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ooredoo KEBMIAKAN INTERNAL INTERNAL POLICY No, 008/A0C-ADCGILGLITS Tentang concerning ANTHERAUD PTINDOSAT Tak INDOsAT INTERNAL, POLICY No O09/A0C-A0C@ILGLINS ‘Ani-Fraud Policy APPROVAL SHEET Prepared by: Giang Hermawan Group Head Le Hanna Storus Group Head Internal Auit Achmad Abimanya ‘Group Head HR Business Partner soy Wahjusi President Director & Criof Executive Officer Haroon Shahul Hameed Director & Chief Operation Officer Caba Pinter Director & Chief Financial Officer Herfini Haryono Diroctor & Chit Business Officer Iesyad Sahroni Director & Chief Human Resources Officer Page of 25 Signature f FF We freed Signature INDOSAT No. 009/A0c-AocarLeLte INTERNAL, ‘Ani-Fraud Policy POLICY [A LATAR BELAKANG & TUJUAN 1 Dalam rangka optimaliasi Good Comorate Governance ci internal Perusahaan make dpandang peril untuk meningkatkan © kewaspadaan terhadap perlaku fraud kepada segenap Jajaran Dreksi, Komisaris maupun Karyawan PT lndosat Tok CIndosat™ ‘tau Perusahaan’) beserta optimalsasi ari proses penanganan fraud, Poses penanganar fraud yang saat in Giaxsanakanoeh Perusahaan ‘dipandang perly untuk dngkatean melalui penyerpuriaan reguasi yang rmendukung kegatantesebul Penyempurnaan rogulasi dapat 3. diaksanakan melaki peryelarasan Tata ‘Cara Pelaksanaan Penanganan aud, nususrya Nota Dinas President Director dan Chet Executive Offcer No. 219/ACO- ACDBIHRO-PKGI'3. tenanggal 16 Mei 2083; Indosat Internal Policy No. O13/A0C- AOCFILGLITS. tentang. Ant-Fraud Pole Keputusan—Dieksi No 02/Dieksi200; " sebageimana slamandemen pada Keputusan Direksi PT." Indosat "No. (O84/Dieksi200 hal Ke Flic tertanggal 24 Jawuan 2007; Kode Etk setagamana’ disetyui leh Komiserstertanggal 25 November 2015; Keputusan" Dieksi No 404/Dieksi2006 sebagaimana ‘damandemen paca Putusan Dewan Diceksi PT bdosat Tok No (95/Dreks/200€ hal Kebjakan dan Prosedur Penanganan Pengaduan tertanggal 20 Desember 2006; dan Panduan Implenentasi dari Kode Et indosat. ‘A. BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVES 1 In regard to optimize Good Corperate Governance within the Company, itis deemed necessary to rlse awareness ot fraudulent behavior to Board of Decors, Boars of Commigsionar end empoyens of PT Indosat Tok (Indosat™ or “the Company’) along with the optimzation ofthe fraud handing process, “The current implementation of fraud handling process is deemed necessary to be Improved through improvernent of ‘regulations that support such activites. Improvement of regulations canbe implemented through the alignment of the fraud handing procedures, in Particular, Page 3025 Present Director & Chet Sxeetve Offer nerofice Memo No 218/AC- ACDBIHRO-PKGI9 dated May 15° 2083, IndostItrnal Paley No. o13/00C- ADCFILGUS concern of Ant ad Pokey Board of Drecors scree No Ob2tDreks!2007 a8_ amended ‘on Decree of Sear of rectors of PT Indowat Toc No. 0S 1/ekar2004 on Case of ts, dated 24h Jansry 207: Cove of Etc approved by Boas of Commissioners eted Noverer 25" ors. Boars of rectors Dacre No ‘osDrekoi2006 on Amendment to Deere of Boas of Orectors of PT Ingest Tox No. 0853 ek 2005 on Winstebiower Paley & Procedies datos 20 Decomoae 2008 an ‘The Implementation Guide of PT Indosat Tok's Code of Ethics INDOSAT No oo9iAoc-AocerLeLie INTERNAL, ‘Ani-Fraus Potcy POLICY 4, Penyelarasan Tata Gara Pelaksanaan 4, Alignment ofthe current fraud handing Penanganan fraud yang ada saat ini process shall be performed, thus the perks diakukan sehingga akuniabites aceountebilty of fraud handling process enanganan fraud dapat lerjaga dengan can be well maintained, bak 5. Sepaniang tidak ditertukan lain, sarana 5, Otherwise it 18 not pected, working kena dan pembiayaan (lomasuk facies and expenses {incucing Work pembiayaan perjasnan dings) terkat travel related expanses) related to the pPenanganan fraud akan menggunakan fraud handling process shal use working Saran Kea sertabiaya masing-masing _faclty and expenses from each function fungsi atau unt keqanys, cor wotking unit. 6. Group Head Inemal Audit atau 6. Intemal Audit Group Head or any other ppenamaan jabaten lainnya