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MATRICULATION NO : 970529106508001
LEARNING CENTRE : Shah Alam Learning Center

Table of Contents
PART I: ESSAY WRITING......................................................................................................................... 2

TASK 1 - ESSAY OUTLINE...........................................................................................................................2

TASK 2 - DESCRIBING VISUAL DATA...........................................................................................................4
TASK 3 – ESSAY..........................................................................................................................................6

PART II: ONLINE CLASS PARTICIPATION................................................................................................ 13

............................................................................................................................................................ 15

REFERENCE.......................................................................................................................................... 16



i. There is a common perception among certain individuals that Malaysians who
build significant wealth are seen as the definition of success.
ii. On the other hand, there is an ongoing notion among different individuals in
Malaysia that those who make substantial contributions to society.
iii. Thesis Statement: The notion of success in Malaysia should be approached from a
comprehensive perspective that incorporates both financial accomplishments and
societal contributions.
i. Point 1: Stability of the economy and the quality of life
a. Individuals with higher incomes have the financial means to access better
housing, healthcare, education, and other fundamental amenities,
enhancing their overall quality of life.
b. Malaysia's elite live in Bukit Tunku's million-ringgit villas and bungalows.
Average property transactions in the area regularly exceed RM25 million,
making it a regular player in Malaysia's top tier of most expensive real
estate markets.
ii. Point 2: Impact on Entrepreneurship and Innovation
a. The national economy benefits from the efforts of successful business
owners because of the revenue they bring in, the taxes they pay, and the
employment opportunities.
b. Innovative concepts and sources of funding could result in the
establishment of entirely new commercial sectors, significantly boosting
the financial stability of the whole country.
iii. Point 3: Essential to the growth and development of nation
a. Scientists, educators, healthcare experts, and social workers enhance their
communities. Scientists may make discoveries that change the world,

teachers teach the next generation of workers, healthcare workers provide
critical care, and social workers help people who are in need.
b. The development and competitiveness of a nation can benefit from greater
scientific knowledge, new methods in education and healthcare, and other
iv. Point 4: Strengthening Community Ties
a. Promoting community cohesiveness through addressing social concerns,
promoting inclusivity, and building connections between disparate groups.
b. Actively contribute to society; they add to the social framework by
upholding common beliefs, standards, and a sense of community.
c. Contribute to expanding a community's social capital, including its trust,
networks, and relationships. In a crisis, social capital can help mobilize
resources and assistance.
i. The optimal approach is to value and celebrate both aspects, recognizing that the
relationship between economic growth and social improvement is important for
the growth and development of the country.
ii. Success can refer to a variety of things, including financial stability, making
positive contributions to society, and having a strong sense of community. A
strategy that takes a holistic view considers the interrelated qualities of different
aspects as well as their collective effect on the overall wellness of the nation.


Make a
to society
lot of Brief Explanation

A  Rajeswari Jeyaraman (Teacher) – Founder of PETRAWARIS & NADIJUARA

Miss Rajee positively impacts society by giving her students the knowledge and
abilities they need to thrive. 'A well-educated society is better suited to address
societal concerns and contribute to economic prosperity,' she says. In addition,
she significantly impacts her students' morals and ethics. She fosters admiration,
accountability, compassion, and teamwork. These values help people become
responsible adults who are involved in their communities and make good
contributions to society.

B  Kuhan Pathy (Entrepreneur) – Co Founder of Masala Wheels - first social

enterprise food truck in Malaysia.
Mr Kuhan believes that building people's skills can make their lives better. He
promotes sustainable and inclusive economic empowerment and growth in line
with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. Kuhan and his partners operate a
food truck, professional catering services, and a restaurant in Petaling Jaya,
Malaysia, all of which provide opportunities for training and employment in the
hospitality industry. The company is motivated by the belief that "the way to a
person's heart is through their stomach."

