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Ques 1) Explain in brief the 8-fold steps of research process

Ans) The research process typically involves a series of steps to plan, conduct, and report on a
research study. The eight-fold steps of the research process can be summarized as follows:

1. Selecting a Research Topic

2. Reviewing the Literature

3. Formulating the Hypothesis

4. Preparing the Research Design

5. Determining Sample Design

6. Collecting Data

7. Analysing Data

8. Drawing Conclusions and Reporting

Explain above points khud se

Ques 2) What are the types of research and what is your type used for your problem statement?

Ans) There are various types of research, and the choice of research type depends on the nature of
the problem statement and the research objectives. Some common types of research include:

a) Descriptive

b) Analytical

c) Applied

d) Fundamental

e) Quantitative

f) Qualitative

g) Conceptual

h) Empirical

Explain above points khud se

Types of research used for our problem statement are:

Analytical and Empirical Research

Ques 3) Scales used in research. Which one have you used for your questionnaire?

Ans) In research, various scales are used to measure and assess different variables, characteristics,
and phenomena. Scales are instruments or tools that provide a way to quantify, categorize, or assess
specific attributes or properties. These scales help researchers gather data in a structured and
standardized manner. Here are some common types of scales used in research:
1. Nominal Scale: This is the simplest type of scale used in research, where data is categorized into
discrete, non-ordered categories or labels. Examples include gender (male, female), colours, or types
of animals. Data on a nominal scale is only suitable for categorization and cannot be used for
mathematical operations.

2. Ordinal Scale: In an ordinal scale, data is categorized into ordered categories or ranks. The
categories represent relative positions, but the intervals between them are not equal or meaningful.
Examples include education levels (e.g., high school, college, graduate), Likert scales, and customer
satisfaction ratings (e.g., very dissatisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, neutral, somewhat satisfied, very

3. Interval Scale: An interval scale has ordered categories with equal intervals between them. It lacks
a true zero point, meaning that it doesn't make sense to say that one value is "zero times" or "twice"
as much as another value. The Fahrenheit temperature scale is an example of an interval scale.

4. Ratio Scale: A ratio scale is similar to an interval scale but includes a meaningful zero point. This
allows for meaningful ratio comparisons, such as saying one value is twice or three times as much as
another. Examples of ratio scales include age, height, weight, income, and the Kelvin temperature

5. Binary Scale: A binary scale, also known as a dichotomous scale, is a measurement scale that
classifies data into only two mutually exclusive and exhaustive categories or groups. These
categories are typically represented as "0" and "1," "yes" and "no," "true" and "false," or any other
pair of distinct labels. Binary scales are used to assess attributes or characteristics that have only two
possible states or outcomes

For our research purposes, we've used a mix of Nominal, Ordinal and Binary scale.

Ques 4) Justify with example when to use Focus group study for business research

Ans) Focus group studies are useful in business research when we need to explore complex issues,
gather in-depth feedback on products or services, test new concepts, evaluate brand perception,
understand consumer behaviour, assess advertising or marketing campaigns, analyse employee
satisfaction, and gain insights into market dynamics and customer feedback. They are also valuable
for identifying market segments, evaluating policy impacts, and testing innovative ideas. Focus group
study for cement industry can be valuable in several situations such as:

 Understanding Stakeholder Perspectives

 Product and Process Innovation
 Market Demand and Consumer Behaviour
 Regulatory Compliance and Industry Standards
 Supply Chain and Supplier Engagement

As sustainability is a significant concern in the cement industry due to its carbon footprint, focus
groups can help gauge public perception of a cement company's environmental efforts and gather
suggestions for improvement.

For example, a focus group could assess consumer awareness of low-carbon cement options and
their willingness to adopt them.

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