sepanjang _posilon’s name ae long ae underlining ‘membawahi furgsi intemal Audit the Iteral Aust function acting as Head bertndak selaku Ketua Tim Invesigasi of Investigation Team shall be bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan responsible fo conduct activity) related kegiatar-kegiatan yang berkatan 10 the nvestigation process and engan proses Investigasi can coordinate ‘with lated groups, offer melakukan koordnasi dengan grup functions within the Company and other Terkait dan fungs-fungsi lainnya ci ted partes Perusahaan, maupun pihak ketiga lain 7. Group Hed Human Resource Business 7. Human Resources Business Partner ote Heme Hees ice Sue 7. Caren, nine nies eter ‘sepanjang membawahi fungsi Human _asiong as underiing Humen Resources Resource. Business Partner berindsk Business Parner function who acting 88 selaku Ketua Tim Vertkasi bertanggung Head of ‘Verification Team wil be jawab untuk melakukan kegatan- responsible to conduct acti) related kegiaten yang bertatan dengan proses 10 verification process based on verfikasi atas laporan Tim investigasi, Irvestigalon team Reports). and ddan mengupayaian_pengerbalian responsible to handle the loss recovery kerugiaiaiasfreud yang diakukan olen from such fraud conducted by katyawan. employees. 8. Group Head Legal stay penamaan 8. Legal Group Head or anyother posion's jabatan lainnya sefanjang membawahi name as long as underlining Legal fungsi Legal ates instraksi dari AR function based on inetuction(s) from HR Committee davatauTim Dewan Jabstan Commitee and/or Industrial Relation (Wanjao) bertugas untuk mengajukan Team (Wanjab) wil be assigned to fle ‘paya hukum (anlaa lain Laporan Polsi, law sults (including Police Repod or Cit ‘maupun gugatan) sehubungan dengan Law sul) in relation to fraud case, tindakan fraud yang triad, 9. Hathal yang bolum ditur, dapat danas ©. Any unregulated andlor arising tues, kemucian bak diinteral Tim irvestgasi, may be. discussed later within “Tie Vertkas, Tim Wariab maupun HR Irwestigation Team, Veriicaion team Commitee yang standatangani seckt- Industral Relation Team or. HR. 40125 INDOSAT No. O09/A0C-A0CGILGLNS INTERNAL, ‘Ani-Fraud Policy POLICY Duties 1 To review Investigation Team report; To conduct additonal investigation fon suspected fraudster, wherever necessary, To conduct any necessary procedures related tothe venfiation process; and \v.To summarize Investgatom Team Report along wih applicable sanction recommendation 10 be delivered 10 Industial Relation or HR Commit, Responsibity ‘Al personnel involved in the fraud handing process shall be responsie to keep confidentiaity on every material Uiarngad ne oonmiderad confgantal Until such material or the object has bbeen deemed as general informationino longer considered as confidential material or has been disclosed for the Company nterestiegal interest Authority \erticaton Team member has authority to perform duties as mentioned above Dhision of work wil be according to feach function (ex officio) and. the Investigation Team are auhorzed to Page 19 025, InoosaT No. o09/A0c-AocenLeLie INTERNAL ‘Ani-Fraud Policy Pouicy mendelegasitan fuga, tanggurg jawab, delegate duties, responsibitios and to dan Kewenangan kepada Karyawan lain authorize otter employees (permanent (Cerstatus Karyawar tetap) oi divsinye employee) in dsion or other group if Masing-masing apsbia_dirinya_—helshe._ cannot be present. Such bethalangan had, pendelegasian delegation shall not be considered lersebut tak bereft rutin, route. 