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China Professional Manufacturer
Of Pipe / Tube Mill

Shijiazhuang Zhongtai Pipe Technology Development Co., Ltd

Address:Room ���� Kaiyuan Building, No.��� East Zhongshan Road, Shijiazhuang, China
Phone:+��-���-���� ���� +�������������
ABSTRACT ................................................................... ��

HISTORY ........................................................................ ��
Business philosophy ...................................................................................... ��
Service .......................................................................................................... ��

CATALOGUE PRODUCT TECHNIQUE .......................................

ZTF Forming Process ..................................................................................... ��

Direct Square to Square Pipe Mill ................................................................... ��

Multi-functional Tube Production Line ........................................................... ��

Quick-change System ..................................................................................... ��
XZTF Round-to-Square Pipe Mill ..................................................................... ��
Model List ...................................................................................................... ��

Our sales ...................................................................... ��

Certificate ...................................................................................................... ��
ABSTRACT High frequency straight
welded pipe produc�on line

Mul�-func�on cold roll steel/

Cold roll steel produc�on line
welded pipe produc�on line
Our main
Sli�ng line produc�on line Stainless steel pipe mill

Various pipe mill auxiliary

equipment and rollers, etc

Shijiazhuang Zhongtai Pipe Technology Development Co., Ltd.was established in
2000 loca�ng in Shijiazhuang, the capital city of Hebei Province. Adjacent to Beijing,
we are endowed with convenient transporta�on and many geographical benefits.
With the combina�on of R&D, produc�on, sales, and service, our technicians work
stably with precise working style. The factory covers an area of 67,000 square
meters, consis�ng of moulding work-
shop, machining workshop, assembly
workshop, and heat treatment work-

shop.Based on the principle of high
Vehicle Transportation
Natural Gas Machine
efficiency & people-oriented service, Hydraulic
our company scale expands steadily
during the past decades. Now with our
products sold across the country and
around the globe, our company has
become a scaled manufacturer in the
welded pipeline produc�on field.

01 Shijiazhuang Zhongtai Pipe Technology Development Co., Ltd Shijiazhuang Zhongtai Pipe Technology Development Co., Ltd 02
In 2022, China’s first In 2020, ZTZG signed the In 2019, China's first round-to-square shared roller
advanced version direct largest stainless steel double produc�on line.
square forming pipe line weld seams 862 pipe The F80X8 round-to-square shared roller forming
with fully-automa�c adjust- produc�on line in China. process equipment was put into use in Tangshan
ment. Shunjie Cold Roll Forming Steel Co., LTD.

2022 2020 2019

2021 2018
In 2021, automobile In 2018, ZTZG obtained over 10 patents within a year, which shocked the industry.
structure pipe produc- Chinese first new direct square forming 500×500mm produc�on line was signed
�on line exported to in Tianjin by ZTZG.
Japan completed China’s first straight welded API pipe produc�on line with OD 720mm.
commissioning. Straight seam welded API pipe produc�on line with OD 720mm designed for
Russia’s Tempo-NTZ.

In 2001, a 150×150 tube In 2004, the 273mm ZTF( In 2006, China’s first stainless In 2008, ZTZG became In 2010, passed ISO9001 Quality In 2015, China’s first direct square forming
mill was manufactured for ZhongTai Flexible Forming)-1 steel produc�on line special- an example company System Cer�fica�on; Par�cipated pipe line with fully-automa�c adjustment
Wuxi HengFa Color Coated pipe mill was manufactured for ized for Railway Rail. of Chinese Credit in the compila�on of a number of China's first computer-controlled online
Steel Sheets Co.,LTD Tianjin Zhongshun Steel Pipe The 200×200mm special stain- Ra�ng System. industry standards. roll posi�on adjustment direct square
China’s first directly square Factory. less steel sharp angle steel "XZTF" technology won the produc�on line (compa�ble with round
straight welded pipe China’s first welded pipe produc- produc�on line was manufac- China Cold Roll Forming Steel tube and square tube) was successfully
produc�on line. �on line by using ZTF Technology. tured for Shanxi Steel Group. Technology Innova�on Award. tested in Turkey.

