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A race is a term that can be defined only as a group of people that is usually identified

as unique, as well as, distinct from other groups because the group has its own physical and

genetic traits. Despite the unique characteristic of each racial group, most of the biologists and

anthropologists have never taken the race as a form of biological classification. The main

reason that makes the race not to be considered as a valid classification is that there are more

genetic variations between the groups than there are between them.

On the other hand, the race can be used to mean a group of people that is classified

together based on having a common history, nationality, as well as, a geographical

distribution. Biologists define a race as a population that is known to share a common

biological ancestry with the population having the same mutual and genetic traits, which are

unique and different from those of other populations. These traits are not supposed to be

diminished or negated by any reproduction that takes place within the group. This implies that

any branch of humanity can be defined as a race if all its elements are homogeneous, which

means that they are genetically compatible. This means that they can freely intermix or merge

without changing their unique genetic traits. This creates a clear picture of what we view as a
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race when we are talking about human beings. Most of the racial groups, we speak of today

are made up of people who cannot interbreed without changing some of the dominant genetic

traits that they originally had. The implication created here is that these groups are very large

to be biologically referred to as races. Instead, they should be referred to as subspecies of

human beings.

There are many characteristics used to define the race in common terms. These are the

skin color, the texture of their hair, as well as, some facial features. This is the main reason as

to why we talk of people who are members of a certain race. The issue of skin color is one of

the most influential factors that people use to describe people from the way they talk and the

country they come from. But the question is, is this analogy always right? The answer to such

a question is no because of the likely possibility that there may be a person in the white race

but who has an African origin. Such variations make the analogy that the skin color can be

used to define the race something farfetched.

The large belief is that all human beings belong to the same species known as Homo

sapiens with all of being mutually fertile and able to interbreed. The issue of race just arose

because of what scientists call mutation, adaptation changes, as well as selection of human

beings. Scientists believe that most of the genetic variations that are found in human beings

indicate that all races have the same origin or they originated from the same place and that the

issue of race just came late after the history of the Homo sapiens had already began. This

means that the term race can be appropriately used when used to refer to religious groups,

geographic, and ethnic groups. The issue of race among human beings has always been

problematic due to the superiority complex that some races have over others.

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