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Surigao del Norte National High School

Peñaranda St., Surigao City

The Feasibility of Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) Sap

as One of the Additive Components

in Making Roof Sealant

A Capstone Project

Presented to

the Faculty of the Senior High School


Peñaranda St., Surigao City

in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for Senior High School

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion (3I’s) and Capstone

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

April Jane Poray

Johnlloyd Vitorillo

Keneth Jay Mondragon

Ma. Cecelia Salazar

Michael John Lloyd Luzada

Nichole Rose Siaboc

June 2023

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City


The purpose of this experiment was to test the feasibility of Jackfruit

sap as one of the additive components in making a roof sealant. The

procurement of the ingredients was gathered in the laboratory where the

experiment took place. The sealant samples undergo a thorough process to

prove the feasibility of Jackfruit sap as one of the additive components in

making a roof sealant. The data were gathered through trials using a Likert

scale. The experiment showed that the Jackfruit sap is effective on its

particular role as a sealant, and it is showed that the Jackfruit sap is

feasible as a one of the additive components in making roof sealant.

Key terms: Jackfruit sap, Roof Sealant, Additive components

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City


Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City


We are the researchers would like to express our appreciation to the

individuals who’ve extended their help in conducting this research paper

to be successful. Primarily, we would like to thank our parents who

patiently supported us financially, spiritually, and morally from the start

of conducting the study up until the finished product. Their supports

boosted us spiritually in accomplishing what we’ve started. Also, we

would like to express our appreciation to them for being understanding

and for their motivations. Secondly, we would like to express our deepest

appreciation to our research adviser/capstone project teacher, Ms.

Nessel D. Auditor, for her continuous guide, support, advice, patience,

and immense knowledge that helped us gain more knowledge about the

study. Lastly, to the researcher’s friends, for their never-ending support,

may it be in terms of emotional and moral support. They’ve been a big

part of this study.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City



TITLE PAGE …………………………………………. i

ABSTRACT …………………………………………. ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………………. iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………. iv


Introduction …………………………………………. 9

Conceptual Framework ………………………………………… 11

Statement of the Problem …………………………………… 14

Hypothesis ……………………………..…………………………. 14

Significance of the Study ………………………..… 15

Scope and Limitations of the Study ……………………. … 16

Definition of Terms ……………………………… 17

Chapter 2 - REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE …….………..… 18


Research Design …………………..…………..…. 29

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Research Locale …………………………………………. 29

Materials and Procedure …………………………………... 30


Results and Discussions ………………………………... 35



Summary ………………………………………… 42

Findings ………………………………………… 43

Conclusions ………………………………………… 44

Recommendations ……………………………... 44

REFERENCES .……………………………………...... 46

APPENDICES ………………………………………. 50

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Peñaranda St., Surigao City


Table Title Page

1 Distribution of Population and Respondent……………

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Peñaranda St., Surigao City


Figure Title Page

1 Research Paradigm………………………….
2 Flow Chart and General Procedures…….
3 The Making of Roof Sealant out of
Jackfruit sap………………………………….

Chapter 1

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City


This chapter presents the introduction, review of literature,

theoretical and conceptual framework, statement of the problem,

significance of the study, scope and limitations of the study, and

definition of terms.


The jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) is a tree species of the mulberry

family endemic to regions of south and south Asia. It is best suited to

tropical climates. Its fruit is less than 25 cm long (10 inches) in diameter.

The jackfruit is quite popular in many regions of the world. The jackfruit is

indigenous to India, the Philippines, and Indonesia, Bangladesh, Nepal, and

Sri Lanka are among the countries involved (Dass, 2017).

Jackfruit are evergreen, latex-producing trees of up to 25 m that are

native to India and Malaysia, that have spread to Sri Lanka, China, South-

east Asia and to tropical Africa. They are cultivated for the large fruits that

can vary in shape and size, and for timber (Janick et al., 2010)

Latex, which can also be found in various roof sealants, is present in

jackfruit. It also contains 82.6 to 86.4% resins, which can be used in the

production of varnish. The purpose and value of sealant play a very

essential role in the school. Roof sealants are generally used to keep water

out of a roof. It has been scientifically proven that jackfruit latex is a

potential source of adhesive. Jackfruit trees are 30 to 70 ft. (9-21 m) tall,

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

with evergreen, alternate, glossy, somewhat leathery leaves to 9 in (22.5 cm)

long, oval on mature wood, sometimes oblong or deeply lobed on young

shoots. All parts contain sticky white latex (Morton, 2010).

Sealant is known to be a viscous material which turns solid after

application and purpose being, prevention from dust, smoke, gas, air, water,

and other unwanted materials. There are many types of sealants which are

used to protect different kinds of surfaces like dry walls and roofs from

external damage. A sealant is also used for flat and sloping roofs, so that

they are protected for years. The forms in which these sealants are found

can be rubber, tar, paint, concrete, or any other durable covering material

that can withstand external pressure. Many houses nowadays have roof

concerns, which include rusting and holes in the roof due to climate issues.