2001 2004 2006 2008 2010 2015

2000 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011-2013

In 2000, established In 2003, China’s first mul�-func�onal welded pipe produc- In 2005, The 426mm ERW In 2007, the 1500mm cold roll In 2009, registered From 2011 to 2013, 100 mu of land
Shijiazhuang Zhong- �on line has been manufactured for KISC SSM. pipe mill was manufactured broad steel pipe mill was manu- the license for import was purchased for the construc�on
tai Tube Technology LW1200 mul�-func�on cold roll welded pipe produc�on for SUIA Fastube. factured for Wanhui Group. and export. of new workshops, and the compre-
Development Co., line manufactured for Yunnan Kunming Steel Company. China’s first API pipe produc- China’s First Broad Steel Sheet hensive processing workshop was
LTD. Won the "Tube Mill Technological Innova�on Price" of that year. �on line for high grade steel. Pile Equipment produc�on line. completed and put into use.

Shijiazhuang Zhongtai Pipe Technology Development Co., Ltd Shijiazhuang Zhongtai Pipe Technology Development Co., Ltd
03 04
Business Philosophy Stro ng C o m pany W i th O ve r � � Years of Ex p e r ie n ce

  ­
                      Hebei Dexu Pipe Machinery Making CO,. LTD

With currently over 200 employees including over 30 R&D crew members with
                         minimum of college degree and 25% of them with graduate degree and higher.

 ƒ 
Over 100 million RMB(15.6 mil USD) of sales achievement in 2020 from both
domes�c and overseas' market.

‚ 

Service Our factory covers the land of over 35000 in', consis�ng of a machining factory,
a assembling factory, a heat treatment factory, and a moulding factory. All the facto-
ry follows 6S standards and are equipped with modernized machines.
(1) free �mely replacement within the warranty period
(2) Lifelong responsibility for quality maintenance period
(1) Installa�on and debugging
(2) Technical support


(1) One to one service
(2) Uninterrupted website sta�oning
(1) Timely response within one hour
(2) a�er-sales service users return visit/ac�ve contact

regular tracking

05 Shijiazhuang Zhongtai Pipe Technology Development Co., Ltd Shijiazhuang Zhongtai Pipe Technology Development Co., Ltd 06

Technology is the key in maintaining a high efficient and high quality product while
minimizing the produc�on cost. With the development of technology, we have entered
1. Save 60% roller cost per specifica�on of desired product.
an era of automa�on and computeriza�on. Our research team strives for the realiza�on
2. Eliminate produc�on down �me for break-down forming sec�on
of higher automa�on of pipe produc�on for stronger, smaller, or bigger pipes.
roller replacement(typically 1-2 days per roller replacement).
3. Electric controlled with high automa�on level.

ZTF Forming Process

4. Higher precisionand faster roller change speed.

ZTF is a forming technique developed by ZTZG in 2005. It allows the shared-usage of

rollers during break-down sec�on when forming pipe, saving significant mould and labor
cost while greatly improving produc�on effi- Throughout the years, ZTZG has developed 4 genera�on for ZTF technique
ciency. It earns the reward of "Technology

Innova�on Award' by 'China Cold Forming
Steel Associa�on' in 2010. A�er absorbing ZTF-Ⅰ ZTF-ⅠI ZTF-ⅠII ZTF-ⅠV
advanced pipe making technology from both Share-usage of rollers Share-usage of rollers
Shared-usage of rollers Share-usage of rollers for the  for the 
abroad and domes�c, our innova�ve designed for break-down section for the entire „      
break-down section. with electric-motor
Each specification
produc�on line and each single unit of the pro- except for the first 2 stands.
requires a set of molds with computer
duc�on line are not only economical but also adjustment. adjustment.


07 Shijiazhuang Zhongtai Pipe Technology Development Co., Ltd Shijiazhuang Zhongtai Pipe Technology Development Co., Ltd 08
Direct Square to Square Pipe Mill 1. Save 95% roller cost for square&rectangular sizes.
2. Occupies smaller floor space compare to RS technique.
DSS technique directly reel the strip steel into desired sized tube with several 3. Saves raw material consump�on since the width of steel strip requiredis
dis�nct advantages. It adapts the mul�-point bending method, which avoids the 2.4%-3% narrower than RS.
axial force and side abrasion, reduces the forming step, and ensures high quality. 4. High Automa�on level, require minimum to none manual adjustment.
Compare to Round-to-Square(RS) forming technique, DSS creates be�er outer edge
and smaller inner are for the cross sec�on of the tube, and the brim is fla�er with
more regular outlook. With our new DSS-3 technique, only one set of rollers is needed
for the en�re mill with no need for any roller or spacer replacement, which achieves
full-automa�c adjustment for roller posi�ons, significantly increasing produc�on
efficiency and reducing labor cost and risk of hazard. †      
It is used to extrude the R
angle and ensure the angle
Automatic Intellectualized
One-button control of forming R angle,
Position Material
Control solving the problem of uneven
Adjustment Feeding
R angle in tradi�onal direct
square forming.

