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TechWiz Services

Table of Contents
List of Figures............................................................................................................................................2
List of Tables..............................................................................................................................................3
List of Appendices.....................................................................................................................................4
Chapter I.....................................................................................................................................................6
Purpose and Description of the Project......................................................................................................7
Statement of the Problem...........................................................................................................................8
General Problem...............................................................................................................................9
Specific Problem..............................................................................................................................9
Objective of the Study.............................................................................................................................10
General Objective...........................................................................................................................10
Specific Objective..........................................................................................................................10
Scope and Limitation of the Study...........................................................................................................11
Significance of the Study.........................................................................................................................12
Chapter II.................................................................................................................................................12
Review of Related Literature...................................................................................................................12
Review of Related Studies/Systems.........................................................................................................16
Chapter III................................................................................................................................................18
Technical Background.........................................................................................................................19
How The Project Work?......................................................................................................................20
Overview of the Current Technologies....................................................................................................20
Flow Chart of the Current System...........................................................................................................21
Calendar of Activities..............................................................................................................................24
Work Plan.................................................................................................................................................24

Chapter IV................................................................................................................................................28
Data Gathering and Procedure.................................................................................................................29
Research Design.......................................................................................................................................29
Research Instrument.................................................................................................................................29
Requirements Analysis.............................................................................................................................30
Requirements Documentation..................................................................................................................31
Design of Software, System and / or Process..........................................................................................57
System Business Flow Chart...................................................................................................................57
Development and Testing.........................................................................................................................61
Description of Developed System...........................................................................................................62
Chapter V.................................................................................................................................................62
Resource Person.......................................................................................................................................66
Relevant Code..........................................................................................................................................67
Evaluation Tool or Test Documents.........................................................................................................74
Admin and User Survey Form............................................................................................................74
Sample Input/Output/Reports..................................................................................................................74
User Guide...............................................................................................................................................74
Survey Result and Tally......................................................................................................................74
Project Involvements...............................................................................................................................74

List of Figures
Figure 2. User Stories: Account Creation for admin and user by the Admin only
Figure 3. User Stories: Account Creation for Technician by User or Admin
Figure 4. User Stories: Account Login by User and Admin
Figure 5. User Stories: Homepage
Figure 6. User Stories: Booking
Figure 7. Admin Survey Objective 1
Figure 8. Admin Survey Objective 2
Figure 9. User Guide

List of Tables
1. Admin Survey Objective 1
2. Admin Survey Objective 2

List of Appendices

Appendix Pages

A. Reference 11
B. Resource Person 11
C. Relevant Code 11
D. Evaluation Tool or Test Documents 11
E. Sample Input/Output/Reports 11
F. User Guide 11
G. Survey Result and Tally 11
H. Project Involvements 11
I. CV 11

First and foremost, we would like to thank our teacher in integrative programming, Mr. Edimar
Manulat for supporting this system, motivation, enthusiasm, and immense knowledge. His guidance
helped us AL throughout the time in finishing our collaboration system project.

Besides our integrative programming professor, we would also like to thank our information
management, Mr. Joselito Oyao and especially our Technopreneurship, Mr. Jay-pee Padilla.

Third, our Alma Mater, STI College Global City. To our professors, who furnished us with the
necessary skills and knowledge to help us complete our collaborative project system.

Lastly, we would like to acknowledge and thank the members of the group for their support in their
effort to finish the system whether difficulties and struggling.

With the ever-growing technology-based transactions and the increasing usage of new technology
devices, maintaining and servicing these devices continually increases and such that more people will require

these services. The business idea was created by a group of students in the hopes of implementing a
technopreneurs mindset with the primary aim of helping the community by means of offering a technology help
service application. The research was conducted through a series of surveys and initially selected a few people
where they were interviewed to see whether these kinds of services would be beneficial to not only the
customers but also to freelancers that would like to expand their market reaches. The researchers have found that
most of the responders said that these services are a great help to people who are not really into technology.
Therefore, looking at online shops and the likes where it implemented traditional means of marketing, the
researchers concluded that by creating a one-way application or service, it would make it more easier for people
who need tech services to find these services if a single medium was published and developed. The project was
being done and developed using the C# programming language and would only be implemented locally thus
making the project have two (2) phases. Phase 1 includes having only a local database and being implemented
through on-call services. While on Phase 2, it will be implemented through online and would introduce a new
application that would serve as a free use for not only customers but potential business partners like Tech
businesses and Freelancers.

Title Of Project: TechWiz Services

Members: Liscano, Rona Mae

Panambulan, Mohammad Khalid T.
Prestoza, Joshua
Rullepa, Ethan Adam
Tolentino, Crisante

Degree: Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT)

Chapter I
In today’s digital age, technology plays an essential role in either the business or personal life of
everyone that uses and owns these pieces of technology. Thus, making it one of the hallmarks of
society and the most important aspect in investing money and time in. As many other people rely on
these technologies to undertake various tasks like conducting transactions through online shops and to
businesses who use these technologies for offering their products and services, these devices or services
may be subjected to various problems and bugs that needs to be fixed. When these problems do come,
we rely on IT professionals for their services to prevent and manage the concerns of users and

Furthermore, since that technology keeps on innovating, simple fixes that users and business
owners may not be enough to solve these issues. According to research on ABC News, a survey was
conducted to find out whether users were able to fix the problems themselves and what their approach
to the issues is. It showed that most users that owned technology devices called either relatives or
customer service to help them solve their problems (Vanacore, 2008). Hence, increasing the needs for

their needs and services. Moreover, some companies find outside professionals and experts to help
them with solving their problems making it easier for freelancers who are experts in the IT support
sector to find jobs and those who are well versed in other Technology services and shops to offer their
services for the public more beneficial to themselves and their customers.

Thus, this project was conducted to help and provide those tech-savvy people in need of their
services with an application to find businesses and freelancers easily and conveniently. Making the
application a staple way of finding these services and make an innovative way to give them a single
medium for hiring, rating, and searching for their specific needs.

Purpose and Description of the Project

The purpose of the project is to create a single and main medium for users, businesses, and IT

support services. This creates a quick and straightforward way for transactions and makes it more

convenient for users and people in need of the services. In any case this project caters to those who are

in the business of Tech supports and freelancers that would like to widen and market their services to

the public. Primarily offering them an application where they can register their businesses and services

to increase their standing through reviews. Nevertheless, also providing a way for the public

community to have a sort of forum that they can use to widen their knowledge and help them fix their

problems. With the hopes of innovating this project to increase the investment of not just companies

but also to people to these services making it more well integrated to the system by providing them

with the application to kickstart it all.

