Drug Study Ossam

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Drug study

Drug name

Indication and Classification

Antiulcer, proton pump inhibitor Short-term treatment of active duodenal cancer Shortterm treatment of active benign gastric ulcer Eradication of Helicobacter Pylori First-line therapy for treatment of heartburn or symptoms of GERD


Side effects


Nursing Responsibilities
Assessment: 1. History: hypersensitivity to omeprazole or any of its components. 2. Physical: skin lesions; reflexes; urinary output; abdominal examination; respiratory auscultation Interventions: 1. Administer before meals. 2. Administer antacids with, if needed .3. Have regular medical follow-upvisits. 4. Report severe headache, worseningof symptoms, fever,chills.


Gastric-acid pump inhibitor: suppresses gastric acid secretion by specific inhibition of the hydrogen- potassium ATPase enzyme system at the secretory surface of the gastric parietal cells; blocks the final step of acid production

CNS; headache, dizziness, asthenia, vertigo, insomnia, apathy, anxiety, paresthesis, dream abnormalities Dermatologic: rash, inflammation, urticaria, pruritus, alopecia, dry skin GI: diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation,dry mouth, tongue atrophy Respiratory :URI symptoms, cough, epistaxis

Contraindicated with hypersensitivity to omeprazole or its components. Use cautiously with pregnancy, lactation.

Tranexamic acid

Anti-fibrinolytic, antihemorrhagic Tranexamic acid is used for the prompt and effective control of hemorrhage in various surgical and clinical areas: Treating heavy menstrual bleeding Surgical: General surgical cases but most especially operative procedures on the prostate, uterus, thyroid, lungs, heart, ovaries, adrenals, kidneys, brain, tonsils, lymph nodes and soft tissues. promoting hemostasis in traumatic injuries. Preventing hemorrhage after

Tranexamic acid is a synthetic derivative of the amino acid lysine. It exerts its antifibrinolytic effect through the reversible blockade of lysine-binding sites on plasminogen molecules. Anti-fibrinolytic drug inhibits endometrial plasminogen activator and thus prevents fibrinolysis and the breakdown of blood clots. The plasminogenplasmin enzyme system is known to cause coagulation defects through lytic activity on fibrinogen, fibrin and other clotting factors. By inhibiting the action of plasmin (finronolysin) the anti-fibrinolytic agents reduce excessive breakdown of fibrin and

Back pain; headache; Allergic reaction to the 1. Unusual change in joint pain; muscle pain, bleeding pattern spasms, or cramps; nasal drug or hypersensitivity should be or sinus congestion; Presence of blood immediately reported stomach pain; tiredness. to the physician. Severe allergic reactions clots (eg, in the leg, lung, eye, brain), have a history 2. The medication can (rash; hives; itching; of blood clots, or are at be taken with or difficulty breathing; risk for blood clots without meals. tightness in the chest or 3. If you miss a dose of throat; swelling of the Current administration of Tranexamic Acid, mouth, face, lips, or factor IX complex take it when you tongue; flushing of the concentrates or antiremember, then take face); calf or leg pain, inhibitor coagulant your next dose at least swelling, or tenderness; concentrates 6 hours later. Do not chest pain; confusion; take 2 doses at once. coughing up blood; 4. Inform the client that decreased urination or he/she should inform difficulty urinating; eye the physician problems; fainting; immediately if the numbness of an arm or following severe side leg; seizures; persistent effects occur: dizziness or lightheadedness; shortness of breath; slurred speech; sudden headache or vomiting; vision changes

orthopedic surgeries.

effect physiological hemostasis.

or problem.

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