto-optical Kerr effect, magnetic
phase transitions, nuclear magnetic resonance, radioactivity, interaction of charged particles and photons
in matter, neutrons, pulse electronics, selected topics of nuclear physics, Stern-Gerlach experiment,
gas-based particle detectors, solid-state based particle detectors, X-ray physics, radiation protection
Lab course: Thin-film technology, scanning tunneling microscopy, X-ray diffraction, magneto-optic
Kerr effect, Neodymium-YAG laser, electrical conductivity in metals and semiconductors, magnetic
phase transitions, NMR spectrometer, electronics and electronic data aquisition with Labview, particle
detectors and radiation protection, gamma spectroscopy, Compton scattering, X-ray spectroscopy,
Mössbauer experiment, experiments with neutrons, Stern-Gerlach experiment, angular correlation and
nuclear spin, gas detectors and statistics, analysis of LEP data, cosmic rays

Learning objective Independent planning of measurements, accurat record keeping, practical work, estimation of
measurement uncertainties, analysis of the experiments including error estimation, presentation and
discussion of the measurement results in the form of a protocol of the experiment. The written summary
of the measurement results is preparing for the Bachelor's thesis and teaches the key skills that are
required for writing up physics results.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites Grundpraktikum II

(recommended) None

References Tutorials for experiments, literature given therein

Language German

Examination Terms Prerequisite for admission to the lab course is the passing of a digital admission test.
Presence in the lab course is compulsory.
Module examination by grading of the lab work

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Modulangebotsverantwortlicher Physik Modellierungsteamverantwortlicher:

Dr. rer. nat. Katja Petzoldt Modulverantworlicher: Dr. rer. nat. Kerstin Hoepfner

ECTS Credits 9

Contact time (WSH) 10

Examination duration (min) -

Total hours (h) 270

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Practical Courses
Advanced Lab Course (1315008)

Contact hours (h) 150

Self-study hours (h) 120

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Advanced Lab Course: Preparation 5th semester no semester 0 2

Course (131500802) recommended

Advanced Lab Course - Laboratory 5th semester no semester 9 8

(131500801) recommended

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Interconnection Modules
Scientific Debate in Experimental Physics (1314112)

Module titel Scientific Debate in Experimental Physics (Compulsory subject)

Identifier 1314112

Version -

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) winter/summer semester

Valid from Winter semester 2013

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content Scientific debate on the topics of Experimental Physics I (Mechanics and Relativity), Experimental
Physik II (Thermodynamics and Electromagnetism). The students are divided into different teams in
which they practice the scientific debate with their fellow students.

Learning objective Die Studierenden gewinnen einen Überblick über die genannten Themengebiete der experimentellen
Physik. Sie können fachliche Fragen aus diesen Gebieten umfassend beantworten, indem sie dabei
wissenschaftlich argumentieren. Die Studierenden wenden Fachkenntnisse und Methoden aus den
verschiedenen Bereichen der Experimentalphysik an und transferieren sie auf ähnliche Fragestellungen.
Die Studierenden erwerben Schlüsselqualifikationen wie wissenschaftliches Argumentieren, Transfer
von Einzelwissen sowie Präsentation.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites none

(recommended) None

References -

Language German

Examination Terms Oral examination of at least 20 minutes duration.

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Modulangebotsverantwortlicher Physik Modellierungsteamverantwortlicher:

Dr. rer. nat. Katja Petzoldt Modulverantworlicher: Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Michael Krämer

ECTS Credits 5

Contact time (WSH) -

Examination duration (min) mindestens 20 Minuten

Total hours (h) 150

Contact hours (h) -

Self-study hours (h) -

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Interconnection Modules
Scientific Debate in Experimental Physics (1314112)

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Scientific Debate in Experimental 3rd semester no semester 5 0

Physics (131411201) recommended

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Interconnection Modules
Cross Connections in Experimental Physics (1314114)

Module titel Cross Connections in Experimental Physics (Compulsory subject)

Identifier 1314114

Version -

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) winter/summer semester

Valid from Summer semester 2015

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content Cross-linked knowledge in the topics of Experimental Physics III (Optics and Quantum Physics),
Experimental Physik IV (Atoms. Molecules and Nuclei), Experimental Physics Va (Solid State Physics)
and Experimental Physics Vb (Particle and Astrophysics) as well as the laboratory courses (Basic Lab
Course I/II and Advanced Lab Course). Therefor the students are divided into different teams in which
they learn to work out the links between these topics.