Description of the project there are two phases of this system for phase 1 is a local that provides on-call

customer and technician support. This means that if you have a problem with your service, you can call

the company and they will send a technician to your home or office to fix the problem. The technician

iwill be able to diagnose the problem and fix it quickly and efficiently. While for phase 2, the service

provider will provide online customer and technician support. This means that you will be able to

contact the company through a website or app, and they will be able to help you with your problem

remotely. This can be a more convenient option for some people, as it means that you do not have to

wait for a technician to come to your home or office.

Statement of the Problem

General Problem
The need for technical services to maintain, repair, and improve technical systems and
equipment has increased as their complexity has increased. The provision of technical services,
however, faces several difficulties, including poor technician training, a lack of resources, and
ineffective customer-service provider communication routes. The challenge of keeping up with
technology's rapid evolution. Service providers could find it difficult to maintain their
knowledge and abilities current as technology develops at a rapid rate, creating a knowledge
gap between them and their clients. Due to this, it may be difficult for service providers to
quickly diagnose and fix technological problems, increasing both service times and costs.
Furthermore, service providers may pass up opportunities to use modern technologies to boost
efficiency and service quality due to a lack of knowledge and expertise.

Specific Problem
The difficulty in arranging and managing service appointments between clients and
service providers is one specific issue with the deployment of technical services. Conflicting
schedules, poor communication, and a lack of real-time information on service availability are
just a few of the causes of this issue. As a result, consumers can encounter delays in getting the
required technical support, which might cause annoyance and lower service satisfaction. The
quality of services offered by various service providers may vary because there may not be any
standards for service delivery. These problems may have a detrimental effect on the service
provider's reputation and reduce client loyalty

Objective of the Study

General Objective
Technical services are one of the important and significant services in today’s age since
more innovative technologies are being made to the public and implemented in our daily lives
and businesses. The goal of the study is to improve the way that these services are delivered and
implemented to our current age of society especially since it is a trend to make daily tasks more
convenient. With this goal in mind, it is the objective of the research to keep up with the
advancements of technology by providing these service providers with a maintainable way to
organize and potentially increase and keep their knowledge in these fields in a high quality and
reliable service. Moreover, making it easier to manage and diagnose the problems of customers
and potentially decrease the cost and time of the service. And to provide timely and efficient
customer service to customers in need of assistance.

Specific Objective
The objective of the researchers is to make it more innovative and accessible to
everyone the services and supports those businesses and freelancing experts provide. It aims to
widen the needs and increase productivity of these services to not only small and big companies
but to also people who need quick and convenient access to their offered services. Making an
application that can implement easier management of service appointments of clients and the
users. Some notable examples of this are the details offered by the client, planning of schedules
and the availability of the client to users. Ultimately, decreasing the delay in searching for a
specific expert for the user's needs. Increasing the quality of services offered by various service
providers and setting a high standard for delivering them.

Phase 1: On-call customer and technician support

The service provider will provide 24/7 on-call customer and technician support. This means that
customers will be able to reach a customer service representative or technician at any time of
day or night. To achieve this objective, the service provider will need to have enough customer
service representatives and technicians available to answer calls and resolve issues.

Phase 2: Online access to resources and support

The service provider will create a comprehensive online knowledge base that includes articles,
videos, and other resources that customers can use to troubleshoot problems on their own. The
service provider will also offer live chat support and online forums where customers can get
help from other customers and technicians. To achieve this objective, the service provider will
need to create a user-friendly and informative online knowledge base and hire or train staff to
provide live chat support and moderate online forums.

Scope and Limitation of the Study
This study aims to explore the benefits of using an application to connect businesses and
customers, making it easier and more convenient to market services and find professionals. By
identifying the potential advantages of technology, the study seeks to improve accessibility and user-
friendliness, ultimately enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the market for both parties. This
study will focus on business owners, freelancers, and individuals who require technical skills, across
various industries and sectors. The aim is to understand their unique needs and challenges and identify
potential benefits of using an application to connect businesses and customers more efficiently. By
focusing on this population, the study seeks to provide insights directly relevant to their experiences
and perspectives. The application is restricted to being developed solely in Visual Studios because the
developers lack the necessary skills. It will utilize only a local database, with no cloud implementation.
It can display UIs similar to Gcash, but online transactions cannot be implemented currently due to a
lack of expertise.

Furthermore, the project consists of two phases respectively deemed by the researchers since the
proposal was initially created to be implemented in long term and has potential to be implemented
online through web and mobile applications. Phase one (1) consists of having only a local database and
will be implemented locally since further testing and learning of development skills is needed. While in
Phase two (2) the researchers plan to implement the system online by releasing it on mobile devices.
Currently, the researchers are focusing only on Phase one since the researchers are currently lacking in
cloud and online based skills when it comes to database and currently lacks a high level of precision in
making applications. Since that the focus is on phase one which is local, it will be assumed that the
technician will still not be handled by the business or proposed business and will be contacted
accordingly to give details about the appointment, but ultimately the goal of the project is to be an open
source for all people in the community where the business proposed will focus on the management of
the transactions and such. Additionally, one more limitation of our study is that it does not handle what
the technician may and may not do during their time availing for the business.

Significance of the Study
Study technical services can help improve academic research efficiency by providing
specialized technical support and expertise. This can include services such as data analysis, statistical
support, and research design assistance. It can make finding jobs for servicing businesses and tech
experts easier and implement a basic medium instead of having to rely on blindly finding on-call
services and service provider.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

Tech support and remote support play a vital role in driving the success of businesses.
According to Lamano (2021), a renowned provider of IT services, emphasizes the importance of these
support services in ensuring the smooth operation of technology infrastructure and maximizing
productivity. Tech support is crucial for addressing software glitches, hardware failures, and network
issues that businesses encounter. It provides timely and effective assistance to resolve technical
challenges, minimizing downtime and enabling businesses to operate seamlessly. Similarly, remote
support offers significant benefits by allowing IT professionals to diagnose and troubleshoot issues
remotely. This approach reduces response times, lowers costs associated with on-site visits, and
provides greater flexibility for both businesses and support providers. By leveraging remote support,
businesses can access expert assistance regardless of their location, ensuring efficient problem-solving
and minimizing disruptions. As technology continues to advance, the importance of tech support and
remote support is likely to grow even further, with the potential for increased automation, AI-powered

diagnostics, and proactive issue resolution. By embracing these support services, businesses can
enhance their efficiency, reliability, and overall success. According to Herman (2021), One major
advantage is cost savings, as it eliminates the need for on-site technicians, reducing expenses associated
with travel, accommodation, and equipment. By leveraging a team of skilled IT professionals remotely,
businesses can access expertise without the costs of maintaining an in-house IT department.
Additionally, remote IT support enhances efficiency by providing immediate assistance regardless of
geographical location, minimizing downtime and increasing productivity. It also offers flexibility in
terms of support availability, allowing businesses to receive assistance outside regular working hours.
Moreover, remote support enables businesses to scale their IT services more easily, as they can quickly
expand their support capabilities to accommodate growing needs. Looking ahead, advancements in
technology, such as artificial intelligence and automation, are expected to further streamline remote IT
support, improving response times, enhancing problem-solving capabilities, and enabling proactive
monitoring and maintenance of IT systems.