This can be a major problem, such as easy breakage due to a low-quality

roof. Having broken roofs, it is tough to find a solution to these problems,

especially because practically all of us are experiencing financial difficulties.

There are certain types of sealants which are manufactured commercially by

certain companies which aid in the common problem that every household

experienced. However, commercial sealants these days are usually

expensive. The jackfruit latex is a possible eco-friendly and inexpensive

solution for sealing common household leakages. The researcher used the

constituent which are jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) latex and by

heating and mixing the ingredients to form a tacky substance that was used

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

as roof sealant. The components present the Jackfruit sap play a significant

role in making and finding sa feasibility of the roof sealant.

Conceptual Framework

This conceptual framework traces on organized and structured procedure in

realizing or achieving the outcome of the study which seeks to determine the

feasibility of Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) sap as one of the additives

components in making roof sealant.

Figure 1 shows the connection of variables of the study through a

research paradigm. The study first collected the materials needed for the
study first collected the materials needed for the study.

In Box . It consists of all materials that the researchers needed to collect

or gather to facilitate and conduct the experiment study which is the
graduated cylinder, jackfruit latex, weighing scale, stirring rod, empty
containers, and plaster of paris.

Next, the study followed the steps on procedure in making the jackfruit

(Artocarpus heterophyllus) such preparing cutting, extracting, sitting,

disposing excess substances, measuring, and mixing.

In Box 2. It is consistent with the experiment every step or process to

make the product. First is cutting the jackfruit. Second, extract the latex.

Third, removing the excess water of the latex, Next is storing the latex in the

container. Lastly, measuring all the components, and finally, mixing the

components altogether.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

In Box 3. Furthermore, the last box is where the output took place, this is

wherein the roof sealant already produced. The product is jackfruit sap as a

roof sealant.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City



 Preparing
 Jackfruit latex
 Stirring Rod  Cutting
 Extracting Jackfruit
 Empty
 Sitting (Artocarpus
 Plaster of  Dispose heterophyllus)
Paris excess sap as a Roof
 Gloves water Sealant
 Wooden  Measuring
Sticks  Mixing
 Gas
 Measuring
 Knife

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

Statement of the Problem

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

This study determines the feasibility of Jackfruit (Artocarpus

heterophyllus) sap as an alternative component in making roof Sealant. It

specifically sought to answer the following questions:

1. What component is present in Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus)

that makes it possible to make a roof sealant?

2. What is the level of feasibility of Jackfruit (Artocarpus

heterophyllus) to make possible in to make roof sealant in terms of:

2.1 Waterproof

2.2 Pressure Resistance

3.3 Heatproof

3. How long does it take for the total effect of the jackfruit sap roof



Ho: There is no significant difference between Jackfruit (Artocarpus

heterophyllus) sap sealant and the commercial sealant and has no

components that makes it possible to make a roof sealant and would last

long as a roof sealant.

Significance of the Study

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

The result of this study may be of beneficial and significant to the

following groups and individuals:

Environment: This study may encourage decrease of Jackfruit

(Artocarpus heterophyllus lam) waste like latex or sap leading to

environmental issues as these wastes are not disposed properly causing

environmental problems. And this may be beneficial for the environment

through reducing the effect of risk from the weather conditions.

Community: The study would be beneficial for the community

through reducing expense factors which could cope up to their problem

mainly to the shelter who can’t afford to purchase sealant for the roof

purpose. It could also help community to manage diverse ways to create

such brilliant alternative for the particular role of the roof sealant to protect

the area where leakages occur.

Future Researchers: This study would help the future student

researchers for their research project with this study’s process and results

as it can be used as their reference for their study.

Construction Workers: This study is beneficial for the construction

workers since they are the ones to apply the product on the roof and since

this study shows how fast-drying this product, this can be an advantage for

the construction workers since it’s not time consuming. And it doesn’t have

that harsh chemical that can damage the skin if it’s contacted.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The scope and limitation of this study is thoroughly discussed below

to provide a clever and specific understanding regarding to the topic of the

study. The following terms give an overview of the study and these can be

numerated as:

Focus: This study focus on the feasibility of jackfruit (Artocarpus

heterophyllus) sap as of roof sealant. It also focused on the sealant ability of

jackfruit sap as a source of the latex needed to create roof sealant.

Place & time: Poblacion Bacuag, Surigao del Norte, May 5, 2023. 8:00

am to 7:00 pm.

Respondents: Researchers and civilians, also the community.

Source of data: The data gathered through experimentation and testing

to the said place.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Definition of Terms

Jackfruit. A large tropical Asian tree (Artocarpus heterophyllus)

related to the breadfruit that yields a fine-grained yellow wood and immense

fruit which contain an edible pulp and nutritious seeds. The latex extracted

from the jackfruit tree is the main ingredient of the alternative sealant.

Latex. A colloidal suspension of very small polymer particles in water.

Latex is extracted from jackfruit and is used as ingredients of roof sealant.