Learning objective The students acquire an overview of the above-mentioned topics of experimental physics. They can
explain relationships between these topics and establish these cross-links themself. Students apply
knowledge and methods from different areas of experimental physics and apply them to similar
problems. They present cross-linked knowledge comprehensibly. Thereby the students acquire skills in
the areas of overview, cross-linking and transfer of knowledge as well as presentation skills.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites Scientific Debate in Experimental Physics

(recommended) None

References -

Language German

Examination Terms Oral examination of at least 20 minutes duration.

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Modulangebotsverantwortlicher Physik Modellierungsteamverantwortlicher:

Dr. rer. nat. Katja Petzoldt Modulverantworlicher: Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Michael Krämer

ECTS Credits 5

Contact time (WSH) -

Examination duration (min) mindestens 20 Minuten

Total hours (h) 150

Contact hours (h) -

Self-study hours (h) -

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Interconnection Modules
Cross Connections in Experimental Physics (1314114)

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Cross Connections in Experimental 6th semester no semester 5 0

Physics (131411401) recommended

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Interconnection Modules
Cross Connections in Theoretical Physics (1314116)

Module titel Cross Connections in Theoretical Physics (Compulsory subject)

Identifier 1314116

Version -

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) winter/summer semester

Valid from Summer semester 2015

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content Cross-linked knowledge in the topics of Theoretical Physics II (Electrodynamics), Theoretical Physics
III (Quantum Mechanics) and Theoretical Physics IV (Statistical Physics). Therefor the students are
divided into different teams in which they learn to work out the links between these topics.

Learning objective The students acquire an overview of the above-mentioned topics of theoretical physics. They can explain
relationships between these topics and establish these cross-links themself. Students apply knowledge
and methods from different areas of theoretical physics and apply them to similar problems. They
present cross-linked knowledge comprehensibly. Thereby the students acquire skills in the areas of
overview, cross-linking and transfer of knowledge as well as presentation skills.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites Scientific Debate in Experimental Physics

(recommended) None

References -

Language German

Examination Terms Oral examination of at least 30 minutes duration.

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Modulangebotsverantwortlicher Physik Modellierungsteamverantwortlicher:

Dr. rer. nat. Katja Petzoldt Modulverantworlicher: Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Michael Krämer

ECTS Credits 8

Contact time (WSH) -

Examination duration (min) mindestens 30 Minuten

Total hours (h) 240

Contact hours (h) -

Self-study hours (h) -

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Physics BSPhy

Compulsory Course
Interconnection Modules
Cross Connections in Theoretical Physics (1314116)

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Cross Connections in Theoretical 6th semester no semester 8 0

Physics (131411601) recommended

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Physics BSPhy

Elective Courses
Subsidiary Subject
Chemistry (1515490)

Module titel Chemistry (Compulsory elective subject)

Identifier 1515490

Version -

Duration (Semester) two semesters

Cycle (Semester) winter semester

Valid from Winter semester 2006

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content - Atoms: atomic structure, chemical elements, isotopes, radioactivity, element abundances -
Stoichiometry: chemical formulas, structural formula, chemical equations, gas laws - Electronic
structure of the elements: quantum theory, atomic line spectrum, atomic orbitals, the periodic system
of elements - The covalent bond: molecules, octet rule, valence electrons, three-dimensional structure
of molecules, dipole moment, electronegativity - Thermodynamics: enthalpy, internal energy, volume
work, chemical equilibrium, laws of thermodynamics, entropy - Reactions in aqueous solution:
protolysis equilibrium, precipitation reactions, redox reactions, Practical Applications, complexing

Learning objective Chemical concepts, reactions and elemental chemistry of substances

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites none

(recommended) none

References C. E. Mortimer, U. Müller: Chemie (Thieme) Versuchsanleitungen, darin Literaturangaben

Language German

Examination Terms Written examination of 120 minutes duration on the lecture (60% of the module grade) and grading of
the lab work (40% of the module grade)course.

