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Historical Paragraph(s) Assignment

History of Popular Music 1; Prof. Jenkins

Due Date: Session 21 (submit via email by 11:59pm—anything sent after that time will be marked late
and drop 10% per day late)

Purpose: This assignment should contribute to the following:

Knowledge: This assignment will demonstrate your ability to write historical prose about a
specific song (the song you chose in your Proposal Assignment for your Term Paper).

Skills: 1) presenting historical context in a convincing manner; 2) attending to key interpretive

issues in the history of a song (not just random facts about the song); 3) writing persuasive prose
that convinces your reader of your interpretation.

“Real World” Application: Clear explanations derive from clear understanding. If you truly grasp
what is going on in a situation (a song, a political argument, a philosophical concept), you can
explain it clearly and persuasively. This has an application in most of our daily interactions with

Task: This is the next step in constructing your term paper. Write at least ONE and preferably several
paragraphs that present a historical context for your song. You must clearly articulate a historical
“problem” (or several problems) that you are trying to use in your interpretation of the song. For example,
“How does the fact that the “Star Spangled Banner” took its melody from a drinking song and originally
included lyrics that were pro-slavery impact our understanding of the anthem as a representation of
national pride?” You will then present the historical context in a clear and convincing manner. You will
avoid superfluous detail. For example, if the fact that Francis Scott Key wrote the poem for the Star
Spangled Banner in Maryland during the War of 1812 is not significant to your interpretation—don’t
bother to mention it. Stay focused. Remember to not just present facts, but interpret them. You can do this
in numerous ways. Ask yourself questions like: 1) How does this song fit into its time period? 2) Is it just
reflecting beliefs of the time or trying to suggest new insights? 3) What kind of view of its topic (love,
war, whatever) is presented and how does that relate to the concerns of the time?

You MUST cite sources (using footnotes or inline citations) for the information you provide. Don’t write
about the artist’s life EXCEPT insofar as it prepares us to understand the song you will discuss in your
final paper. So, if you are writing about a song from the beginning of Louis Armstrong’s career, do not
discuss the later parts of his career. Focus on what is pertinent to the song you will discuss. DO try to
provide some important background information. For instance, one might discuss the album as a whole or
discuss what influenced this particular song, etc.

Grading Rubric

Dimension Exceeds Meets Expectations Moving Toward Needs Substantial

Expectations (4) (3) Expectations (2) Improvement (1)
Statement of The historical The historical The problem is The problem is unclear or
Historical “problem” is problem is clearly not articulated nonexistent and/or
Issue clearly stated in a stated but not in a clearly enough or presented in a boring
manner that terribly exciting in a manner that manner; the problem is not
encourages manner; the intrigues the truly a historical issue at all
interest; the problem is not as reader; the
problem is an interesting as it problem is not
intriguing one (not ought to be really worthy of
something merely examination
biographical or
Presentation of The historical The element is The element is The element is not
the History element examined described in a described in a less described clearly or
is described in a mostly clear and than totally clear accurately; many mistakes
clear and accurate accurate manner; or accurate
manner; no maybe one manner; a few
mistaken mistaken mistakes
observations; observation
Relation to The discussion The discussion has The discussion The discussion bears little
Analysis and clearly prepares a interesting links has some real historical interest (it
Interpretation connection to the that might be historical interest merely lists facts without
analysis and exploited in an but doesn’t argument or connection to
interpretation of analysis and prepare an a possible analysis or
the song that will interpretation but analysis or interpretation).
appear in the final the connection is interpretation in
version of the not yet clear any clear manner
Rhetoric and Ideas presented in Mostly logical flow Some sense of Too disjointed in moving
Flow a logical manner; of ideas with some flow but a bit from idea to idea; not very
clear and gaps; mostly disjointed; lacking persuasive; no clear path
persuasive persuasive in from point to point
argumentation argumentation with persuasion/missed
based on logic; perhaps a missed opportunities;
smooth transitions opportunity; mostly rough transitions
from point to point good transitions
Writing 0-1 grammatical 2-5 relatively Grammatical Many grammatical errors
Conventions errors; well-formed minor grammatical errors make the making the paper difficult
sentences with a errors; decent paragraph to comprehend; no sources
good variety of sentences with relatively difficult cited
sentence some variety of to read; only one
structures; two structure; two source is cited
decent sources are sources are cited
cited in a manner but one is not that
that allows me to useful or is
find them redundant

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