Sealant. A substance that is put on the surface to protect it from air,

water, etc. The proponents will devise a roof sealant.

Components. It is a part or element of something such as mainly the

mixture of the roof sealant.

Likert Scale. It is a rating scale used to measure the efficacy and

feasibility of Jackfruit sap as one of the additive components in making a

roof sealant.

Resin. A generic term for polymer.t is valued for adhesive. It is an

organic compound that is bound and found in the Jackfruit latex.

Adhesive. It is a substance used for sticking objects and materials

particularly the roof for testing purposes.

Viscosity. It is a measurement of the Jackfruit sap fluid’s resistance

to flow resulting to be a perfect formula in adhesion.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Chapter 2


This section provides the concepts, writing, and findings of

Carpo (2019). Investigated his study and aimed to create an alternative

sealant out of natural material such as rubber tree latex and jackfruit latex

and test its capabilities through pressure testing the seal by way of airtight

syringes and presses. In addition to that, a commercial sealant was also

tested by taking 10 samples which were then tested in the same method as

the experimental samples. The commercial sealant acted as the control

group for the research study. In total, the research utilized 5 levels and 10

replications with a total sample size of 50 samples 4 of those levels were the

experimental groups and the last level was the control group. The resulting

data was processed in three stages, the first a simple analysis of variance,

secondly by a tukey post hoc test, and finally by a homogeneous subset.

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of adhesive on tensile

strength and bending strength of adhesive joints on balsa wood by varying

the type of bio-based adhesive. The use of bio-based adhesive is very

potential both as a substitute for synthetic-based adhesive. In this research,

adhesive joint was applied using a specimen of balsa wood which was

connected with bio-based adhesive which was varied, namely bio-based

adhesive from rubber tree sap, sap of jackfruit tree and sap of breadfruit

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

tree. In this study, tensile testing and bending testing were conducted to

determine the tensile strength and bending of balsa wood that has been

connected using bio-based adhesive variations.

The results of the research show that the variation of bio-based adhesive

can affect the strength of the structure of balsa wood which is done by

adhesive joints because in the variation of bio-based adhesive has different

adhesive characteristics so that the binding ability between bio-based

adhesive surfaces is different. Fault analysis was carried out after tensile

and bending tests to see the effect of bio-based adhesive variations on balsa

wood. It is evident that the results of tensile testing on rubber tree sap bio-

based adhesive were 28,193 MPa, on jackfruit sap bio-based adhesive was

19,93 MPa and on breadfruit tree bio-based adhesive sap was 15,963 MPa.

While the results of bending testing amounted to 23.58 MPa for bio-based

adhesive rubber tree sap, on 23.45 MPa for bio-based adhesive sap and

breadfruit tree sap at 19.18 MPa (Ma’arif, 2019).

rather stick together

than dissolve into the
solution. substances
which are
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Peñaranda St., Surigao City

There are different types of sealants which includes latex sealants and

elastomeric sealants. Latex sealants are water-based, easy to tool, easy to

clean up, paintable, and relatively less expensive than other types of

sealants. Latex sealants are usually made from latex emulsions. As stated

by Reddy and Palmer (2004), latex emulsions, which contain a stable water-

insoluble, polymeric colloidal suspension in an aqueous solution, are

commonly used in sealant compositions to improve the properties of those

compositions by suspending the small particles inside the flexible structure

of the colloid. Latex emulsions are also employed to reduce the brittleness of

the sealant compositions. In addition, latex emulsions are used to improve

the flexibility of sealant compositions. Different types of sealants have

different pressure tolerances for different purposes as pressure tolerance.

Selecting environmentally preferable building materials is one way to

reduce the negative environmental impacts associated with the built

environment. This paper proposes a framework that incorporates

environmental and economic constraints while maximizing the number of

credits reached under the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

(LEED) rating system. The framework helps decision makers with the

appropriate selection of conventional and green building materials. It

consists of two modules: System Dynamics module and Ant Colony

Optimization module. The paper describes the developments made in these

two modules, where the selection of building materials is carried out based

on LEED credits and costs. The proposed framework provides more credits
Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

when using environmentally friendly materials. A case study of residential

building is presented to demonstrate the main features of proposed

framework (Marzouk, 2013)

According to Billore et. al., (2013) states that synthetic and natural clay

(bentonite) liners are commercially used to protect leakage from a variety of

earthy ponding and containments to conserve water and for the wastewater

not to contaminate the groundwater. The present study evaluates the

sealant property of the local clay hitherto used intensively in the

manufacture of earthen wares, bricks, smearing materials, and sealant in

roof cracks. Extensive deposits of fluvial sediments occur along the bank of

River Kshipra in and around Ujjain situated on Malwa plateau in Madhya

Pradesh. Field-collected clay samples were analyzed by X-ray diffraction and

ethylene glycol treatment (EGT) and compared with standard bentonite

procured from Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation. The X-ray

diffraction profile analysis with basal reflection (001) at 14° to 15° clearly

confirmed the identification of smectite group of the clay under study. The

EGT substantiated the presence of smectite in the Ujjain clay as well as in

the standard bentonite, which is diagnostic to the swelling property of the

clay. The overall study thus characterizes the potentiality of Ujjain clay as a

mineral-based hydraulic barrier material and a component of natural liner

in surface-water impoundments and lagoons.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