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Modulangebotsverantwortlicher Chemie

Modellierungsteamverantwortlicher: Dr. rer. nat. Katja Petzoldt Modulverantworlicher:
Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Paul Kögerler

ECTS Credits 10

Contact time (WSH) 10

Examination duration (min) 0

Total hours (h) 300

Contact hours (h) 150

Self-study hours (h) 150

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Physics BSPhy

Elective Courses
Subsidiary Subject
Chemistry (1515490)

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Chemistry: Written Examination 1st semester no semester 6 0

(151549001) recommended

Chemistry: Lab Course (151549002) 1st semester no semester 4 4


Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Chemistry: Lecture 1st semester no semester - 4


Chemistry Exercise 1st semester no semester - 2


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Physics BSPhy

Elective Courses
Subsidiary Subject
Introduction to Medicine for Nature Scientists and Engineers 1,2 ...

Module titel Introduction to Medicine for Nature Scientists and Engineers 1,2 (Compulsory elective subject)

Identifier 9015711

Version Angelegt über RWTH API als 1

Duration (Semester) two semesters

Cycle (Semester) winter semester

Valid from Summer semester 2007

Valid until -

Module level Master

Content Einführung in die Medizin I: Zelle und Zellmembran: Aufbau und Bestandteile von Zellen
und Zellmembranen. Transportprozesse und deren Parameter. Definition und Berechnung des
Membranpotentials. Neurophysiologie: Funktionelle Bestandteile von Neuronen. Definition
eines Aktionspotentials (AP) und Charakteristiken von APs. Charakteristika der axonalen
Informationsweitergabe und -codierung. Arbeitsweise von Synapsen. Neuronale Verschaltungen.
Anatomie: Bezugssystem „Mensch“. Knochentypen sowie Arten und Charakteristika von
Gelenkformen, Gelenkhilfsstrukturen. Muskel: Arten von Muskeln. Makro- und mikroskopischer
Aufbau eines Skelettmuskels. Elektromechanische Koppelung. Kraft-Längen-Diagramm des
Skelettmuskels. Vergleich mit anderen Muskeltypen. Blutkreislauf: Parameter des Kreislaufs und
der Blutgefäße. Verteilung des Blutflusses und der Blutvolumina. Blutdrücke und Grundlagen der
Blutflussmechanik. Herz: Lage und Aufbau des Herzens: Querschnitt, Vorhöfe, Kammern, Ventile,
Einbindung in Kreislauf. Arbeitsdiagramm: Drücke, Volumina, Klappenzustände. Besonderheiten
des Herzmuskels. Schrittmacherzentren. Blut: Blutzellen und deren grundsätzlicher Aufbau und
Funktionen. Blutwerte. Blutgruppensysteme. Blutstillung und Blutgerinnung. Atmung, Säure-
Basen-Haushalt: Aufbau und Aufgaben der Lunge. Atemgasdiffusion. Lungenfunktionmessung.
Wasserhaushalt, Niere: Aufbau und Aufgaben der Nieren. Konzentrationsmechanismus. Bestimmung
der Nierenfunktion. Einführung in die Medizin II: Ernährung, Verdauung: Aufbau und Aufgaben
des Verdauungssystems. Weg eines Nährstoffes während der Nahrungsaufnahme und des
Verdauungsprozesses. Sinne: Definition von Sinnen. Mathematische Charakterisierung von
Sinnesrezeptoren. Aufbau und Aufgaben der Haut, des Auges, des Innenohrs, der Zunge und der
Nase. Schmerzempfindung. Medizinische Psychologie und Soziologie: Planung, Durchführung
und Evaluation von Experimenten. Soziale Wahrnehmung. Lernprozesse. Beobachtung von
Prozessen und Beobachtungsfehler. ZNS: Aufbau und Aufgaben von Gehirn und Rückenmark.
Methoden zur Erforschung der Funktion. Einfache neuronale Schaltkreise. Schwangerschaft und
Geburt: Genitalorgane, Eizelle und Spermatozoon, Befruchtung, Implantation, embryonales und
fetales Wachstum, Aufbau und Funktion der Plazenta, Geburt, Gewöhnung an eine neue Umwelt
Einführungsvorlesung "Präparationssaal" oder "Pathologie" und Führung (nach Verfügbarkeit):
Kennenlernen der jeweiligen Einrichtung und deren Einbindung in die Gesundheitsversorgung.
Vorführung ausgewählter Präparate.