09 Shijiazhuang Zhongtai Pipe Technology Development Co., Ltd Shijiazhuang Zhongtai Pipe Technology Development Co., Ltd 10
Auto Stands Adjustment System
Multi-functional Tube Production Line When a produc�on line has less than three specifica-
�ons, this new auto-quick change system is recommended.
There is no need to replace the mold, just pre-place the
Mul�-func�onal produc�on line combines the latest share-usage roller tech-
corresponding mold on the horizontal roll and ver�cal
niques(ZTF,DSS) in producing round pipe and square tube. It can produce round
roll, and the automa�c motor adjusts the roll posi�on
pipe, square and rectangular pipe, and some of broach cold rolled sec�on steel all without the need of dismantling and roller switching.
with only one set of mill.
Horizontal Stand Roller Quick-shaft Change System
1. Can produce straight welded round, square, rectangular, When changing rollers, pull out the side of the en�re sha�ing unit, li� the sha�-
and unwelded abroach steel(C,Z,U,etc) within
ing unit with the first roller specifica�on from the transport trolley with the crown
1 set of produc�on line.
2. Save significant roller cost when producing mul�ple and put it aside, li� the sha�ing unit installed with the second roller specifica�on,
sizes of tube. place it on the transport trolley, and then push the sha�ing back to the frame. It
3. Allows share-use rollers in certain sec�on, reduce
reduces roller replacement �me for the en�re mill from ‡6 hours to ˆ2 hours.
labor intensity and produc�on efficiency.
4. Adopts advanced quick-change system.

Quick-change System

Hydraulic Shaft Quick-Change System

1.Requires no dismount of flange plate screw. Hydraulic transmission sha� removal device: Transmission sha� is designed as
2.Typical roller change period can reduced by 4/5 from standard changing methods. quick-dissemble type which requires no dismount of flange
3.Perfectly deal with water back-flow issue. plate screw. The dissemble of sha� u�lize hydraulic system for
4.Automa�cally clear the scale cinder and dust while performing. easy opera�on. Roller change period with quick-change
system: Appr. 8 hours (typically 1.5-2 days needed without
quick-change system)

Quick-change Table
If equipped with addi�onal set of sha�, the appr. roller
change period is < 2hours
Allows the pre-assemble of rollers onto the stands on the quick-change
Quick Changing Sha�: When the steel pipe specifica�on
table or quick-change sha�, when producing different size of rollers, needs to be changed, preload the new specifica�on and the
load the quick-change system table directly onto the produc�on quick-change sha� installed with the new roller can be put into
and switch off the exis�ng line. This system allows the unhalted produc�on, so as to achieve the effect of quickly changing the
produc�on process, saving significant �me during produc�on. steel pipe specifica�on.

11 Shijiazhuang Zhongtai Pipe Technology Development Co., Ltd Shijiazhuang Zhongtai Pipe Technology Development Co., Ltd 12
XZTF Round-to-Square Pipe Mill *A d van tage s*

†   ‰
With the increasing need in stronger structure and be�er quality square pipe,
1. Save up to 95% roller cost per one size of desired product.
many more countries and regions are star�ng to favor the round-to-square cold
formed square product due to their be�er inner R angle and shape. However, the
convenience and automa�on level of round-to-square forming compare to direct
2. Even inner R angle for square products.
square forming is s�ll lacking in some degree due to the forced change of rollers in
sizing sec�on when producing different square products.
3. No reduced thickness for the R angle compare to direct square forming.

4. Eliminate the incidence of R angle cracking when producing high grade steel tubes.

5. High automa�on level.

 Š‹Œ „„Œ ‰

This most advanced patented technique developed by ZTZG u�lizes round-to-square
technique while allowing customer to only use one set of rollers to produce all
square pipe range within the set range, and share-use break-down sec�on rollers
when producing round pipe, saving significant roller cost and increase produc�vity.
The adjus�ng �me when producing a different size of product should ≦ 2 hours.

