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1. He is known as the father of computer for he designed the Analytical Engine and it was design
that the basic framework of the computers today are based on .

b. Dr. John V. Atanasof
c. ClifordBerry
d. Cesare Lombroso

2. Ofenses that are committedagainst individuals or groups of individuals with a criminal motive to
intentionally harm the reputation of the victim or cause physical or mental harm to the victim
directly or indirectly using modern telecommunication networks such as the internet (chatrooms,
notice boards and groups) and mobile phones (SMS/MMS).

a Cyber -
b. Cyber bullying
c. Computer crime
d. Net crime

3. Refers to a criminal activity involving a computer

a. Cyber - crimes
b. Cyber bullying
c Computer
d. Net crime

4. Refers to criminal use of the internet

a. Cyber - crimes
b. Cyber bullying
c. Computer crime
d Net
5. A criminal activity that either target or uses a computer, a computer network or a networed device.
It aims to damage computers for reaon other than profit.

a. Cyberspace crimes
b Cyber
c. Computer crime
d. Net crime

6. It is a crime committed against nature. This term can refer to actual crime, in the sense that the act
is illegal by the country’s law, or moral crime that may not be illegal.

a. Environmental laws
b Environmental
c. Green crimes
d. Environmental green laws crimes

7. It is regarded by the Interpol as the third largest illegal business in the world after drug and
arms trafficking. As this act raises a serious threat for the world’s biodiversity survival.

a. Illegal logging
b Wild animal
c. Finning
d. Waste disposal

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8. A hundred million sharks are captured every year by specialized ships and up to 70 million of
thmare captured to only have their fins cut of alive on the ship and then throw them back into thesea.
This act is called as?

a. Illegal logging
b. Wild animal traffic
d. Waste disposal

9. It is the main cause of deforestation , the largest rainforest in the world speeded up in 2013 . is
the harvesting of timber in contravention of the laws and regulations of the country of harvest.

a Illegal
b. Wild animal traffic
c. Finning
d. Waste disposal

10. Refers to unauthorized access into or interference in the computer system/server or information
and communication system

b. Denial-of-service
c. Virus
d. Web defacement

11. The law that aims to achieve and maintain clean air that meets the National Air Quality
guidelines values for criteria pollutants, throughout the Philippines.

a. Pollution Control Law

b. Climate change act of 2009
c Philippine clean air act of
d. Environmental impact statement of 1978

12. “An Act to Strengthen the Food Safety Regulatory System in the Country to Protect Consumer
Health and Facilitate Market Access of Local Foods and Food Products and For Other Purposes”
known as the “Food Safety Act of 2013”

a RA
b. RA 9729
c. RA 6969
d. RA 8749
13. This is the “Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999”

a. RA 6969
b RA
c. RA 1181
d. RA 9003

14. It is declared the poliy of the State to adopt a systematic, comprehensive and ecological solid
waste mnagement program which shall : Ensure the protection of public health and environmeny;
environmentally-sound methods that maximize the utilization of valuable resources and
encourage resources conservation and recovery.

a. Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000

b. Climate Change Act of 2009
c. Pollution Control Law
d. Clean Air Act of 1999
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15. The Sate adopts the principle of protecting the climate system for the benefit of humankind, on
the basis of climate ustice or common but diferentiated responsibilities and the Precautionary
Principle to guide decision-making in climate risk management

a. Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000

b Climate Change Act of
c. Pollution Control Law
d. Clean Air Act of 1999

16. It is the purpose of this Decree to prevent, control, and able the emission of air pollution from
motor vehicles in order to rotect the health and welfare of the people and to prevent or minimize
damage to
property and hazards to land transportation.

a. Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000

b. Climate Change Act of 2009
c Pollution Control
d. Clean Air Act of 1999

17. Does Stealing Benito Barbina wallets and purses containing identification cards and bank
Information is necessary to commit Identity Theft?