Learning objective -

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites none

(recommended) Keine

References Skript zur Vorlesung, Skript zum Praktikum

Language German

Examination Terms Eine schriftliche Klausur oder eine mündliche Prüfung, Teilnahmenachweis für das Praktikum. Die
Modulnote ist die Note der Klausur bzw. der mündlichen Prüfung

Miscellaneous -

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Physics BSPhy

Elective Courses
Subsidiary Subject
Introduction to Medicine for Nature Scientists and Engineers 1,2 ...

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Dr. rer. medic. Marion Grande Modellierungsteamverantwortlicher: Vanessa
Ziemons M. A. Modulverantworlicher: apl. Professor Dr.rer.nat. Dipl.-Ing. Martin Baumann MME

ECTS Credits 10

Contact time (WSH) 6

Examination duration (min) 0

Total hours (h) 300

Contact hours (h) 90

Self-study hours (h) 210

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Exam Introduction to Medicine for 2nd semester no semester 10 0

Nature Scientists and Engineers 1,2 recommended

Exercise/ Practical Course 1st semester no semester 0 1

Introduction to Medicine for recommended
Nature Scientists and Engineers 1

Exercise/ Practical Course 2nd semester no semester 0 1

Introduction to Medicine for recommended
Nature Scientists and Engineers 2

Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Vorlesung Einführung in die Medizin 2nd semester no semester - 2

II recommended

Vorlesung Einführung in die Medizin 1st semester no semester - 2

I recommended

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Physics BSPhy

Elective Courses
Subsidiary Subject
Electronics (6015549)

Module titel Electronics (Compulsory elective subject)

Identifier 6015549

Version Angelegt über RWTH API als 1

Duration (Semester) two semesters

Cycle (Semester) winter semester

Valid from Winter semester 2008

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content Basic electronics, alternating current, important software tools, active components, signal processing,
operational amplifiers, instrumentation, digital circuit design, circuit networks, sequential circuits,
digital signal processing, software techniques, microcontrollers, special programming of the
microcontroller, microcontroller peripherals, creating a small electronic item including printed circuit
boards and microcontrollers

Learning objective The basics of analog and digital electronics, which are needed especially for metrology tasks, are
worked out. For this purpose, in a lecture with integrated practical examples the basics of analog and
digital circuit design, the construction and operation of electronic instrumentation (also computer-
based), the basics about microcontrollers and their programming and techniques for software-based
simulation, design and control are imparted. In the internship the knowledge acquired in the lecture
should be put into practice. This includes mechanical skills such as soldering and assembly of printed
circuit boards as well as dealing with the measuring devices. However, also circuits are developed and
simulated and microcontroller are programmed and used for device control. Overall, the students should
therefore be taught the knowledge and basics for the independent development of complex measurement
technology systems with regard to the limitations and possibilities in experimental physics.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites none

(recommended) No prerequisites for admission to the module.


References # Tietze, Schenk: Halbleiterschaltungstechnik

Language German

Examination Terms Written examination of 90 minutes duration or oral examination of at least 20 minutes duration on the
lecture (50% of the module grade) as well as grading of the lab work (50% of the module grade)

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Dirk Uwe Sauer

ECTS Credits 10

Contact time (WSH) 10

Examination duration (min) 90 oder 20

Total hours (h) 300

Contact hours (h) 150

Self-study hours (h) 150

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Physics BSPhy

Elective Courses
Subsidiary Subject
Electronics (6015549)

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Electronics: Lab Course (601554902) 2nd semester no semester 4 4


Electronics: (601554901) 2nd semester no semester 6 0


Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Electronics: Lecture Winter term 1st semester no semester - 6


Electronics: Lecture Summer term 2nd semester no semester - 3


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Physics BSPhy

Elective Courses
Subsidiary Subject
Informatics (1212313)

Module titel Informatics (Compulsory elective subject)

Identifier 1212313

Version -

Duration (Semester) two semesters

Cycle (Semester) winter semester

Valid from Winter semester 2006

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content Programming:
• Algorithm and program Imperative elements of C ++: variables, data types, expressions,
statements, loops and fields, methods and recursion, recursive data structures
• Object-oriented modeling and programming in C ++: objects and classes, inheritance,
redefinition, polymorphism, dynamic binding
Algorithms and Data Structures:
• Design and analysis of algorithms: worst-case analysis, asymptotic complexity (Oh notation) and
complexity categories (eg exponential, polynomial)
• Algorithmic paradigms (Greedy, divide-and-conquer)
• Algorithms for sorting problems: elementary sorting algorithms (insertion sort), advanced sorting
algorithms (merge, quick-, heapsort), key-based sorting (bucket sort)
• Data structures for managing sets: representation of quantities by trees, binary search trees,
balanced search trees, in particular B and R-trees, priority queues, hashing technique
• Graphs: modeling and algorithms, graph models and applications, depth-first search, breadth-first
search, finding shortest paths, calculating minimum spanning trees