No manual switching rollers, higher efficiency

  Ž ­   



13 Shijiazhuang Zhongtai Pipe Technology Development Co., Ltd Shijiazhuang Zhongtai Pipe Technology Development Co., Ltd 14
Model List Stainless Steel Pipe Mill Model List

     

‚     ‘
ERW MODEL LIST SS�� �-�� �x�-��x�� �.�-�.� ��

      SS�� Ф�-Ф�� �x�-��x�� �.�-�.� ��
‚     ‘
SS�� �-�� �x�-��x�� �.�-�.� ��
ERW�� �-�� �x�-��x�� �.�-�.� ���
SS�� ��-�� ��x��-��x�� �.�-�.� ��
ERW�� ��-�� ��x��-��x�� �.�-�.� ���
SS�� ��-�� ��x��-��x�� �.�-�.� ��

ERW�� ��-�� ��x��-��x�� �.�-�.� ��� SS��� ��-��� ��x��-��x�� �.�-�.� ��

ERW�� ��-�� ��x��-��x�� �.�-�.� ��� SS��� ��-��� ��x��-���x��� �.�-�.� ��

ERW�� ��-�� ��x��-��x�� �.�-�.� ��� SS��� ���-��� ��x��-���x��� �.�-�.� ��

SS��� ���-��� ���x���-���x��� �.�-�.� �

ERW��� ��-��� ��x��-��x�� �.�-�.� ��
SS��� ���-��� ��x���-���x��� �.�-��.� �
ERW��� ��-��� ��x��-���x��� �.�-�.� ��
SS��� ���-��� ���x���-���x��� �.�-��.� �
ERW��� ��-��� ��x��-���x��� �.�-�.� ��
SS��� ���-��� ���x���-���x��� �.�-��.� �
ERW��� ��-��� ��x��-���x��� �.�-�.� ��

ERW��� Ф���-Ф��� ��x��-���x��� �.�-��.� ��  ƒ    ƒ  
ERW��� Ф���-Ф��� ���x���-���x��� �.�-��.� �� “ “    
 ­ €‚
ERW��� ���-��� ���x���-���x��� �.�-��.� ��

ERW��� ���-��� ���x���-���x��� �.�-��.� ��

Our advantage
ERW��� ���-��� ���x���-���x��� �.�-��.� ��

ERW��� Ф���-Ф��� ���x���-���x��� �.�-��.� ��   ƒ   ’ ƒ  

ƒ€ „  ‹Œ‰Ž ‡

ERW��� Ф���-Ф��� ���x���-���x��� �.�-��.� ��   †‡ˆ‰  † ‘

Š  † ‡‘

Shijiazhuang Zhongtai Pipe Technology Development Co., Ltd Shijiazhuang Zhongtai Pipe Technology Development Co., Ltd
15 16
OUR SALES Country:Iraq
Company Name:Nojoom Alsuha
Product Name:��� ZTF-� API Pipe Production Line

Company Name:Acerias de Colombia ACESCO S.A.S
Product Name:���x���x�� Tube Production Line

ZTZG has established long-term and stable coopera�ve rela�ons with many large Time:����
enterprises at home and abroad, including: Kunming Steel Holding Co., LTD., Russia Product Name:��� Multi-functional Pipe Produc-
tion Line
Tempo-NTZ Company, India D.P. Jindal Group, Cambodia ISI Steel Company and other
well-known domes�c and foreign enterprises. Our company's turnover in 2021
reached $60 million, and our products are exported to Southeast Asia, Europe, South
America, Japan, Turkey and other countries and regions. ZTZG support customiza�on Company Name:Tempo-NTZ
according to interna�onal standards in each region, and provide excellent equip- Time:����
ment for many large enterprises at home and abroad, and our products are all over Product Name:���x�� API Pipe Production Line
( Largest straight welded API production line exported
by China)
the world!
Our export percentage is comprised of a number of major markets in which we
have been leading since our establishment.
The export percentage can be broken down as:
Company Name:Confidential
�.�% �.�% �.�% ��.�% �.�%
North Southeast Eastern Domes�c South
America Asia Asia Market America Time:����
Product Name:ERW��X� High Precision Vehicle Pipe
�.�% Africa �.�% Western �.�% Eastern �.�% Mid East �.�% South Asia
Europe Europe

Shijiazhuang Zhongtai Pipe Technology Development Co., Ltd Shijiazhuang Zhongtai Pipe Technology Development Co., Ltd
17 18
C e rtificate

Shijiazhuang Zhongtai Pipe Technology Development Co., Ltd Shijiazhuang Zhongtai Pipe Technology Development Co., Ltd

19 20

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