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School of Thought Advantages Disadvantages

1. Materialism Having such possessions for a Materialist people tend to care

materialistic person means less about the environment and
achieving life goals like other people.
happiness, success and
desirability. It makes people to develop
negative feelings such as
Being desirous of things could selfishness, lust, jealous, envy
make them to have greater and hopelessness.
achievements, not only on
material things (mainly) but also Some study shows that
on other things that they want in materialistic people are generally
life. less happy and less grateful in
They are active customers in the
market which means that they They experience more negative
contribute more to the economic emotions and fewer positive
progress of the country ones that’s they are more prone
to anxiety disorders, depression
and other related illnesses.

2. Hedonism The idea only focuses on Never ever think about or

maximum happiness and consider investing on his future.
minimum pain of an individual.
Addiction and excessive
One type of it, the Hedonistic consumption of alcohols and
Utilitarianism has this other drugs are bad for
theory which states that the right hedonist’s health.
action is the one that produces
the greatest net Some bad habits that could give
happiness for all concerned. hedonist pleasure like drinking
alcoholic beverages and even
Some things which can give taking prohibited
pleasure are good for one’s drugs make them short-lived.
health like when a glass of wine,
which actually contains There can be exploitation of
antioxidant flavonoid and have a resources in times of great need
protective effect against heart
disease. It makes people to develop

3. Stoicism Stoics can be affectionate and Dealing problems and pain on

reflective of their own selves. their own can be hard for
stoics because they are more
likely to fight alone without
seeking the help of others
They have self-control and being They seemed to be emotionless
calm makes them stay out of and blank because they are not
fights and quarrels. that comfortable to display their
They love to be at peace by
themselves and enjoy to be

4. Theism Theists see their life as Their own conception about the
a life of purpose true God clashed with others and
this could bear wars.
They have quite an honest
conception and view of their Sometimes because of problems
own character and own mistakes. that would come
into their faces, they would feel
Knowing that they have a God, like God is the reason for it.
there will always be someone at
their side in times of despair. They would blame and think that
God was never by their side.
They are full of inspirations
towards good causes that are They are sensitive to deeper
usually bound by the idea of meanings of life which is not
sowing good and reaping good. always accepted by the society
because religions differ in
traditions and beliefs.

5. Humanism In here, the free will of an Humanists are not theistic. They
individual is the only impetus don’t care about God nor believe
for them to act on their own way. in supernatural matters.

It focuses on the individual as a Possibilities would be: if people

human being don’t believe in god, there’s
nothing to prevent someone
They have a strong self-value from committing a crime.

They have morals which refer to

the principle of an individual
regarding right and wrong

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