Learning objective Programming:

• Knowledge of the concepts of imperative and object-oriented programming languages using the
example of C++ and of basic data structures
• Ability for the independent development of smaller programs and their documentation
• Knowledge of the description methods for programming languages
Algorithms and Data Structures:
• Knowledge of basic design methods for algorithms
• Understanding of the essential complexity categories for runtime and memory requirements of
• Knowledge of efficient algorithms and data structures for standard problems (searching, sorting)
• Ability to choose and combine algorithms and data structures and to implement them in
imperative and object-oriented programming languages

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites none

(recommended) No prerequisites for admission to the module.


References Programmierung: Douglas Bell, Mike Parr: Java für Studenten (Pearson Studium) Judith Bishop: Java
lernen (Addison-Wesley) David J. Barnes, Michael Kölling: Objects First with Java - A Practical
Introduction using BlueJ (Prentice Hall / Pearson Education) Klaus Echtle, Michael Goedicke:
Lehrbuch der Programmierung mit Java (dpunkt-Verlag) Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen: T.
Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein: Introduction to Algorithms (MIT Press and McGraw-Hill)
T. Ottmann, P. Widmayer: Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (Spektrum Akademischer Verlag) R.
Sedgewick: Algorithms in Java: Fundamentals, data structures, sorting searching (Addison-Wesley)
Vorlesungsskript: H. Ney: Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen

Language German

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Physics BSPhy

Elective Courses
Subsidiary Subject
Informatics (1212313)

Examination Terms The module examination consists of the following partial qualifications: Written exam
"Programming" (50 %); Written exam "Algorithms and Data Structures" (50 %). Students must pass
written homework to be admitted to the partial qualifications.

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Modulangebotsverantwortlicher

InformatikModellierungsteamverantwortlicher: Dr. rer. nat. Katja PetzoldtModulverantworlicher:
Fachgruppe Informatik

ECTS Credits 10

Contact time (WSH) 7

Examination duration (min) 0

Total hours (h) 300

Contact hours (h) 105

Self-study hours (h) 195

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Informatics: Algorithms and Data 2nd semester no semester 5 0

Structures: Written Examination recommended

Informatics: Programing: Written 1st semester no semester 5 0

Examiation (121231302) recommended

Informatics: Algorithms and Data 2nd semester no semester - -

Structures: Exercise (121231303) recommended

Informatics: Programing: Exercise 1st semester no semester - -

(121231304) recommended

Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

nformatics: Algorithms and Data 2nd semester no semester - 3

Structures: Lecture recommended

Informatics: Programing: Lecture 1st semester no semester - 4


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Physics BSPhy

Elective Courses
Subsidiary Subject
Linear Algebra (1114990)

Module titel Linear Algebra (Compulsory elective subject)

Identifier 1114990

Version Angelegt über RWTH API als 1

Duration (Semester) two semesters

Cycle (Semester) winter semester

Valid from Winter semester 2016

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content Lineare Algebra I: Körper und Polynomring, Vektorräume, lineare Abbildungen und Matrizen, Basis,
Dimension, Rang, Lineare Gleichungssysteme (Lösungsmengen, über- und unter-bestimmte Systeme,
Gauß-Algorithmus, Inverse und Pseudoinverse), Eigenwerte und Eigenvektoren, Diagonalisierung,
Euklidische Vektorräume. Lineare Algebra II: Analytische Geometrie und lineare Gruppen, Linear- und
Bilinearformen,Jordansche Normalform, Multilineare Algebra und Tensorprodukt.

