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1. The heat of metal that gain when it is in the boiling water transfer to the water making them have the
same temperature also because of the difference of temperature. In summary, the metal and water
heat up together due to the transfer of thermal energy between them. The rate of transfer depends on
the temperature difference (Libretexts, 2022).

2. The water’s temperature increases because the heat from metal transfer to the water and the metal’s
reaction to that is called exothermic process. The word exothermic means “releasing heat.” Energy,
often in the form of heat, is released as an exothermic reaction proceeds (CK-12 Foundation, n.d.).

3. When water absorbed the heat that the metal release the time that the boiled metal is added to the
water is what we call the endothermic reaction. In the course of an endothermic process, the system
gains heat from the surroundings and so the temperature of the surroundings decreases (gets cold)
(Libretexts, 2023).

4. The heat reaction of water is equal to the –QMETAL. So to complete the formula of QH20 =-QMETAL = mcΔT
the heat reaction in water must be computed first to get the missing value, specific heat capacity of
metal. Use the formula Q=mcΔT to find the change in energy in water. This ( Qw ) is the amount of
energy the water gained, so this means the metal lost the same amount( −Qm ), according to the law of
conservation of energy. Rearrange the formula Q=mcΔT to find c of the metal (Socratic, n.d.).

5. The percent error shows how far the experimental value of specific heat to the accepted value so
there must be some error in measurements like in taking the temperature of water and metal. Percent
error compares an estimate to a correct value and expresses the difference between them as a
percentage (Frost, 2023).

1. The change in temperature is given by ΔT = Tf – Ti, where Tf is the final temperature and Ti, is the
initial temperature (Libretexts, 2022). By subtracting the initial temperature which is 100 to the final
temperature which is 30, the result is -70.

2. (Veum, 2023) When hot metal is added into the water then the metal looses its energy into the water
and this heat is gained by the water. So by using the formula of change in temperature, the result will be
a positive 1 and an example of endothermic reaction.

3. To get the specific heat of the metal, we use the formula of Q = mcΔT and QRXN = -QH20. By using shift
solve, just put all the values then the specific heat of the metal will come out. Specific heat capacity is
defined as the heat which can increase one unit temperature of a mass unit of a substance (Mercan et
al., 2022).

4. By having the accepted value and experimental value we can use the formula of finding the percent
error. Using the formula (|accepted value – experimental value| \ accepted value) x 100% and
substitute our values and the result is 40.05%. Percent error is the difference between estimated value
and the actual value in comparison to the actual value and is expressed as a percentage (BYJUS Admin,

5. When the boiled metal is put into the water, the heat from metal transfer to water because the
temperature of water is lower than metal resulting to same final temperature. So energy is transferred
from the hot metal, eventually, to the piston. Evidently "heat" involves an energy transfer. And a
temperature difference is necessary for that energy transfer to take place (Physics of Energy and
Environment-- Lecture 12, n.d.).

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