Booking an appointment for a service repair at IStore Philippines (2021), offers several
advantages. Firstly, it ensures convenience and saves time for customers. By scheduling an
appointment in advance, customers can avoid long waiting times and enjoy a streamlined service
experience. Secondly, it allows for personalized attention and dedicated assistance. The appointment

system enables iStore staff to allocate specific time slots for each customer, ensuring that their concerns
are addressed promptly and comprehensively. Additionally, booking an appointment ensures that the
necessary resources and personnel are available to provide efficient and effective repairs, minimizing
any delays or inconveniences. Moreover, by booking an appointment, customers can take advantage of
the expertise and specialized knowledge of iStore technicians, who can offer tailored solutions and
recommendations for their specific device or issue. Overall, the advantage of booking an appointment
for a service repair at iStore Philippines lies in the convenience, personalized attention, and efficient
service that customers can expect, ultimately enhancing their overall experience and satisfaction.

According to Lamano (2021) the importance of tech support and remote support is ensuring the
smooth functioning of technology infrastructure and maximizing productivity. Tech support addresses
software glitches, hardware failures, and network issues, providing timely assistance to minimize
downtime and enable seamless operations. Remote support offers benefits such as reduced response
times, lower costs, and increased flexibility by allowing IT professionals to diagnose and troubleshoot
issues remotely. By leveraging these support services, businesses can enhance efficiency, reliability,
and overall success. Furthermore, advancements in technology, such as AI and automation, are
expected to further improve remote support capabilities. The advantages of booking an appointment for
service repair at iStore Philippines are customers benefit from the convenience and time-saving aspect
of scheduling appointments, avoiding long waiting times and experiencing a streamlined service. The
appointment system ensures personalized attention, dedicated assistance, and prompt resolution of
customer concerns. This approach ensures efficient and effective repairs, minimizing delays and
inconveniences. Ultimately, booking an appointment at iStore Philippines enhances customers' overall
experience and satisfaction.

It is evident that support services and streamlined service experiences are crucial in the
technology and service sectors. Tech support and remote support offer timely assistance, minimize
downtime, and enhance problem-solving capabilities. Additionally, booking appointments for service
repairs provides convenience, personalized attention, and efficient service for customers. Both
approaches contribute to the efficiency, reliability, and ultimately success of businesses.

Review of Related Studies/Systems


The Odoo Field Service Management app is one of the components of the Odoo open-source
ERP software designed to help organizations streamline and optimize field services operation. This
software enables enterprises to improve customer satisfaction and technician productivity by
facilitating efficient scheduling, dispatching, and tracking of field technicians. It incorporates user-
friendly time tracking for precise recording of work hours. The system also includes a convenient
feature for capturing electronic signatures from customers as evidence of completed work.
Furthermore, it can be accessed and utilized through web browsers, ensuring flexibility and
convenience for completing work tasks (Bista Solutions, 2023). As customers expect seamless
experience, the implementation of Odoo field service management addresses these challenges and
enhances the operational environment for both customers and employees. By adopting a standardized
workflow process across organization, regardless of whether employees are working remotely or on-
site, efficiency and customer service are immediately enhanced. The synchronization of work becomes
a key focus, particularly when employees are dispersed across multiple locations. Utilizing Odoo Field
Service Management System enables organizations to showcase this cohesive approach and ultimately
improve customer service.

The Central Philippine University Facility Maintenance Services (CPUFMS) warehouse and
job scheduling system is a software solution that aims to improve the overall management and
coordination of facility maintenance operations at Central Philippine University in the Philippines. This
system focuses on two main areas: warehouse management and job scheduling. In terms of warehouse
management, it assists in inventory tracking, stock management, and procurement of necessary
supplies. For job scheduling, it helps prioritize and assign maintenance tasks to the appropriate staff
members, ensuring efficient allocation of resources and timely completion of work orders (Quijano,
2018). By implementing the CPUFMS system, Central Philippine University can enhance its facility
maintenance services, optimize resource utilization, and improve overall productivity and customer
satisfaction. The system streamlines the workflow and enhances the coordination and scheduling of
maintenance tasks, similar to how field service management systems operate in other industries. It
ensures that maintenance jobs are addressed promptly, resources are allocated effectively, and tasks are
tracked and monitored for efficient completion. The system also provides features for generating
reports and tracking the status of ongoing tasks, allowing for better visibility and decision-making. It
demonstrates how implementing a comprehensive system can improve the management and
coordination of field service activities, leading to enhanced productivity and customer satisfaction.

According to Bista Solutions (2023) Odoo Field Service Management, is designed to streamline
and optimize field services by facilitating efficient scheduling, dispatching, and tracking of technicians.
It includes features such as time tracking and electronic signature capture, providing precise recording
of work hours and evidence of completed work. The system can be accessed through web browsers,
offering flexibility and convenience for completing tasks. By adopting this system, organizations can
improve customer satisfaction and employee productivity, as well as showcase a cohesive and
standardized workflow process. CPUFMS warehouse and job scheduling system aims to improve the
management and coordination of facility maintenance operations. It focuses on warehouse management
and job scheduling, assisting in inventory tracking, stock management, procurement, and prioritizing
and assigning maintenance tasks. By implementing this system, Central Philippine University can
optimize resource utilization, enhance productivity, and improve their facilities. The system streamlines
workflow, ensures efficient allocation of resources, and provides features for tracking and monitoring
tasks and generating reports.

These two systems provide evidence that software for field services plays a crucial role in enhancing
field service and facility maintenance operations. Both systems contribute to improving efficiency,
coordination, and customer satisfaction. They optimize scheduling, resource allocation, and task
tracking, leading to timely completion of work orders and better management of field service activities.
These systems demonstrate the value of implementing comprehensive software solutions to streamline
operations and enhance productivity and customer service all in all.