Learning objective Lineare Algebra I: Die Studierenden sollen Verständnis für lineare Zusammenhänge erwerben,
mathematische Intuition und geometrische Vorstellungskraft entwickeln, algebraische Strukturen
an Beispielen kennen lernen, Einblick in die Anwendungen der Linearen Algebra durch Vorstellung
ausgewählter Probleme gewinnen, die mathematische Arbeitsweise erlernen sowie Basiswissen und
Fertigkeiten für das gesamte weitere Studium erwerben. Durch die Hausaufgaben wird die Teamarbeit
gefördert. Lineare Algebra II: Die Studierenden sollen Verständnis für lineare Zusammenhänge und
Strukturen entwickeln, vertiefte Kenntnisse im strukturellen Zugang zur Mathematik erwerben, einen
Einblick in die Anwendungen der Linearen Algebra in der Mathematik und anderen Wissenschaften
erhalten, die mathematische Arbeitsweise erlernen, mathematische Intuition entwickeln und deren
Umsetzung in präzise Begriffe und Begründungen einüben sowie Basiswissen und Fertigkeiten für das
gesamte weitere Studium erwerben. Durch die Hausaufgaben wird die Teamarbeit gefördert.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites none

(recommended) Keine

References G. Fischer: Lineare Algebra, Vieweg 2000;

K. Jänich: Lineare Algebra, Springer 2001;
S. Lang: Linear Algebra, 3rd Ed., Springer 1989;
F. Lorenz: Lineare Algebra I, Spektrum 1992

Language German

Examination Terms Die Zulassung zur Modulprüfung wird durch schriftliche Hausaufgaben erworben.
Je eine Klausurarbeit zu Lineare Algebra I und Lineare Algebra II. Die Prüfungsdauer wird zu Beginn
des Semesters bekannt gegeben.

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Modulangebotsverantwortlicher

MathematikModellierungsteamverantwortlicher: Dr. rer. nat. Katja PetzoldtModulverantworlicher:
Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Gerhard Hiß

ECTS Credits 10

Contact time (WSH) 11

Examination duration (min) 0

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Physics BSPhy

Elective Courses
Subsidiary Subject
Linear Algebra (1114990)

Total hours (h) 300

Contact hours (h) 165

Self-study hours (h) 135

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Linear Algebra II: Exam (111499002) 2nd semester no semester 5 0


Linear Algebra I: Exam (111499001) 1st semester no semester 5 0


Linear Algebra I: Exercise 1st semester no semester 0 -

(111499003) recommended

Linear Algebra II: Exercise 2nd semester no semester 0 -

(111499004) recommended

Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Lineare Algebra I: Vorlesung 1st semester no semester - 3


Lineare Algebra II: Vorlesung 2nd semester no semester - 4


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Physics BSPhy

Elective Courses
Specialization Subject
Elementary Particle Physics (1315010)

Module titel Elementary Particle Physics (Compulsory elective subject)

Identifier 1315010

Version -

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) summer semester

Valid from Summer semester 2009

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content Key concepts of the standard model Calculation of basic Feynman diagrams Examples for data analysis
on the computer

Learning objective The students get an overview of the phenomena and concepts of elementary particle physics. They can
solve simple problems of elementary particle physics qualitatively and quantitatively.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites Experimentalphysik IV or Experimentalphysik Vb

(recommended) None

References Schmüser: Feynman-Graphen und Eichtheorien für Experimentalphysiker

Language German/English

Examination Terms The module exam is passed by successful completion of written homework or successful participation in
practical exercises.
The module is not graded.

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Modulangebotsverantwortlicher Physik Modellierungsteamverantwortlicher:

Dr. rer. nat. Katja Petzoldt Modulverantworlicher: Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Schael

ECTS Credits 4

Contact time (WSH) 2

Examination duration (min) -

Total hours (h) 120

Contact hours (h) 30

Self-study hours (h) 90

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Physics BSPhy

Elective Courses
Specialization Subject
Elementary Particle Physics (1315010)

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Elementarteilchenphysik: Exercise 6th semester no semester 4 1

Course (131501001) recommended

Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Elementary Particle Physics: Lecture 6th semester no semester - 2


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Physics BSPhy

Elective Courses
Specialization Subject
Condensed Matter Physics (1315009)

Module titel Condensed Matter Physics (Compulsory elective subject)

Identifier 1315009

Version -

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) summer semester

Valid from Summer semester 2009

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content Bloch waves, band structures Distribution functions (Fermi, Bose-Einstein) Transport theory
(Boltzmann equation) Semiconductors: doping, diode, transistor Mesoscopic transport, Coulomb
blockade Semiconductor laser (amplification, mode selection) Fundamentals of magnetism (Hund's
rules, Stoner model, domain formation) Bases of superconductivity (Cooper pairs, condensate)

Learning objective The students have basic knowledge to describe electrons in solids. They can solve simple problems of
solid state physics qualitatively and quantitatively.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites Experimentalphysik IV or Experimentalphysik Va

(recommended) None

References Informational will be given in the lecture. Additional sources are several articles from courses of the
institute for solid state physics of the FZ Jülich

Language German/English

Examination Terms The module exam is passed by successful completion of written homework or successful participation in
practical exercises.
The module is not graded.