According to Team WFM (2016), it has been established that sealants are

“polymers having a tight molecular structure that does not allow water to

penetrate a seal”. The researcher of the study has empirical evidence that a

mixture of jackfruit latex upon a rubber base possesses hydrophobic

properties and other desirable properties usually required for a sealant to do

its job. The hydrophobic property of the components is the main factor for

producing the sealant as the mixture is a worthy alternative to the

commercial sealants found in hardware shops.

According to an article by Than (2017), it was mentioned that

“hydrophobes are nonpolar molecules and usually have a long chain of

carbons that do not interact with water molecules.” American Chemist

Walter Kauzmann described that nonpolar substances tend to clump up

together rather than evenly distribute itself in an aqueous medium, because

this allows the compounds to expose the least surface area to the aqueous

solution. When hydrophobes are placed in an aqueous medium, the

hydrogen bonds between the water molecules will have to be broken for the

hydrophobe to be dissolved into the medium and as commonly noted,

hydrogen bonds are the strongest bonds that form between any given

molecules. It is due to the hydrogen bonds that hydrophobes would much

rather stick together than dissolve into the solution.

Jackfruit has been a key source of nutrition for people in Asia, it is

considered an invasive species in the Brazilian rain forest because jackfruit

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

competes with native trees. The jackfruit is an underutilized crop in the

tropical- to-subtropical climate where most of the fruits get wasted due to

ignorance, lack of post- harvest technology supply calcium, when that been

chain iron, compared systems, vitamins to the is widely consumed reported

Jackfruit contains and common, and more gaps in protein, essential

nutrients fruits. Jackfruit is fresh fruit has also the therapeutic qualities

since ancient times. The parts of the world facing food insecurity, the

jackfruit could be manna from a tree (Prem, 2015).

The jackfruit can be not only used for several culinary operations, but

the seed powder also has a lot of potential in food jackfruit can, cosmetics,

pharmaceuticals, paper, bio- nanotechnology industries, thickener

especially and binding agent (Goswani, 2016).

According to the article of Dela Torre (2018), fruit trees are important as

additional sources of revenue and are important diet supplements. Besides

edible fruits, there are several other useful products available from these

fruit trees.

However, despite their significance, these plants have not been

researched thoroughly for their propagation, cultivation, and molecular

characterization. Unlike the annual agricultural crops, fruit trees present

certain unique problems in terms of their improvement. The long pre-

bearing age and highly heterozygous cross pollination nature of these crops

constitute a serious problem for their rapid improvement and assessment of

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

available variability. With changing socio-economic and environmental

values, there is now a worldwide burgeoning of interest and support for

research on the maintenance, genetic improvement and efficient use of fruit

tree resources and their products. However, some of the useful fruit trees

have not been investigated in detail. In this review, biotechnological

intervention in the area of tissue culture, molecular markers and genetic

transformation on three under-researched tropical fruit tree crops viz.

Jackfruit, Guava, and Custard apple are described.

Jackfruit has many uses. It can also be different environmental

services. It cannot utilized be in easily blown by the wind so it is mostly

used in making a fence or hurdle. In the meadow, its fallen fruit can be used

as food for the animals. It can also offer its shade to coffee, pepper, betel

nut, and cardamom plants. In gardens, its thick branches shouldering the

dense canopy leaves can provide a visual screen (Chowdhury, 2016).

Artocarpus heterophyllus latex (jackfruit latex) was collected and

analyzed to investigate if it can be considered as alternative source of NR. It

was found from FTIR, 1H NMR and GC-MS study that jackfruit latex

contains both cis-1,4 polyisoprene and trans- 1,4 polyisoprene along with

few other chemical constituents. However, molecular weight of jackfruit

latex is significantly lower than the NR. Because of low molecular weight

polymer and presence of several other chemical constituents as impurity,

jackfruit latex does not impart significant mechanical properties in

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

vulcanized rubber compound, but it provides additional wet skid resistance

(WSR) and aid in better dispersion of carbon black in rubber compound.

Therefore, jackfruit latex cannot be used to replace NR, but can be used as

low molecular weight natural resin, especially to improve dispersion of

carbon black in rubber compound and to enhance WSR for tire (Bhadra et

al, 2019).

In this study, latex was procured from Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.

(jackfruit) and subsequently evaluated for its antioxidant and antimicrobial

activity. Aqueous extract (AE) and trifluoroethanol extract (TFE) of jackfruit

latex were prepared using distilled water and trifluoroethanol. Both extracts

were then characterized via thin-layer chromatography (TLC), ultraviolet-

visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

(GC-MS) analysis. Antimicrobial activity and antioxidant activity were

determined for the extracts. Antibacterial activity was exhibited by TFE

against P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, and Bacillus sp. The antioxidant activity of

AE was significantly higher than TFE (Samrot et al, 2022).