C   Subramaniam A. Naidu (Engineer) - STRAVIK COO & Co-Founder

A successful self-made millionaire who has worked on numerous enterprises,
reducing costs, and enhancing workflows by utilizing automation, analytics, and
engineering principles. He also ran the engineering department to meet customer
needs. His team got ISO 9001, ISO/TS 16949, and QC 80K certifications, which

gave ASE more business opportunities. As a leader who cares about the team,
Mr.Subra set up a weekly engineering forum where area leads could share
indicators and make changes to engineering. He did not stop trying to improve
things there. He also changed the company's training programs to be more
measurable and transparent for his workers.
D  Aminah Rahim (Entrepreneur) – Owns Romeo Barber Shop
Miss Aminah has made much money in the beauty business because she has a
knack for making haircuts feel like a luxury. Her high-end barber shop is known
for its luxurious decor, famous clients, and high-priced services. This makes her
one of the wealthiest barber shop owners in the city. Even though Aminah is doing
well financially, she cares more about making money than helping the community.
She is known for abstaining from social duty and rarely helping with charity work
or other community projects.
E  Amanda Sterling (Entrepreneur)– Owner of Sterling Enterprises
Amanda started with a modest business, which she eventually expanded into a
multinational corporation that spans multiple industries and generates massive
profits. On the other hand, Amanda's success has been driven mainly by her
relentless pursuit of financial gains, with little focus on charity or social
contributions. Her ability to maximize earnings has made her a billionaire, yet she
is often criticized for lacking charitable and community commitment.


In Malaysia, the idea of success is as varied as the country itself, representing its people's
many different values, beliefs, and goals. As we look deeper into this complicated fabric,
two other ideas about what makes someone successful start to stand out. On the one side,
a widespread view glorifies wealthy people as the pinnacle of achievement. This
perspective emphasizes the value of monetary success and the material luxuries it
provides. Another idea, honouring individuals who have devoted their lives to making
significant contributions to society, is still widely held in Malaysia's diverse cultural
landscape. Many people believe that the actual measure of one's success is not the
accumulation of personal wealth but rather the significant contribution that an individual
makes to the general prosperity of the nation. These opposing points of view, each
strongly supported by various segments of Malaysian society, serve as the backdrop for a
complex debate highlighting the complicated nature of attaining success in this dynamic

In this essay, we will begin on a journey to unravel the complexities of success in

Malaysia, and in doing so, we will advocate for an all-encompassing perspective that
goes beyond the boundaries of financial accomplishments and societal contributions. The
conversation typically centres on two key concepts: financial success, which is generally
defined by the accumulation of riches and economic prosperity, and societal success,
which is determined by the significant contributions that an individual makes to the larger
community. By combining these two seemingly separate aspects of success, we can better
understand the Malaysian case in point. In this essay, I discuss more deeply how the
notion of success in Malaysia should be approached from a comprehensive
perspective that incorporates both financial accomplishments and societal

The stability of the Malaysian economy and how it influences people's quality of life
are the two most important aspects of the country's prosperity. Moreover, a stable

economy ensures that essential goods and services remain accessible and affordable for
the general population. It helps to maintain a steady supply of necessities, such as food,
healthcare, and education, which are fundamental for a good quality of life. Additionally,
a stable economy often attracts foreign investments, further stimulating economic growth
and benefitting people.

On top of it, higher-income individuals tend to have certain advantages that can
significantly improve their overall quality of life. When we talk about money, one
common point is how having more financial resources can give individuals access to
various benefits. People with more wealth can invest in better homes, providing them
with a higher quality of life. Additionally, improved healthcare services become more
accessible, allowing individuals to prioritize their well-being and receive medical
attention. Moreover, let us remember education! With increased wealth, parents can
provide their children with the best education opportunities, setting them up for success
in the future. Increased wealth can significantly impact various aspects of people's lives.

Having essential luxuries enhances our overall quality of life. Not only do they provide
us with comfort, but they also contribute to our safety and well-being. It is impressive
how these luxuries have become necessities in our modern world. The distinction
between social classes is quite apparent in Bukit Tunku, as it is the chosen residence for
the Malaysian aristocracy, who own homes worth millions of ringgit. The typical home
sale price in this neighbourhood is more than RM25 million, making it a significant
player in Malaysia's luxury real estate market. The Managing Director of Metro Rec Sdn.
Bhd. Ng Weng Yew agrees. "Bukit Tunku is seen as Malaysia's Beverly Hills and a
prestigious address for wealthy locals and expatriates." (Cover Story: Beverly Hills of
Kuala Lumpur Sees Solid Values and Demand, 2019). In discussing the success of a
country, it is often expected to evaluate it based on factors such as economic stability and
improved living standards. These factors, among others, are often used as benchmarks to
assess the success of a country.