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Modulangebotsverantwortlicher Physik Modellierungsteamverantwortlicher:

Dr. rer. nat. Katja Petzoldt Modulverantworlicher: Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Markus

ECTS Credits 4

Contact time (WSH) 2

Examination duration (min) -

Total hours (h) 120

Contact hours (h) 30

Self-study hours (h) 90

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Physics BSPhy

Elective Courses
Specialization Subject
Condensed Matter Physics (1315009)

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Condensed Matter Physics: Exercise 6th semester no semester 4 1

Course (131500901) recommended

Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Condensed Matter Physics: Lecture 6th semester no semester - 2


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Physics BSPhy

Elective Courses
Specialization Subject
Quantum Theory of Many Body Systems (1315011)

Module titel Quantum Theory of Many Body Systems (Compulsory elective subject)

Identifier 1315011

Version -

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) summer semester

Valid from Summer semester 2009

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor/Master

Content Quantum mechanical many-body systems: Second quantization, Bose and Fermi statistics, fermi sea,
quantum liquids, superfluidity, correlations and response Scattering theory: Lippmann-Schwinger
equation, Born approximation, partial wave decomposition, phase shifts, optical theorem

Learning objective Understanding of the quantum mechanics of many-body systems and the basics of scattering theory

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites Theoretische Physik III

(recommended) None

References F. Schwabl: Quantenmechanik für Fortgeschrittene (Springer) J.J. Sakurai: Advanced Quantum
Mechanics (Addison-Wesley) C.J. Pethick, H. Smith: Bose-Einstein Condensation in Dilute Gases
(Cambridge University Press) A. Messiah: Quantum Mechanics (Dover)

Language German/English

Examination Terms The module exam is passed by successful completion of written homework or successful participation in
practical exercises.
The module is not graded.

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Modulangebotsverantwortlicher Physik Modellierungsteamverantwortlicher:

Dr. rer. nat. Katja Petzoldt Modulverantworlicher: Universitätsprofessor Dr. phil. Herbert Schoeller

ECTS Credits 4

Contact time (WSH) 2

Examination duration (min) -

Total hours (h) 120

Contact hours (h) 30

Self-study hours (h) 90

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Physics BSPhy

Elective Courses
Specialization Subject
Quantum Theory of Many Body Systems (1315011)

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Quantum Theory of Many 6th semester no semester 4 1

Particle Systems: Exercise Course recommended

Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Quantum Theory of Many Particle 6th semester no semester - 2

Systems Lecture recommended

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Physics BSPhy

Elective Courses
Specialization Subject
Relativistic Quantum Theory (1315012)

Module titel Relativistic Quantum Theory (Compulsory elective subject)

Identifier 1315012

Version -

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) summer semester

Valid from Summer semester 2009

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor/Master

Content Relativistic wave equations for particles with spin 0 and spin 1/2. Lorentz group and its representations
Dirac equation in the external (electromagnetic) field and its applications Limitations of the one-particle
theory Foldy-Wouthuysen Transformation.

Learning objective Understanding the basics and limits of relativistic quantum theory. Students are able to calculate
elementary processes with fermions and photons.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites Theoretische Physik III

(recommended) None

References Francisco J. Yndurain, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Introduction to Field Theory James D.
Bjorken and Sidney D. Drell, Relativistische Quantenmechanik

Language German/English

Examination Terms The module exam is passed by successful completion of written homework or successful participation in
practical exercises.
The module is not graded.