Chapter III
Technical Background

The proponents have used a web-based program wherein the users can access it by running it
through Windows platforms. develop a single, central channel for customers, companies, and IT
support. As a result, transactions can be completed quickly and simply, which is more convenient for
users and those in need of the services. In any case, our initiative serves individuals who work in the
tech support industry as well as independent contractors who want to promote and expand their
clientele. These are some of the technical terms that are being used in our project: VS Code – Text
Editor, Server-client side, Figma, C#, Database – MySQL, Functionality – Web application. Some of
the terminologies being stated above are also the technology being used in our project.

Any technology, including mobile phones, laptops, and PCs, will be able to run the system and
have access to details about the technologies utilized in the project. The project will be developed using
the following technological tools:

VS Code – In the development of the system, we made use of Microsoft Visual Studio Code for
encoding the source code of the system, in order to be the accurate and fast acquisition of data and

MySQL – Is an open-source relational database management system. MySQL will be used by the
developer because it is one of the system development-compatible databases.

Figma – For designing and building the graphical user interface of web-based application

C# - This is the language that will be used because this is a well-known programming language that
can be used for a wide range of applications, including desktop software, web development, mobile app
development, game development, and more. It provides a rich set of libraries and frameworks that
make it easier to build several types of applications.

How The Project Work?

The project of a TechWiz Services is for on-call customer and technician service providers
involves developing a platform or application that connects customers requiring technical assistance
with available technicians. The system enables customers to submit service requests, which are then
assigned to suitable technicians based on their skills, location, and availability. The system facilitates
appointment scheduling, real-time communication between customers and technicians, and job
execution. And these services can be on-call and remote support by the choice of customers.

Overview of the Current Technologies

TechWiz Services is an IT Support Services by booking an appointment, we used C# to create

form by account creation, login, homepage, and booking. We’ll also use Relational Database
Management System (RDBMS) which can be utilized to store and manage data related to customers,
technician, services, and other relevant information. These databases provide reliable data storage,
efficient querying capabilities, and data integrity enforcement. For the actual design we use the
wireframe for visual representations of the system’s layout and functionality like the interface of
customer, technician, admin, and user.

Flow Chart of the Current System

Calendar of Activities


Work Plan

 Desktop
 Laptop
 Keyboard
 Mouse
 Monitor

 Figma – For UI Design for the system

 Visual Studio 2019 – Visual Studio is an integrated development environment from Microsoft.
It is used to develop computer programs including websites, web apps, and web services.

 Microsoft SQL Server – is a relational database management system from Microsoft. The
system is designed and built to manage and store information.

Chapter IV

Planning and Gathering Data is part of project management; it can relate to the schedules, such
as Timeline and workplan, to plan and report progress within the project environment. Design is
defining software functions, methods, or the overall structure and interconnection of your code for the
result function that satisfies your user’s requirements.

Development is a procedure that leads from an original form of a computing problem to
executable programs. Programming involves developing and understanding general algorithms,
including their code and databases to make this system.

Testing is a method in which units of source code, a set of one or more computer program
modules with connecting control data,the procedure is tested to determine whether they are fit to use.
The functionalities for each part of the system have been coded in the correct place. The researchers
checked if all content suggested by the client was included in the system. The researchers also tested if
the system had missing or incorrect functions.

Data Gathering and Procedure

In terms of the data gathering procedure, the researchers used a survey to determine the
effectiveness of the proposed program and an interview with users of the programs. The type of
interview done to gather data was a semi-structured interview conducted through an online meeting
platform. While the survey provided us with needs and wants for the program's accessibility and
usability, the interview provided in-depth feedback and insight from Tech experts to know what other
user interfaces may be implemented in the system.

Research Design
We must organize and execute the research design carefully to ensure that the data we collect is
reliable, accurate and related to the system’s development or improvement. We ought to apply the
findings from the research to guide the system’s development and make sure it meets the the customer
needs and expectations in the user stories.

Research Instrument
The Team made use of Survey Forms and Google Forms as an instrument in collecting data
from their target respondents. The Google form survey contains eleven (11) questions in total and a
Total of Ten (10) in Survey form.

Requirements Analysis
User Requirements:
The TechWiz Services should be on-call for both technicians and customers. Admin can fill up
the form by getting the customer information by calling them and list down the important details to put
in the scheduling where the service needs to be. While the technician information, the admin should be
called, they put details and availability of their schedule so that the customer and technician can solve
the service provider.

Functional Requirements:

The TechWiz Services should be allowed to schedule service appointments in advance,

specifying the date and time that they want the technician to schedule. While the technician should be
given the customer information about what services are needed and the description of what issue or
anything concerns.

Non- Functional Requirements:

The TechWiz Services should be available 24/7 on-call. To allow customers to request services and
technicians to manage their schedules at any time.

Requirements Documentation

User Stories

1. Account Creation
As Admin
User Stories:
I want to create an account for a user by filling out a registration form and clicking the submit button to
"Create Account”.

Acceptance Criteria
 A message notification should be displayed a missing information, A pop-up message shows
that there is an error:
-Whenever the required fields are empty.

 Incomplete forms will not be submitted.

 The user should be able to enter their last name, first name,contact number, email address, and
password, confirm password, and set the user role type (User, Admin).
 The admin can go back to homepage if the user presses the "Back" Button.
 If done must be click ""Create Account"" to add account that store in database and account be
 Message Box will show "Account Created Successful!"

2. Account Creation for Technician

As Admin and User
User Stories:
I want to create an account for Technician by filling in a registration form and clicking the submit
button to "Add technician" by the on-call technician given.

Acceptance Criteria
 In the homepage Click the Account creation button in ""Add Technician"" form to proceed
 Must be select "Add Technician" to proceed with registration/SignUp.

 A message notification should be displayed a missing information, A pop-up message shows
that there is an error:
- Whenever the required fields are empty.

 Incomplete forms will not be submitted.

 The user should be able to enter their last name, first name,contact number, email address, and
password, confirm password, Business Name and must check the services offering and set
available time.
 The Admin can go back to the homepage if the user presses the "Back" Button.
 If done must be click ""Add Technician"" to add account that store in database and account be
 The Message Box will pop-up the message "Account Created Successful!"

3. Account Login
User Stories:
As an Admin / User
I want to sign in my account that i created / I want to sign in my account given by Admin.

Acceptance Criteria
 The admin should be able to login using their own email address and password.
 Credentials such as Email Address and Password should match the data from the creation of
Admin or an existing account before being able to proceed to the next page (Homepage of
Admin/User) or to be able to login.
 The user will proceed to the homepage of the user if user clicks "Sign in" will be proceed.
 A message notification should be displayed a missing information, A pop-up message shows
that there is an error:
-Whenever the required fields are empty will be invalid and cannot proceed."