Du (2022) stated that coiled materials are mainly used in roofing

works. In addition, there is a certain disorder in the selection of materials

for planted roofing waterproofing projects, which is related to the fact that

domestic planting roofing technology has just started. In wall waterproofing

projects, polymer cement-based waterproof coatings and waterproof dry

mortar have become the first-choice materials. Although the actual output

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

of my country's polymer waterproofing membranes has increased, the

overall quality is low. Among them, there are many inferior products, and

they do not account for a high proportion of the total building waterproofing

materials. The product variety is small, such as EPDM only includes 1.2 m

wide homogeneous type, no wide, reinforced and backing type.

Additionally, the ethylene-propylene rubber-polyethylene blend (TPO)

is only in the development stage and has not yet entered the market in large

numbers. Ethylene propylene rubber is a kind of synthetic elastomer that is

closely linked to EPDM rubber and is sometimes referred to as EPM

referring to an ASTM standard. EPR is utilized for electrical isolation of the

cables and various flexible rubber items such as sleeves or weather (Du,


Building sealing materials are also called building sealants. According

to its chemical composition, it is divided into silicone, modified silicone,

polyurethane, silicone modified polyurethane, polysulfide, polyacrylate,

silicone modified acrylic, butyl, polybutene, modified asphalt sealant,

polyvinyl chloride tar grease, putty, etc. According to use and applicability, it

can be divided into curtain wall structure sealant, curtain wall joint

weather-resistant sealant, concrete building joint sealant, insulating glass

sealant, door and window sealant, stone sealant, anti-mold sealant, fireproof

sealant, road and bridge joint sealant, color steel plate joint sealant,

aluminum plate sealant, plastic door and window sealant, etc. According to

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

the form, it is divided into single-component and multi-component.

According to the reaction form, it is divided into reaction curing type and

solvent volatilization type (Du, 2022).

Mitall (2009) stated that hardening sealants are formulated based on

heavily bodied viscous fluids; however, they set to form rigid, semiflexible, or

flexible seals. The setting process may be either physical or chemical in

nature, depending on whether primarily physical (ie., weak) or chemical (i.e.

strong) interactions are involved. Physically setting sealants are based on

thermoplastic polymers that can be melted by temperature increase or be

dispersed in an organic medium or in water. Chemically curing sealants

contain functional polymers that react via polycondensation or polyaddi-

tion reactions. Examples of physically setting sealants are hot melts and

solvent- or waterborne acrylates (acrylics).

Examples of chemically curing sealants are silicones, polyurethanes,

polysul- fides, and silicon-modified organics (such as silyl-functional

polyethers, etc.). Some sealants set by both physical and chemical means.

An example of such a sealant type is a chemically curing hot melt, such as a

polyurethane hot melt. With these "dual set sealants, physical setting

typically dominates the handling properties during application, while

chemical curing influences the performance properties. Dual-set sealants

are generally classified by the setting process that has the strongest influ

ence on their performance properties. Polyurethane hot melts, mentioned

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Peñaranda St., Surigao City

earlier as an example, are therefore classed as chemically curing sealants

(Mitall, 2009).


In this section, we compare our study and the Review of Related

Literature (RRL). The previous studies show the similarities, which was stated

that it also uses the same component which is the Jackfruit sap that has latex

properties of being adhesive. Meanwhile, this can also be use on the other

experiments to make it the same adhesive purpose.

In addition, the difference from the previous studies shows that it can

also be used its capabilities from another experiment such glue out of

jackfruit sap were it could enhance its efficacy. This includes the physical

properties and its composition, whereas evaluated and analyses its efficacy.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Chapter 3



This chapter contains the research methodology used in this

study. It includes the research design, equipments and materials, research

locale and data gathering procedures.

Research Design

This study aims to investigate the feasibility of using jackfruit sap as one

of the additive components in making roof sealant. This study will utilize an

experimental research design. Research Design is the kind of research

design used in determining the feasibility of jackfruit sap (Artocarpus

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

heterophyllus) as a one of the additive components in making roof sealant.

This study employs an experimental design in testing the efficacy of

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) sap as an alternative main ingredient

for roof sealant.

Research Locale

The study will be conducted in Surigao Norte National Highschool.

The item will undergo testing at the science lab. In the second semester of

the academic year 2022-2023, the study will be carried out.

Equipment and Materials

The researchers will conduct the experiment and gather the data

results with the following tools and materials.

Measuring Spoons are used

to measure the Jackfruit Sap.

Surgical Gloves are used to

protect our hand from dirt and
stickiness from the jackfruit
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Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Knife is used to scrape the

latex off the fruit.

Empty Containers are

used to store the sap.

Plaster of Paris is
calcined gypsum (roasted gypsum), ground to a
fine powder by milling used to mix as our
component to jackfruit sap.

Gas is used to apply in our hands to prevent the

stickiness of the sap during mixing.