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Modulangebotsverantwortlicher Physik Modellierungsteamverantwortlicher:

Dr. rer. nat. Katja Petzoldt Modulverantworlicher: Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Michal Czakon

ECTS Credits 4

Contact time (WSH) 2

Examination duration (min) -

Total hours (h) 120

Contact hours (h) 30

Self-study hours (h) 90

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Physics BSPhy

Elective Courses
Specialization Subject
Relativistic Quantum Theory (1315012)

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Relativistic Quantum Theory: 6th semester no semester 4 1

Exercise Course (131501201) recommended

Offer node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Relativistic Quantum Theory: Lecture 6th semester no semester - 1


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Physics BSPhy

Bachelor Thesis

Bachelor Thesis (1314119)

Module titel Bachelor Thesis (Compulsory subject)

Identifier 1314119

Version -

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) winter/summer semester

Valid from Summer semester 2009

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content Topic from Physics

Learning objective Students learn to become acquainted with a topic from physics and to present the findings in a short
essay. The individual steps are: Incorporation into a physical subject Literature and / or Internet
research Investigation of a physics problem using scientific methods Writing up a scientific paper The
bachelor thesis imparts soft skills in the fields of literature research, scientific writing and presentation

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites 130 CP

(recommended) None

References -

Language German/English

Examination Terms Grading of the Bachelor's thesis

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Modulangebotsverantwortlicher Physik Modellierungsteamverantwortlicher:

Dr. rer. nat. Katja Petzoldt Modulverantworlicher: Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Michael Krämer

ECTS Credits 12

Contact time (WSH) -

Examination duration (min) -

Total hours (h) 360

Contact hours (h) -

Self-study hours (h) -

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Physics BSPhy

Bachelor Thesis

Bachelor Thesis (1314119)

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Bachelor Thesis (131411901) 6th semester no semester 12 0


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Physics BSPhy

Bachelor Thesis

Bachelor's Presentation (1314121)

Module titel Bachelor's Presentation (Compulsory subject)

Identifier 1314121

Version -

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) winter/summer semester

Valid from -

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content Topic of the Bachelor's thesis

Learning objective The students present their peers the results, which they have received as during their thesis work.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites none

(recommended) None

References -

Language German/English

Examination Terms Grading of the Bachelor's presentation

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator Modulangebotsorganisator: Modulangebotsverantwortlicher Physik Modellierungsteamverantwortlicher:

Dr. rer. nat. Katja Petzoldt Modulverantworlicher: Universitätsprofessor Dr. rer. nat. Michael Krämer

ECTS Credits 3

Contact time (WSH) -

Examination duration (min) -

Total hours (h) 90

Contact hours (h) -

Self-study hours (h) -

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Bachelor Talk (131412101) 6th semester no semester 3 0


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Physics BSPhy

Voluntary Courses

Industrial Placement (1314127)

Module titel Industrial Placement (Elective subject)

Identifier 1314127

Version V2

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) winter/summer semester

Valid from Winter semester 2020

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content As voluntary and additional module a industrial placement of at least four weeks' duration can be

Learning objective Insight into the working environment of a physicist To become acquainted with the organization and the
work processes of a company.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites None

(recommended) None

References -

Language German

Examination Terms The student must organize the internship himself/herself.

The assessment is a written report or oral presentation about the internship.
The module is not graded.

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator -

ECTS Credits 10

Contact time (WSH) 0

Examination duration (min) -

Total hours (h) 300

Contact hours (h) 0

Self-study hours (h) 300

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Industrial Placement (131412701) 5th semester no semester 10 0


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Physics BSPhy

Voluntary Courses

Industrial Placement (1314127)

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Physics BSPhy

Voluntary Courses

Research Internship (1314123)

Module titel Research Internship (Elective subject)

Identifier 1314123

Version V2

Duration (Semester) one semester

Cycle (Semester) winter/summer semester

Valid from Winter semester 2020

Valid until -

Module level Bachelor

Content As voluntary and additional module a research internship of at least four weeks' duration can be

Learning objective Insight into the current research Get linked to a research group.

(Study-Specific) Prerequisites none

(recommended) None

References -

Language German

Examination Terms The student must organize the internship himself/herself.

The assessment is a written report or oral presentation about the internship.
The module is not graded.

Miscellaneous -

Module coordinator -

ECTS Credits 10

Contact time (WSH) 0

Examination duration (min) -

Total hours (h) 300

Contact hours (h) 0

Self-study hours (h) 300

Exam node

Title Recommended Recommended ECTS Credits Contact time (WSH)

Semester (Study Semester (Study
start winter) start summer)

Research Internship (131412301) no semester no semester 10 0

recommended recommended

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