As we move on to our second point, we must emphasise the significant transformations
that business and innovation have brought in Malaysia. The impact of successful
business owners on national income is a topic of great significance and has been widely
debated. Undeniably, these individuals play a crucial role in driving economic growth
and prosperity. By creating jobs and generating revenue, they contribute to the overall
economic growth of a country. Additionally, their entrepreneurial spirit and innovative
ideas can lead to the development of new industries and technologies, further stimulating
economic progress. It is fascinating to see how the success of individual business owners
can have such far-reaching effects. It is interesting how significant tax shifts can majorly
impact the overall tax base.

By bringing in a substantial amount of money, these shifts play a crucial role in funding
critical public services and infrastructure. In addition to that point, it is worth mentioning
that the job openings created by these business owners play a significant role in reducing
unemployment rates and driving economic growth. Being an entrepreneur goes beyond
just the obvious benefits. It opens up doors to innovative ideas and provides access to
new sources of financial support. It is fascinating how being an entrepreneur allows
individuals to tap into their creativity and explore uncharted territories. By embracing
entrepreneurship, people can bring fresh perspectives and solutions, ultimately driving
progress and growth in various industries. These advances could lead to the creation of
new business sectors. This could positively impact the economy and contribute to the
overall financial growth of the nation.

In discussing the statement provided, it is worth noting that Mr. Subramaniam A. Naidu,
an Engineer, COO, and co-founder of STRAVIK, played a significant role in increasing
capacity and earnings for a local Malaysian restaurant. This was achieved by
implementing a new method for grilling meat, which incorporated engineering quality
control methodology and LEAN concepts. By establishing transparent process flows, Mr.
Naidu enhanced the restaurant's operations and ultimately contributed to its growth. The
company achieved a 20% increase in cooking capacity by implementing these business
optimisation strategies. Not only that, but they also managed to lower their total costs by
a significant 30%. (Malaysian Satay Restaurant Raises Capacity by 20% and Lower
Costs by 30%, 2020) Seeing how these strategies have positively impacted the business's
operations is excellent. Therefore, successful business owners play an integral part in
Malaysia, and their financial success and innovative mindset are fundamental to the
national definition of success.

The third main point of this discussion is the substantial impact professionals from
different backgrounds have on our society. It is fascinating to see how individuals with
diverse expertise and experiences can contribute to the betterment of our communities.
Scientists, teachers, doctors, and social workers contribute to improving their
communities and countries. Each profession brings unique skills and expertise vital for
improving the overall quality of life. Scientists, for instance, conduct research and make
discoveries that drive innovation and advancements in various fields. Teachers play a
fundamental role in educating and shaping the minds of future generations. Doctors
provide essential healthcare services, ensuring the well-being of individuals and
communities. On the other hand, social workers offer support and assistance to
vulnerable populations, promoting social justice and equality. Together, these
professionals work towards raising the general living level and positively impacting

By coming together and working towards common goals, Malaysians can address issues
such as poverty, housing, and infrastructure, ultimately leading to a better quality of life
for everyone. Additionally, this shared commitment plays a crucial role in raising
educational levels in Malaysia. By prioritizing education and pooling resources,
Malaysians can provide better access to quality education for all individuals, regardless
of their background. Furthermore, the shared commitment in Malaysian culture also
positively impacts improving healthcare services. By working collectively, Malaysians
can allocate resources effectively, invest in healthcare infrastructure, and ensure that
quality healthcare is accessible to all citizens. This leads to improved health outcomes,
reduced mortality rates, and an overall healthier population. Lastly, the shared
commitment in Malaysian culture strengthens society as a whole. It is interesting to see
how Malaysians prioritize actions beyond financial success. This commitment to
bettering society speaks to their values and shows they place great importance on making
a positive impact.

I want to add to the ongoing discussion by providing some clarification and support
regarding the impact of Miss Rajeswari Jeyaraman, the Founder of PETRAWARIS &
NADIJUARA ACADEMY, on the morals and ethics of her students. In the interview
question from Task 2, column A, it was evident that Miss Jeyaraman has a significant
influence. She emphasizes the importance of promoting admiration, accountability,
empathy, and collaboration. These values are crucial in fostering a positive and
productive environment. These play a crucial role in helping individuals grow into
responsible adults. By following these principles, people can become active community
participants and positively impact society.