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Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Syringe is used to extract the gas from the

container to apply it on mixing the components.

Wooden Stick are used to mix our components.

Jackfruit is the main ingredients in our

experiment and the source of the sap.

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Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Flow Chart and General Procedures

Procurement of materials and components

Cutting the Jackfruit

Extracting the latex

Storing the latex in the container

Measuring all the components

Mixing the ingredients altogether

The output will then deliver right away to the place where
the experient take.

Figure 2.

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Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Data Gathering Procedures

To conduct this research, we need to have the materials needed for

the research experiment. So in utmost respect, we humbly ask our
colleagues for the data needed (Jackfruit Sap) for the research to be
conducted. Rest assured that no colleagues were forced to provide for the
materials to conduct the research experiment if the data were unattainable.
The other materials such as graduated cylinder, weighing scale, stirring rod,
empty containers were gathered from Surigao Del National High science


Phase I: First, the researchers began to use a strategy to locate the sources

of the Jackfruit tree near the city.

Phase II: The researchers then prepared all the materials and collected the

maximum amount of Jackfruit as much possible to start the experiment.

Phase III: The researchers began to cut the Jackfruit into two pieces using a

cutting tool for the fruit to cut into two pieces.

Phase IV: In this phase, researchers then began extracting the latex from

Jackfruit sap and placed it into the empty container. And began to smash

and began to extract the excess liquid found on the latex.

Phase V: In this phase, the researchers began to measure the ingredients

needed to use.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Phase VI: In this phase, the researchers began to stir all the ingredients

using a stirring tool.

Phase VII: The researchers began to add a right amount of gas

Phase VIII: Finally, the output was then delivered right away to the location

where the experiment took place.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Chapter 4


In this chapter, the results of the experiment are presented. Data

presentation and analysis are done based on the statements of the problem

in the Chapter 1.

Table. 1: Duration of Solidification

Mass Time Temperature

Trial 1 5mL 2 hours 31⁰

8mL 4 hours 32⁰
Trial 2 10mL 5 hours
Trial 3

Average 8mL 4hrs 31.3⁰

Source: Experimentation and Testing in the laboratory

Table 1 shows the illustration of duration that the roof sealant takes to

solidify with an amount of mass exerted onto each sample and also a

perspective time duration in each trial gathered and tested according to the

temperature of the weather on exact testing day.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Table 2: Water Tolerance Testing

Sealant affected Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Mean

with: (10mins) (15mins) (20mins)

Water Tolerance 5 4 5 4.67

(5ml of Jackfruit
sap roof sealant)

Water Tolerance 4 5 5 4.67

(8ml of Jackfruit
sap roof sealant)

Water Tolerance 5 5 5 5
(10ml of Jackfruit
sap roof sealant)

Legend: 5 – Effective, 4 – Nearly effective, 3 – Neutral, 2 – Weak, 1 - Very weak

Table 2 presented the trial testing through Likert scale showed that each

sample was able to tolerate water. The researchers put a sample sealant on

the roof surface and used a perspective increasing amount of mass by each

sample and used a standard amount time for the experiment. The result

was gathered by taking the amount of mass exerted onto the samples and

the maximum time that was used on each trial and showed by the data

experiment with its water tolerance capacity showed in the illustration.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

In addition to that, the sealant produced from Jackfruit sap was able to

tolerate the water in a long period of time, these was shown and proven that

it is waterproof sealant. Data of these will be justified on the table above.

Table 3: Heat Tolerance Testing

Sealant affected Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Mean

with: (1hr) (2hrs) (3hrs)

Heat Tolerance 4 5 5 4.67

(5ml of Jackfruit
sap roof sealant)

Heat Tolerance 5 5 5 5
(8ml of Jackfruit
sap roof sealant)

Heat Tolerance 4 4 5 4.33

(10ml of Jackfruit
sap roof sealant)

Table 3 showed the trial testing through Likert scale showed that each
Legend: 5 – Effective, 4 – Nearly effective, 3 – Neutral, 2 – Weak, 1 - Very weak
sample was able to tolerate possible maximum temperature. The researchers

put a sample sealant on the roof surface and used a perspective increasing

amount of mass by each sample, and used a standard amount time for the

experiment. The result was gathered by taking the amount of mass exerted

onto the samples and the maximum time that was used on each trial. These

were done when the sealant from the Jackfruit sap put at the very surface of

the roof at the top of a house these was done during sunny day and exposed

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

it directly to the sunlight on a maximum period showed by the data

experiment with its heat tolerance capacity showed in the illustration.

In addition to that, the sealant produced from Jackfruit sap was able to

tolerate maximum amount heat in a maximum period of time, these was

shown and proven that it is a heatproof sealant, and it can be able to

withstand maximum heat. Data of these will be justified on the table above.