a. Yes
c. Maybe
d. Sometimes

18. An electronic medium that is used to facilitate online communication.

a. Facebook
b. Twitter
c. Computer
d. Cyberspace

19. Antivirus and Antispyware programs, Firewall that block unauthorized access to a network and
VPNs is a example of

a. Cybercrime
b. Cyberspace
c. Cybersecurity
d. Net Crime

20. Kenneth Ey used a computer and internet as an instrument to commit crime. what is the
crime commited by Kenneth Ey?

a. Computer crime
b. Net crime
c. Cyberspace crime
d Cyber

21. Mr. Jay Brown used a computer as an instrument to further illegal ends. What type of crime does
Mr. Jay Brown coommit?

a. Cybercrime
b. Computer crime
c. Net crime
d. Nota

22. Computer as a target and Computer as a tool is categories of

a. Cybercrime
b. Computer crime
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c. Net crime
d. Nota

23. When the individual is the main target of cybercrime, the computer can beconsidered as

a. Tool
b. Instrument
c. Target
d. Nota

24. Blak Jeyk use fake email account to get information from internet user. What type of
Cybercrime does Blak Jeyk commit?

a. Phishing
b. Identity theft
c. Online hacking
d. Web jacking

25. Uhm Fillado uses your personal information such as your name, address, credit or bank
accountand any sensitive informa 回 on to assume your identity in order to commit fraud orother
criminal acts. What type of Cybercrime does Uhm Fillado commit.

a. Phishing
b. Identity theft
c. Online hacking
d. Web jacking

26. An act defining cybercrime, providing for the prevention, investigation, suppression and
the imposition of penalties therfor and other purpose

a. RA 10715
b. RA 10175
c. RA 9995
d. RA 8792

27. This Republic Act is geared towards protecting the privacy, honor, dignity and integrity of a

a. Cybecrime prevention act of 2012

b. Access Device Act
c. Electronic Commerce Act
d Anti-Photo and Video Voyeurism Act of
28. Defined as special-purpose computers (or software packages) that handle the connection
between two or more networks

a. Internet
c. Server
d. Byte

29. It is the input, alteration, erasure, or suppression of computerdata or computer programs, or

other interference with computer systems, with the intent to hinder the functioning of a
computer or a
telecommunication system.

a. Cyber hacking
b. Computer sabotage
c. Computer worm
d. Computer related crimes

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30. The input, alteration, or deletion of any computer data without right resulting in inauthentic data
with the intent that it be considered or acted upon for legal purposes as if it were authentic,
regardless whether or not te data is directly readable and intelligible.

a. Computer related crimes

b Computer related
c. Computer related fraud
d. Computer related identity theft

31. A system that can process a collection of inputs and produce a set of ouputs. A combination
of hardware and software used to do this.

a. Computer
b. Computer networking
c Computer
d. Information Technology

32. The collection of interonnected devices that process, store, and input date and information

a. Computer
b. Computer networking
c Computer
d. Information Technology
33. This is the information-processing technology in physical form

a. Computer
b Computer
c. Computer software
d. Telecommunication

34. It is an electronic device that can be programmed to take user input, process it, and output data

b. Supercomputer
c. Mainframe computer
d. Microcomputer

35. It is a computer with a high level of performance compared to a general purpose computer

a. Computer
b. Supercomputer
c. Mainframe computer
d. Microcomputer
36. It is the most powerful and largest computers available in the world

a. Computer
c. Mainframe computer
d. Microcomputer

37. The entire collection of programs. Procedures, and routines involved with the operation of
a computer system is referred to as:

a. Computer hardware
b Computer
c. System software
d. Application software

38. Onel De Guzman was a Filipino science student who created

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a. Internet worm
b. Melissa virus
c. MS blaster worm
d I loveyou

39. He was the sole creator of the Melissa Virus

a. Onel De Guzman
b David
c. Jeremy Bentham
d. Robert Morris

40. Type of cyber hacker who breaks into computer systems with malicious or criminal intent. These
individuals can do serious harm to individuals and organizations alike by stealing sensitive or
personal data, compromising entire computer systems, or altering critical networks.