4. Susunan Tim Dewan Jabatan (Wanjab) 4, Industrial Relation Team Structure Ketua Chis Human Resources" Head ‘Chief Human Resources Officer Ofcae Waki Ketua : Group Head HR Deputy Head - HR Business Parner Business Partner Group Head ‘Anggota —: Group Head Logal Member: Legal Group Head Divison Head HR HE Relation Division Head Relavon Sekselariat < Manager difungsi HR Secretary —_: Manager in HF function Tugas, Tanggung Jawab dan Duty, Responsibility and Authority of Kewenangan Tim Wanjab a Togas, [o'Tim Wanjab bertugas untuk“ Industral Relation Team is ‘menganalisa apakan sual tindakan responsible to exarrine whether & ‘raud telah tad, berdasarkan ‘aud has been occured based on temuan dan _Investigasi yang investigation ndings that has been lsusun oleh Tin Investigas! can ‘summarized by vestigation Team ‘Tim Veritas ‘and Veration Team |i Apabilaterdapat kekurangan data- inva condition where no sufcient ata atau informastinformasi terkat ‘evidence oF information related to ‘raud mak Tim Wanjab bertugas the fraud, Indust Relation Team Untuk memiberitan petunjuk kepada shall give direction to Vertcation Tim Veritkas! untuk melengkapt ‘Team in order to complete related ata-dala atau informastinfornasi evidence or information tersebut li Membuat retomendasi_berupa i To provide recommendation in the tindakan-tndakan sementare yang ‘orm of interim decision tha can be dapat diekukan—selama performed curing the fraud penanganan fraud, handling process; iv. Membiatrekomendasi Kapaa Ta provide recommendation for tua Tim Wanjab agar Ketua Tim Head of the Industial Relation Wanjab ‘dapat meminta kepada “Team to assign Legal Group Head ‘Geoup Legal urtuk to (]) melapor ke insttus! Kepolisian @ fie report to police institution daniatau andlor (i) mendaftarkan qugatan, dalam (i) ile law suit within the proper yyurscksi hukum yang beriaku, law jurscicton, against the femradap pihak-phak yang ‘suspected fraudetere sdcuga metekukan fraud: ¥ Membuat' reksmendasi putusan _v,_ To provide recommendation for kepada Ketua Tim ‘Wanjab Head of industrial Relation Tear to ‘mengenai solusi dan sanksi terkat make decision regarding solutions frau, ‘3nd sanctons related tothe laud age 20 025, INDOSAT No d09iA0C-AgcaiLeL/ie INTERNAL ‘Ans-Fraud Policy POLicy i, Melaporkan kepada Board of To inlorm Board of Directors prior Directors sebelum dan sesudah ‘and. afer the final decision of ppengaméilan putusan.akhir alas {aud handing process is made, enanganan "fraud," termasuk Incluging decision on recovering putusan alas pengembalian the Companys losses; and ‘eerugian kepaca perusahaan: dan vi Melakukan' halal lain” yang vi, To conduct any necessary langgap peru berkatan proses procedures reletod “tothe invesigas Investigation process. b. Tangggung Jawa b. Responsibility Selutun persone! yang teribat_ Each persoanel Involved in the fraud fidalam "penanganan fraud ——_—anding shall be responsible to keep bertanggung jawab untuk menjaga confidentiality on avery — material Kerahasiaan las materi yang isclosed. or considered “confidential inyaiakan ata, bersfat rahasia, unl guch material or the objec has. ‘sampai dengan mates atau been deemed as general embahasan tetebut telah menjadi _information/no longer considered 98 Infermasiumurtdak lagicinyatakan _coafidentia)_ material of has been sebagai mater vahasia atau dbuka —dieciosed for” Company inferestiegal demi Kepentirgan Perusahaan/ interest kepentingan huka ©. Kewonangan & Authority Selurun anggeta Tim Warjab Member of Industrial Relation Team mmemilki “kewenangan untuk has. authorly to. perform dies os mmelaksanakan Tuges-lugas mentioned above, ited to manager Sebagaimanacisebutkan datas level up [othe lowest level. Dion of terbatas muisi pada tngkat manager work. ‘shall be according to. each sampaidengan tngkat paling bawan. function (ex-officio). In 2 condition Pembagian” Kea sesuai fungsi where Industrial Relation Team are not mmasing-masing (ex-ofico) dan _n presence, Industial Relaon Team berwenang untuk mendelegaskan are authorized to. delegate dues, tugas, tanggung jawab, dan _responsilites and authort to other kewenangan kepada Karyawan lain employees (permanent employee) in (bersiatus Karyavan tetap) di Diisi_ division or other group. Such ‘tau Group ya masing-masing _ delegation shall nat be considered as pahila. drinya hachslangan hace, roitine. ‘endelogasian tersebut tidak bersfat tn, 5. HR Committee 5. HR Committee Ketua Direktu Utama Head President Director Wall Ketua : Chiet Cperaing Officer Deputy Head : Chief Operating Officer Anggota Chief Francial Officer ‘Angola: Chief Financial Ofer Chief Business Offcer Chief Business Chet Human Resources Offcer Officer CCof Human Resources Offeer Sekretaiat : Division