Table 4: Pressure Resistance Testing

Sealant affected Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

with: (15mins) (20mins) (25mins) Mean

Pressure 4 5 4 4.33
Resistance (5ml of
Jackfruit sap roof

Pressure 4 4 4 4
Resistance (8ml of
Jackfruit sap roof

Pressure 5 4 5 4.67
Resistance (10ml of
Jackfruit sap roof

Table 4 illustrated the trial testing through Likert scale showed that

each Legend:
sample5 –was
able4 –toNearly effective,
tolerate 3 – Neutral,
certain 2 – Weak,
pressure. The1 - Very weak
researchers put a

sample sealant on the roof surface and used a perspective increasing

amount of mass by each sample and used a standard amount time for the
Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

experiment. The result was gathered by taking the amount of mass exerted

onto the samples. The researchers tested the durability of the jackfruit onto

the roof and started to test it pressure tolerance which had the maximum

time that was used on each trial showed by the data experiment with its

pressure tolerance showed in the illustration.

In addition to that, the sealant produced from Jackfruit sap was able

to tolerate the pressure in a long period of time, this was shown and proven

that the sealant can resist pressure. Data of these will be justified on the

table above.

Table 5: Percentage yield of the Jackfruit Sap

Weight of the Jackfruit 10000g (2 Jackfruit)

Weight of the Jackfruit sap 30g
Percentage yield of the Jackfruit sap 0.3%

This portion shows the jackfruit sap yielded about 0.3% from the

10000grams of Jackfruit sample.

Table 6: Composition of Jackfruit Sealant (in 1:1 ratio)

Jackfruit sap 30ml

Plaster of Paris 30ml
Gas 0.5ml (standard)

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Table 7: Composition of Jackfruit Sealant (in 1:2 ratio)

Jackfruit sap 30ml

Plaster of Paris 60ml
Gas 0.5ml (standard)

The section above shows the composition of the jackfruit sap as a roof
sealant and its components.

Chapter 5



The researchers aimed to see if it is possible to use Jackfruit

(Artocarpus heterophyllus) as one of the additives in making roof sealant. It

considered the potential of Jackfruit sap as an additive. The Jackfruit tree

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

are 9 to 68.90 feet tall, and all parts contain sticky white latex and latex is

often found in various commercial roof sealants.

In general, the researchers want to determine whether the Jackfruit

sap is as or more effective than the commercial roof sealant. Specifically it

sought to answer: (a) the duration of total effect of the roof sealant: (b) the

component present in Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) that makes it

possible a make a roof sealant: (c) the level of feasibility of Jackfruit

(Artocarpus heterophyllus) to make possible in to make roof sealant in terms

of waterproof, weather resistance, and heatproof: (d) if there's significant

difference between the Jackfruit sap roof a sealant and commercial sealant.

The study results showed the efficacy of using Jackfruit sap as an

additive component for roof sealant. The Jackfruit sap as roof sealant

showed the differences in terms of viscosity and parching, and no difference

in terms of effectiveness of the commercial product.


As the experiment of the research study conducted, the equal ratio and

proportion played a significant role in making the sealant. We found out that

if we put 1:2 ratio of the latex and plaster of paris on the sealant it was

concluded that the viscosity or consistency that the sealant had really

signifies had it failed whereas this was justified that it can increase its

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

solidification state as much, wherein if the ratio and proportion were equal it

was proven that it can tolerate the efficacy of the sealant and can manage

the solidification process.

Secondly, the gas substance measured in a syringe plays an important

role in making the sealant out of jackfruit sap, whereas this substance can

tolerate its solidification where it was in the container and not been used

already this can neutralize its solidification.

In addition to this, the roof sealant made out of jackfruit sap signifies

its difference and similarities from other sealant and yet the components

plays an important role as an adhesive and as a sealant that had its similar

properties. We found out that the roof sealant out of jackfruit sap has the

same latex properties and can be a sealant to the roof as the data presented.

Figure 3: The making of Roof Sealant out of Jackfruit sap.


Based on the experiment conducted, the following were the

conclusions drawn. The Jackfruit Sap Roof Sealant experiment

demonstrated that it is possible to add jackfruit sap as a component to a

mixture to create a jackfruit roof sealant. It was shown that it is feasible to

use Jackfruit sap as one of the additive components in making roof sealant

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

based on the trials and testing it was proven accepted and signified that it is

effective. According to the study, jackfruit sap is validated and justified it’s

excellency mainly on heatproof, pressure-resistant, and waterproof roof



The researchers' suggestions for the study are as follows:

1. The resources needed for the experiment must be gathered on the

same day to guarantee that the results are consistent as unfiltered,

the ingredients are susceptible to quick deterioration.

2. The jackfruit latex needs to be taken directly from the tree because

although it takes longer, latex can also be obtained from trees produce

the same amount of latex, but harm jackfruit less rate of output.

3. To reduce the cost of production, the sealants should be produced in

large quantities. Rubber can often be used to reduce waste and overall

costs be only bought in bulk, and if not used completely, they can go

to waste.

4. Utilizing the appropriate testing tools, the mixture should be

evaluated as Homemade testing equipment is frequently less accurate

than that found in accredited testing facilities.