a. White hat hacker

b Black hat
c. Gray hat hacker
d. Green hat hacker

41. It is someone who is new to the hacking world but is intently focused on increasing their
cyberattack skills. They primarily focus on gaining knowledge on how to perform cyberattacks on the
same level as
their black hat counterparts. Their main intent is to eventually evolve into a full-fledged hacker, so
they spend their time looking for learning opportunities from more experienced hackers.

a. White hat hacker

b. Black hat hacker
c. Gray hat hacker
d Green hat
41. Typically, they engage in hacking activities for the pure enjoyment of finding gaps in computer
systems, and they might even let the owner know if any weak points are found. However, they don’t
always take the most ethical route when employing their hacking activities—they may penetrate
systems or networks without the owner’s permission (eventhough theyaren’t trying to cause any harm)

a. White hat hacker

b. Black hat hacker
c Gray hat
d. Green hat hacker
42. They are otherwise called as “just for fun” hackers

a. White hat hacker

b Gray hat
c. Green hat hacker
d. Amateur hacker

43. they are also called as script kiddies. They don’t possess the same level of skill or expertise as
more advanced hackers in the field. To make up for this, they turn to existing malware created by
hackers to carry out their attacks.

a. White hat hacker

b. Gray hat hacker
c. Green hat hacker
d Amateur
44. They are otherwise known as Hackers-in-Training

a. Blue hat hacker

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b. Gray hat hacker
c Green hat
d. White hat hacker

45. They cybersecurity experts who use their skills to find vulnerabilities in organizational networks
and computer systems. The key diference between them, however, is that this type of hackers are
authorized to hack these systems for the purpose of spotting security vulnerabilities before a
criminal hacker can.

a White hat
b. Blue hat hacker
c. Red hat hacker
d. Malicious Insider

46. Hackers are hired by government agencies to spot vulnerabilities in security systems, with a specific
focus on finding and disarming black hat hackers. They’re known to be particularly ruthless in their
hunt for black hat criminals, and typically use any means possible to take them down.

a. White hat hacker

b. Blue hat hacker
c Red hat
d. Malicious Insider

47. A type of hackers are the cream of the crop in the world of cybercriminals, and are considered to
be the highest skilled hackers in their field. They’re often the first ones to discover cutting-edge attack
methods, and are known to be the experts and innovators in the hacking world

a Elite
b. Cryptojacker
c. Hacktivists
d. Botnets.

48. Malware coders who create bots to perform high-volume attacks across as many devices as
possible, typically targeting routers, cameras and other Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

a. Elite hacker
b. Cryptojacker
c. Hacktivists
49. Type of malware used to extort money by holding the victim’s data or device to ransom

b. Malware attack
c. Phishing
d. Ransomware

50. URL stands for

a. Uniform reasources locating

b. Uniform resource location
c Uniform reasorce
d. Uniform reasources locator

51. Sheryl throws her unsegregated garbage on a damsite because her house is near on adamsite.
Based on the Philippine Environmental Laws, what law did she violate?

a. Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999

b Philippine Clean Water Act of
c. Ecological Solid Waste Managemnt Act of 2000

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d. Toxic Substance, Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990

52. Hari Ruke purchased a secondhand motorvehicle, after the purchase he decided togo on a
Baguio road trip with his girlfriend Mocha Chino. While in the road of Naguilian his vehicle starts
black smoke witout his knowledge. Is Hari Ruke liable of any environmental crime?

a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe
d. Partially No

53. In the statement mentioned Earlier what law did he violate?

a. Pollution Control Law

b Anti smoke belching
c. Clean air act of 1999
d. Clean water act of 2004

54. What are the 3 R’s to conserve natural resources?

a. Reuse, Reduce, Recycle

b. Reduce, Recycle, Reuse
c. Reuse, Recycle, Reduce
d Reduce, Reuse,

55. It is a system software that must be installed first on a computer in order for programs
and computers to be recognized and usable

a Operating
b. Device drivers
c. Device system
d. Operating drivers

56. The first computer virus is --------

a. I loveyou
b. Blaster
c. Sasser
57. MCAfee is an example of

a. Photoediting software
b. Quick heal
c. Virus
d. Antivirus

58. Which of the following is known as Malicious software?

a. illegalware
b.c badware

d. Maliciousware

59. To protect a computer from virus, you should install -------- in your computer.

a. Backup wizard
b. Disk cleanup
c Antivirus
d. Disk defragmenter

60. VIRUS stands for

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a. Very Intelligent Result Unit Source
b. Very Interchanged Research Under Search
c Vital Information Resource Under
d. Viral Important User Search