Our fourth discussion point underlines the relevance of individuals contributing to

society in solidifying communal bonds. People like them play a vital role in fostering
community cohesion. Addressing critical social issues brings attention to important
matters that might otherwise go unnoticed. Their advocacy for diversity helps to create a
more inclusive and accepting environment for everyone. Additionally, their efforts in
building bridges between communities help to foster understanding and promote unity.
Overall, their contributions are instrumental in strengthening the foundations of our

In contributing to the social framework, it is interesting to note that individuals who

uphold common ideas and standards play a significant role. By actively participating in
activities to improve the community, they foster a strong sense of community
recognition. This active involvement helps create a cohesive social structure and
promotes a shared sense of responsibility for the betterment of the community. In
addition to that point, it is worth mentioning that when individuals make contributions, it
positively impacts a community's social capital. This includes fostering trust among
community members, expanding networks, and strengthening relationships.
Social capital is always beneficial, but it becomes even more crucial during times of
crisis. It plays a significant role in enabling communities to unite and effectively mobilize
resources and support. By strengthening communal relationships and resilience, social
capital helps communities navigate through challenging situations more efficiently. In
addition to the government's efforts, several voluntary and charity organizations in
Malaysia play a crucial role in contributing to society. One such organization is Mercy
Malaysia, which has provided healthcare, education, and disaster relief during the Covid-
19 pandemic. Their contributions have been invaluable in supporting the community and
addressing the various challenges due to the pandemic. In terms of their contributions,
they have been actively involved in various initiatives. Firstly, they have played a crucial
role in mobilizing medical personnel for screening and swab tests in red zones around
Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. This has been instrumental in identifying and containing the
spread of the virus in these areas. Secondly, they have distributed essential EMT
equipment to health offices in areas where EMCO has been implemented, such as
Selayang and Kepong. This has helped to ensure that healthcare facilities in these areas
are well-equipped to handle the increasing number of cases. Additionally, they have been
actively supplying personal protective equipment (PPE) to hospitals and clinics. This has
been vital in safeguarding the health and safety of frontline healthcare workers at a higher
risk of exposure to the virus. (International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and
Systems, 2022, August 31). This initiative has significantly supported vulnerable
communities facing financial difficulties during these challenging times.

In conclusion, "success" in Malaysia is a complex and diverse term that includes

financial achievements and societal contributions. Economic stability and an enhanced
quality of life are crucial indicators of success in Malaysia, a diverse and progressive
nation. Successful entrepreneurs and business owners generate wealth that benefits them
personally and the nation's financial stability, boosting economic growth and jobs. In
addition, the work of experts in many fields, including scientists, teachers, doctors, and
social workers, is highly valued in Malaysia. They play crucial roles in moulding the
future, improving healthcare, and tackling social challenges, and their efforts greatly
enhance people's quality of life, access to quality education, and healthcare. This
dedication to societal improvement demonstrates how contributions beyond financial
success are deeply rooted in the Malaysian conception of success. In addition, Malaysians
who actively contribute to society play a crucial role in promoting community cohesion.
They foster cultures that celebrate variety and encourage togetherness through addressing
social challenges, encouraging inclusivity, and connecting varied groups. This increases
community links and social capital, establishing trust, networks, and relationships that
prove crucial during times of crisis.

Ultimately, success in Malaysia is a broad idea that includes economic security,

societal contributions, and a strong sense of community. A holistic approach
acknowledges the interplay of these aspects and their combined impact on the
nation's well-being. Malaysians continue their pursuit of a wealthy, harmonious, and
united society in which success is defined by individual achievements and contributions
to the larger good by adopting this holistic perspective.



o Cover Story: Beverly Hills of Kuala Lumpur sees solid values and demand. (n.d.).
The Edge Malaysia.
o (2022, August
31). International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, 15(4).
o N. (2021, April 11). Some people say that individuals who make a lot of money
are most successful. Others think that those who c. . .
o Admin, S. (2022, November 27). Individuals Who Make a lot of Money are Most
Successful. IELTSXpress.
o Malaysian teachers are amongst the most dedicated in the world for ensuring
students achieve academic success. (n.d.). Cambridge Assessment International


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