5. It is important to conduct more study on the effects of jackfruit latex

the highest pressure as this study solely examined the results of both

components as a single mixture.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

6. To extend the shelf life of the finished product, preservatives should

be applied.

7. To improve the commercial appeal of the product to the public,

additional steps should be taken to lower the overall expenses of

product production.

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City


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Surigao del Norte National High School
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Surigao del Norte National High School
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Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City


Locating the source

Getting the jackfruit

Cutting the Jackfruit

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Extracting the jackfruit sap

Storing the jackfruit sap

Measuring the jackfruit sap

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Measuring the plaster of paris

Mixing ingredients altogether

Storing the final product in the


Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Curriculum Vitae

I. Personal Details

Name: Johnlloyd Y. Vitorillo

Home Address: Brgy. Canlanipa, Purok-1,

Date of Birth: October 17, 2004

Place of Birth: Surigao City

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09317513447

Name of Father: Juanito Vitorillo

Name of Mother: Elona Vitorillo

II. Educational Attainment

Senior High School: Surigao Del Norte National High School

Peñaranda Street, Surigao City 2021-2023

Junior High School: Taft National High School

Nueva Street, Surigao City 2017-2021

Elementary School: Surigao City Pilot School 2011-2017

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Curriculum Vitae

I. Personal Details

Name: Michael John Lloyd I. Luzada

Home Address: Brgy. Taft Peñaranda St.,

Date of Birth: July 27, 2004

Place of Birth: Surigao City

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09486161881

Name of Father: Joebell Q. Luzada

Name of Mother: Leah I. Luzada

II. Educational Attainment

Senior High School: Surigao Del Norte National High School

Peñaranda Street, Surigao City 2021-2023

Junior High School: Surigao Del Norte National High School

Peñaranda Street, Surigao City 2017-2021

Elementary School: Surigao City Pilot School 2011-2017

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Curriculum Vitae

I. Personal Details

Name: Keneth Jay Mondragon

Home Address: Purok-8, Navalca, Surigao

Date of Birth: August 8, 2002

Place of Birth: Surigao City

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09635681916

Name of Father: Jose Mondragon

Name of Mother: Norma Encarnacion

II. Educational Attainment

Senior High School: Surigao Del Norte National High School

Peñaranda Street, Surigao City 2021-2023

Junior High School: Surigao Del Norte National High School

Peñaranda Street, Surigao City 2017-2021

Elementary School: R. Ecleo Cagdianao Dinagat Island

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Curriculum Vitae

I. Personal Details

Name: Nichole Rose M. Siaboc

Home Address: Lower Libas Tagana-an, SDN

Date of Birth: April 3, 2005

Place of Birth: Surigao City

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09270310074

Name of Father: Roque M. Siaboc Jr.

Name of Mother: Nicolasita M. Siaboc

II. Educational Attainment

Senior High School: Surigao Del Norte National High School

Peñaranda Street, Surigao City 2021-2023

Junior High School: Surigao Del Norte National High School

Peñaranda Street, Surigao City 2017-2021

Elementary School: Surigao City Pilot School 2011-2017

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Curriculum Vitae

I. Personal Details

Name: Ma. Cecelia E. Salazar

Home Address: Nueva Extension, Surigao

Date of Birth: April 20, 2005

Place of Birth: Surigao City

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09770349104

Name of Father: Ciciliano P. Salazar

Name of Mother: Marlyn E. Salazar

II. Educational Attainment

Senior High School: Surigao Del Norte National High School

Peñaranda Street, Surigao City 2021-2023

Junior High School: Taft National High School

Nueva Street, Surigao City 2017-2021

Elementary School: Mariano Espina Memorial Central Elementary

School (MEMCES) 2011-2017

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Curriculum Vitae

I. Personal Details

Name: Nichole Rose M. Siaboc

Home Address: Lower Libas Tagana-an, SDN

Date of Birth: April 3, 2005

Place of Birth: Surigao City

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09270310074

Name of Father: Roque M. Siaboc Jr.

Name of Mother: Nicolasita M. Siaboc

II. Educational Attainment

Senior High School: Surigao Del Norte National High School

Peñaranda Street, Surigao City 2021-2023

Junior High School: Surigao Del Norte National High School

Peñaranda Street, Surigao City 2017-2021

Elementary School: Surigao City Pilot School 2011-2017

Surigao del Norte National High School
Peñaranda St., Surigao City

Curriculum Vitae

I. Personal Details

Name: April Jane Poray

Home Address: Pantalan-1, Sarvida Street,

Date of Birth: April 17, 2005

Place of Birth: Surigao City

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Contact Number: 09852258828

Name of Father: Edgar L. Poray

Name of Mother: Jovelyn G. Lumbre

II. Educational Attainment

Senior High School: Surigao Del Norte National High School

Peñaranda Street, Surigao City 2021-2023

Junior High School: Surigao Del Norte National High School

Peñaranda Street, Surigao City 2017-2021

Elementary School: Surigao City Central Elementary School 2011-2017


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