61. Which of the following is not an Antivirus software

a. AVG
b. Avast
c Code
d. McAfree

62. What is short for malicious software (is software designed to disrupt computer operation,
gather sensitive information, or gain unauthorized access to computer systems)?

b. Moleculeware
c. Malisoft
d. Malairsoft

63. Which of the following is/are threats for electronic payment systems?

a. Computer worms
b. Computer virus
c. Trojan horse
d All of the
64. Which of the following virus overtake computer system, when it boots and destroy information?

a. System infectors
b. Trojan
c. Boot infectors
d Stealth
65. Key logger is a

a. Firmware
b. Antivirus
c. Spyware
d. All of the above
66. To protect yourself from computer hacker, you should turn on a

a. Script
c. VLC
d. Antivirus

67. Firewalls are used to protect against -----

a. Data driven attacks

b. Fire attacks
c. Virus attacks
d Unauthorized
68. Which of the following would most likely not be a symptom of a virus?

a. The web browser opens to an unusual home page

b. Odd message or images are displayed on the screen
c. Existing program files and icons disappear
d The CD–ROM stops

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69. Code red is a/an ----

a. Word processing Software

b. Antivirus
d. Photoediting software

70. -------- software are programs that are installed onto your computer and can scan and remove
known viruses which you may have contracted.

a. Firmware
b. Advare
c. Keylogger
71. Which of the following describes programs that can run independently travel from system to
system and disrupt computer communication?

a. Virus
b. Trojan
c. Droppers
72. A -------- is a computer program that can replicate itself and spread from one computer to another.

a. Antivirus
b. PenDrive
c. Mouse
d Computer

73. Authentication is ---

a. Modifiation
b. Insertion
c Hard to assure identity of user on a remote
d. None of the above

74. ------- are attempts by individuals to obtain confidential information from you to falsifying
their identity.

a. Computer viruses
b Phishing
c. Phishing trips
d. Spyware scams

75. A virus that migrates freely within a large population of unauthorized email user is called a -------

a. Flame ware
b. Worm
d. Plagiarism

76. -------- are often delivered to a PC through an email attachment and are often designed to do harm.

a. Spam
b. Email
c. Portals
77. The altering of data so that it is not usable unless the changes are undone is

a. Ergonomics

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b. Compression
c. Biometrics
78. When a logic bomb is activated by a time related event, it is known as -------

a. Virus
b. Trojan horse
c. Time related bomb sequence
d Time
79. A ------- is a computer program that can invade computer and perform a variety of functions
ranging from annoying(e.g. popping up messages as a joke) to dangerous (e.g. deleting files or
destroying your hard disk).

a. MS word
b. MS access
c. Antivirus
d Computer
80. The internet is simply known as ----

a. NAT
c. NOT
d. NFT

81. Widely available for both desktop and portable computers from a variety of vendors
, connecting via a USB or PC MCI A ( PC Card) interface

a. Scanner
b Fingerprint
c. Biometrics
d. Forensic scanner

82. These are programs that are created to avoid antivirus detection , usually
by encryption that hinders detection. Their typical function is to
transport and install viruses when an infected computer performs a certain function

a. Antivirus
c. Firewall
d. Encyrption

83. These include those in which network services are disrupted or data is damaged
or destroyed , rather than stolen or misused

a. Extinctive cybercrime
b. Destructive cybercrime
c. Cybercrime
d. Aquisitive cybercrime

84 . Attacks againstnetworks or computers that prevent proper data handling.

