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CASE 1: Piracy = Theft Campaign

We are proposing a three-pronged approach to reach at the solution for the problem of piracy in Movie industry. It involves: A) Analyzing the behavioral attributes that motivates consumers for piracy. B) Solution to target the basic instinct that pushes user for piracy to shrink. C) Evolving business model for future. Behavioral Attributes that motivate people to go for Piracy: Human beings act dishonestly in two situations: Firstly, when money is involved in transaction and secondly, the dishonesty committed when actually people think that they are honest [1].Society has developed self-correcting measures by teaching from childhood about not stealing money. Online piracy of movies is the latter case, when people actually feel they are honest in their acts. Solution to target the basic instinct that pushes user for piracy to shrink Making the masses aware that Piracy = Theft When Piracy will get related to Theft, the moral values of people will act as a hindrance for consumers to download pirated movies. Operationalization: Oath Taking: People to take oath/make a promise that they will not use pirated movies when they watch movies in a theatre (the way PVR shows National anthem). Making consumers know the experiential difference when they see the movie from original source and the pirated movie. Organizing competitions and distributing T-Shirts[1] to winners having Piracy=Theft on the backside and I Respect Originality on the front-side. This will help in positive Word-of-mouth. Distribution of Anti-Piracy material at major junctions and street posters campaigns in areas where street vendors proliferate selling pirated Movie CDs. Use all the original CD/DVD covers to tell about dangers of Piracy. Also, an advertisement in the beginning and end of the movie telling about the dangers of piracy. Celebrities to endorse for anti-piracy movement Extensive use of mass media: TV, Radio, Newspapers and Magazines, for the campaign Piracy=Theft to create awareness. Broadcast a program on national TV channels conveying about the dangers of piracy. An Online website and Facebook/other social webpages where user can engage themselves in anti-piracy movement. Use online competitions for active engagement and positive WOM.

Evolving business model for future The business model of Movie distribution industry will also have to adapt for changing external forces. Given below are some required changes: A) Collaborative Tie-Ups with Internet service providers to check growth of P2P copyrighted material sharing. B) Offer service to watch movies online at a nominal cost. This will act as a hindrance to download movies illegally.

[1]. Predictably Irrational: Dan Ariely, Chapter 12: The context of our character. Inferences Used: People tend to be more dishonest when a monetary transaction is not there. If someone has taken oath, then he/she tends to be less dishonest. The ownership of material things make people believe that they belong to that category and they advocate about the uses of it. (Used in case of T-Shirt ownership)

Empirical evidence for the inferences is provided in the book.

Case 2: Yeskia Vs Nanomax, Diamond, Chinese phones

The case presents two challenges for Yeskia to overcome: A) Increasing the penetration in rural market. B) Differentiating the product from competitors. Mass media campaigns fail to reach the vast majority of the intended audience in rural India due to high illiteracy, remoteness and low density of population. As well as, the challenge of peoples preference to news sources from local sources should be considered. Mass media campaigns do not take into account the local dialects and cultural differences. So, some innovative strategy should be followed for marketing Yeskia in rural market. Differentiating the Product Bundled Services: Only use of mobiles for voice has become commoditized. So, Yeskia will have to market the exclusive services provided to differentiate itself. The campaign will run under the umbrella

of Life Tools, but will show its impact on the lifestyle of villagers. The services should cover the segments given below: A) Agricultural Information: An Ad showing a farmer who increased the productivity of his farm by using the information provided by Yeskia Life Tools. Information should cover: Monsoon Expectations, Best fertilizer to be used, Best methods of water usage etc. B) Educational Sector: An Ad campaign like Ab sab jaante hain ki Obama Kaun hai! showing children from remote and backward areas getting access to knowledge by GK feeds from Yeskia. C) Healthcare: A campaign showing the decrease in infant mortality rate because of access to timely information in healthcare to even people in remote areas. D) Mobile Banking: An Ad showing a villager who had to travel to nearest town/city to withdraw money deposited by his son from bank gets money directly in his mobile and he get that exchanged from local market vendor for cash. Proposed Media Channel: TV, Radio and Local Newspaper and Outdoor Advertising. Aspirational Reach: Traditionally, generally theres only one STD in remote villages that connect them to outer world. We are proposing to give the Sarpanch (head of village) of remote areas a free See series phone. Any villager can make a call using his own sim card from Sarpanchs hot-swappable SIM slot. Thus, advertising the concept of Mobile STD. This will not increase sales at first, but will have a positive impact of brand Yeskia on villagers and they may turn to be future customers of Yeskia. Bicycle Charging Kit: An ad campaign showing a remote village that does not have access to electricity actively participating in a movement to get electricity connection for the village because of their knowhow about the outer world. Thanks to: A phone that charges with dynamo and keep the villagers updated about information. Increasing Penetration:

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