4. Booking
User Stories:

As an Admin / User
The on-call customer the User will put their details in customer information of booking

Acceptance Criteria
 In the homepage the customer information it should be fillup by a admin.
 Must be exact details of given by a on-call customer
 A message notification should be displayed for missing information. A pop-up message shows
that there is an error:
- Whenever the required fields are empty.

 Incomplete forms will not be submitted.

 The admin should be able to enter their last name, first name, contact number, email address,
and password , confirm password,Description, Select the between of two(Remote, On-site)If
selected the ""on site"" will apper the ""customer address"", Set the Schedule Date, Time,
Technician Available and Select the service need by the customer it should be selected one only.
 The admin can go Logout to Account Login if the user presses the "Logout" Button.
 If done must be click ""Save Schedule"" to add customer information that store in database and
Schedule be created

5. Homepage
User Stories:

As an Admin

I want to track and manage the User

Acceptance Criteria
 In the homepage the below the button of "Technician" there was a "User" Then click
 The admin sees the User ID and their details (Last name, first name, Email, Contact, Service
Fields etc.)

 "Update" button of technician can be saved and updated the information of User
 Must be select/click User ID (ex.01) To be selected."

6. Homepage

User Stories:

As an Admin / Use
I want to track and manage the technician

Acceptance Criteria
 In the homepage the below the button of ""Add users "" there was a ""Schedule"" click to
 The User sees the Booking ID and their details (Last Name, first name, Contact, Remote/On-
site, Address (if the customer put On-site), Appointment Schedule, Service Problem and
 The User will click the "Completed" If the booking was sucessfully finish.
 The User will click the "Reschedule" if the technician is not available to set the other schedule
to be available of services the technician"

7. Homepage
User Stories:

As an Admin / User
I want to see and edit the schedule of booking

Acceptance Criteria
 In the homepage the below the button of ""Add users "" there was a ""Schedule"" click to
 The User sees the Booking ID and their details (Last name, first name, Contact, Remote/On-
site, Address (if the customer put On-site), Appointment Schedule, Service Problem and
 The User will click the "Completed" If the booking was successfully finish.
 The User will click the "Reschedule" if the technician is not available to set the other schedule
to be avaiable of services the technician"

8. Homepage
User Stories:

As an Admin / User
I want to reschedule if the job cannot be completed.

Acceptance Criteria
 Can be set the New Schedule Date and also Schedule Time.

 A message notification should be displayed a missing information, A pop-up message shows
that there is an error: -Must be put the Reason for Reschedule
 Incomplete form will not be submitted.

9. Homepage
User Stories:

As an Admin / User
I want to put a price by provider of a technician

Acceptance Criteria
If the admin clicks the "completed" button there was a price will appear and if they set a price in field
will added atomically the 10% of the commission of service provider.

10. Navigate for the booking

User Stories:

As an Admin / User
I want to see the available technician for the service needed

Acceptance Criteria

 Be able to show available technician according to the service and time needed for the
 If no technician is available, it will show a message. When you click “Find technician”

Test Case

Account Creation for Admin and User:

Test Case #1
To validate User successfully account creation, providing all valid data entry. By the make of Admin

Test Steps:
1) The user accesses the account creation page by the admin
2) The user enters valid data entry for first name, last name, Contact Number, Email Address
3)The user must match the Password and Confirm Password.
4)The user must be select to the combo box (User, Admin)
4) The user clicks the Submit button "Create Account".

Expected/Intended Result:
1) On successful account creation a notification message should be displayed "Account Created
2) The new account should be reflected in the database.
3) The account has been created for User.

Test Case #2
To validate if Admin has not entered any data in the Last Name field

Test Steps:

1) The user accesses the account creation page by the admin
2) The user leaves the Last Name field empty
3) The user clicks the Submit button "Create Account".

Expected/Intended Result:
1) A notification message should display on screen "missing information”.
2) The account should not be created.

Test Case #3
To validate if Admin has not entered any data in the First Name field

Test Steps:
1) The user accesses the account creation page by the admin
2) The user leaves the First Name field empty
3) The user clicks the Submit button "Create Account".

Expected/Intended Result:
1) A notification message should display on screen "missing information”.
2) The account should not be created.

Test Case #4
To validate if Admin has not entered any data in the Email address field or entered an Email address
that does not exist

Test Steps:
1) The user access acccount creation page by the admin
2)The user leaves the Email address field empty or enters an email address

that does not exist
3) The user does not include with "@"
4) The user click the Submit button "Create Account".

Expected/Intended Result:
1) A notification message should display on screen "missing information" and "Invalid email".
2) The account should not be created.

Test Case #5
To validate if Admin has not entered any data in the contact number or entered letter, the number has

Test Steps:
1) The user access acccount creation page by the Admin
2)The user leaves the contact number field empty or enters a contact
that does not exist and enter a letter
3) The user does not include with number and the user put a letter
4) The user click the Submit button "Create Account".

Expected/Intended Result:
1) A notification message should display on screen "missing information".
2) The account should not be created.

Test Case #6
To validate if Admin has not entered any data in the Password field or did not meet the requirements
for creating a password

Test Steps:
1) The user accesses the account creation page by the admin
2)The user leaves the Password field empty.
3)The user enters a long number.
4) The user clicks the Submit button "Create Account".

Expected/Intended Result:
1) A notification message should display on screen "missing information"
2) The account should not be created.

Test Case #7
To validate if Admin has not entered any data in the Confirm Password field or entered a password that
does not match with the one inside the Password field and very sensitive if there was a missing one.

Test Steps:
1) The user accesses the account creation page by the admin
2) The user leaves the Confirm Password field empty or enters a password that does not match with the
password in the Password field
3) The user clicks the Submit button "Create Account".

Expected/Intended Result
1) A notification message should display on screen "missing information" on the blank field and if does
not match will notification ""Password does not match""
2) The account should not be created.

Test Case #8
To validate if admin does not select the combo box of the role type.

Test Steps:
1) The user accesses the account creation page by the admin
2) The user leaves the Combo box of the roleplay (User, Admin)
3) The user clicks the Submit button "Create Account".

Expected/Intended Result:
1) A notification message should display on screen ""missing information""
2) The account should not be created.

Account Creation for technician information:

Test Case #1
To User successfully account creation, providing all valid data entry. By the make of Admin and User

Test Steps:
1) The user accesses the account creation page by the admin
2) The user enters valid data entry for first name, last name, Contact Number, Email Address, business
description, Select the available time (Start time, End time) and select the service offering
4) The user clicks the Submit button "Add Technician".

Expected/Intended Result:
1) On successful account creation a notification message should be displayed "Account creation

2) The new account should be reflected in the database.
3) The details have been created for the Technician.