They coul d be designed to flood a firewall with packets so that it cannot transfer data. It couldbe an
intended to bring a mainframe process down and stop processing. Or, it could be an
attack against a database with the intent of destroying it.

a. Denial-of-service
b. Cyber squatting
c. Cyber-stalking
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d. Phishing

85. defined as a deliberate, politically or religiously motivated attack against data

compilations , computer programs , and / or information systems which are
intended to disrupt and/or deny service or acquire information which disrupts the social,
physical, or
political infrastructureof a target.

a. Cyber- squatting
b Cyber-
c. Cyberpunk
d. Cyberlaundering

86. It involves using the Internet to hide the origins of moneythat was obtained through illegal
means. Money laundering is avery old crime,but the relative anonymity of the Internet has made it
easier for criminals to turn“dirty money” into apparently legitimate assets or investments.

a. Cyber- squatting
b. Cyber-terrorism
c. Cyberpunk
87. The willful engagement, maintenance, control, or operation,directly or indirectly, of any
lascivious exhibition of sexual organs or sexual activity, with the aid of a computer system , for
or consideration.

a. Cybersecurity
c. Cybercriminals
d. Cyberextortion

88. It is the use or the implicit threat of use of technological means to cause harm to the
physical being , reputation , or property of anindividual , organization , or company as
a means to obtain the consensual exchange of property from that individual,
organization, or company

a. Cybersecurity
b. Cybersex
c. Cybercriminals
89.These are offenses that are committed against individuals or groups of
individuals with a criminal motive to intentio nally harm the reputation of the
victim or cause physical or mental harm to the victim directlyor indirectly, using modern
networks such as Internet (Chatrooms, emails, notice boards and groups) and mobile
phones (SMS/MMS)

a. Cybercrime
b Cyberspce
c. Computer crime
d. Net crime

90. Are those groups comprised of criminally minded individuals who have used the Internet
to communicate, collaborate, and facilitate cybercrime

a. Organized criminals
b. Cyber organized criminals
c Cyber criminal
d. Computer criminals
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91. Refers to conducti ng military operations according to information-
related principles. It means disrupting or destroying informationand
communications systems. It means trying to know everything about anadversary while
keeping the adversary from
knowing much about oneself. It means turning the “balance of information and
knowledge” in one’s favor, especially if the balance of forces is not .

a. Cybercrime
b Cyber
c. Cybercontrabands
d. Cyber fraud

92. What is short for malicious software (is software designed to disrupt computer operation,
gather sensitive information, or gain unauthorized access to computer systems)?

b. Moleculeware
c. Malisoft
d. Malairsoft

93. Are those who target data that is valuable on its face(e.g., trade secrets and proprietary data)
or directed at data (e.g., credit card data)which may be used to further other criminal activity.

a Criminal
b. Cyber criminal
c. Cyber fraud
d. Cyber squatting

94. Refers to a computer or a computer network, the electronic mediumin which online
communication takes place.

a. Internet
b. Computer
c. Cyberspace
95. Defined as the indefinite place where individuals transact and communicate. It is
the place between places

a. Internet
b. Computer
d. Cyber

96. It is the act of creating a fraudulent documentand the act of falsifying a document
(including the falsification of signatures)with criminal intent, respectively, has been made far
easier with the advent ofhigh-level graphics software and hardware advances

b. Cracker
c. Crapflooding
d. Cookies

97. Are small pieces of information that an HTTP serversends to theindividual browser upon the
initial connection.

a. Counterfeiting
b. Cracker
c. Crapflooding
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98. A term originally coined by hackers which usually refers tothose individuals violating
secure systems for illicit purposes rather than fun.

a. Counterfeiting
c. Crapflooding
d. Cookies

99. It is the practi ce of disrupti ng online media such as discussion

websites or Usenet newsgroups with nonsensical, inane , and/or repetitive
postings (flooding with crap) in order to make it difficult for otherusers to read
other postings.

a. Counterfeiting
b. Cracker
d. Cookies

100. It is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computerwithout permission or
knowledge of the user. The term “virus” is also commonlyused, albeit erroneously, to refer to many
diferent types of malware and adwareprograms

a. Computer worm
b Computer
c. Worm
d. Virus
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