Head difungsiHR Secretary: Division Head in HR function Page 21 of 25 INDOSAT No oo9iAoc-aoceneu1e INTERNAL ‘Ani-Fraud Poley POLICY ‘Tugas, Tanggung Jawab dan Kewenangan Duty, Responsibility and Authority of HR. HR Committee Committee 2. Tuges a Duty \"HRcommitteo veriugas untuk" |--HR Commitee is responsible to menganalisa epakah suatu tindakan examine whether such fraud nas fraud telah teiad, berdasarkan been occured based on investigation {emuan dan investigas yang disusun findings that has been summarized ‘leh Tim lovestigast dan Tim by "Investigation Team and Vertkas Vertteation Team: i. Apablia ierdapa: Kekurangan data. i._In a condtion where no sufficient data atau informastinformasl teat ‘evidence or information rlatod to the frau maka HR commitos bertiges feaud, HR Commitee shall give untuk memberkan peturjuk kepada direcion to Verication Teamin order ‘Tim Venfiaasi uniuk melengkapl data fo complete related evidence or data atau informasiinformasi informaton; tersebut 1%. Membuat_rekomendasi_berupa To provide recommendation in the tindakansindskan sementara yang form of interim decision that can be dapat lakukan selama penanganan performed during tho fraud handing rave, process: Iw. Membuat ekomendasi kepada Ketua Wv._ Ta provide recommendation for Head HR” committee. agar Ketua HR ofthe HR commitee to assign Legal committee dapa_meminia kepada Group Head to Group Legal unk (0) Melapor ke institu Kepoisian @ le report to police inttuion aniatau andlor (i) mendaftarkan gugatan, “dalam le law suit within the proper yess! hucum yang beraku, law jursiction, against the ferradap "pak-piak yang suspected fraudsters, sdcuga metacukan fraud: ¥. Membuat rekemendasipulusan _v. To provide recommendation forthe kepada Ketua HR Committos Heaa of HR Commitee. to make rmengenai solusi dan pengembalian decision regarding solutons and kerugian kepada Perusahaan terkat ‘sanctions and recovering the fraud, ‘Company's losses related to fraud, Wi Melaporkan kepada Board of vi, To inform Board of Directors prior Directors sabelim dan aguidah Aare afer the final dacison of fred engambian putusan akhir tas handing process is made, Inciuding penanganan fraud, termasul putvsan decision on recovering the '3f35 pengembalion kervgian kepada Companys losses; and Perusahaan, dan viMelakukan ha-fallsin yang dianggap vi, To conduct any necessary pet beckatan proses invesigas procedures related tothe Investigation process. . Tanggung Jawa b. Responsibity ‘Seluruh personel yang teribat cidslam Each personnel involved in the fraud pPenanganan fraud benanggung jawed handing process shall be sponsible 10 lunidk menjaga kershasisan atas materi keep confidentially on each. material yang cinyatakan atau bersat ranasia, diedosad or consicered confidential unl age 220125 INTERNAL ‘An+Fraud Policy PoLicy ‘sampal dengan mate atau pombanasan fersebut telah menjadt informas! Uumunitidek lagi snyatakan "sebaga, materi rahasia atau douks demi Kepentingan Per-sahaarvkepentingan ula, s. Kewenangan Seluruh anggota HP Committee memilk kewenangan untuk melaksanakan tugas-tugas sebagamana disebuthan di alas terbatas mula dan tngkat Division Head sampai dergan tingkat Chief Pembagian kerja eesual fungsi masing- mating (ex offe.o) dan berwenang untuk mendelegasikan tugs, tanggung Jawa, dan kevenangan kepada Karyawan lain (berstatus karyawar tetap) yang dtunjuk fspabia orinya bernalangan hadi Pendelegacian terebut tidak borsfat rain 6. Aualt Committee Kelua Ault Committee Chairmen ‘Anggota = Aut Committee Member ‘Sekretaris = Sokrtars Komisaris, Tuges, Tanggung Jawad dan Kewenangan Korte Aust) 2 Tose i ome Audit bertugas untuk mengawas,bekoordas! dan mmenberkan masike eka ope Sats tndakan trod telah trad, Bercseran feman don Investes arg dausun eT nvetost tan 4 Mitaitan wae lan eabtirasn dengan pengnvasen, “Kose dln mastan ferkatpenongenan temadop.tindlan frou mengact Kepada Plagem Kemte At Yang tere b. Tangggung Jawab SSelurunanggota Korte Aud yang feribat didalam penanganan fraud bertanggung Jawa) untuk menjaga keranasiaan aise materi yang

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