Test Case #2
To validate if Admin or User has not entered any data in the First Name field

Test Steps:
1) The user accesses the account creation page by the admin
2) The user leaves the First Name field empty
3) The user clicks the Submit button "Add Technician".

Expected/Intended Result:
1) A notification message should display on screen "missing information".
2) The account should not be created.

Test Case #3
To validate if Admin or User has not entered any data in the Last Name field.

Test Steps:
1) The user accesses the account creation page by the admin
2)The user leaves the Last Name field empty
3) The user clicks the Submit button "Add Technician".

Expected/Intended Result:
1) A notification message should display on screen "missing information".
2) The account should not be created.

Test Case #4
To validate if Admin or User has not entered any data in the Email address field or entered an Email
address that does not exist or not include "@"

Test Steps:
1) The user access account creation page by the Admin
2)The user leaves the Email address field empty or enters a email address
that does not exist
3) The user does not include with @
4) The user clicks the Submit button "Create Account" .

Expected/Intended Result:
1) A notification message should display on screen "missing information".
2) The account should not be created.

Test Case #5
To validate if admin or user has not selected the check box of service offering

Test Steps:
1)The user did not select the service offering or leave it blank.
2) The user clicks the submit button "" Add Technician:"

Expected/Intended Result:
1) A notification message should display on screen "missing information".
2) The account should not be created.

Test Case #6
To validate if Admin or User has not entered any data in the business name.

Test Steps:
1) The user accesses the account creation page by the admin
2) The user leaves the Business name field blank
3) The user clicks the Submit button "Add Technician".

Expected/Intended Result:
1) A notification message should display on screen "missing information".
2) The account should not be created.

Test Case #7
To validate the Admin or User selected from services offering

Test Steps:
1) The user accesses the account creation page by the admin
2) The user leaves the check box of the technician.
3) The user clicks the Submit button "Add Technician".

Expected/Intended Result:
1) A notification message should display on screen "missing information".
2) The account should not be created.

Account Login for Admin and User:

Test Case #1
To validate successful login, providing all valid data entry of the user login

Test Steps:
1) The User accesses the Login page.
2) The user enters valid Email address and Password from an account created before hand
3) The user clicks the "Sign in" button

Expected/Intended Result:
1) The user should be redirected to the homepage user of booking of the customer information page.
2)The account cannot login.

Test Case #2
To validate if an Email Address has not entered any data in the Email Address field or entered an
invalid Email address are not match on created in user login.

Test Steps:
1) The User and admin access the Login page
2) The user and admin leave the Email Address field empty or enters an Email Address that does not
exist within the database.
3) The user clicks the "Sign in" button".

Expected/Intended Result:
1) A notification message should display on screen "missing information"
2) The user should not be redirected to the booking of the customer information page.

Test Case #3
To validate if User and Admin has entered an invalid Password in user login

Test Steps:
1) The user and admin can access the Login page
2) The user and admin enter a Password that does not match with the one created with the account
creation by the admin
3) The user and admin click the login button

Expected/Intended Result:
1) A notification message should display on screen "missing information".
2) The user should not be redirected to the booking customer information page.

Test Case #4
To validate if one or the two fields are empty in User and Admin login.

Test Steps:
1) The user and admin can access Login Page
2) The User and admin leaves one or two required fields empty
3) The user and admin click the login button"

Expected/Intended Result:
1) A message pop-up should display on screen "missing information"
2) The user should not be redirected to the booking customer information page.

Test Case #1

Test Steps:
1)The user should input the details and complete the field. Last name, first name, contact number,
email address, Description, Select the between of two (Remote, On-site) If selected the on-site will
appear the "customer address" , Set the Schedule Date and Time Needed Select the service need by the
2)Must check the box and not be blank.
3)The user clicks the Submit button "Save Schedule”.

Expected/Intended Result:
1) A notification message should display on screen "Booked Successfully!"
2)The booking or save schedule should created

Test Case #2
To validate if Admin has not entered any data in the Last Name field

Test Steps:
1) The user accesses the Homepage of Customer information
2)The user leaves the Last Name field empty
3) The user clicks the Submit button "Save Schedule".

Expected/Intended Result:
1) A notification message should display on screen "missing information".
2) The booking should not be created.

Test Case #3
To validate if Admin or User has not entered any data in the First Name field

Test Steps:
1) The user accesses the Homepage of Customer information
2) The user leaves the First Name field empty
3) The user clicks the Submit button "Save Schedule".

Expected/Intended Result:
1) A notification message should display on screen "missing information".
2) The booking should not be created.

Test Case #4
To validate if Admin has not entered any data in the Email address field or entered an Email address
that does not exist

Test Steps:
1)The user accesses the Homepage of Customer information
2)The user leaves the Email address field empty or enters an email address
that does not exist
3) The user does not include with “@ “
4) The user clicks the Submit button "Save Schedule".

Expected/Intended Result:

1) A notification message should display on screen "missing information" and "Invalid email"
2) The booking should not be created

Test Case #5
To validate if admin has not entered any data in the description field or entered description that does
not exist

Test Steps:
1) The user accesses the Homepage of Customer information
2) The user leaves the Description field empty
3) The user clicks the Submit button "Save Schedule".

Expected/Intended Result:
1) A notification message should display on screen "missing information" and "Invalid email"
2) The booking should not be created

Test Case #6
To validate if admin has not selected Remote or On-site

Test Steps:
1)The user accesses the Homepage of Customer information
2)The user has not selected the two-combo box

Expected/Intended Result:
1) A notification message should display on screen ""missing information""
2) The booking should not be created

Test Case #7
To validate the select Schedule Date and Time

Test Steps:
1)The user accesses the Homepage of Customer information
2) The Schedule Date and time that select previous date and year

Expected/Intended Result:
1) A notification message should display on screen "Invalid date"
2) The booking should not be created


Test Case #1
To validate the record of technician

Test Steps:

1) Select from any technician ID and click that then you can select inactive and active have been done.
2)You can update or see the edited of the services and information by technician.

Expected/Intended Result:
1)The technician record has not been selected an active and inactive will be hide the technician record.
2)The technician will not update if user select “update”.

Test Case #2
To validate the record of User

Test Steps:
1) Select from any UserID and click that then you can select the inactive and active have been done.
2)You can update or see the edited of the services and information by technician.

Expected/Intended Result:
1)The User record has not been selected inactive user cannot login and will be hide.
2)The User not updated if the admin not selected.


Test Case #1
To validate the schedule of booking

Test Steps:

1)The user can be select the "Completed" if the services successfully done
2)The user can be select the "Reschedule" if the technician is not available to set the other schedule to
be available of services the technician

Expected/Intended Result:
The booking cannot be rescheduled.

Test Case #2
To validate the reschedule of the services

Test Steps:
1)The User and Admin not set The Schedule Date and Time.
2)The User and Admin leave blank the field of Reason for schedule.

Expected/Intended Result:
1)The User and Admin not set The Schedule Date and Time.
2)The User and Admin leave blank the field of Reason for schedule.

Navigate for the booking:

Test Case #1
To validate if the technician is available

Test Steps:
1) If no button and time is set it should show no technician available
2)When required fields are collected it will show available technician

Expected/Intended Result:

It will not show the list of technicians available according to the time and services.

Design of Software, System and / or Process

System Business Flow Chart





Development and Testing
The efficiency of the created system for TechWiz Services methods is covered in this section. The
developers gathered all pertinent information as the user stories for system improvement. The creators
collected and analyzed data from user opinions of potential users. The system's user interface, design,
functionality, efficacy, and user- friendliness were all specifically assessed by the developers.

Description of Developed System

The TechWiz Services is a comprehensive service provider platform that seamlessly connects
customers and technicians in an on-call manner. With this innovative solution, customers can easily
request assistance for various services such as repairs, installations, or troubleshooting, while
technicians can efficiently respond to these requests based on their expertise and availability. The
TechWiz Services offers a user-friendly interface accessible through mobile devices or computers of
the user and admin, enabling customers to quickly create service by the call with specific details and
requirements. The platform then matches these requests with available technicians who possess the
necessary skills and proximity to the customer's location. By the call of user, admin and updates are
provided to both customers and technicians, ensuring transparent communication throughout the entire
service process. This on-call service provider system optimizes convenience, efficiency, and customer
satisfaction by streamlining the connection between customers and qualified technicians, fostering a
seamless experience for all parties involved.

Chapter V

The researchers' objective is to develop a system for technical services and make it
innovative, accessible and supports the businesses and freelancing to streamline and increase
productivity of technical services operation by facilitating efficient scheduling, dispatching,
and tracking system.

TechWiz was developed and offered a solution for connecting customers in need of technical
assistance with available technicians through a user-friendly platform. By submitting service
requests, customers can quickly and easily communicate their requirements, enabling
efficient assignment of suitable technicians based on technician’s skills, and availability.

Techwiz represents an innovative and customer-centric approach to technical field services.

The platform's functionality, including appointment scheduling, real-time communication, and
the choice between on-site and remote service, provides convenience for customers. By
developing Techwiz, the goal is to revolutionize the way technical assistance is provided,
ensuring that customers have seamless access to reliable and personalized services that meet
their unique requirements.

The developers recommend on-call customer and technician scenarios strives to optimize the
match between customer needs and technician capabilities. By considering factors such as skill

matching, availability, location, customer satisfaction and personalization, the system aims to enhance
the overall service experience and customer satisfaction.



A. Reference
B. Resource Person
C. Relevant Code
D. Evaluation Tool or Test Documents
E. Sample Input/Output/Reports
F. User Guide
G. Survey Result and Tally
H. Project Involvements

Lamano, G. (2021, September 17). The Importance of Tech Support and Remote Support Services in a
Business’ Success.

Herman. (2021, December 13). The Benefits and Future of Remote IT Support for Businesses.

Philippines, I. (2021, March 5). Advantage of booking an appointment for a service repair.

Vanacore, A. (2008, November 18). Gadget survey finds many bugs can't be fixed. ABC News.
Retrieved April 19, 2023, from

Bista Solutions. (2023, January 18). Odoo Field Service Management. No.1 Field Service ERP.

Quijano, M. C. A. (2018). Central Philippine University Facility Maintenance Services (CPUFMS)
warehouse and job scheduling system. BAHÁNDÌAN, Institutional Repository of
Central Philippine University.

Resource Person

Mr. Cesar A. Dagpin

Served as one of the respondents for the research, and shared some information about
the service provider to help his business and how it would help the development team in
developing the system application because he had a lot of experience about the services
when it comes gadgets and had a lot resources that could help them to develop the
system application. And how a system feature will provide value to the user.

Technopreneurship: Sir. Jay-Pee Padilla

helped us by providing advice, prompting us to complete the business plan, and

revising the business plan paper to reflect the upcoming changes. how to start a business,

Integrative Programming: Sir. Edimar Manulat

He assists us by providing a weekly report on the development of the

application and weekly advice for improvements and upgrades to the
application. especially the wireframe and explain the system must be connected
in business

Database: Sir. Joselito Oyao

gave us time to confer about the updates, revisions, and modifications required for both
the Database Design and the ERD, which assisted and directed us in completing the

Relevant Code
This block of code is used to save the schedule that was provided by the customer and is
recorded to the database of the business

internal class SaveSchedule

UC_Booking page = new UC_Booking();

public void saveSched(Dictionary<String, String> saveSched, TextBox FirstnameTxt, TextBox
LastnameTxt, TextBox EmailTxt, TextBox ContactTxt,
RichTextBox AddressTxt, DateTimePicker SchedDate, RichTextBox DescTxt, ComboBox
Label serviceTypeLabel, Label CustomerAddLabel, Button RemoteBttn, Button OnSiteBttn,
Label ServiceNeedLabel,
Button SmDeviceBttn, Button WifiBttn, Button MobileBttn, Button ComputerBttn, Button
DateTime date = DateTime.ParseExact(saveSched["s_sDate"], "yyyy-MM-dd",

if (saveSched["s_sType"] == "On-Site")
if (saveSched["fname"] == "First Name" || saveSched["lname"] == "Last Name" ||
saveSched["s_email"] == "Email" || saveSched["s_contact"] == "Contact No." || saveSched["s_sType"]
== "" || saveSched["s_cAddress"] == "" || saveSched["s_sDate"] == "" ||
saveSched["s_tNeed"] == "" || saveSched["s_service"] == "" || saveSched["s_desc"] == "" ||
saveSched["s_technician"] == "")
MessageBox.Show("Missing Information");
else if (Regex.IsMatch(saveSched["s_email"], @"\w+([-+.']\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\
w+)*") == false)
MessageBox.Show("Invalid Email");
else if (Regex.IsMatch(saveSched["s_contact"], @"[0-9]\d{10}") == false)
MessageBox.Show("Invalid Contact Number");

else if (date < DateTime.Now.Date)
MessageBox.Show("Invalid Date Selected");
dbSaveSchedule save = new dbSaveSchedule();
save.getFirstname = saveSched["fname"];
save.getLastname = saveSched["lname"];
save.getEmail = saveSched["s_email"];
save.getContact = saveSched["s_contact"];
save.serviceType = saveSched["s_sType"];
save.customerAddr = saveSched["s_cAddress"];
save.sched_date = saveSched["s_sDate"];
save.sched_time = saveSched["s_tNeed"];
save.getservice = saveSched["s_service"];

if (saveSched["s_desc"] != "")
save.description = saveSched["s_desc"];
saveSched["s_desc"] = "N/A";

save.status = "Not Completed";

save.technician = saveSched["s_technician"];


MessageBox.Show("Booked Successfully");

FirstnameTxt.Text = "First Name";

FirstnameTxt.ForeColor = Color.Silver;

LastnameTxt.Text = "Last Name";

LastnameTxt.ForeColor = Color.Silver;

EmailTxt.Text = "Email";
EmailTxt.ForeColor = Color.Silver;

ContactTxt.Text = "Contact No.";

ContactTxt.ForeColor = Color.Silver;

SchedDate.Text = DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");



RemoteBttn.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(48, 122, 216);
OnSiteBttn.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(48, 122, 216);
SmDeviceBttn.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(48, 122, 216);
WifiBttn.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(48, 122, 216);
MobileBttn.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(48, 122, 216);
ComputerBttn.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(48, 122, 216);
NetworkBttn.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(48, 122, 216);

if (saveSched["fname"] == "" || saveSched["lname"] == "" || saveSched["s_email"] ==
"Email" || saveSched["s_contact"] == "Contact No." || saveSched["s_sType"] == "" ||
saveSched["s_sDate"] == "" ||
saveSched["s_tNeed"] == "" || saveSched["s_service"] == "" || saveSched["s_desc"] == "" ||
saveSched["s_technician"] == "")
MessageBox.Show("Missing Information");
else if (Regex.IsMatch(saveSched["s_email"], @"\w+([-+.']\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\
w+)*") == false)
MessageBox.Show("Invalid Email");
else if (Regex.IsMatch(saveSched["s_contact"], @"[0-9]\d{10}") == false)
MessageBox.Show("Invalid Contact Number");

else if (date < DateTime.Now.Date)
MessageBox.Show("Invalid Date");
dbSaveSchedule save = new dbSaveSchedule();
save.getFirstname = saveSched["fname"];
save.getLastname = saveSched["lname"];
save.getEmail = saveSched["s_email"];
save.getContact = saveSched["s_contact"];
save.serviceType = saveSched["s_sType"];
save.customerAddr = "N/A";
save.sched_date = saveSched["s_sDate"];
save.sched_time = saveSched["s_tNeed"];
save.getservice = saveSched["s_service"];
save.description = saveSched["s_desc"];
save.status = "Not Completed";
save.technician = saveSched["s_technician"];

MessageBox.Show("Booked Successfully");

FirstnameTxt.Text = "First Name";

FirstnameTxt.ForeColor = Color.Silver;

LastnameTxt.Text = "Last Name";

LastnameTxt.ForeColor = Color.Silver;

EmailTxt.Text = "Email";
EmailTxt.ForeColor = Color.Silver;

ContactTxt.Text = "Contact No.";

ContactTxt.ForeColor = Color.Silver;

SchedDate.Text = DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");


RemoteBttn.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(48, 122, 216);
OnSiteBttn.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(48, 122, 216);
SmDeviceBttn.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(48, 122, 216);
WifiBttn.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(48, 122, 216);
MobileBttn.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(48, 122, 216);
ComputerBttn.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(48, 122, 216);
NetworkBttn.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(48, 122, 216);



namespace TechWizServices.Database
internal class dbSaveSchedule
private dbLoggedIn dbLoggedIn = new dbLoggedIn();
public string getCustomerID { get; set; }
public string getFirstname { get; set; }
public string getLastname { get; set; }
public string getEmail { get; set; }
public string getContact { get; set; }
public string serviceType { get; set; }
public string customerAddr { get; set; }
public string sched_time { get; set; }
public string sched_date { get; set; }
public string getservice { get; set; }
public string description { get; set; }
public string status { get; set; }
public string technician { get; set; }
public string technicianID { get; set; }

public void getID(dbSaveSchedule dbSaveSchedule)

DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection();
SqlConnection conns = connection.connectDB();

SqlCommand cmnd = new SqlCommand("SELECT TechnicianID FROM TechnicianInfo

WHERE T_LastName = '" + technician + "'", conns);
SqlDataReader reads = cmnd.ExecuteReader();

if (reads.Read())
technicianID = reads[0].ToString();


catch (Exception ex)

public void dbSave(dbSaveSchedule dbSaveSchedule)

DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection();
SqlConnection conn = connection.connectDB();
SqlConnection conn2 = connection.connectDB();


SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO CustomerInfo

(C_FirstName,C_LastName,C_Contact,C_Email) " +
"VALUES (@C_Firstname, @C_LastName, @C_Contact, @C_Email) SELECT
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("C_Firstname", getFirstname);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("C_LastName", getLastname);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("C_Contact", getContact);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("C_Email", getEmail);
SqlDataReader read = cmd.ExecuteReader();

if (read.Read())
getCustomerID = read[0].ToString();

SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Booking (UserID, CustomerID,

servicetype, Customer_address, Schedule_date, Schedule_time, ServiceNeeded, Description, status,
TechnicianID) " +
"VALUES (@UserID, @CustomerID, @servicetype, @Customer_address,
@Schedule_date, @Schedule_time, @ServiceNeeded, @Description, @status, @TechnicianID)",
cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserID", dbLoggedIn.ID);
cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CustomerID", getCustomerID);
cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@servicetype", serviceType);
cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Customer_address", customerAddr);

cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Schedule_date", sched_date);
cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Schedule_time", sched_time);
cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ServiceNeeded", getservice);
cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Description", description);
cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@status", status);
cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TechnicianID", technicianID);

catch (Exception ex)


Evaluation Tool or Test Documents

Admin and User Survey Form

Sample Input/Output/Reports

User Guide
1.1 Account Creation – For a new user and admin who doesn’t have an acount

1.2 Account Creation - For an on-call Technician will create a details

2. Account Login – After the Account created proceed to Sign in to explore and proceed in homepage

3. Homepage - A page that serve starting point of the form that serves a variety of customers
information, booking, track of technician and user add technician, Schedule.

4. Booking - A page that the user and admin should fill up the on – call customer of details.

5. Schedule – You can complete this page because the technician takes the job by the availability of the
services. If not will choose to reschedule to set again what technician will be available on that date.

Survey Result and Tally

Admin and User survey results

Project Involvements



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